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MRA Comics Cavalcade, Part One: The Pigman and Pals

Reading this blog, you might get the impression that Men’s Rights activists lack a sense of humor. Not so! Some of them even make their own hilarious comics! I’d like to celebrate three of the finest MRA cartoons I’ve seen thus far in the first edition of what I’d like to call the MRA Comics Cavalcade. Click the thumbnails to go to the (full-sized) comics themselves.

In this edition of the popular The Pigman Cometh, the aforementioned Pigman, who has apparently killed a woman, dances with her corpse while spouting humorous remarks about how women and marriage suck. This comic is written by one dude, and drawn by another. Yes, it takes two people to produce masterpieces like this.Two separate people.


In this NSFW cartoon found on the blog Wimminz, two evil feminists talk evilly about divorce and park in a handicapped parking space. Just like real feminists would! And then a guy has sex with, apparently, some sex dolls?


And, finally, in this edition of plasticBrickAutomaton, an evil feminist door-to-door saleswoman tries to sell some dude a weird and incorrect caricature of postmodernism. The guy cleverly parries her attempts to indoctrinate him by attaching a baby to a balloon and letting it float away, to ultimately meet its demise. (One imagines.) This got more than 100 upvotes when it was posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

More MRA Comics Cavalcades to come!

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12 years ago

@David Futrelle
“Also, Qanan, how is the SPLC tainted by the fact that the RadFem hub suggests that people donate to them? The SPLC has zero control over that.”

Strange how RadFem hub isn’t list as a hate site? Let’s be honest here, Dave, manboobz is a hate site. Ahhh, but you, women and the SPLC have an excuse, right? The excuse being that the gang is ridiculing and hating the haters, correct? So while remaining aloof to any criticism of hatred, you get to name who a hater is, and are free to ridicule and hate. A bit totalitarian, wouldn’t you say?

What it really comes down to is, women, for generations have had carte blanche to ridicule and treat men like shit while demanding all men defer and even apologize for existing as a man. Over the past 5 or 10 years men have actually started throwing that hatred right back.

Women must’ve been shocked to the core when men started giving them the finger right back. It must’ve been worse than shock, kinda like when Charlton Heston said, “Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!” It had to have been disbelief when the underclass dared to voice anger for a lifetime of neglect and hatred.
I amazed at the longevity of the Rush thingy. The communist front is milking this for all it’s worth. Normally a story barely lasts a day. Funny how a single woman has her feelings hurt and it’s a “war on women.” Heck, even white knight Obama jumped on the bandwagon. And let’s be honest here, she wants all men to chip in for her condom/birth control insurance so she can fuck any man of her choosing. If I’m buying the condoms, I should get to fuck her. My money, my choice.
Here we have a woman reporter, Jody Corcoran (Sunday Independent, March 4, 2012).

“He is like men everywhere. They shout, they roar, they threaten. Eventually they may calm down but the damage is done. O Cuiv, like most men, will realise he should have listened to the voice of reason, which is usually the voice of a woman.”

She of course insulted every man. No doubt some men complained, probably even a few MRA groups. Will there be any withdrawing of advertising, any apology, any retribution at all? Where’s Gloria calling for her resignation? You can go to any MSM outlet and it’s just a daily occurance. A “study” how women are superior in some way. From parking cars to empathy, women are better.

Basically, the MSM, The State and the school system is one giant system of hatred directed towards men. Women demand to retain their carte blanche to demean men at every possible opportunity while remaining above all criticism. How else can you explain the way women reporters, politicians, or any women in power can so casually and non chalantly ridicule and just spew hatred against men and never suffer any consequences?

Is the excuse for that, “patriarchy” as well? Because men don’t take women as seriously? The reason men can’t take women as seriously is because if we did hold women to the same standards of common decency, no woman would be able to hold any job for more than a week. Women would have to stop callously wagging their tongue.
@Holly Pervocracy
“You know what’s a really supportive environment for suicidal men?

A movement that bombards them with the messages “everyone hates you for who you are,” “there are no social resources to help you,” “if you go to the authorities for any reason they will suspect you of wrongdoing,” “almost everyone you meet is either a white knight or a feminist and will betray you,” and “if you are heterosexual you will never know real love.”

Well, this is the world women have created. We live under womens law and social rules. Women can say and do anything without repercussion and men must always remain civil towards women. Every single woman politician, reporter, talk show host or any woman in power revels in demeaning men with total casual confidence that there will be no accountability for her actions. All women know they can literally kill any man and get away with it. Everyone knows it, it’s not a national secret.

