Evidently I posted that last Tom Martin post too soon: the self-professed sexismbuster – who recently had his “anti-male discrimination” case against the London School of Economics thrown out of court — wasn’t finished telling us about how women are all a bunch of lying whores. (Sorry: All but 3 percent of women, that is.) So here are few more pearls of wisdom from Tom, all collected from the comments here since the last post a couple of days ago.
As you read these, remember that Mr. Martin has been something of a cause celebre in the Men’s Rights movement, hailed as a fighter for true equality.
Click the titles to see the full quotes in context.
[M]ost women and feminists absolutely hate the idea of compulsory paternity tests.
Even though paternity tests would reduce male paranoia and controlling behaviour, as they’d have automatic verification the child was actually theirs, we can see my these reactions, women would rather perpetuate “the patriarchy” by perpetuating male uncertainty. …
If we tell women to find the father and get him tested and verified pronto – or face a huge fine and a six month spell of National Service – she’ll find the father every time.
Every time a woman has sex, she’ll be thinking I better get this guy’s details, or I’m going to the Gulag. She’ll get the details.
I pointed out in an essay on hard seating in a museum, that the discomfort for men is compunded by not only having smaller weight-bearing buttock pads than women, but by being heavier than women, so having more weight bearing down onto a smaller area – and that the problem is compounded further still, by people not taking the complaint seriously.
This inhabitants of this website are compounded shite trying their best to block equality wherever it might happen.
David Futrelle is a huge winner:
Remember, your leader, David Futrelle is a douche, who cannot or does not want to distinguish between a men’s equality issues and misogyny.
He made a judgment call with this article and got it wrong.
If its his job to get things wrong, then he is a huge winner.
A pre-sex contract would … go a long way to eradicating many false rape allegations.
It would also make people think about the consequences of unprotected sex, so reduce unwanted pregnancies and children in the first place.
It would also end the entrapment culture, where a women tries her best to get knocked up by someone rich then hit them up for huge child support payments.
It would also reduce instances of sperm theft – as there would be less incentive to impregnate oneself this way with an unwilling and financially inoculated against entrapment father to be.
It would also reduce women’s motives to lie about being on the pill when not – as less incentive for entrapment – so less unplanned pregnancies for men to deal with.
The pre-sex contract could be a simple, quick, application on a mobile phone which records the man and woman’s voice, or videos it, so eradicating fraud. It does not to be a four page document in triplicate.
It takes one word to establish when sex is not wanted, “No” so it need not take many more to establish whether in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, the protagonists agree to the normal financial and caregiving responsibilities and consequences or not.
Currently, because women have all the contraception options and men only one, it should fall on the woman to establish whether effective contraception is being used or not – where as, the current system says men should ‘keep it in their pants’ which fails to acknowledge that the woman equally fails to keep it in her pants, and has effective contraception and abortion and adoption options, where the man doesn’t. So, the woman should be held a bit more accountable than she currently is for unwanted pregnancies. It’s win/win (but whore lose).
What could possibly go wrong with giving the government video footage of all sexual acts?
[I]f you want to eradicate absolutely all false allegations, and eradicate the chances of acquaintance rapists getting away with it too, then you need an app on your phone which can record the sound and picture whilst people have sex, but which cannot be played back, as it is instantly scrambled, and sent to a central data agency, where it stays scrambled, and can only be unscrambled by a police investigator in the event of a false I mean in the event of a rape allegation.
If people don’t make a rape allegation within a few weeks or whatever, the scrambled data is automatically deleted anyway.
So, I’ve just cut the rate of false rape claims and the rate of rapists getting away with it.
Fuck your civil rights you lying whores:
We will only ever know the precise rate of false rape allegations when fMRI lie detector brain scans are administered on everyone who claims they were raped (which I am all for – fuck your civil rights you lying whores).
Rape’s real victims: the cops who have to listen to all those whores lying about being raped
Seriously, its so demoralizing working on a rape unit, that the cop who processes the rape claim now gets moved onto another case, so they don’t get corrupted by the realization that so many women are lying and then miss the odd real one due to overwhelming skepticism.
Fem whores will always resist anything that holds rape accusers to account.
They know.
The End … or is it?
I’m just wondering which 2 methods of birth control heterosexual men have at their disposal that he thinks don’t count.
Abstinence? Condoms? Vasectomy?
I’m guessing the last two since there is no reason for any woman to pity him enough to fuck him.
Noooo, he quite clearly said 97% of All Women On The Planet Earth are whores.
Everyone from the virgin who gets a bouquet of flowers from her gentleman caller to grandmas who have their gentleman callers bring them whatever it is grandmas ask their gentleman callers to bring.
“.. wasn’t real and that I’m a false accuser ..”
There is no such thing as a false accuser. There are false accusations. It is very different, in many important ways:
1) All genuine perceived victims are victims. They deserve protection, support, and healing. Some people may simply fabricate a false allegation, but I think it is less common.
