dozens of upvotes evil women false accusations girl germs I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia reddit shit that never happened

Reddit MRA: My eminent businessman friend who is totally not made-up refuses to be alone in a room with a woman

This seems like a completely reasonable course of action:

Oh, by the way, I know a guy who’s a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and he can fly and turn invisible.

Not at the same time, though. When he forgets and turns invisible while flying, he plummets to earth.

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Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Neither of those statements are true. Read the news aggregrate Community of the Wrongly Accused (click straight through to the original sources) there is a constant shitstorm of false accusations.

That’s interesting, considering the rate is at slightly less than 2% for other crimes, and the only evidence that rape’s is any higher relies on the idea that every acquittal is by extension a false accusation. There’s also the fact that it’s very uncommon for an accusation of rape to result in a trial at all, let alone jail time.

The latter statement is especially untrue. Any man falsely accused of rape/pedophilia can expect to have his career destroyed,

Virtually every time I’ve seen this claim, the link to a story is ultimately of an anonymous dude who’s just fine after the fact. The only exception I recall was linked to the BS phenomena of facilitated communication, which was a rather unique case involving disabled children.

and will be at radically increased risk of beating or murder by vigilantes

(*Just off the top of my head in the UK we’ve had fatalities from: a doorstep shooting, and a mob chasing a guy off the top of a multistory car park. The mob who attacked a PEDIATRICIAN’s house fortunately did not succeed in killing anyone. Yes, that’s how stupid and extreme rape/pedo-hysteria is in the UK.)


Sorry, were you going to try to substantiate “THERE IS A HORRIDLY HIGHER RISK OF FATALITY BY VIGILANTE IN A RAPE TRIAL” with “THERE ARE TWO DEATHS TO VIGILANTISM IN THE COURSE OF HISTORY”? Because I suppose I should laugh, but I got finished catching up on Girl Genius so the bar for comedy has been raised.

12 years ago

@boonboom – it’s the assumption that Rodney Peterson must have done SOMETHING truly criminal that is embedded in your post and is endemic among your posters, that I take strong issue with.
1 – because that’s a knee-jerk response from sheeple everywhere whenever anyone is arrested
2 – because it’s mainly based on “feelings” not evidence, (nor law)
3 – a big part of the motivation for those “feelings” is that he (allegedly) looks “creepy”.
Swap creepy for “black”, “jewish” or whatever… Wow. That looks a bit prejudiced, huh?

Why don’t I think Rodders did anything criminal? Easy. All they charged him with was “disorder” – that’s what the cops nick people for when they have got NOTHING. The equivalent over here is “breaching the Queen’s peace” and it basically means “someone was upset” (no 1st ammendment over here. Watch your mouth.)

If he had done ANYTHING remotely threatening, if he had persisted after being told “no”, exited the car, so much as touched either girl?? the charges would run from: “harrasment” through “(sexual) assualt” to “attempted kidnapping”. But those aren’t the charges, so we know he did NOT do any of those things.

Someone “felt afraid”. And that’s what he’s charged with.

12 years ago

So, now that we have DNA evidence it’s even tougher and less likely for a man to actually be falsely convicted, right? And since when has anyone here been pro-jail-rape, Joe? 9_9

12 years ago

3 – a big part of the motivation for those “feelings” is that he (allegedly) looks “creepy”.
Swap creepy for “black”, “jewish” or whatever… Wow. That looks a bit prejudiced, huh?

I died of boredom from just this one tired bit. New trolls, please? Better ones?

12 years ago

I thought you had to be falsely CONVICTED before worrying about being on the sex offender’s list

12 years ago

Also the use of “sheeple” makes me think Joe is like… 19 years old. Am I in the ballpark? 😀

12 years ago


I’m surprised you got that far. As soon as I saw “sheeple” I knew I was in for a doozy

12 years ago

lolll.. ninja’d

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh, I forgot, if a man is actually JAILED on the strength of a false accusation (see all the DNA evidence currently vindicating falsely convicted men recently)

This doesn’t mean the woman falsely accused him (That is, created a whole cloth lie out of nothing). The innocence project (Which in the US does the very thing you are trying to suddenly claim is all about the lying women) doesn’t say the crimes didn’t take place. It says the person who was convicted didn’t do it. Those are very different statements. The innocence project has in a number of cases lead to the correct person being jailed; because the crime fucking happened, and they don’t claim for two seconds otherwise.

he will very probably be raped – for real – in prison.

