dozens of upvotes evil women false accusations girl germs I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia reddit shit that never happened

Reddit MRA: My eminent businessman friend who is totally not made-up refuses to be alone in a room with a woman

This seems like a completely reasonable course of action:

Oh, by the way, I know a guy who’s a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and he can fly and turn invisible.

Not at the same time, though. When he forgets and turns invisible while flying, he plummets to earth.

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12 years ago

*if this man is not ashamed

12 years ago

Dude. I’ve bought Happy Meals at McDonalds and asked for the Twilight Sparkle toy because I already have enough of Pinkie Pie. I have comic books on my bookshelf next to fantasy novels and children’s books. I listen to Disney musical soundtracks. I squee when a new Pixar movie comes out. I LOVE children’s things, and they have made my life better. Why do you think that there is so much happiness in the world you can shame people for finding it where they can?

To quote the author of one of my favorite book series, the Chronicles of Narnia: “when I became a man, I put aside childish things, such as the fear of being thought childish.”

Also, LOL, Manboobz isn’t important. It’s recreation. Although given your difficulty with the concept of “fun,” I can see where your misunderstanding comes from.

12 years ago

Also, my avatar is a cute purple octopus. *wiggles tentacles*

12 years ago

Holly you forgot any woman who makes decisions about routine day to day things like grocery lists and spends the majority of the household income so the hubby isn’t bothered by the details.

12 years ago

My avatar is from ‘Magic Knight Rayearth,’ a manga/anime series by CLAMP. It holds a special warm fuzzy place in my heart, even if I regard the 2nd season anime and OVA as mostly crap.
What does tredgdrea have against things that give us warm fuzzies?
And for that matter, zie’s dissing our ‘XD’s! We can’t stand for this! Put up the Ami Angelwings signal in the sky!

Dire Sloth
Dire Sloth
12 years ago

@Amnesia, I’ve been meaning to ask if your avatar is Fuu-chan ever since I started watching Rayearth a couple weeks ago. It really is awesome XD

Also, I’m going to use XD as much as I can from now on to annoy Tred. XD XD XD XD XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

12 years ago

I wonder what ol’ tredg has to say about an avatar of a man’s pleading hands in manacles, or a shadowy male figure on his knees, tethered to a giant high-heeled shoe with lips? Masterful! A+!!!

12 years ago

I wonder what ol’ tredg has to say about an avatar of a man’s pleading hands in manacles, or a shadowy male figure on his knees, tethered to a giant high-heeled shoe with lips? Masterful! A+!!!

I think he would say that those images are brilliant social commentary that we are just too stupid to understand.

12 years ago

My avatar is a sweet old lady with her kitty cat. And apparently I created a WP blog — I have no memory of doing that. And I have no intention of blogging, but I created one post to link to the photo of the sweet old lady.

12 years ago

I wonder what ol’ tredg has to say about an avatar of a man’s pleading hands in manacles, or a shadowy male figure on his knees, tethered to a giant high-heeled shoe with lips? Masterful! A+!!!

Of course, that right thurr’s serious bidness! Like Xeginy said, brilliant social commentary!

I’d also like to sign up for an internet armchair diagnosis, pretty please

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

You were saying?

Did you notice that the definition you’re trying to flog completely erases transexual people, intersex people assigned at birth to being women, and others? No, of course not. Did you notice that, although according to the dictionary it works, your word choice, even if it were not a giant red flag that you were an asshole, would still be ugly, and fail to connote what you wanted (‘certainly not a smart lady‘)? No, of course not, you don’t possess the capacity for thought on that level.

Stop digging yourself further into stupidity.

….In the spirit of the next point…
“Stop digging yourself deeper, you look stupid enough as is”

But for reals kid, when you can’t raise a single objection on content, and are stuck trying to say “You like kid’s stuff”, “Your avatar is stupid”, and “The dictionary vaguely justifies an ugly-as-sin word choice that also will infallibly mark that I am asshole”, you are not in a very strong position to be telling others that they look stupid; the people who are least likely to be concerned with your opinion are those who are your superiors in every way. I might be concerned about your opinion of me as a person, if you could actually refute any point I’ve raised prior to your ill-conceived attempt to show those uppity wimminz.