2) One false accusation does not mean all accusations by the same person are false. One frequent cause for adult false accusations is the trauma casued by a genuine violence when the adult was a child.
3) Supporting a victim does not mean that a perpetrator must be punished. There are countless situations when a genuine victim exists, but no perpetrator — most commonly when voluntary consent is given, but not intended. Financial needs, social expectations, family expectations, the love for a child, etc. etc. are all reasons a victim (of either gender) may offer voluntary consent that is not intended. Such a person may have a sense of violation as profound, a wound as deep, and a need for support as great as any other victim — but with no perpetrator to punish.
As long as you believe your own story, you are not a false accuser. No matter what. Full stop. Nothing else to say. I have been saying this to other MRAs for a while, because the expectation that every genuine victim implies a perpetrator hurts everyone, prevents resources for those who need it, and results in pointless injustice on all sides.
Yeah, my bringing up the “whore percentage” in my last comment was a commentary on one of the many reasons he lacks credibility, Zarat. As in, he’s massively prejudiced against women?
By the way, fMRI, like all “lie detection” systems, doesn’t actually work. It measures degree of brain activity, not specifically whether you’re lying. The idea is that you have to think harder to lie than to tell the truth, but someone being grilled in detail about their rape might have quite a lot of brain activity going on, you know?
Antz – Gosh, that’s warm and fuzzy-wuzzy, and totally patronizing towards someone who was actually raped in reality.
“Aww, snookums, I don’t blame you, it’s your truth.”
That’s almost fucking worse than just calling people lying whores.
RE: Shaun Day
Abstinence isn’t actually a form of birth control. It’s just… not doing it. Saying abstinence is like birth control is like saying that never playing a game is a way to avoid ever losing.
Yeah, suggesting mandated paternity tests because you assume all women are lying whores (oh pardon me, 97%) totes equals treating them the same as men.
Also, saying “fuck your civil rights you lying whores” wasn’t in anger at us “lying whores” it was in general. He was saying in general, he wanted all rape victims (who are all women, natch!) subjected to lie detector tests if they report.
Just like men who report being mugged are subjected to lie detector tests. It’s only fair you know.
I know what treating men and women equally looks like and it doesn’t even remotely resemble the things Martin has written. Here’s what it looks like:
Acknowledging that anyone of any gender can be assholes and do shitty things to each other (and their children)
Acknowledging that in reality most people aren’t assholes and treat people they interact with decently.
Acknowledging that a small percentage of the population are rapists (and that most of these rapists have penises) and that a larger percentage of the population are victims of rapists (of all ages and genders though having a vagina and/or being a child increases the liklihood and it’s possible to be both a victim and go on to victimize others)
Acknowledging that the majority of reported rapes are not false and they also have a dismal rate of prosecution and conviction, worse if the victim is an adult and/or knew the rapist. This does not mean that all reports of rape are accurate (witnesses aren’t always reliable especially when they’re the victim) or have sufficient evidence for conviction but that they should all be taken as seriously and investigated as thoroughly as any other serious crime.
Acknowledging that out current system for supporting children whose parents have split up or were never a serious couple to start with is not ideal BUT the needs and rights of children have to come before the feelings and anger of the parents. Children are people not property and should be treated as such.
Acknowledging that everyone should be treated and evaluated as an individual for things such as jobs. Most women aren’t cut out to be firefighters but most men aren’t either. The spectrum of human abilities and talents is huge and not divided equally among men and women, and individual person can fall anywhere on that spectrum and people should be hired on their merits and nothing else. That everyone should be paid the same for the same work once experience/time on the job/etc is taken into consideration.
Acknowledging that all parents, regardless of gender, should be treated equally by their employers and given the same opportunities for parental/family leave and not punished for having children or getting married.
@Antz, fuck your civil rights, you lying whore.
What, isn’t that an appropriate way to treat men? After all, you seem to think it’s a laudable way for Martin to treat women.
Also, I can pull fake stats out of my ass as well. 97% of men torture kittens, 97% of men try to impregnate their girlfriends without consent, 87% of men rape women…yeah, it’s utter shit, as is everything that came out of Martin’s ass too.
Seriously, Antsy has to be Poe. No one is this dense.
What? Abstinence is a legitimate form of birth control. It was the one I had to practice for nearly a year (in a relationship) while waiting for one of the two Ob-Gyns in my province to have time to schedule me for Essure and to make certain that I was, in fact, closed after. I can not take the pill, can not have an IUD (either variety), and have a latex allergy and an allergy to the lube used on non-latex condoms, which also have a higher fail rate than latex condoms, although they have been improving since they were made available. Or did I misunderstand your post?
Me fail html? Unpossible!
