dozens of upvotes evil women false accusations girl germs I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia reddit shit that never happened

Reddit MRA: My eminent businessman friend who is totally not made-up refuses to be alone in a room with a woman

This seems like a completely reasonable course of action:

Oh, by the way, I know a guy who’s a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and he can fly and turn invisible.

Not at the same time, though. When he forgets and turns invisible while flying, he plummets to earth.

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12 years ago

And the societal disposability of men is not a “theory” it’s fact, certainly in Western cultures

By citing “war” as an example of male disposability, aren’t you forgetting that, until very recently, only men have been involved in the military and other war-like activities? How is war an example of male disposability when OTHER MEN are making those decisions?

Also, men not working with kids (elementary school teachers, day cares, etc.) is not so much a woman-plot, but the fact that masculinity is not very conducive to nurture-based occupations. Both men AND women uphold rigid gender roles, which tell women that they are “naturally” better at nurture (kids, nursing, teaching, etc.) regardless of what the individual wants, and those same gender roles tell men that they are “naturally” better at violence, logic, and building stuff, even if that man does want to work with kids.

See how arbitrary gender roles screw everyone over?

12 years ago

Men never help out children in need, and well they shouldn’t! Why, I remember one time when I was little and my sled skidded towards some trees, and a guy launched himself over and grabbed me before I smacked into anything, saving little me from injury and incurring my undying childish gratitude. Obviously my parents had him thrown in jail immediately. And don’t even get me started on how we’ve incarcerated every male bus driver, teacher, coach, camp counselor and neighbor we’ve ever met! Being parents of a girl is truly an exhausting legal struggle. :p

12 years ago

men that they are “naturally” better at violence, logic,…

Yes, violence and logic mesh well, I’ve found. 😀

12 years ago

@everyone – I have no idea who the hell MARL is. Sorry to burst your bubble.

@Mollywren –
I am well aware that men are something like ?6 times? more likely to suffer violent crime (in general) than women. Here’s the thing about the threat of criminal violence against me. Criminals are nowhere near as powerful as the police.

I’m sure it will evoke lots of triumphant crowing here, but I’ll go ahead and share:

I suffered plenty of violence as a kid. At home from my psycho dad. At school (rough school, kids kicked out went to borstal). At random in the street. Had to go to A&E (ER for Americans) on two separate occasions to get my head X-rayed to check for skull fractures, One of those was when a random teenage girl / young woman I had never even seen before came up behind me (I was 11, and one of those delicate, spindly kids) and smacked an umbrella over my head. Sounds funny? Not so much. Lump the size of a hen’s egg. Second time was when another kid threw me to the ground and kicked me in the head.
That was all pretty scarring, psychologically, and it was a pisser when the first question out of anyone in authority was “Well, what did you say to them?” Uh, nothing!??. So yeah, victm blaming.

So from my mid-teens to the present day I workout, I (have) train(ed) and I practice “situational awareness”.

As an adult I have had to physically fight three times to defend myself and others (e.g.s. a friend who was TKO’d on the ground, a couple of women being harassed by some drunk tosser who wouldn’t leave them alone in some pub). I’ve had a bottle smashed over my head (I didn’t mange to land a punch on that dickhead, but my girlfriend shoved him clear across the bar. Yay for her.), I’ve been kicked, had bricks thrown at me and have had to punch, kick and bite to defend myself and other people.

I’ve not been raped, and the nearest thing to sexual assualt I can think of was a dodgy ENT specialist doctor who made me undress when I went to see him about !!tonsilitis!! when I was 18, and made a point about touching my very disinterested dick. At the time seemed pretty dodgy. In hindsight, total wrong’un.
Oh and the woman who came up to me in the pub one time and said “You’ll do.” and wouldn’t take my repeated “Nos” for an answer, so technically she did a bad thing, but I didn’t really protest all that much and responded when she kissed and groped me… I just legged it when she went to say “goodbye” to her friends.
Nothing actually deeply sexually traumatic there.

Anyway, while a lot of that violence was traumatising and took a lot of getting over, it was relatively easy to escape the assailants themselves, well, at least once my mum divorced my dad. (The most persistent gang of outside-the-home bullies I remember as a kid only kept up their campaign for months, not years).
There are hundreds of thousands of coppers, escaping them, if I ever fell foul of the law, or was falsely accused would be a LOT harder. Maybe you see coppers as “safe” – I just see people licenced to use violence with relative impunity = “danger”.