Oh, and please stop pretending like women give a flying damn about men committing suicide. 25,000 straight men kill themselves every year in this country and it never even makes a byline in any paper. The only time it ever hits the papers is when ONE gay commits suicide. Oh, the women are up in arms then. It’s a suddenly national trajedy.
I have a challenge for you gals. You can show me how wrong I am. Show me that oodles of sympathy and empathy that abounds in women. The challenge is this. Go to every single womens group you can find and see if women donate more to animal shelters or shelters for homeless men.

If that’s too hard, perhaps this. Here is what women spend on kitty litter a year.

“The sale of environmentally safe litter will continue to increase and by 2009 will comprise 20% of the estimated total $1.1 billion in sales in the United States”

Women spend on average 1 billion dollars a year for cat crap. Go to every womens group you can find and see if women match that amount on helping men. I’m curious what women value more, men or a cats shit.
Sorry for such a long post, Dave. However, since I’m a man, I’m bad, therefore my words must be measured so as not to offend the privileged class. The privileged class has no such restrictions. Just quote any female politician, journalist or woman in power and see if they suffered any consequences for their foul words.

Oh, and make no mistake, Dave, you run a hate site here. Neither you, nor any of the commentors are spewing love.
“I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.”
Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.

She wasn’t fired and women cheered her.
“Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.”
Catherine Comin, Vassar College. Assistant Dean of Students.

She wasn’t fired and women cheered.
There isn’t enough room on the internet to post everything women say and remain unaccountable for. From laughing at men having their genitals mutilated, to State funded plays about kill men. Women simply adore treating men like shit. Since all the men in the world can’t get one woman reprimanded in any way for ridiculing all men, yet women can get a man punished for telling the truth about ONE woman, we know who as all the power. Nice world you’ve created ladies.
By the way, the challenge remains. Do women care more for a cats shit than the welfare of men. Take every single womens group, womens lawyers, all womens groups and see if they help men to the tune of 1 billon a year. I think at one time I said women value men less than animals. I just want to know if women value men less than animal shit.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh, like men never buy kitty litter.

12 years ago

Yeah, NWO has tons of empathy, for abusers. We do remember that you were advocating slavery for women, and ranting that domestic abuse should be legal.

12 years ago

Of course they don’t buy kitty litter Holly! That’s what women are for, to do the shopping and spend their money!

12 years ago

“Strange how RadFem hub isn’t list as a hate site? Let’s be honest here, Dave, manboobz is a hate site. Ahhh, but you, women and the SPLC have an excuse, right? ”

Wait, you think “women” are a hate group?

12 years ago

Out of all the utter ridiculousness in NWO’s latest screed, I think my favorite part is that all cats are owned exclusively by women. No man has ever owned a cat!

(Alternatively, I suppose, men could own cats but just not buy them litter and, presumably, just let them poop wherever? Living in a house filled with cat poop is MANLY now!)

12 years ago

“Over the past 5 or 10 years men have actually started throwing that hatred right back. ”

that’s very honest. Of course, it’s not all men, but past this projection it’s nice to see you’re realist about yourself.

12 years ago

Although I admit, while I love the cat thing, “All women know they can literally kill any man and get away with it. Everyone knows it, it’s not a national secret,” comes in a very close second for comedy value.

12 years ago

“Funny how a single woman has her feelings hurt and it’s a “war on women.”
When you say a woman is a slut because she wants bc to be covered by her insurance, you insults all women that wish their bc to be covered. So not ‘one’ woman.

12 years ago

“Well, this is the world women have created. We live under womens law and social rules.”

You do realize reality disagrees with you? Most of the lawmakers are men.

12 years ago

“Neither you, nor any of the commentors are spewing love.”

Are you kidding? It’s love, kittens and puppies half of the time in Manboobz.

12 years ago

“She wasn’t fired and women cheered her.”

All of us? I don’t even know the woman!

12 years ago


4Chan will IP ban individuals who trade cp. It’s not a foolproof way of keeping people out, but it at least enforces a sense of community standards.

12 years ago

NWO, can you also do the same challenge and check how much men spend for their pets or give to animal shelters and the like, compared to what they gives for men welfare. Not that actually think that choosing to care for your pet rather than giving to a charity means you hate anybody, but this challenge can’t work if you don’t compare it with something.

12 years ago

TGMoxley: Didn’t know that, thx.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

This is gonna come as a total shock, but I don’t think animal shelters or homeless shelters publicly break their donors down by gender.

