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MRA Comics Cavalcade, Part One: The Pigman and Pals

Reading this blog, you might get the impression that Men’s Rights activists lack a sense of humor. Not so! Some of them even make their own hilarious comics! I’d like to celebrate three of the finest MRA cartoons I’ve seen thus far in the first edition of what I’d like to call the MRA Comics Cavalcade. Click the thumbnails to go to the (full-sized) comics themselves.

In this edition of the popular The Pigman Cometh, the aforementioned Pigman, who has apparently killed a woman, dances with her corpse while spouting humorous remarks about how women and marriage suck. This comic is written by one dude, and drawn by another. Yes, it takes two people to produce masterpieces like this.Two separate people.


In this NSFW cartoon found on the blog Wimminz, two evil feminists talk evilly about divorce and park in a handicapped parking space. Just like real feminists would! And then a guy has sex with, apparently, some sex dolls?


And, finally, in this edition of plasticBrickAutomaton, an evil feminist door-to-door saleswoman tries to sell some dude a weird and incorrect caricature of postmodernism. The guy cleverly parries her attempts to indoctrinate him by attaching a baby to a balloon and letting it float away, to ultimately meet its demise. (One imagines.) This got more than 100 upvotes when it was posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

More MRA Comics Cavalcades to come!

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12 years ago

If the last strip ended up being about a baby space explorer with a balloon, that might be funny.

12 years ago

-Shredded Moose: It thankfully ended, but women are either femnazis who look like Orcs (there is a moderately attractive straw feminist character) or something for the main character whack-off to. The main character has never met a woman who he doesn’t want to fondle or disrespect and even got a woman drunk enough so he could have sex with her prone body and toss her aside like a used Kleenx.

-Anything by Brooke McEldowney: Unless they are geezers, almost every woman Brooke writes is (or eventually becomes) an ultra-horny sex kitten. The creepy thing is the guys who get the most action look a lot like Brooke himself. One of the main characters, Edda, (a young ballerina) is based off his daughter who dates a guy who looks like a younger version of him.

-US Angel Corps: If you like scantly-clad, barely legal females getting mutilated in incredibly vile ways, then this is your comic.

I believe one of these things is not like the others.

I don’t think Edda’s sexuality is hurtful or aimed to exploit and/or take advantage of Amos.

McEldowney does find sexually aggressive women amusing, but he does not discard them from his strip after their strip is done with.

I don’t know what McEldowney looks like, so I don’t know about all his guys looking like him. Young!Amos doesn’t look very much like Juliet’s new husband, having a severe overbite and hair like spaghetti. Almost all of his women have the same face except for Sister Stephen and modern-day Edie.

Do you have a cite to back you up when you say Edda is based off of McEldowney’s daughter? Does McEldowney play the cello (I don’t know, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility)?

Generally speaking, I don’t get the vibe from Chickweed or Pibgorn that McEldowney is a bitter misogynist like everyone else we’ve been discussing.

12 years ago

Which is not to say that Chickweed or Pibgorn are not or cannot be problematic, but in this thread we’ve got a whole lot of expressions of hatred of women, and depictions of brutality against women …

… and one strip in which many of the characters engage in enthusiastic sex humor while enforcing society’s aesthetic norms and the only way you can tell them apart is by context and hair color.

12 years ago

Legorobot is very funny. I think his comic may have touched a nerve with all you overreacting tumblrites, but that doesn’t make it any less valid.

12 years ago

Arks, that was weak. After “hot buttered manatees,” and “slobbering crotch maws,” “overreacting tumblerites” just isn’t enough.

12 years ago

I brought my girlfriend and partner in to read the POSTMODERNISM! comic. They thought it was hilarious. They also didn’t realize until I told them that the lady was supposed to be what feminists actually believe.

12 years ago

Also, I tried my hand at making my own comic. It’s very funny & pertinent not that I expect you hairy-pitted gargoyles to appreciate it from up there on the cathedral of ignorance.

12 years ago

Racist, sexist, and badly written all in one go.

12 years ago

I hear selling meth to kids with cancer is very lucrative these days.

12 years ago

Oops, didn’t close italics tag. Internet hates me.

12 years ago

“The cathedral of ignorance” isn’t a patch on “gleaming opulent horse of superior Aryan intellect.”

“Hairy-pitted gargoyles?” So feminists don’t shave and are ugly? Wow, what cutting-edge humor … for 1964.

I will admit, Arks, your fasces made out of dildos was so ridiculous it brought a smile to my face. You do realize that fasces-with-an-axe-blade was a symbol of Ancient Rome and was adopted by Mussolini, not Hitler, don’t you? Because “feminazi” references Hitler, not Mussolini.

12 years ago

Wow, Arks, that was bad. Really, really bad.

12 years ago

@Falconer: Gynofascism ring any bells?

12 years ago

These comics are a lot funnier when you’re under the influence of lots of medication. Especially the Arks one. It’s like someone rendered YouTube comments in comic form.

12 years ago

Gynofascism? What a fascinating, original, and valid connection to make. Truly, it cuts to the heart of modern feminism, exposing it for what it really is, in but a few ruthlessly bladed syllables.

12 years ago

The thing about Feminist Marxist blah blah blah?
Feminists control the means of production. MRAs firmly believe that they should control the means of production.
What are the means of production you might ask, if it is not what Marx says it is.
I know it is absurd, but they do have Augustine backing them up.

Also, yes I know, and you know, that Feminists do not control women, but MRAs think they do and that is all that matters. To them.

12 years ago

@Arks: Because, of course, only women use dildos.

And gynofascism:feminazi::mangina:pussy.

i.e., a new term created because of push-back on an old term, but which nevertheless displays no understanding of why the old term got pushback in the first place.

12 years ago

And it still doesn’t make your dildo fasces not ridiculous.

12 years ago

Gah, Poe’s law in action.

12 years ago

It’s great because Michael Cera makes anything awesome. The Dildo fasces is a work of genius.

12 years ago

Oh, hey, Arks is back. I almost forgot he existed for a while.

12 years ago

Arks’s comic has to be at least somewhat tongue-in-cheek…he has a woman saying “In Russia, we…” while displaying the Ukrainian flag.

12 years ago

Sorry Arks, your comic fails to offend, only amuse.

12 years ago

MRAs shouldn’t quit their day jobs of keyboard smashing. As someone who does art professionally this is really painful to look at. Children draw better thank this…eesh.

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