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MRA Comics Cavalcade, Part One: The Pigman and Pals

Reading this blog, you might get the impression that Men’s Rights activists lack a sense of humor. Not so! Some of them even make their own hilarious comics! I’d like to celebrate three of the finest MRA cartoons I’ve seen thus far in the first edition of what I’d like to call the MRA Comics Cavalcade. Click the thumbnails to go to the (full-sized) comics themselves.

In this edition of the popular The Pigman Cometh, the aforementioned Pigman, who has apparently killed a woman, dances with her corpse while spouting humorous remarks about how women and marriage suck. This comic is written by one dude, and drawn by another. Yes, it takes two people to produce masterpieces like this.Two separate people.


In this NSFW cartoon found on the blog Wimminz, two evil feminists talk evilly about divorce and park in a handicapped parking space. Just like real feminists would! And then a guy has sex with, apparently, some sex dolls?


And, finally, in this edition of plasticBrickAutomaton, an evil feminist door-to-door saleswoman tries to sell some dude a weird and incorrect caricature of postmodernism. The guy cleverly parries her attempts to indoctrinate him by attaching a baby to a balloon and letting it float away, to ultimately meet its demise. (One imagines.) This got more than 100 upvotes when it was posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

More MRA Comics Cavalcades to come!

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12 years ago

“Brides aren’t women?”

Bahahahaha! Nah, brides are just money vampires!

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Toilet seats, amirite? What’s up with airplane food? Have you ever talked into a fast food speaker and it sounded like static? What’s up with that?

12 years ago

Let’s all wash our brains out with real comic humor:

12 years ago

How’s it going with the FOREIGN BRIDE, AntZ? She know she’s up for replacement?

12 years ago

Toilet seats, amirite? What’s up with airplane food? Have you ever talked into a fast food speaker and it sounded like static? What’s up with that?

Did you hear the one about bad women drivers? They’re bad!

12 years ago


I’m dying! As soon as I get a little life back in me, I’m gonna go read my Yukon, Ho! and finish the job

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Did you hear the one about bad women drivers? They’re bad!

Yeah, that’s a goodun’. Also, women parallel parking, what’s the deal?

12 years ago

Did you hear the one about bad women drivers? They’re bad!

And mothers-in-law! Especially those of a religious-minority fashion!

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I know I already said this on the forum, but the guy in the second comic? Not paying his court costs, not paying his child support, out having fun, and doesn’t appear to be missing those kids who’d just cramp his threesome style anyway.

If this is a demonstration of the terrible plight of oppressed men, it’s a bit off target.

Both of the first two comics seem to be missing this little tradition we have where people get married because they love each other. Pigman’s right, marrying someone just to have sex and get your laundry done is a terrible idea… and most people who get married actually know that, thanks.

The third one I don’t even know, it’s just some incoherent mix of “rape can mean anything, therefore there’s no such thing as rape” and “privilege is a terrible insult they use to make you feel bad.”

12 years ago

Yeah, that’s a goodun’. Also, women parallel parking, what’s the deal?

They park! Badly! And they’re women! Parking! Hilarious stuff!

Tangentially, you know, I’m always kind of confused by dudes who claim women, particularly feminists can’t be funny and are humorless harpies and then think stuff like this is HIGHLARIOUS.

Like, seriously, my farts are better comedy fodder. And aren’t hurtful to anyone, I might add.

12 years ago

And showers, they’re always too hot or too cold, amirite?

12 years ago

wimminz apparently believes that those ‘learn to draw x’ panels on the backs of cereal boxes constitute a full artistic education

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Once, as a kid, I drew a comic about a talking cookie that drove a Pinto. It was way funnier than these.

Also, what’s up with airline flight schedules?

12 years ago

Holly: “…rape can mean anything, therefore there’s no such thing as rape”

It’s like NWO’s bit about how sexual harassment isn’t real because women cry sexual harassment over everything.

MRAs: Working Tirelessly to Trivialize Rape Since 2010.

12 years ago

Sometimes I feel bad because the artistic fields are very hard to break into. On my worse days I end up thinking there is no such thing as talent and that everyone has some technical drawing skills, so there is no use in trying.

Then I see shit like this.

Hey! MRAs have a use! Then again, i might be setting the bar a little low.

12 years ago


12 years ago

“Both of the first two comics seem to be missing this little tradition we have where people get married because they love each other.”

Love? What is this “love” you speak of?

12 years ago

I didn’t know it was opposite day.

Opposite day is Thursday.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Erm…I object at the blatant bigotry against zombies.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Object to. English: I is good at it.

12 years ago

AntZ if brides (and by extension FOREIGN BRIDES) are so awful, why did you marry a woman? You don’t actually have to get married, you know! I’m not very likely to get married; at very least, it won’t happen any time soon. That’s totally okay, right? Oh wait, no, that makes me a slutty slut slut that’s riding the Alpha Cock Carousel, and that’s terrible. But you’re a man, so that wouldn’t have applied! You could have had sex and/or dated and/or had children, all without marrying any brides! But then, I guess it’s hard to date or have sex with women when you’re simultaneously telling them they’re bad and dirty for dating and having with you instead of marrying some worthy beta.

You know what? I guess marrying your FOREIGN BRIDE was the best option of those you created for yourself.

12 years ago

Dating and having sex** with you. Worrrrds.

12 years ago

Dear MRAs/misogynists in general,

Please, please, please shut the fuck up about toilet seats already. Seriously, the only people even talking about this stupid-ass “issue” is YOU. IT’S ALL IN YOU FUCKING HEAD, GET OVER IT AND FUCKING GROW UP ALREADY.

They really do an amazing job of showing just how “oppressed” they are, don’t they? “Sure, women are paid less for the same work, and are significantly more likely to be raped, and are still persistently discriminated against on every level of our society, and that’s not even getting into the additional major problems for women in developing countries – but one time when I was 11 my mom told me not to leave the toilet seat up! MY LIFE IS SO HARD, YOU GUYS.”

(Also, seriously, has anyone ever heard of a case in real life in which a couple has even argued about the toilet seat, let alone gotten divorced over it? Here on planet earth, most guys seem to put the seat down because it’s not a big freaking deal, and if a guy forgets, the next person to use the bathroom puts the toilet seat down because it’s not a big freaking deal.)

12 years ago

Also, Antz actually said something true. I can’t get the third comic to open properly, either.

12 years ago

It’s worth nothing that even the horrible caricature of a divorced women still has a manipulative asshole for an ex. Anyone who denies support to their innocent children to try to punish and manipulate their ex is an asshole.