You know what else might make your opinion valued? If you could coherently voice any of the stale, inane thoughts that float around in your head; if you could actually display a fraction of the genius you seem to think you have, I might be concerned. But no, even if you possess the potential to be what you think you are – which I highly doubt – you waste it. You’ve slept through too many classes, and think you know it all. Kids always do. Seriously, this?

But seriously, how old are you for liking children based conceptions? I’m intrigued.

Even if you had a valid point with this, it only marks you a fucking cretin. What has english done to you that you feel the need to mangle it like this? I’ve heard potheads who display more respect for it in their ramblings than you do with your faux intellectual routine. It’s fucking pathetic, so as a favor to the english language…

“How old are you, you who still like children’s entertainment?” (Little pompous, but still works)
“You still like kids’ shows? How old are you?” (Vanilla language constructions are vanilla because they are actually serviceable!)
“You like entertainment for children? Of course you do, how droll.”

The question you actually asked me is “How old does liking child-based concepts make you?”, to which the only reasonable answer is “0, because ideas don’t age people”. You suck utterly at language. Mind, everyone does at your age, so there’s no great shame in it, but you’re not ready for the big leagues. Speak normally, and while you may fail to impress a few overly arrogant high school kids, you won’t make a fool of yourself. You can distinguish your language a bit after you’ve learned the basics, not before. Which you means you need to stop fucking sleeping through your classes.

And for god’s sakes, if you can recognize a Mismagius from that tiny picture you like Pokemon as much as I do, you’re really not fooling anyone.

12 years ago

Please also note that even with two kids who love Pokemon, and having seen a great deal of the movies (oh SO MANY MOVIES OMG), I did not recognize the Mismagius until others pointed it out.

12 years ago

And for god’s sakes, if you can recognize a Mismagius from that tiny picture you like Pokemon as much as I do, you’re really not fooling anyone.

I know thats the funniest part, its pretty clear he is a fan himself. XD

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Dude. I’ve bought Happy Meals at McDonalds and asked for the Twilight Sparkle toy because I already have enough of Pinkie Pie.

Damn, that is in fact something that makes me regret my “No-TV” policy. I’da caught a commercial for that if I watched TV. Well, probably.

Please also note that even with two kids who love Pokemon, and having seen a great deal of the movies (oh SO MANY MOVIES OMG), I did not recognize the Mismagius until others pointed it out.

That’s *exactly* what made me notice the tiny resolution is a factor (On Facebook itself it is pretty visible, I am pretty sure, though I don’t really use Facebook anymore).

12 years ago

@Amnesia, I’ve been meaning to ask if your avatar is Fuu-chan ever since I started watching Rayearth a couple weeks ago. It really is awesome XD

Yep. Actually, my favorite character is Ascot, but it’s hard to find good Ascot icons. Fuu-chan’s still great, though. I call my laptop Mokona.
One thing I love about MKR is how they were clearly inspired by RPGs and make reference to that, but just the fact that it stars three girls and has a black woman as a character automatically makes it more diverse than just about any other actual RPG at the time.

12 years ago

Joe: “False accusations affect vanishingly slim proportions of the populace, even men. You are, no joke, more rational to fear random murder sprees from your employees than a false accusation of sexual impropriety. Even if you were the victim of one, it would be vanishingly unlikely for anything serious to occur from it, also. ”


Rape is prosecuted at an appalling low rate, and has; relative to other crimes, a pathetically low rate of conviction. The idea that there is a, “shitstorm” of false allegations of rape is not supported.

To have that be the case you have to posit the media (which loves a scandal, take a look at the News of the World phone hacking mess), is colluding; across the board, to hide it.

