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Reddit MRA: My eminent businessman friend who is totally not made-up refuses to be alone in a room with a woman

This seems like a completely reasonable course of action:

Oh, by the way, I know a guy who’s a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and he can fly and turn invisible.

Not at the same time, though. When he forgets and turns invisible while flying, he plummets to earth.

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12 years ago

Good to know he’s not crazy or over cautious.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Why are his wife and daughter okay? They’re women too!

12 years ago

‘Cause those crazy bitches love nothing more than to ruin an innocent man’s life, amirite? It’s one of women’s favorite pasttimes, falsely accusing men.

12 years ago

It’s not women this CEO doesn’t trust. He doesn’t trust himself. (If he exists, that is.)

12 years ago

My mommy taught my brother and I exactly the same thing when I was only six, except she said it was men that you should never be alone with. Maybe he got confused.

12 years ago

So, what did the guy do? Offer to trade them a ride for a blowjob? That is how it is usually done, and it is indeed disorderly.

12 years ago

The news story does seem stupidly histrionic, if what happened is what’s reported to have happened.

12 years ago

What news story, Graham?

12 years ago

Reverse what the commenter there is saying, substitute man and radical feminist. PAUL ELAM would REGISTER HER.

I mean a woman can’t even openly worry about her toddler daughter having her pants pulled down in a preschool by a man, so come on now 1000 gigibyte reward for the person that can come up with this “minor public figure”‘s doxx now.

12 years ago

To paraphrase the joke, just because he’s paranoid doesn’t mean they’re out to get him.

12 years ago

You know, I asked him what news story, and then I was thinking to myself, duh, like I do sometimes. So yes, I just got back from reading that.

Look kids are NOT supposed to get into cars with people they don’t know offering rides. Either they were disturbed over a vibe, or just disturbed due to training. If it was creepy behavior that led them to feel something was not right and they reported it, they did the right thing. If the person investigating got the feeling the person was not on the up and up maybe that’s why he was charged. However… it could be a case of prejudice over hair economic status, speaking ability, etc. In which case it’s sad, but people should be aware that countless kids go missing each year. Someone is taking them. It’s usually not carpool moms on their way home from or to a day of shopping, but lone men, or more than one.
Sorry but that’s the way the cookie crumbles. I also would tell kids not to trust younger women that are not alone, Women are involved in trafficking, in fact it’s common for at least one woman to be involved in trafficking orgs.

But what does THIS have to do with a possible FALSE accusation? Oh that’s right?

12 years ago

I wish these guys would learn that “woman” is singular and “women” is plural. It’s always a douchebag red flag for me, right up there with a dude who uses “females”

12 years ago

Oh my goodness, I didn’t know Samuel was the leader of an 800+ employee company!

12 years ago

here’s the story.

i was taught from an early age not to get in cars with strangers. A guy once stopped and offered me a lift when i was tottering home after a night out and had blown my last fiver on a pint rather than a taxi. i declined politely, he offered again, i pointed out that no matter what he knew his intentions to be, i couldn’t know them so therefore i couldn’t get in his car. he then drove off and i got home safely.

12 years ago

so how is this any different than when feminists (supposedly) claim that all men are rapists and women should be afraid? how come that is misandry but MRAs avoiding being alone with women is just common sense?

hypocritical fucks.

12 years ago

I have known a guy who had the ‘won’t drive alone with a woman’ rule. But he was a Church minister, so it was more about the appearance of doing right than him actually worrying he or any woman would try and do anything. It was more about avoiding any possible gossip. And even then, it wasn’t a completely hard and fast rule, just a case of if someone else can drive or someone else be there, they should.

(I’ve posted here once before, but mostly I’m a lurker, I read but don’t comment)

12 years ago


Predictably there are MRAs in that comment section. Ugh…if an adult can’t see why it’s inappropriate to offer teenage girls he/she does not know a ride then there is no hope for them. As usual they’ll blame feminists and women…instead maybe they ought to blame the rapists, pedos and serial killers who do horrific things that cause us to not take rides from people we don’t know.

Not taking rides from men you don’t know…that’s misandry!!!

12 years ago

In other words, this person, if he exists, is so irrationally hateful towards women that he tries to keep them out of a number of professional spaces. Tell me again that there’s no sexism in business…

12 years ago


i was just typing a response to your comment along the exact same lines of how misandrous it was for them to not take the offered lift in the car.


And like you say, and like the guy who offered me a lift and like Rebecca Watson speaking about that guy in the elevator, if you can’t see what you are doing is inappropriate, then maybe you should reflect for a little while on why women are so safety conscious.

also everything in that story makes sense until he gets charged? of course it will be due to the global feminazi control of rural police stations i am sure.

12 years ago

i was just typing a response to your comment along the exact same lines of how misandrous it was for them to not take the offered lift in the car.

Let’s just say, hypothetically, that these same two girls accepted a ride from a stranger, who then assaulted them. What you suppose the MRAs would say about that? I know I have a theory…

12 years ago

Oops. Modded.

12 years ago

In other news, my Canadian girlfriend’s dog ate my homework.

12 years ago

Paul Elam said he refuses to be alone or talk with a woman alone on one of his podcasts but I forgot which one, therefore I must be lying heh

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

In other words, this person, if he exists, is so irrationally hateful towards women that he tries to keep them out of a number of professional spaces. Tell me again that there’s no sexism in business…


Sometimes the “but we just want equality” and the “but men really are superior” kinda hit head-on, don’t they?

All they want is equal treatment for the poor oppressed men… who are actually rich oppressors but only because they deserve it and women don’t.

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