antifeminism grandiosity irony alert markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit

Empirical & Prima Facie Evidence That MarkyMark the MGTOWer is a Nitwit

Christina Ricci was cursed to be in this thoroughly mediocre werewolf movie.

Empirical means “derived from or guided by experience or experiment.” Prima Facie, in legal terms, means something that is self-evident.

So I was intrigued when Man Boobz Man Boob All-Star MarkyMark recently promised, in the headline to one of his blog posts, to present “Empirical & Prima Facie Evidence Women Should NOT Vote.”  I’m game, MarkyMark. Where exactly do you find the empirical evidence for this evidently self-evident proposition?

In a vast collection of empirical observations called “The Bible.” Specifically, the book of Genesis (not the one with Phil Collins in it).

If you remember Genesis 3 in the Bible, you’ll remember that God gave men & women their respective curses after The Fall. For men, it was to “labor by the sweat of their brow all the days of their lives”; IOW, men were cursed with work. Women were cursed “with pain in childbearing.”

So far this empirical evidence is pretty powerful. MarkyMark continues:

Now, what feminism sought to do was, in ADDITION to having their own curse, was secure for women the curse of men too. And women FELL for it-real smart, Ladies! Not only did you swallow the feminist bullshit hook, line, and sinker; it looks like you ate the rod, reel, and line to boot! Only women could do something so foolish, idiotic, and STUPID.

And now he comes to the nub of his argument:

Though many arguments could be made against women’s suffrage, though many arguments could be made against giving women the right to vote, this situation right here provides both empirical and prima facie evidence that women are NOT smart enough to vote; they do not have the mental wherewithal to vote. I mean, come on! How stupid do you have to be to DOUBLE your cursings from God? …

Seriously, men do NOT go around seeking to add to their curses in life. Have you ever seen men CLAMORING to experience child birth, and all the pain that goes along with it?! No, you have not. …

In closing, though many arguments could be made against women’s suffrage, we don’t need many arguments; we only need one: women, not men, chose to DOUBLE their divine curse; women, not men sought to ADD to whatever pain child birth brought into their lives; finally, women did this eagerly, accepting men’s divine curse with gusto as they STAMPEDED into the world of work. That alone shows us that women cannot think causally, linearly, logically, or for the good of others. Therefore, women should not be allowed to vote-end of story.

After all this talk of divine curses, I thought I would share with you a Divine blessing. Here’s Divine, with her 1983 club hit “Love Reaction.” I think they call her Divine because she sings like an angel. And yeah, the song does sound an eensy teensy little bit like “Blue Monday” by New Order. Her producer was sort of known for completely ripping off other people’s songs.

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12 years ago

Only MarkyMark could write something so redundant, superfluous, and saying the same thing over and over again.

Also, he’s obviously never lasted through a high school history class.

12 years ago

One more thing, as Sassy Gay Friend said to Eve, “[God’s] going to say ‘Eve, childbirth is going to REALLY hurt now, because you screwed up;’ but, really, he made vaginas too small and he’s looking for a scapegoat.”

12 years ago

Obligatory pointing out that MarkyMark’s logic sounds like a load of BS even to Christians.

12 years ago

My creationist aunt had a fairly novel theory about where Cain and Abel’s wives came from. She pointed out that the bible didn’t say how much time elapsed between the story of the Fall and the story of Cain and Abel. So Adam and Eve could have had lots of other kids before them who moved away and had their own families.and genetically diverged from them, and Cain could have married one of them!

Yeah. No epidural. The last two hours were unbelievably painful. Still glad I did it that way, but there’s no denying that it hurts.

12 years ago

Also, notice that my aunt’s theory merely kicks the problem of incest off the page. Cain and Abel’s unnamed older siblings would have had to interbreed.

12 years ago

Oh boy, a MarkyMark post! He’s not just one of my favorite MRAs, but one of my favorite horrible bloggers period. He’s Time-Cube-level nuts. I was worried when he announced his grand retirement from the Internet, but fortunately (and predictably) that lasted about eighteen minutes.

If Manboobz consisted only of stuff he wrote, I would be perfectly content.

12 years ago

Didn’t Cain travel far away and marry a wife there anyway? I thought he was forced to wander the earth after God marked his forehead.

12 years ago

first baby was born using pain relief (diamorphine, i floated through that labour), 2nd one (through no choice of mine) was drug free. Overall, looking back on it, i’d actually pick the drug free one,not because it was more pleasant hahahahahahaha but my baby was born very alert and responsive and guess what? Once she was out, the pain stopped.

Major Major
Major Major
12 years ago

ugh so women are too lazy to work, but stupid for wanting to work in the first place? (like a misogynist catch-22, it seems) and its according to the BIBLE?! I’m surprised you didn’t go after that one more than you did, Manboobz, but then again it’s almost too easy.
thanks for the lulz, anyway

Sir Bodsworth Ruddlesby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruddlesby III
12 years ago

@maya “Didn’t Cain travel far away and marry a wife there anyway? I thought he was forced to wander the earth after God marked his forehead.”