All it would take is one paper, of any repute, to decide to blow the whistle, and the entire house of cards comes crashing down.

Any man falsely accused of rape/pedophilia can expect to have his career destroyed, will be unable to find alternative employment, if married he is much more likely to be divorced, more likely to suicide, will be on the sex offender’s registry for life,

Accusations = registration? Being accused destroys careers and marriages? Be sure to tell that to the Kelly, the reporter who was accused in New York last month. He’s still working.

Or Strauss, who was accused with no charges filed. He’s still married. He’s also still in politics.

Romsn Polanski was such a pariah after he fled from the actual rape he committed (against a child).

The list goes on. Even in the high profile cases, where the accused makes the papers..

Quick, what are the names of the Foothill College Baseball Team who were accused of gang-raping a 16 year old at a party… by witnesses other than the 16 year old?

Never even heard of it, did you? How about the Duke Lacrosse players… I’m sure you can recall their names?

No… why not.

Because your little diatribe about how horridly permanent the effects of being accused are, is all story-telling, which you can use to justify making rape easier.

Newsflash: Men don’t care. The downside of a false accusation is SO huge, (up to and including death), that your rants, your anger, fines from some footling law are inconsequential by comparison.

Men are so freaked out about this issue, whether you think it’s legit for men to be freaked out or not, that:

Newsflash, men seem to think women ought to care that men are all pissy about women being concerned that a man they don’t know (or don’t know well) might be a rapist.

Women don’t care; neither do intelligent, and/or empathetic men.

Expect to see more and more examples of men outright avoiding women and children in the Anglosphere. Don’t expect your anger about that to make men feel you are any safer to be around.

Cry me a river. Not the least because I don’t see any real dearth of people helping other people, and the dudes who are complaining about, “The anglosphere”, and “the sheeple”, are the sort I’d rather not have around, certainly not when there isn’t anyone to prove that they attacked me before I beat the snot out of them.

So… Joe… who are you? Because sheeple, and “anglosphere” and the like are USian usage, but you are in, so we are told, Great Britain.

@Holly Pervocracy – gosh, if I was looking for help for men who suffer from rape in prison I certainly wouldn’t turn to this crowd. Look at the responses in this thread! I can’t imagine anyone of you giving a shit about any man*. So yeah, that’d be why you only hear about it in the form of a point in an argument.

That would be because when you go to a place and start to talk you drag out tired tropes, and then impute things which weren’t said (not even mentioned) to the people whom you are berating.

Then you whinge about how badly you were treated and how the women all hate the menz.

Manboobz tried to claim these men don’t exist. Yet even idon’trememberherhandle said she witnessed a bunch of men expressing their fear about this, and discussing their tactics to protect themselves from it.

No. We posit the “FOF” in the OP is just that, a convenient fiction to justify an unreasonable fear, which we admit some men have; unreasonably.

12 years ago

Rutee Katreya

While I may have forgotten a single comma, the sentence was actually fine form of English. No, I never recognized any character.

I didn’t know you were a [transphobic slur redacted –DF]. Sorry, that is transphobic. Thanks for letting us all know that your a man–oh–sorry a “woman.” (even though you don’t have the additional X chromosome sorry).

You want to know what I learned in class? Just because you stick a feather up your ass does not make you a chicken.

A [transphobic slur redacted –DF] who like Pokemen, thinks that when people attack “her” they have no actual argument, doesn’t even know how the word “female” can be used, and then after getting owned tries to change her stance altogether.

I’m off. But, here. I’m sure this will make your blood boil.


Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

While I may have forgotten a single comma, the sentence was actually fine form of English

See, now you’re just fucking up on purpose, and that doesn’t have the same ring of undeserved arrogance. Poor writing has to be combined with hubris to really draw comment.

I didn’t know you were a [transphobic slur redacted –DF]. Sorry, that is transphobic. Thanks for letting us all know that your a man–oh–sorry a “woman.” (even though you don’t have the additional X chromosome sorry).

