antifeminism grandiosity irony alert markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA reactionary bullshit

Empirical & Prima Facie Evidence That MarkyMark the MGTOWer is a Nitwit

Christina Ricci was cursed to be in this thoroughly mediocre werewolf movie.

Empirical means “derived from or guided by experience or experiment.” Prima Facie, in legal terms, means something that is self-evident.

So I was intrigued when Man Boobz Man Boob All-Star MarkyMark recently promised, in the headline to one of his blog posts, to present “Empirical & Prima Facie Evidence Women Should NOT Vote.”  I’m game, MarkyMark. Where exactly do you find the empirical evidence for this evidently self-evident proposition?

In a vast collection of empirical observations called “The Bible.” Specifically, the book of Genesis (not the one with Phil Collins in it).

If you remember Genesis 3 in the Bible, you’ll remember that God gave men & women their respective curses after The Fall. For men, it was to “labor by the sweat of their brow all the days of their lives”; IOW, men were cursed with work. Women were cursed “with pain in childbearing.”

So far this empirical evidence is pretty powerful. MarkyMark continues:

Now, what feminism sought to do was, in ADDITION to having their own curse, was secure for women the curse of men too. And women FELL for it-real smart, Ladies! Not only did you swallow the feminist bullshit hook, line, and sinker; it looks like you ate the rod, reel, and line to boot! Only women could do something so foolish, idiotic, and STUPID.

And now he comes to the nub of his argument:

Though many arguments could be made against women’s suffrage, though many arguments could be made against giving women the right to vote, this situation right here provides both empirical and prima facie evidence that women are NOT smart enough to vote; they do not have the mental wherewithal to vote. I mean, come on! How stupid do you have to be to DOUBLE your cursings from God? …

Seriously, men do NOT go around seeking to add to their curses in life. Have you ever seen men CLAMORING to experience child birth, and all the pain that goes along with it?! No, you have not. …

In closing, though many arguments could be made against women’s suffrage, we don’t need many arguments; we only need one: women, not men, chose to DOUBLE their divine curse; women, not men sought to ADD to whatever pain child birth brought into their lives; finally, women did this eagerly, accepting men’s divine curse with gusto as they STAMPEDED into the world of work. That alone shows us that women cannot think causally, linearly, logically, or for the good of others. Therefore, women should not be allowed to vote-end of story.

After all this talk of divine curses, I thought I would share with you a Divine blessing. Here’s Divine, with her 1983 club hit “Love Reaction.” I think they call her Divine because she sings like an angel. And yeah, the song does sound an eensy teensy little bit like “Blue Monday” by New Order. Her producer was sort of known for completely ripping off other people’s songs.

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12 years ago

Arrgh, html fail. Here is the link: Lazy, pampered women, circa 1900.

12 years ago

also I’ve dodged my curse from God…I just choose not to get pregnant and will probably have my tubes tied.

Since I dodged my curse, does that make me smart enough to vote?

You know you’re not living in a gynocracy when your right to vote is questions by boobz like Markymark here…you also know that the MRM is not about equality. At all.

12 years ago


12 years ago

One MRA suggested voting should be changed so only people who pass a general intelligence test should vote.

No MRA would be able to vote if that actually happened, and good riddance too.


12 years ago


and then they wonder why they are called a hate group. For all the barking they do about freedom and constitutional rights, they sure do like to question the freedoms and rights of people that aren’t them…mainly women and sometimes minorities.

Bigots 😀

Sir Bodsworth Ruddlesby III
Sir Bodsworth Ruddlesby III
12 years ago

An explanation of the origins of Cain’s and Seth’s wives:

12 years ago

Have you ever seen men CLAMORING to experience child birth, and all the pain that goes along with it?! No, you have not
Do movies count?

All he needs is a few scraps of garbage from the bible, and he manages to condemn women because of feminists.

Its enough to make a hateful desert loser god weep with approval.

@ John-Henry – basically, “There is a king of the universe, and HE agrees with ME! checkmate!”

12 years ago

Clearly no one should vote because ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn, duh.

12 years ago

Is it misandrist if I now believe that MarkyMark is so goddamn stupid he shouldn’t be able to vote?

12 years ago

Also, since I haven’t seen it pointed out yet: Eve (a fictional woman)= totally every woman on the planet ever, totally the same being; and Adam(a fictional man)= totally every man, ever. More of this idea of hiveminds. Even supposing Eve was completely real- she lived thousands of years ago, and women are definitely still stupid- supposing you think questioning authority is stupid. There’s just so much wrong here that I can’t do a simple one-shot post.