So on the one hand – yes, absolutely violence including sex crime against men and boys (including gay men and boys) is a big deal. And given my experience I do have a fair idea of how fucking traumatic it is to go through. So yes, I agree, pursuing criminals who attack men and boys, and supporting / protecting / providing shelters for those victims is important.

The false accusation issue is important too. Especially where it causes good men to avoid doing good deeds, for fear of it.

tl, dr;

That I care about X does not mean that I don’t also care about Y.

12 years ago

I’m sure it will evoke lots of triumphant crowing here, but I’ll go ahead and share:

I suffered plenty of violence as a kid. At home from my psycho dad. At school (rough school, kids kicked out went to borstal). At random in the street. Had to go to A&E (ER for Americans) on two separate occasions to get my head X-rayed to check for skull fractures, One of those was when a random teenage girl / young woman I had never even seen before came up behind me (I was 11, and one of those delicate, spindly kids) and smacked an umbrella over my head. Sounds funny? Not so much. Lump the size of a hen’s egg. Second time was when another kid threw me to the ground and kicked me in the head.
That was all pretty scarring, psychologically, and it was a pisser when the first question out of anyone in authority was “Well, what did you say to them?” Uh, nothing!??. So yeah, victm blaming.

No crowing here. That’s terrible, and I am sorry that it happened to you.

12 years ago

@Holy Pervocracy – yes, there was a split in the suffragette movement between the more powerful pro-war branch run by Emmeline and Christabel, they began the White Feather movement in earnest and pushed for conscription. Sylvia and Adela Pankhurst on the other hand were pacifists allied with the trade unions. You can read about their disgust with one another and the record of E & C’s White Feather “work” in their letters and especially Sylvia’s diaries.

Sorry, I don’t have time to find the link with the direct quote right now.
By all means look into it yourself. It may take some digging. The White Feather lot were super unpopular post war. There was a good deal of denial, “forgetting” & revisionism.

There’s a bit on Emmeline’s jingoistic warmongering here:

12 years ago

I’m sorry all that happened to you Joe, but I don’t understand how you go from “I was assaulted many times” (which sucks a lot, I’m not trying to deny that) to “the biggest danger for men is false rape accusation”?
And what would you like to see happen to make the situation better for the falsely accused? Because the people who come here to talk here about false accusation seems in majority to want the accusers who fail to prove their case (which they absurdly qualify as ‘false accuser’) to be sentence instead. Is it your case?

12 years ago

I’m sure it will evoke lots of triumphant crowing here, but I’ll go ahead and share:

Why on earth would you think anyone here would crow triumphantly about you suffering violence, abuse, and bullying. I might disagree with you about any number of things, point out what I believe to be the flaws in your arguments and I will mock you relentlessly if you produce stupid ideas…

But I certainly don’t wish you physical harm and I don’t rejoice in any harm that you’ve already suffered. I’m sorry those things happened to you.

I still think it’s dumb as hell to point to two news stories as evidence that a growing number of men are too worried about false accusations to help a lost child.

12 years ago

Hard chairs? Don’t care. Bum ache? Not politically significant. Silly.

High heels? I don’t wear them myself, not even when I’ve done drag. :p
Tall girls and/or heels ftw. I’m tall, and that = less neck ache when kissing. YMMMV.
By all means, of course, pick your own clothes people. Enjoy. 🙂

Well, it’s been actually less grim than I expected, thanks for the chat peeps. Gotta go, deadlines looming!

12 years ago


You’re all very much missing the point.

You’ve made a number of points. Most of them are being disputed and/or refuted. What you’ve yet to address is why you think you can hurl the accusation of indifference to prison rape at us.

12 years ago

Where’s TS, they could have a sad-off… still wouldn’t support their points in any way.

12 years ago

I’m very sorry Joe was abused–but that lends nothing to his arguments (if one can call stale talking points from the MRAs that are never supported in any way).

I see he’s dashing away–flounce or not?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

And the societal disposability of men is not a “theory” it’s fact, certainly in Western cultures

It is no such thing. There’s maybe 150 years of war actually sucking for everyone involved, over the last 6 millenia. Women being barred from war has been yet another source of oppression. Men as a class benefit, both in the immediate sense of the majority of soldiers over most of history benefiting for the risks taken, and in less tangible ways, such as the very fact that women ‘don’t’ fight (haven’t generally been permitted to, more like) being held against us and serving as grounds to deny rights. At least, that’s the case for the western world, historically, and that’s where you cited as your example. I am dimly aware that it’s always sucked for chinese peons in the military, and I’m not up on African history much at all, so I couldn’t say there.