“Very probably”? Really? I suppose the odds are slightly higher for a man in prison than a woman in the rest of society, but I wouldn’t say any given woman is ‘probably’ going to be raped either.

The systemic rape of male prisoners being widely approved of in US society as somehow a legit part of punishment for a crime.

Putting aside your tortured syntax, although most people don’t seem to give a fuck about prison rape, and it is a very real problem, it is also not as widespread as people think it is. Media myths to the contrary, the evidence gathered by self reporting suggests about 18 or 19% of men in prison are the victims of sexual assault (I don’t remember the precise odds for rape, specifically, but it’s obviously at least slightly lower).

But yes, people at large are terrible and view ‘rape’ as part of the just desserts of crime (in the US; this belief is strongly linked with dehumanizing criminals, which is less common in a number of other countries). Did you have a point beyond “We should treat criminals as people”?

12 years ago

Media myths to the contrary, the evidence gathered by self reporting suggests about 18 or 19% of men in prison are the victims of sexual assault (I don’t remember the precise odds for rape, specifically, but it’s obviously at least slightly lower).

If 1 in 3-6ish women are the victims of attempted sexual assault (some successful) then really prison for men sounds about comparable to society for women. :p

12 years ago

@everybody who’s saying it’s misogynistic for men to protect themselves from potential exposure to false accusation, and that you’re soooooo angry about thatt and you believe it’s due to x, y and z motivations…

Newsflash: Men don’t care. The downside of a false accusation is SO huge, (up to and including death), that your rants, your anger, fines from some footling law are inconsequential by comparison.

Men are so freaked out about this issue, whether you think it’s legit for men to be freaked out or not, that:

– men are avoiding helping lost children, and already one child has tragically drowned because of this:

“…one small detail that jumped out at me in the tragic story of Abigail Rae, the two-year-old who wandered off from her village playgroup and ended up dying in a garden pond. Tucked away at the end of yesterday’s inquest report was a line about how Clive Peachey, a bricklayer, drove past a child on her own, whom he later concluded had been Abby.

She was not walking straight, she was tottering, said Mr Peachey. “I kept thinking should I go back? One of the reasons I did not go back is because I thought someone would see me and think I was trying to abduct her.” ….”

– cab drivers are avoiding fares from young women especially if drunk late at night:
(if you go to CotFA / FRS and run a search for taxi / cab you’ll find a shitload of hits of young drunk women falsely accusing taxi drivers of sexual assualt / rape, because they don’t have fare / don’t want to pay. How do we know? Many of these women brag to their friends about it, some in advance.)

Expect to see more and more examples of men outright avoiding women and children in the Anglosphere. Don’t expect your anger about that to make men feel you are any safer to be around.

It’s the principle of Non Serviam – you can try and browbeat us, fine us, shame us – but if we think it’s too dangerous to do X? in contrast to the consequences of not doing X? we just won’t do X.

The white feather doesn’t work anymore.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think it’s telling how often MRAs bring up prison rape ONLY in the context of false rape accusations.

Seems to me that a man in prison on a drug charge or for robbery (even if the conviction was totally legit!) deserves safety from rape, but MRAs don’t seem so bothered by that.

12 years ago

As to why men aren’t so worried about false accusations from other men?
– It would require the false accuser to bugger himself somehow, to create evidence. Which most men are not up for enduring.
– When men are the victims of rape they are largely not taken seriously, at all.

The latter is part of wide spectrum male disposability.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Swap creepy for “black”, “jewish” or whatever… Wow. That looks a bit prejudiced, huh?

Yeah, when you swap an actual oppressed minority’s descriptor in for a gender neutral term, that does look like prejudice. THose of us capable of a slightly higher level of thought recognize that ‘creepy people’ are not a disadvantaged minority, given how little happens to them except maybe members of the opposite sex don’t date them. Other statements that look bad when you substitute an actual oppressed minority:

“Rapists are terrible people who rape people.”
That’d look really bad if you substituted “Rapist” with “Hispanic” or “Gay”.