12 years ago

That’s the beauty of MarkyMark, his fractal stupidity is the gift that keeps on giving.

12 years ago

Here’s why Marky mark should not be allowed to vote: utter lack of creativity. Minds like this would see humanity completely stall out on any progress because they can’t think their way around to new solutions. We’d still be living in the dark ages if markys status quo thinking is left unchecked. After all, people have been running to the Bible to justify womens servitude SINCE THE FIRST CHAPTER WAS WRITTEN.

12 years ago

Also, since I haven’t seen it pointed out yet: Eve (a fictional woman)= totally every woman on the planet ever, totally the same being; and Adam(a fictional man)= totally every man, ever. More of this idea of hiveminds. Even supposing Eve was completely real- she lived thousands of years ago, and women are definitely still stupid- supposing you think questioning authority is stupid. There’s just so much wrong here that I can’t do a simple one-shot post.

Let me try to unpackage the complete mess of logic and moral perversity with the material you gave me.

1) One person in a particular group represents all people in a group. Conveniently, the person that represents my group is our ideal while the person that represents the other group is a stereotype we created to denigrate that other group.

2) Women all think alike and are part of a feminazi hivemind while men are rugged individualists. That is why all men are like Adam, our ideal.

3) Thousands of years of history, differing cultures, and a huge number of sociological, environmental, and other factors don’t play a single role in human affairs. Men will always be God and bitches will always be bitches.

4) Questioning authority is indeed stupid, especially since that authority benefits me and condemns people I don’t like. And especially since the condemned people I don’t like are doing the questioning. That’s the real reason why I hate feminism, because it attacks the arrogant illusions I base so much of my identity on.

5) Questioning authority is stupid because I respect authority and lack the brains to question authority myself. Therefore, everyone who does so is EVIL!

I hope I did my part.

12 years ago

* 5) Questioning authority is stupid because I respect authority and lack the brains to question authority myself. I also lack the brains, hearts, and guts to live by my own terms, so I’ll just cling on to an outdated, dogmatic, and limiting idea of masculinity provided to me by said authority. Therefore, everyone who questions authority is EVIL! Especially those feminazi bitches!

12 years ago

Xeginy: Glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that…

12 years ago

Maya: I only wish his logic were as straightforward as you make it.

12 years ago

Kirbywarp —

Work is not a curse. It’s nice to be operating under our own power, to have independence, and do work at something you love doing if you have the option. Sure, people’d like to avoid the pain and hassle of being required to do something, but then you miss out on accomplishing anything.

True dat!! I don’t like my job very much (dishwashing), but on a good day, I still get a lot of satisfaction from it by the time I punch out.

But of course, according to Marky, I’m not smart enough to do that sort of work, or anything else either.

I was going to make mention of Thomas Beatie, but Kyrie beat me to it.

12 years ago

Wha…? Blockqoutes finally backfired for me. Note that the quote from Kirbywarp is actually only the first paragraph behind the quote.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

The story of Adam and Eve is bullshit.

12 years ago

The story of Adam and Eve is bullshit.

…and that’s really all the information you need to disprove MarkyMarks gigantic load of crap. I wonder if he believes in separation of church and state?

12 years ago

What if they decided to work instead of having babies? That is only a single curse so they get to vote, eh?

I anonymously submitted this question to his blog. He posted it, but I’m hoping for a response.

12 years ago

It seems that the MRAs always forget that raising children and keeping a home in good order is also a lot of work. Then again, these guys probably think kids and houses raise themselves.

12 years ago

The story of Adam and Eve is bullshit.

Yes, as far as empirical, scientific accuracy is concerned. On a more intuitive level it is a perversion of the deeper metaphysical truths of our past and our humanity to serve the ends of misogynistic assholes.

A lot like what MRAs do today.

I wonder if he believes in separation of church and state?

If not, that’s all I needed to hear.

It seems that the MRAs always forget that raising children and keeping a home in good order is also a lot of work. Then again, these guys probably think kids and houses raise themselves.

And ED says feminists are allergic to reality. Then again ED is garbage heap of maggots.

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

“prima facie” means first view.

12 years ago


Prima facie ( /ˈpraɪmə ˈfeɪʃɨ.iː/;[1] from Latin: prīmā faciē) is a Latin expression meaning on its first encounter, first blush, or at first sight. The literal translation would be “at first face” or “at first appearance”, from the feminine form of primus (“first”) and facies (“face”), both in the ablative case. It is used in modern legal English to signify that on first examination, a matter appears to be self-evident from the facts. In common law jurisdictions, prima facie denotes evidence that – unless rebutted – would be sufficient to prove a particular proposition or fact.

from wikipedia