Aside from possibly war, men don’t dominate what Farrell calls the ‘bottom’ of society unless you erase women from it, which rather is begging the question. Similarly, ‘dangerous’ jobs not only systematically bar women from entry, but they are an improvement in status over many of their counterparts (Construction, for instance, pays higher than a lot of other low status jobs).

During WWI while the suffragettes** were handing out white feathers and campaigning for conscription (in collusion with the ruling class / the 1%) nearly a million British men (and boys) – the majority of whom did not have the bloody vote either!! – were slaughtered in Flanders and the Somme. That’s male disposability, in a nutshell.

WW1 is one of the exceptions to wars that actually benefit the common soldier, yes, so that does legitimately suck, but hey you forget that those men weren’t denied the vote for being men. As is nearly always the case, what discrimination there is that affects men is on other grounds.

I could fill endless books with stats (99% of combatant deaths = men,

Well, in the western world. That statistic is not really true in Africa right now.

95% of work deaths = men

So are the overwhelming majority of workplace safety violations. Put two and two together.

80% of suicides = men

Successful ones, yes. Women make up a narrow majority of attempts.

90% of homeless= men

You know, there are a number of ways that women are removed from this count. I’m not as familiar with these as others, but among them, “women’s homeless shelters” established under VAWA don’t actually count as being homeless for some insane reason, that statistic actually being homeless singles, not homeless families…

ples current / modern and ancient (conscription, the pressgang)

Well, the pressganged just straight up suffered, sure, but conscription wasn’t so bad. Denying the class benefits for a minute, soldiers tend to be well paid for low status labor (The majority of people at any given time), and historically the room for advancement of a peon is generally better than outside it (A brit looking more at their enlightenment era armies may not see it this way, granted).

but it seems pretty redundant – just open your eyes!

Not so armor piercing from a puppet who lacks critical thinking skills.

MRAL is pathetic enough to try to sound like he’s from somewhere else.

Indeed, but so far has been too pathetic to succeed.

12 years ago

Ain’t it funny how MRAs always conveniently forget to mention that the white feather movement was started by a man?

30 fucking women and MRAs like NWO call for us to start beating women in the street to make up for the “blood on our hands” from 30 women in 1914, all spearheaded by a MAN.

This is why your enemy is patriarchy MRAs, as evidenced with shit like this. Not women. Not feminists. We did not start this. Why don’t you all build a time machine and tell off Fitzgerald for starting a shaming campaign of men? and while your at it why don’t you tell them to let women fight in wars too?

12 years ago

You know, when I was an underage girl, on several occasions men pulled over and offered me a ride. Somehow I tend to doubt their intentions were pure since usually their response to my “No, thank you” was to try to talk me into it and once to scream that I was a stuck-up bitch.

12 years ago

I’m sure it will evoke lots of triumphant crowing here, but I’ll go ahead and share:

Dude, no one’s going to laugh at your child abuse. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you insist on making these statements that imply that all feminists (or at least the people hanging out here) all do internet high-fives whenever we read a story about a little boy who suffered child abuse? Have you ever actually seen or read a group of feminists making jokes about abused boys?

Try going to some of the larger, more mainstream feminist sites – Feministing, Bitch Magazine, Ms. Magazine, Feministe, fuck, even Jezebel – and look at a few articles and the comments. Try and find a blog post about child abuse, and see if you can find any indication in the article OR in the comments where anyone is LOLing hysterically because some little boy suffered abuse. If you can actually find anything, then feel free to make all the snide comments you want. But if you can’t, then shut the fuck up and stop implying that everyone who reads and comments on this blog is a terrible person.

I don’t comment a lot (though I have today, and that’s just good old-fashioned procrastination from studying) but I’ve been reading this blog and the comments for a while, and everyone who comments here is a decent person. If you’re going to pour out your life story by prefacing our lack of humanity, then I will kindly tell you to take your tragic story and blow it out your ass.

12 years ago

Rutee Katreya

“God I love it when you idiots think you have influence. Makes me smile XD”

Ah yes, a “smart” woman (female is more proper) who uses an child anime character to represent her, in the form of a Pokemon entertainment (What are you 30? Seriously? If you’re older then 10 then you have issues), believes that she along with her “gang” of manboobzers have “influence” on society.

But I do have to commend you, for along with your cartoon, using “XD” not only shows a clear lack of security in the guise of integrity, but also captures the sad state of caricatures that infest this site, whose avatars are equally (one place “equality” can be used in earnest) sad.

