Tom Martin, a former gender studies student at the London School of Economics, recently became a minor celebrity amongst Men’s Rights activists and other angry men when he sued his alma mater for alleged sexism against men.
He’s now had his case thrown out of court. Let’s go to the Camden New Journal for details:
Tom Martin, 39, who lives in Covent Garden, claimed he suffered “anti-male discrimination” while studying for a master’s degree in gender, media and culture at the world-famous university in Holborn.
Representing himself at his application for a trial at the Central London County Court on Tuesday, Mr Martin complained of a lack of men-only sessions in the university’s gym and the preponderance of posters in the corridors advertising services for women without the presence of similar materials geared towards men.
Mr Martin, who describes himself as a feminist, said “hard” chairs in the library were uncomfortable for men and that a “male blaming culture” was evident in course materials, which “ignored men’s issues” and focused on wrongs done by them.
Damn those misandrist chairs and their man-hating hardness!
The judge didn’t buy it, saying Martin’s case had essentially no chance of success. He threw out the case and ordered Martin to pay LSE’s legal costs.
Martin, welcome to reality.
On Twitter, Martin responded to the news by calling his critics “whores.” One of many examples:
But I was really discriminated against, you whores!
And, yes, his Twitter handle is indeed
EDITED TO ADD: Actual headline today on What Men are Saying About Women:
EDITED AGAIN TO ADD: Tom Martin has replied to this post in the comments. Some highlights:
My legal complaint did NOT involve a complaint about the seating. You have been misled by the press – The Times and the West End Extra/Camden New Journal both mysteriously got it wrong.
One year prior to joining the university, when visiting its library, I did complain, that the seating being hard created a greater disadvantage for men than for women, as men have considerably smaller weight-bearing buttock pads than women, and men are heavier too – so for men, on average heavier than women, have more weight bearing down onto a pad which is approximately four times smaller than women’s on average – according to a BBC documentary on the subject.
He then details his attempts to fight this grave injustice. Also, there’s this:
[S]everal comments here are confusing ‘whore’ with ‘slut’. A slut has sex freely, which I am all for. Freedom of association is the ultimate in humanity. A whore charges for sex. Even if a woman is a virgin, but is waiting for Mr Right to buy her something, she’s a whore.
It’s counter-intuitive, but a lot of professional feminists are whores. They expect the government and men to do them special favours. They make up stories to convince men and government to believe that we all owe women something.
But really, if someone were keeping a tab, then…
Women owe men five years pension.
Women owe men some National Service.
Women owe men some inventions.
Women owe men positive discrimination in university curricula.
Women owe men some child access.
It’s women’s round at the bar too.
For the whole thing, see here.
For more charming quotes from Tom, see this post on the blog Butterflies and Wheels.
All those feminist wankers trying to pretend men are selling sex on a par with women, are nowhere nearer to renouncing prostitution either.
Ladies, you have had expensive educations, surpassing men’s in duration. Your parents assisted you more with university fees than they did their sons. The jobs market is set up to positively discriminate in your favour if you’ll only put the effort in. Men are willing to do more childcare if you will only stop complaining about them not doing it right etc, and actually transfer the parental leave to them. Men have put men on the moon. All you need to do, is express some breast milk and get it into the fridge so you can return to your glorious careers and create or invent us all something useful. Please don’t invent us any more cupcakes though.
With positive discrimination these days, you women now have equality of opportunity, and equality of outcome, being offered to you on a plate – but a few too many of you are choosing the plate., “Ooh, a plate! … more cup cakes!”
The human race needs you to put down the crockery, and make a proper contribution to the advancement of civilization. Feminism’s “glass ceiling” story is the metaphorical glass ball and chain excuse for defeatism and inertia required for you never to have to leave the kitchen. We have microwave meals now – go and make yourselves a tad more useful.
Still he blathers on? Here are some cute twins:
Moreover, why does he expect women (whom he hates) to jump all over themselves to provide him with evidence that he’s wrong? I’ve started to answer his stupid little assertions about women/whores about a dozen times since last night, but the truth is (1) who gives a fuck if he knows what kind of person I am, and (2) it makes me sad that even a tiny part of me thinks it’s necessary to debate him on the subject of whether all women are whores.
Honestly, I’m squicked out by his entire line of conversation. We’re whores. We really need to prove to him that we’re not whores. He’s never going to believe us that we’re not whores, so we really better dewhorify ourselves good. It would be completely disgusting if it weren’t so fucking stupid and boring.
Hey guys, I went to see American Idiot and I thought it was good but didn’t like their interpretation of Whatsername. Have any of you seen it?
Stupid fucking penguin WHORES!!!
Sneezing fucking baby panda WHORE!
Tom is the best troll yet.
His wacky antics are more amusing that Antz.
Could he possibly be an anti-MRA, trying to damage the cause with his lunatic outbursts?
Baby and dog, both WHORES:
Loudmouth Bengal cat WHORES:
Okay, I’m out for a while. Gotta make my WHORE dinner, clean my WHORE kittens’ litterbox, and keep working on my fucking WHORE of a thesis.
While most of Tom’s posts have gotten boring, I must admit to laughing out loud at this little explanation that all the things pop singers sing about are literally true of themselves.
Dammit, I’m totally drawing a blank on other pop songs that imply funny things about the singers. I mean, Sting comes to mind, but that’s just too easy.
Female penguins are whores:
Female humans can do so much better than female penguins though. Yes you can!
Omg are you for real? There is no way…
Oh since all women are “whores” was you mama one?
how is it he manages to say the opposite of “go make me a sammich” and STILL make it sound sexist?
simply amazing.
Damn it, Tom! I have the flu, and you made me laugh so had with your penguins bit that I had a coughing fit and almost choked. Say something that dumb again, and I’m suing you for criminal endangerment.
Penguins are whores. Huh.
…I Can’t Believe It’s Not A Poe.
“What evidence would prove you wrong?” question still open, btw.
He can’t possibly be real. But he can’t be a Poe because he actually did this IRL…can he?
Tom, I know you never answer anyone’s questions ever, but can you please please pretty please tell me why I should care if you think I’m a whore?
Say something that dumb again, and I’m suing you for criminal endangerment.
You have a better case than he did.
Oh since all women are “whores” was you mama one?
Can anyone refer me to the bit where I refer to “all women” as whores, because apparently, according to the reliable witnesses here and on my youtube video comments section, I do claim all women are whores somewhere or other, but I can’t remember ever saying that, and nobody can find the evidence of it. For the record, I would never claim all women are whores. I’d put it at around the 97% mark in my estimation – so back off, haters.
The glass is 3% full.
Oh, please tell who isn’t a whore, by your definition. We need role models!
Tom Martin, you are a gem.
A gem who doesn’t seem to understand that “whore” is a word that has a definition, but a gem.
Tom chooses to answer THAT question but not mine? MINE WAS ASKED IN ALL SERIOUSNESS.
…I don’t think 97% of women have even had sex.
I guess if you (in Tom Martin’s estimation) ever get anything from any man, even things that you’re supposed to get because society, you can be a whore without even having sex?
So, if I send my mum a present for mother’s day, which she fully expects, she’s not a whore, but if my brother or dad does, she is!