Yeah. He was worried that people would punish him for his murder even though he was about to walk away from the only two other human beings on Earth, so he got God to put the “do not murder kthxbye” sign on him. He then went off and founded a city – again far away from the only other people on earth.

The Bible needs a serious continuity revamp.

12 years ago

Well, a little comparative religion would tell you that creation myths are usually highly allegorical, and textual criticism of Genesis in particular reveals that there are two separate creation narratives in the first several chapters… but no, Marky Mark thinks his Bronze Age just-so story has direct relevance to women’s suffrage. This is empirically false. Does Marky Mark even know the meaning of ‘prima facie’?

12 years ago

I think that this MRA is just jealous that not only can women BUILD HUMAN BEINGS in their own bodies, but they can also pretty much do everything and anything that a man can do. Men like this need women to be unequally disadvantaged through lack of opportunity and legal/social measures that favor men over women because they know that no one will put up with their bullshit if (heterosexual) women actually have a choice between awesome men or simply not having to be with anyone if the only alternative is a vicious, abusive man. This is why MRAs hate lesbians (beyond lesbian porn that’s made for the enjoyment of heterosexual men, of course) most of the time as well because it means that women are ALLOWED (how dare they, right?) to choose any and all alternatives to the douchebag asshole abusive misogynist.

I really, really hope that misogyny goes extinct. It would certainly make everyone happier and lead to healthier relationships that don’t rely on stupid two dimensional gender roles.

*sigh* No wonder these shitheads can only resort to threats of rape or other sexual violence, and absolutely hate the fact that most of the women they do end up having consensual sex with will use birth control. In a civilized world, there is no room for a person who dehumanizes other human beings based on their biological sex to actually get into a long-term relationship where someone actually sticks around and puts up with that behavior.

12 years ago

I don’t want to derail here. But any early human had a “problem” of incest.
Also I just got done reading comments on one of my videos form MRAs saying (totally as a non sequitir and flying in the face of all that was discussed) that anti feminist is NOT anti woman. Well not necc, but they’re constantly going on about women.

David if you ever get ambitious, you should do a video on barbarossaaa. I think that’s the spelling of his screen name. But I understand why you keep to the blogsphere. I also just saw one of barbarossaaas biggest fans have a video showing the women getting publicly beaten in the Sudan, and the uploader and the commenters saying that was GOOD.

12 years ago


I remember seeing that video about two years ago. Back then it was very brutal for me to watch, but over time I got more used to those sort of things as I became more aware of what went on with the world.

And some MRAs, with a callousness and cruelty that is unfathomable, say that women live an easy life in the Middle East. One other MRA (some vapid girl who romanticizes traditional male authority – I think her name is cristy something) says Middle Eastern gender roles are ideal.

12 years ago

this is the way it should be in america. women will learn respect and manners, and how to be good wives and good caring loving mothers.

I would be in full support of it, because the women in America are out of control thanks to pussy ass male politicians who allow (yes , I said ALLOW) them to be.

Screencap these fuckers and expose them for the violent, hateful filth that they are. MRAs for equality is the biggest lie of the 21st century.

rexx1234567 is an MRA, his channel is full of MRA propaganda videos.

americangangster86 is hidden, surprise surprise.

12 years ago

What ever happened to Boggi, this is a context in which his suggestion that religion is made up actually would have been topical and made sense.

After all, stuff like this crap from MarkyMark (and the funky bunch XD) makes me want to say this to them:

12 years ago

This is the response I gave to Rex on YouTube:

@rexx1234567 You are filth. If anyone should be whipped it is you for being such a disgusting swine. Sorry to burst your fantasy, but we women had to fight for all of our rights. If anyone has been allowed to be “out of control” it is privileged assholes like you.

You never had to fight for shit in your life. You just complain and make propaganda videos online to smear women as much as you can. You amount to nothing in the real world.

MRAs are just one of many cancers of the human race.

12 years ago

Please leave me alone about the atheism thing.

12 years ago

Just leave me alone. All of those atheism quotes are either misunderstood or I said them in anger to intentionally piss off arrogant MRAs. Can’t you all just drop it!

12 years ago


I applaud you for doing that but reasoning with these assholes is pointless, you’re just going to get attacked now. Especially by an MRA who believes women should be publicly whipped for not knowing their place. The best thing to do is mock them and continue to screencap their hate and irrational opinions for everyone to see like David does.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Nobody was talking to you. DSC briefly mentioned you. If you want to be “left alone,” don’t read the comments here.

You don’t get to order us to forget everything you ever said.

12 years ago

I’m not ordering, I’m begging.

12 years ago

It’s times like this where I wish we could create a device to look into the hearts of people to see what they’re really like underneath it all. Then we could finally know the truth about those around us. I still hope that someday, technology will save us from ourselves.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Okay, you don’t get to beg people to forget things that you said.

But you do get to decide not to read something. If the comments here upset you, if they don’t help you or entertain you or make you think in interesting ways, don’t read them. They are not for you and not directed at you.

12 years ago

Boggi O_o

You ok dude?