Evidently I posted that last Tom Martin post too soon: the self-professed sexismbuster – who recently had his “anti-male discrimination” case against the London School of Economics thrown out of court — wasn’t finished telling us about how women are all a bunch of lying whores. (Sorry: All but 3 percent of women, that is.) So here are few more pearls of wisdom from Tom, all collected from the comments here since the last post a couple of days ago.
As you read these, remember that Mr. Martin has been something of a cause celebre in the Men’s Rights movement, hailed as a fighter for true equality.
Click the titles to see the full quotes in context.
[M]ost women and feminists absolutely hate the idea of compulsory paternity tests.
Even though paternity tests would reduce male paranoia and controlling behaviour, as they’d have automatic verification the child was actually theirs, we can see my these reactions, women would rather perpetuate “the patriarchy” by perpetuating male uncertainty. …
If we tell women to find the father and get him tested and verified pronto – or face a huge fine and a six month spell of National Service – she’ll find the father every time.
Every time a woman has sex, she’ll be thinking I better get this guy’s details, or I’m going to the Gulag. She’ll get the details.
I pointed out in an essay on hard seating in a museum, that the discomfort for men is compunded by not only having smaller weight-bearing buttock pads than women, but by being heavier than women, so having more weight bearing down onto a smaller area – and that the problem is compounded further still, by people not taking the complaint seriously.
This inhabitants of this website are compounded shite trying their best to block equality wherever it might happen.
David Futrelle is a huge winner:
Remember, your leader, David Futrelle is a douche, who cannot or does not want to distinguish between a men’s equality issues and misogyny.
He made a judgment call with this article and got it wrong.
If its his job to get things wrong, then he is a huge winner.
A pre-sex contract would … go a long way to eradicating many false rape allegations.
It would also make people think about the consequences of unprotected sex, so reduce unwanted pregnancies and children in the first place.
It would also end the entrapment culture, where a women tries her best to get knocked up by someone rich then hit them up for huge child support payments.
It would also reduce instances of sperm theft – as there would be less incentive to impregnate oneself this way with an unwilling and financially inoculated against entrapment father to be.
It would also reduce women’s motives to lie about being on the pill when not – as less incentive for entrapment – so less unplanned pregnancies for men to deal with.
The pre-sex contract could be a simple, quick, application on a mobile phone which records the man and woman’s voice, or videos it, so eradicating fraud. It does not to be a four page document in triplicate.
It takes one word to establish when sex is not wanted, “No” so it need not take many more to establish whether in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, the protagonists agree to the normal financial and caregiving responsibilities and consequences or not.
Currently, because women have all the contraception options and men only one, it should fall on the woman to establish whether effective contraception is being used or not – where as, the current system says men should ‘keep it in their pants’ which fails to acknowledge that the woman equally fails to keep it in her pants, and has effective contraception and abortion and adoption options, where the man doesn’t. So, the woman should be held a bit more accountable than she currently is for unwanted pregnancies. It’s win/win (but whore lose).
What could possibly go wrong with giving the government video footage of all sexual acts?
[I]f you want to eradicate absolutely all false allegations, and eradicate the chances of acquaintance rapists getting away with it too, then you need an app on your phone which can record the sound and picture whilst people have sex, but which cannot be played back, as it is instantly scrambled, and sent to a central data agency, where it stays scrambled, and can only be unscrambled by a police investigator in the event of a false I mean in the event of a rape allegation.
If people don’t make a rape allegation within a few weeks or whatever, the scrambled data is automatically deleted anyway.
So, I’ve just cut the rate of false rape claims and the rate of rapists getting away with it.
Fuck your civil rights you lying whores:
We will only ever know the precise rate of false rape allegations when fMRI lie detector brain scans are administered on everyone who claims they were raped (which I am all for – fuck your civil rights you lying whores).
Rape’s real victims: the cops who have to listen to all those whores lying about being raped
Seriously, its so demoralizing working on a rape unit, that the cop who processes the rape claim now gets moved onto another case, so they don’t get corrupted by the realization that so many women are lying and then miss the odd real one due to overwhelming skepticism.
