Tom Martin, a former gender studies student at the London School of Economics, recently became a minor celebrity amongst Men’s Rights activists and other angry men when he sued his alma mater for alleged sexism against men.
He’s now had his case thrown out of court. Let’s go to the Camden New Journal for details:
Tom Martin, 39, who lives in Covent Garden, claimed he suffered “anti-male discrimination” while studying for a master’s degree in gender, media and culture at the world-famous university in Holborn.
Representing himself at his application for a trial at the Central London County Court on Tuesday, Mr Martin complained of a lack of men-only sessions in the university’s gym and the preponderance of posters in the corridors advertising services for women without the presence of similar materials geared towards men.
Mr Martin, who describes himself as a feminist, said “hard” chairs in the library were uncomfortable for men and that a “male blaming culture” was evident in course materials, which “ignored men’s issues” and focused on wrongs done by them.
Damn those misandrist chairs and their man-hating hardness!
The judge didn’t buy it, saying Martin’s case had essentially no chance of success. He threw out the case and ordered Martin to pay LSE’s legal costs.
Martin, welcome to reality.
On Twitter, Martin responded to the news by calling his critics “whores.” One of many examples:
But I was really discriminated against, you whores!
And, yes, his Twitter handle is indeed Sexismbusters.org.
EDITED TO ADD: Actual headline today on What Men are Saying About Women:
EDITED AGAIN TO ADD: Tom Martin has replied to this post in the comments. Some highlights:
My legal complaint did NOT involve a complaint about the seating. You have been misled by the press – The Times and the West End Extra/Camden New Journal both mysteriously got it wrong.
One year prior to joining the university, when visiting its library, I did complain, that the seating being hard created a greater disadvantage for men than for women, as men have considerably smaller weight-bearing buttock pads than women, and men are heavier too – so for men, on average heavier than women, have more weight bearing down onto a pad which is approximately four times smaller than women’s on average – according to a BBC documentary on the subject.
He then details his attempts to fight this grave injustice. Also, there’s this:
[S]everal comments here are confusing ‘whore’ with ‘slut’. A slut has sex freely, which I am all for. Freedom of association is the ultimate in humanity. A whore charges for sex. Even if a woman is a virgin, but is waiting for Mr Right to buy her something, she’s a whore.
It’s counter-intuitive, but a lot of professional feminists are whores. They expect the government and men to do them special favours. They make up stories to convince men and government to believe that we all owe women something.
But really, if someone were keeping a tab, then…
Women owe men five years pension.
Women owe men some National Service.
Women owe men some inventions.
Women owe men positive discrimination in university curricula.
Women owe men some child access.
It’s women’s round at the bar too.
For the whole thing, see here.
For more charming quotes from Tom, see this post on the blog Butterflies and Wheels.
Tommy Boy: Pecunium,I have never said “all women are whores”. On the contrary, I have repeatedly said,about 97% of women are whores, as only about 3% of women have renounced prostitution in all its forms.
Yes you can (but will you?)
Whut? I’m a whore? How am I a whore? If I’m not a “prostitute”, why must I renounce it? What am I renouncing??
Even looking at the internal logic of that statement, you are saying all women are whores, as their natural state. Only by publicly renouncing, “prostitution in all its forms” are the able to escape.
QED, you think all women are whores.
Viola, let me clarify. I love women. I hate prostitution. There is, I maintain, a difference.
There is?
What is it?
I suppose I agree with the idea that you’re not born a woman, but need to become a woman. Prostitution might be the natural inclination for 25 days a month, but it is overcome by conscious, learned, practiced civility towards men.
Two year olds are the least humane, most selfish and violent apparently: There’s a vid out there somewhere of a man plonking one toy scooter into a group of tots, then leaving them to it. A violent scrum ensues.
On the learned civility point, I did an experiment in central London where I asked female passers by on camera, “Men are… ? and to the men, “Women are… ?”
Among the unwashed masses at Leicester Square in London, 30% of men said something negative about women and 60 odd percent of women said something negative about men – but when I did the same experiment outside LSE’s library, 0% of men said something negative about women and about 20% of women said something negative about men. The educated men in particular have learned not to blurt out something negative about women whilst the educated women don’t seem to have learned to practice the same level of civility.
Most women don’t seem to want to police each other out of gold digging yet. If anything, more women slut-shame women who have sex freely and don’t charge.