Why don’t I think Rodders did anything criminal?

Strictly speaking, both charges are also used to collect evidence for other crimes though.

Also, that is a telling choice of adjectives, because a lot of shitty, horrible things are not, strictly speaking, illegal

. But those aren’t the charges, so we know he did NOT do any of those things.

Do you know when charges are formally filed, perchance?

12 years ago

FBI’s latest stats for false rape accusation was 8% of all allegations (as I recall)

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

– It would require the false accuser to bugger himself somehow, to create evidence. Which most men are not up for enduring.

So the women who false accuse men of rape are more willing to penetrate themselves? You know that evidence collection (bloody clothes, body fluid samples, etc.) are standard procedure for these kinds of things, right? This is why they tell you not to shower after an assult, so you don’t screw up the evidence.

12 years ago

Girl 1: I got so hammered last night! Then I took a cab home, but didn’t feel like paying, so I spent 7 hours at the police station so that I could falsely accuse the driver of rape!!!

Girl 2: That’s my girl!! Sounds like an epic night!!!

12 years ago

The FBI is just sheeple! Everyone knows that *all* rape claims (by women) are fabricated, purely out of malice!

12 years ago

Girl 3: That’s nothing! Once I accused an entire cab company of rape, which was physically impossible as they were all in different parts of the city at the time, but the entire company was promptly thrown in maximum security prison, because that’s how rape trials work! It was totes lolzers!

12 years ago

So many false rape claims involve no actual accused person. Some woman goes to the police station and says some dude did something… there is no dude, and the woman is prosecuted for wasting valuable resources, and rightfully so.

But invented men don’t need to protect themselves, and it’s not right for them to include those stats, I think. Not that anyone does stats with those taken out, I’m just saying, that has to be factored in to those percentages.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

So let’s see if I understand Joe correctly:

If a man is raped, physical evidence and an interview at the police station is required for conviction.

If a woman is raped, she doesn’t even have to file. She just points to a cabdriver, says “He raped me!” and he’s convicted without any evidence present AND she doesn’t have to fill out any paperwork.

That how it works, Joe?

12 years ago

I weep to think of the fates of even truly accused rapists, whose lives have become mere shadows of what they once were — rapists like Ben Roethlisberger, Kobe Bryant, Julian Assange, Isaac Brock, Roman Polanski. Shamed from polite society after their good names were tainted by Rape Accusations from Women! For Shame, y’all! It truly is an indication of how very seriously rape accusations are treated, seeing how these men’s lives have fallen to shambles after they were accused of rape.

12 years ago

@ joe “@boonboom – it’s the assumption that Rodney Peterson must have done SOMETHING truly criminal that is embedded in your post and is endemic among your posters, that I take strong issue with.”

This is NOT in my post. Stop projecting. I said we don’t know from the article why he was charged. Also my first post said, (and my second one) that he could have been charged for prejudice based on hair, economic status, educational status (poor use of language) etc. and if it was a black man I would include possible racism.

So fuck you and your lying.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

If 1 in 3-6ish women are the victims of attempted sexual assault (some successful) then really prison for men sounds about comparable to society for women. :p

The same measures for women are roughly 16%, yes.

Called it, he uses “False Rape Society” as a real source. That’s friggin’ hilarious.

Expect to see more and more examples of men outright avoiding women and children in the Anglosphere. Don’t expect your anger about that to make men feel you are any safer to be around.

God I love it when you idiots think you have influence. Makes me smile XD

The white feather doesn’t work anymore.

…Clarification requested: is this another complaint about how one subset of recruiters in UK during WWI was women, or a different reference entirely?

FBI’s latest stats for false rape accusation was 8% of all allegations (as I recall)

You recall wrong. Further, you are demonstrating the point of many feminists by primarily raising this concern about rape. The majority of crime reports don’t involve rape, yet that is the only one you fear. Doesn’t say what you think it does, let me tell you what.

And you idiots need to stop trying to shanghai the innocence project into your sexist tirades.