Fem whores will always resist anything that holds rape accusers to account.
They know.
The End … or is it?
That’s fucked up. So fucked up.
Well, while we’re in the OT, when I’m older I want to be this cool:
Cloudiah, ewww!! WTF Belvedere vodka? I’m not buying you ever again.
blitzgal: or rather the men who want it to be mandatory. I don’t think it’s a majority of men.
I could possibly do that, actually.
The average number of times a person has sex in a year in the US is 118. (This probably includes people who do not have sex, and so forth) For simplicity’s sake, lets say that sex is a two-person event, which means that the unique number of sex acts per person on average is around 60 to take into account rounding stuffs.
There are roughly 236 million people in the US over the age of 18. Thus, a rough rough estimate of the total number of sex acts is 14.2 billion.
Each sex act is, on average, half an hour. So that leads to about 7.1 billion hours of tape that would be required, at minimum, per year.
Tom decided that a couple weeks or so was enough time to keep the tape, so lets say that tape is only kept for 2 weeks at a time. That means, at any given moment, all the tape from 2 weeks prior to the current moment need to be kept. This would require storing 273 million hours of tape at any given moment.
Taking a storage mechanism that can store 1 hour of tape in .5 GB, you would need about 131 petabytes of storage. A mid-priced disk costs around $1,500 per terabyte, which means that the storage alone would cost approximately 2 billion dollars. This is just the initial cost, there would be an upkeep as drives fail and need to be replaced, plus backups and redundancies and so forth. With this much data being constantly written and deleted, it’s likely that the upkeep would be quite high over the course of a year, comparable to the initial cost.
This ignores, of course, the cost of infrastructure, bandwidth to get videos sent to the storage facility, electricity and AC costs, technicians, all of which could make this whole service abysmally costly beyond the storage.
tl;dr; Storage alone for videos of sex acts would cost, at minimum, around 2 billion dollars.
(Too many sources, too lazy, all in good fun anway. ^_^)
I don’t remember exactly, but I think the answer at least strongly implied that Tom’s mom is in fact not a whore. Like,
Q. What about your mom, Tom? So your mom’s a whore?
A. I didn’t say all women are whores. Only 97% of them.
Given the rest of his answers, I think we’d have to assume that she lives completely untouched by society, inventions, and capitalism; has been granted multiple patents for her numerous important inventions; and was impregnated by a floating spore or perhaps an unclean toilet, which she then immediately apologized and gave all her money to.
She also begs Tom to please forgive her incredible whoredom every single day.
In defense of Belvedere vodka, in a later tweet they “apologize[d] to any of our fans who were offended.” You know, because they were so over-sensitive about images of horrified women being assaulted… Fuckers. Makes me want to get a Twitter account just to yell at them.
As long as they non-pologized. That makes it better.
kirbywarp, you reaffirm my faith in humanity every time you post! 🙂
Pardon me, I meant,
‘daww, thanks. ^_^
The interesting part, that I forgot to mention, is that it was the cost of all the extraneous videos. I highly doubt the survey included rape in the statistics for sex, so any video of rape would be in addition to what I included, if such video were ever actually filmed.
So much fail in so many ways.
Well, to be fair, it’s only Tom that deems it mandatory. Therefore, I suggest HE pay for it. We’ll just tack it on to the 37 000
Kirby: I think it should be twice as big, because if you can’t trust your partner to to FRAccuse you, why could you trust them to do the recording properly?
Could we not refer to all negative paternity tests as proof of “fraud” please? Fraud is it’s own specific thing, with a rather high burden of proof. A pretty damned large portion of paternity tests are taken in a situation where the other person is aware of the uncertainty, or for the specific purpose of ensuring that there will not be uncertainty. It’s not an act of fraud if you don’t know who the bio-father/sperm provider for your baby is, or there is more than one person it could possibly be. In fact, it’s rather the opposite, that rather than being evidence of previous fraud, a paternity test would be almost necessary to have happened before the representation in order to create fraud in many cases, because a mistake of fact is not fraud, the person has to know that the statement is false and then act to willfully and intentionally deceive the other person. Even if the person giving birth did get the wrong presumed father/sperm provider, that would not be enough for fraud either, they would have had to have known that that person was not the father/sperm provider, not just have been uncertain and made a mistake.