RE: Anthony
most commonly when voluntary consent is given, but not intended. Financial needs,
No. NO. If I am starving, and some douche comes up to me and says, “Hey, I’ve got money for you, but there’s only one way you’re getting it,” and I bang them because I’m starving, that is NOT consent. That is desperation. And yes, that person is a perpetrator who SHOULD be charged.
RE: Moewicus
I hope so, because if this is the best the MRM can offer me, he’s doing a better job of running me off than this whole damn blog!
AntZ quote “The fact that it is so shocking is confirmation of the extent to which anti-male bias pervades every western institution.”
whew. wow. I really should think of something articulate to say.
RE: Shaun Day
Maybe I’m the one misunderstanding. I generally understand birth control as “something I can do that will prevent birth.” It is not reliant on my partner. So, IUD, birth control, condoms, those are all birth control. Even if my partner refuses or forces past it, I have ways to protect myself.
However, abstinence is something that I can’t always control. (See rape.) Abstinence, from what I understand, also completely depends on my partner going with it
“A pre-sex contract would […] reduce unwanted pregnancies and children”
I don’t think it’s necessary to reduce children. They’re pretty small in the first place.
Oh, the stupidity!
I think birth control is anything that prevents a birth, including things like abstinence/non-PIV sex/withdrawal that require cooperation. Because many forms of contraception can be sabotaged by a sufficiently malicious partner.
Pre-sex contract? I didn’t realize until now that I had a bureaucracy fetish.
No, that makes no sense. There are three possibilities at birth.
(1) The mother declare no father
(2) The mother declare the true father
(3) The mother declare a father, but she lies or makes a mistake
In our current situation, the 1, 2 and 3 can happen.
– If a man is in situation 1, he can asks for a test to get his rights towards the child. If he doesn’t, he child have one parent. Men’s rights and wallet respected.
– situation 2, everybody took their responsibilities and the kids has to parents. Just to mention it, I live in s2.
– situation 3, if the declared father think/hope/fear he’s the father, he can have a test. If another man think he’s the father he can also asks for a test. Go to situation 1 or 2 according to the result of the test. If nobody asks for a test, well that’s their choice. Kids have two parents, even though one might not share the same DNA.
But here is what happens in tom’s utopia:
– s1 the mother goes to prison for 6 month if she can’t remember/doesn’t know the full name of the father, if she doesn’t want him in the kid’s life (e.g. if the pregnancy is the result of a rape) or if he can’t be reached (foreign, missing or dead person for example). The father however doesn’t risk anything. If the mother finally gives the (right) name, go to s2. if wrong name, go to s3. The kid doesn’t gain much, as he probably won’t have a father in his life but a person who gives him money. (which is important, but not the same as an actual parent) The father who previously didn’t have to pay now does.
– s2 just to remember, s2 happens about 9 times more often than s3. But the father have to take the test, even if him and the mother refuses, for example because he already knows for sure. (my father certainly did) There goes his rights. The kid gain nothing. The parents looses rights and everybody’s tax has been used for a 400$ useless test.
– s3 A – The father doesn’t care about the DNA and want to raise the child, he still has to take the test and might lose his parental rights to someone that might not care about being in the kid’s life.
s3 B – The father does care about the DNA and is happy to get rid of the child. Go back to s1.
No. Feminists don’t like this idea because consent is not something permanent, therefore it is (almost? I’m no specialist) impossible to put in a contract. Consent is revocable in an instant, just because one say so and whether or not the reason given is satisfying (from “ouch my leg hurt, stop” to “panic attack!”, but also, “ah, there is a spider” “I don’t feel like it anymore” ‘I don’t want to do that” “it’s My Pretty Pony time” and any other reason). Therefore the contract might be void in the two seconds following its signatures. It also doesn’t prove that the person signing it isn’t drunk or under threat. It would also require a impossible precision. Should I or my BF sign something each times we want to make, whether or not it lead to PIV, oral sex or whatever? Especially because we don’t actually plan, it depends a lot of the mood.
But if you think we hate it, ask the PUAs what they think about it. 🙂
I’m not responsible for stroking your fragile anxious masculinity, you asshat. Also, nice how you consider abusing your woman to be a legitimate act because she might be cuckolding you.
LBT: By that logic condoms aren’t birthcontrol either because you can’t always control whether those get used either (partner could refuse or remove the condom, plus again a rapist might not use one either). If we go with your definition only hormonal BC, IUD, or sterilization would be birth control since they are the only ones directly under your control. Likewise sex with a partner using any method wouldn’t also count as birth control because you aren’t controlling it. I can’t go along with your definition excluding abstinence since it would exclude other methods as well if you extended your criteria to them.
Well it is! The is a card game called Scopa that I stopped playing alone with my BF because he’s a sore loser when it comes to this precise game. So now, he doesn’t lose any more.
RE: Noadi and Holly
Yeah, you’re both right. I’m sorry, low blood sugar and I have a dumb. Because yeah, sabotage is always possible and such.