Feminism is largely mute on it, so it falls to people like me to call out the intransigence.
Hey gals! Feminists never talk about slut shaming!
Thanks Tom! Now I know I’m doing feminism wrong!
Tom, you’re an idiot. X came way before the Pixies. Per Ubu did start around the same time as X, but in a different part of the country.
I love the baby horse! May I submit this moist owlet in the “brain bleach” category?
So Tommy… how am I a whore? How is it that you said women never, and we showed you that women do, but you don’t care?
How about you explain what it is that differentiates “nice women” from “prostitutes”?
Answers, or shut the fuck up.
Pillowinhell thinks I said
Hey gals! Feminists never talk about slut shaming!
Feminists never talk about the whoriarchs, in maternal gatekeeping guardian roles, advising girls and young women to protect their usufruct fiefdoms, to go for men with money, prepared to donate it her way just for showing up at the party. Sounds like a shit party in a brothel! At some point, some charismatic feminist somewhere will get round to breaching the subject in public with the female audience, head on.
Person with Manboobz tattoo
Good point. As a real feminist, I hereby renounce prostitution
in all its forms. Do you accept cash, bartender?
Carlsberg don’t do feminists.
HellKell says:
Tom, you’re an idiot. X came way before the Pixies. Per Ubu did start around the same time as X, but in a different part of the country.
Hellkell, it was total idiocy, chalk that one up in your corner, for your side. Choose any colour of star for yourself. Everyone’s a winner. You’re on a roll, just like X probably.
Pecunium, I think you know the difference between nice people and whores. Do unto others etc. The golden rule, don’t piss on him (even if he asks).
That was an impressive lack of sense.
That was goooooooooooooooooood.
Renewing my call for some kind of (limited or total) banning of Tommy Boy. He’s just … useless.
I might vote to keep him if he’d come up with some new material, but that doesn’t seem to be happening.
Ok, I’m just guessing here Tommy Boy, because you’re fairly incomprehensible, but are you saying that the 97% who are whores are whores because they a) have sex and b) sometimes receive things from men that they didn’t buy from those men? Or perhaps the sex is irrelevant, and it’s just about women getting things without paying for them with money they earnt?
What about when women do things for men? Are the men whores too? Are the only people who aren’t whores the ones who have no friends and only ever get anything by working for the money and then buying it themselves?
Do you never allow anyone to do any favours for you Tommy? Do you refuse all presents even on your birthday? Do you never go to anyone else’s house in case they offer you a cup of tea? Or do you just insist on paying for the cup of tea?
Tom, we can’t talk until we agree on terms.
I think a prostitute is someone who takes money, in a direct exchange for sex, as a purely business transaction.
Dinner and drinks before fucking don’t count. Being a stay at home partner doesn’t count. Taking advantage of all the things “men” have created int he past doesn’t count.
Quid Pro Quo is the only thing that counts. “Give me £X and I’ll fuck you” = prostitute, nothing else.
WTF? 97% of all women are whores, and 3% of women have renounced prostitution in all its forms.
But the difference between a whore and a nice person is that a whore will piss on somebody and, what, 3% of women won’t? So giving up prostitution in all its forms means following the golden rule?
This from a man who does every fucking thing in bad faith?
Tom, you make less and less sense every comment you post.
You’re spot on pecunium. Tommy here has basically mangled the word until it’s no longer recognisable.
He doesn’t seem to understand how interpersonal relationships work.
He’s like a shotgun full of alphabet soup.
So, if I’m interpreting this correctly, Tom thinks that 97% of women are into watersports?
“Golden rule” *snrk*
Cassandra said’
I might vote to keep him if he’d come up with some new material, but that doesn’t seem to be happening.
Cassandra, the material girl?
Let’s hear it, treacle.
We all love a laugh.
Yes we can. Wooooo!
Kim said,
He doesn’t seem to understand how interpersonal relationships work.
Interpersonal relationships which are no work work. I don’t know nothing.
I think I see someone who’s had a few too many ABUs.
He is definitely drunk. And also boring.
What’s an ABU? I mean, I Googled it but I got lots of clearly irrelevant results.
Well, he was right on that one, if only because there’s no such thing.
Yup, pissed as a fish is Tom. D’you think he’s over visiting Joe? Spilling their beer on a shared keyboard? Aini’t it sweet …
An Abu is a feisty little monkey.