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MRA Comics Cavalcade, Part One: The Pigman and Pals

Reading this blog, you might get the impression that Men’s Rights activists lack a sense of humor. Not so! Some of them even make their own hilarious comics! I’d like to celebrate three of the finest MRA cartoons I’ve seen thus far in the first edition of what I’d like to call the MRA Comics Cavalcade. Click the thumbnails to go to the (full-sized) comics themselves.

In this edition of the popular The Pigman Cometh, the aforementioned Pigman, who has apparently killed a woman, dances with her corpse while spouting humorous remarks about how women and marriage suck. This comic is written by one dude, and drawn by another. Yes, it takes two people to produce masterpieces like this.Two separate people.


In this NSFW cartoon found on the blog Wimminz, two evil feminists talk evilly about divorce and park in a handicapped parking space. Just like real feminists would! And then a guy has sex with, apparently, some sex dolls?


And, finally, in this edition of plasticBrickAutomaton, an evil feminist door-to-door saleswoman tries to sell some dude a weird and incorrect caricature of postmodernism. The guy cleverly parries her attempts to indoctrinate him by attaching a baby to a balloon and letting it float away, to ultimately meet its demise. (One imagines.) This got more than 100 upvotes when it was posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

More MRA Comics Cavalcades to come!

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12 years ago

Wait, what?! The Something Awful author describes TPC as a “liberal.”

12 years ago

RE: fatcat

I suspect that there were probably underlying issues besides the darn toilet seat. I mean, I lived in a place where two guys were feuding like mad over the thermostat, and even when the thermostat was rolled down to forty, that alone wasn’t enough to drive them out. (THAT happened when the guy with the axe got rowdy!) Then again, maybe some folks really DO care about that.

RE: the art

*shrug* I admit I don’t much care for the art at all, but it achieves its purpose, which is to frame the message. The framing is static, the colors are flat, and the anatomy is amateurish, but it does its job, so in my mind, it’s totally serviceable. Just not memorable.

12 years ago

Cloudiah, that website is pretty awesome. And a billion time prettier than all the “calvalcade” combined.
And xkcd is the best, obviously.

12 years ago

“I have to interject here and say I know some people who got into a huge fight about the toilet seat. A few months ago one of my friends moved in with another man and two women, and they got into a screaming match about the seat (which the men always left up). Three of those people ended up moving out of the house”

Wow! I live with 4 guys and I’m incredibly tolerant of the toilet seat thing, as are they. I really don’t see what the big deal is.

I don’t either. It’s one of those silly myths Hollywood and the media spouts out, a myth too many people take seriously. The idiots.

12 years ago

Asking someone if they wouldn’t mind putting down the seat when they are done with it, is like asking someone not to leave a drawer open. If you’re the one who opened it, you’re the one who closes it.It’s not that big a deal until the guy you live with starts screaming bloody murder at you for asking him about it.
“you’re a big girl, put it down yourself.”
“Ok, but if it’s such a menial task that any monkey could do it, why aren’t you?” Then I was yelled at for being so difficult.

12 years ago

They really do an amazing job of showing just how “oppressed” they are, don’t they? “Sure, women are paid less for the same work, and are significantly more likely to be raped, and are still persistently discriminated against on every level of our society, and that’s not even getting into the additional major problems for women in developing countries – but one time when I was 11 my mom told me not to leave the toilet seat up! MY LIFE IS SO HARD, YOU GUYS.”

This calls for another Marmoset LOL.

12 years ago

Okay, it’s not his best quote, but this actually looks like Antz icon:

Off to a meeting about ancient Egyptian architecture. Weird day.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

My toilet seat reasoning is:
A) Men sometimes sit and sometimes stand when they go potty. Women almost always sit. Therefore, it is statistically more likely that the potty will be needed for sitting, so the seat should be left down.

B) The worst consequence of someone not noticing the seat is down is a messy seat. The worst consequence of someone not noticing the seat is up is falling in the toilet. Worst-case-scenario logic requires the seat to be left down.

(Worst-case-scenario logic also demands the lid never be down because of this one really unfortunate experience I had once when I had to go really badly and I didn’t look and I peed on a closed toilet lid.)

C) Despite the impeccable logic of A and B, I am not going to start a major relationship-disrupting fight over this.

12 years ago


I suspect the point, for some of them at least, is that they don’t want their wives to have jobs.

Why then some of them whinge then that “teh wimminz r steelin’ all r $” I can’t figure. If you say married women shouldn’t work outside the house, it naturally follows that they are going to depend on their husbands a lot more for shit.

Though I imagine the answer to that too is that wives need to stop being people who want and/or need stuff independently of their husbands.

Silly ladies, thinking they are people with their own thoughts, opinions and desires!

Major Kong
Major Kong
12 years ago

So, after looking at those cartoons all I can say is:

Wow. Just wow. I got nothin’

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

I used to think you were supposed to shut the lid to keep germs from spreading when you flush. Mythbusters showed that the germs are everywhere anyway, and shutting the lid doesn’t make much of a difference keeping people healthy. I shut the lid anyway out of habit. And yes, that is misandry.

12 years ago

I scanned the comments and couldn’t see a link to this already, so:
Here is a splendid post by Richie at Crimitism, who hasn’t posted in a while but made the mocking of MRA, or just sexist, comics quite an art form.
And here’s another because I heart them so much.

12 years ago

FiletofSwedishBoyfriend and our new roommate very frequently leave the seat up. It’s NBD until I have to pee in the night and plunk my arse right into icy toilet water, but even then I just kinda stand back up, dry off, put the seat down, pee, and go back to bed.

12 years ago

The only toilet courtesy I ever demand is to not leave pee on the seat or on the floor (yes, that has happened in my house before).

12 years ago

‘Feminist Futur’ is an amazing piece of work.

12 years ago

Finally got the third comic to open properly. I am intensely curious as to what the writer of that comic thinks “cis” means. (My best guess would be something like, “It doesn’t mean anything; feminists just make up random words as part of an evil plot to…be evil. And oppress men! Because that is what feminists do. YEAH.”)

12 years ago

You put the seat AND the lid down, then you flush, because otherwise you’re spraying toilet all over your toothbrushes.

No, I don’t always put the lid down either, but let’s face it, if you don’t put the lid down, that’s what is happening.

12 years ago

DKM, its been noted that women live longer than men, provided one thing happens, that women have few to no children.

It was noted in nuns and monks centuries ago. Both groups lead very ascetic lives with minimal comforts. Both groups live longer than the general population, but child birth generally ensured that men outlived women. For nuns, they lived longer because they typically don’t have pregnancies. So, shall we say women live longer because Nature?

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@everyone- What is the origin of the AntZ “foreign bride” meme? I know he’s married, but why “foreign brides” specifically?

12 years ago

Uh, that wimminz blog… wow. It’s, um, something.

12 years ago

M Dubz – because he once referred to his wife as his FOREIGN BRIDE in all caps.

12 years ago


The other day, before attemtping and failing a magnificent flounce, he explicitly stated that he was heading off to join his “FOREIGN BRIDE”, and yes, those words were in all caps.

12 years ago

Yeah, he was bragging about getting some “lovin’ ” from his “FOREIGN BRIDE” in another thread a little while back.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Oh man, I am sorry I missed that party.

*is not sorry at all*

12 years ago

It was pretty hilarious, actually.