The only victory made by you ilk is the ability to apply strawmens in the form of Pikachu’s shit.

And in that victory, manboobzers, rejoice, unknowingly not seeming to know that normal people really don’t care about the state of affairs that manboozers revolve around.

If you walked down the street and stated that you were a manboobz supporter to some unfortunate stranger, he or she would not know who you are and what you stand for (although I could see a pedophile assumption being made). If they went the site, hosted by a cow of a man, they would run, as stupidity is cancerous.

In the real world, you would be mocked and shamed, along with your manboobzers, who feel (in their isolated mother’s basement) they are noble by helping society by shedding light on “misogyny.”

Just hope that no one knows who you really are by changing that cartoon to a real picture [as being accountable for your post would make you lose the rest of your 63 friends (however it wouldn’t surprise me if many of them are manboobzers themselves)]; I’m sure its for the best interest of us in society anyway.

12 years ago

To anyone who thinks that men cannot work with children or positively impact children’s lives, they obviously never met MR. ROGERS, who was (and still is) one of the most influential, kind, loving and patient human beings you could ever hope to meet.

Toxic stereotypical male gender roles are the problem. Not men.

Ever notice how the men howling loudest to keep themselves in the hierarchical pecking order imposed upon society by kings and lords always seem to be the ones who are the most brainwashed by it? And how much they have to gain by forcing us all back into roles that place the white, heterosexual, Christian male up at the tippy top so he can do whatever the hell he wants to the rest of the masses?

This isn’t a rights movement. It’s an anti-rights-for-everyone-else movement masquerading as a rights movement.

And FYI, just because some guys are paranoid as hell for absolutely no reason doesn’t mean there’s actually some dubious vaginal conspiracy.

12 years ago

Nice argument there tredgdrea

“well you have a pokemon avatar and the webhost is fat thus you’re wrong…nyah!!!”

12 years ago

but hey if avatars somehow influence arguments, what about usernames? Some MRA usernames include “Keyster” “Scatmaster” and “CooterBee”

LOLOL butts, poop and vaginas hurrrr!!!

12 years ago

Ah yes, a “smart” woman (female is more proper) who uses an child anime character to represent her, in the form of a Pokemon entertainment (What are you 30? Seriously? If you’re older then 10 then you have issues), believes that she along with her “gang” of manboobzers have “influence” on society.

But I do have to commend you, for along with your cartoon, using “XD” not only shows a clear lack of security in the guise of integrity, but also captures the sad state of caricatures that infest this site, whose avatars are equally (one place “equality” can be used in earnest) sad.

You are criticizing her avatar? Yeah that’ll show her!!!

I do find it funny you know its a pokemon though most people don’t know any pokemon past 2nd gen and her avatar is one from 4th gen. I am guessing you yourself know a bit more than you’d like us to believe. XD

12 years ago


hahaha! good point there…maybe he’s just looking for a pokemon battle xD

12 years ago

I’ll pull out my avatar to show you just how terrible feminist avatars are!!

And in that victory, manboobzers, rejoice, unknowingly not seeming to know that normal people really don’t care about the state of affairs that manboozers revolve around.

believes that she along with her “gang” of manboobzers have “influence” on society.

Yeah um we never expected it to have an influence that because the main purpose of this site is too MOCK. This site isn’t really working for activism for equal right though a lot of commentors here are human rights activists (which means they do things beyond this site). The other purpose is too inform people about mras, and yeah it has had an effect (remember SPLC took interest in the mrm). Me and many others would have never known about the mrm if it were not for david.

I don’t really care that the majority of the world does not know about this place. I like the limited group that shows up here, it makes it a very unique place. 🙂

12 years ago

oops there is my avatar XD

12 years ago

“But I do have to commend you, for along with your cartoon, using “XD” not only shows a clear lack of security in the guise of integrity, but also captures the sad state of caricatures that infest this site, whose avatars are equally (one place “equality” can be used in earnest) sad.”

I hate to break this to you chief, but this whole “Hurrr, yer all fat nerds whut lives in basements and I’m a million-bajillion times cooler than you and that’s why I’m here to tell you that, so you know how not cool you are” routine’s been done to fucking death by about 20 or 30 other halfasses like yourself all ready. And yes, that includes the ones who tried to use many big words so they sound more intelligent than the average cowardly bully who visits us. But don’t let me stop you, go ahead and take a shot at my avatar or whatever and further congratulate yourself on how badass you are.