I also don’t think “stop buying kitty litter and give the money to charity instead” is a very practical plan for someone who already owns a cat. There are luxuries you can go without, but a litterbox is not one of them.

12 years ago

C’mon Owly, you’re slipping!! This “I’m the bad man” routine is vastly inferior to the tinfoil hattery that got you noticed in the first place. Stop disappointing your fans and return to your roots. KEEP IT REAL

12 years ago

NWO: Yeah, it’s so fucking mean that people keep harping on a series of vile lies Limbaugh told about a married law student (and the law she was speaking in favor of). It’s all just a plot on the part of the mainstream media to make him look like a pathetic drug riddled loser who can’t tell the difference between lying and telling the truth. Truly, a horrible day for free speech.

12 years ago

When my cat got epilepsy and the vet sent her for an MRI, I felt terrible about the fact that half the world doesnt have as good access to healthcare as she does. So I started matching the cost of her pet insurance and vet bills with donations to Medecins Sans Frontieres. I dont care what owly thinks of that, of course, but thought I’d mention it in case anyone else has the disposable income and inclination to follow suit. They do good things, do MSF.

12 years ago

PS What’s happened to my apostrophes? I could’ve sworn they were there when I posted.

12 years ago

Qanan: You owe me a troll. Not that I care to collect, I’ve seen what passes for wit, and wisdom. The trolling wouldn’t be worth the effort.

12 years ago

They can have Brandon… but they have to keep him. If they don’t, we’ll give back Jeremiah, and throw in a Roberta and an AntZ.

12 years ago

zhinxy: You put the seat AND the lid down, then you flush, because otherwise you’re spraying toilet all over your toothbrushes.

No, I don’t always put the lid down either, but let’s face it, if you don’t put the lid down, that’s what is happening.

One of the things shown by the Mythbusters’ test was that a closed lid is no better at keeping things in the toilet. One of the things strongly implied was that a closed lid caused airflow movements which made for more of the air in the bowl getting into the room at large.

12 years ago

Holly: I did have a “lid down” policy when I lived in a house with a toilet-drinker dog, though.

That was the reasomn for the lid down when I was with my last SO (with us it was cats, and the things above the toilet). Me, I figure the seat down is for the best. All things being equal (in the borderline TMI range) if I can, I sit; it’s easier to not have to balance and aim. In the middle of the night, when I’m not wearing pants, why would I want to turn the light on?

12 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

Holly, just type in women groups, organization, lawyers, ect. There are thousands of womens groups funded at the State, Corporate and Private level. There are 100s of billions poured into these groups every year.

The question is simple, are women more willing to financially care about cat shit or the welfare of men?

There are no State, Corporate or Privately funded groups for men. What pitance men can still afford is little online blogs that those who are privileged to say anything they want without repercussion calls hate groups.

The SPLC, which has long been called a hate group is funded.
All men are demeaned, ridiculed, mocked and belittled on a daily basis by women journalists. Yet no womens groups says a damn thing, yet when the MRM dares speak against the steady barrage of hatred thrown at men, you and the rest of our brainwashed overly sympathetic lassies laugh it up.
A simple question for you, Holly.

Did women laugh 30 years when dear sweet loraine cut of johnies dick? What was her punishment? What’s she doing today?

Fast forward 30 years. Did women laugh at mister garbage disposal dick? The league of doom, or National association of women lawyers is chomping at the bit to defend her. No one will be surprised when she’s painted as the victim and cheered when she’s freed.

By the way is there a NAML? For every womans something or other, funded at the State, Corporate or Private level, should’nt there be a mens couterpart for equality?
So what’s changed from 30 years ago? The only thing to have changed is it’s worse. It’s talk show material now. Just good fun.
What’s the difference between SCUM Valerie 40 years ago and SCUM play today? Today it’s a State funded play. Just good fun.
Women don’t get punished in anyway for anything. At one point, long before any of us were born, women were punished for misbehavior.
Go ahead, go to any MSM outlet and read any article by a woman. It’s either women are better, or men are bad. Women politicians delight in talking about men as if they’re shit. Why they don’t even get a “no, no, you’re a bad girl.”
Best for you to just deny it. Are the tiny little non-funded MRM groups being meanies? Try listening to you politicians, schools and MSM blare it out with pride every day.
Women could actually stand up for men, since men are forbidden to stand up for themselves lest they be branded a hate group. Maybe delivery a little bloody nose? Oh that’s right, women demand blood for themselves, restitution for hurt feelings, resources for kidnapping mens children. But heaven forbid women actually spill or shed any of their own.
Men < cat shit.