Nice try, but no. Trying not to suck with other forms of oppression is not identical to suffering them.

doesn’t even know how the word “female” can be used

Well, I was kinda assuming you weren’t *trying* not to be a jackass. Clearly, mistakenly, given the reckless abandon with which you are now throwing around trans slurs to try and hurt me XD

thinks that when people attack “her” they have no actual argument,

Not everyone, just you. Joe had an argument – it was uninformed, wrong, and stupid, but he did actually engage on content. You did no such thing.

I’m off. But, here. I’m sure this will make your blood boil.

Not really at all. If you had just sucked naturally at the english language, that’d do it, though XD

Seriously, kid, pay attention in school.

12 years ago

Oh, tredg! Just because you suck at the English language doesn’t mean you gotta suck at life too.

Hm. And he seemed so friendly. Buh bye, tredg! Don’t cry yourself to sleep tonight because you’re a stupid, bigoted little fuck with no redeeming value or anything!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Baaaah~ “Kinda assuming you were trying not to be a jackass”

Ah well, I guess I went too far for subtlety on that point, in retrospect. You may crow victory all you like, though, if you really, really need to think “HAW HAW I KNOW HOW TO USE FEMALE BETTER” to feel better about your utter failure as a human XD

12 years ago

“Female” as a noun always makes me want to ask “Which species?” on account of spending much of my life in imaginary worlds where even “woman” doesn’t necessarily imply “human”, so a “female” is most likely one of the dog-people or bird-people or dragon-blooded, rather than the naked-monkey-people.

12 years ago

Big guy eh? showing up at some blog and attacking someone for liking something and being trans despite not being trans? You really showed her! /sarcasm

Remember when you can’t contribute something logical throw random slurs and complain about things people like! That will really show your group is not a hate movement!

I’m off. But, here. I’m sure this will make your blood boil.
He is like a kid I swear. “This will make the teacher mad tehehehehe.”

Oh keep telling yourself you don’t like pokemon, we all know you do. ;P

12 years ago

An MRA who’s also incredibly transphobic? Why, I never!

12 years ago

Joe: I am well aware that men are something like ?6 times? more likely to suffer violent crime (in general) than women. Here’s the thing about the threat of criminal violence against me. Criminals are nowhere near as powerful as the police.

Unless those criminals are women… then the police collude to make the innocent man she targets a pathetic shell of his former self before they get tormenting him for her pleasure.

I could fill endless books with stats (99% of combatant deaths = men,

Question begging: if women are non-combatants then they can’t be listed in the rolls of combatant deaths. If, however, you look at non-combatant deaths, (we can look past the two recent large scale wars… and go back to the Thirty Years War, which was continental in scope) and see that women suffered at least proportionally to men and (more to the point) non-combatants suffered more than combatants.

1: Combatants have the means to defend themselves, and 2: they are also able (and encouraged) to leave the area. Non-combatants have to stay put and the armies get to take turns trashing the place.

So that combatants (who, in the main, got to choose to be combatants, the draft, as understood today not being created until the French Revolution, and not catching on until the 1850s… prior to that things like fyrds were an obligation of free men, and limited in duration/distance, but why bother your pretty little head with pesky things like facts), faced less risk, overall, then the non-combatants near them.

But it was a nice try at diversion.

12 years ago

Treglodyte: In the real world, you would be mocked and shamed, along with your manboobzers, who feel (in their isolated mother’s basement) they are noble by helping society by shedding light on “misogyny.”

Got anything better than non-sequitorial ad hominem with no payload (well, I suppose, Neener neener I’m insulting you, might be the intended “argument”, but if so, concision is the soul of wit).

It’s not as if you are, with your email generated avatar behind a nom-de-net, in any position to be crowing about someone who has the self-respect to generate an actual image to go with a persistent presence.

You… are just another drive by, wanking in your self-perceived perspicacity and bitingly bilious hyperbole.

I hope it was good for you, and that you washed your hands when you were done.