@Shaun, there are other types of sex than PiV. Also, there are such things as diaphragms, cervical caps, and sponges which don’t have latex or hormones. And, female condoms, which have roughly comparable effectiveness to other condoms and are latex free http://www.amazon.com/FC2-Female-Condom-Quantity-Pack/dp/B001GKK4AY
I tend to agree with LBT that abstinence is not a form of birth control (also, the failures rates of trying to be abstinent in practice are astronomically high). Birth control is about having sex and not getting pregnant, not about just not having sex.
I think the fact that it was such a terrible movie is the reason I can’t not think of it. 😛
And no worries – I’ve said some incredibly dumb things while hungry/hypoglycemic myself. 🙂
Shadow: and the few billions that kirby calculated too. I hope he gets rich with his book or documentary.
abeegoebuzz: maybe giving birth to Tom replaced having to have a patent, maybe? Not that it’s hard to do, you can patent a lot of thing, your patent doesn’t have to be ‘valid’ or your invention to even to work to be recorded. If you want to have a patent, you basically just need money. The patent only serve to stop other people to use (for a time) what you have – or sometimes to stop them stopping to use your invention – or make them pay to use it. And lawsuits. And feeling good about yourself, especially if you’re Tom.
Btw that looks fun:
Will the man who created this slug be remembered as the great humanity benefactor he is? Time will tells.
Yeah… I kinda figured it wasn’t great to keep saying “fraud,” but I didn’t really have another term to use at the time. I’ll try to think of a better phrase to use.
One study I read used the term “paternal discrepancy”.
This has me thinking: In any case where the purported father could reasonably believe that he is the genetic father (he had sex with the mother around the right time), the mother could reasonably believe it too!
Even if she knows she was sleeping with other guys at the time, it doesn’t follow that the kid can’t be the purported father’s. So the mother might know and hide the fact that there’s uncertainty, but she can’t be hiding the kid’s true paternity, because she doesn’t know it either! The kid might well have the purported father’s DNA after all.
Aha! This is a pretty good response to Tom Martin’s and Antz’ desire for a total surveillance society.
The more dudes come up with this idea of pre-sex contracts the more it freaks me out. There’s no way that anyone floating that idea has any understanding of how consent works, or the fact that it can be revoked. They literally believe that if a woman says yes to one form of sex the man is then entitled to do whatever he feels like to her. It’s horrifying.
Tom Martin is such a charmer.Will the data centre be staffed by poor cursed men having to view real life porn sent via mobile phone to verify the evil whores who have slept with them don’t accuse them of rape by any chance?
Oh man, this guy is comedy gold.
Tom, sweetheart, if you’re reading this (and I’m sure you are, being a huge narcissistic and all) don’t ever change. The world needs more clowns. But if you could do one thing: record yourself saying these things and post them to Youtube. Please thanks 🙂
Too shocked and tired to read properly -sorry he said the pictures would be instantly scrambled.hmm I will leave replies to all the awake and witty people! Love the fact Tom Martin is still on about hard seating though,my mum’s partner finds that hilarious and is always texting me about the hard seating he has to endure now!
“A mid-priced disk costs around $1,500 per terabyte, which means that the storage alone would cost approximately 2 billion dollars.”
A quibble: a mid-priced hard drive costs under $100 per terabyte, not $1500. I have a one-terabyte data drive, and I sure as hell didn’t pay $1500 for it 🙂 I think the storage would cost in the tens of millions of dollars, allowing $100 per terabyte (which is probably high, but then we’re not taking into account backups and surge protectors and the actual server itself, so it might even out.)
Not that I disagree with your point or anything; I’m just a pedantic nerd 😛