kitties MRA oppressed men whaaaaa?

Hey ladies! The Men’s Rights movement needs you. Like, really, really needs you.

The Men’s Rights subreddit is a gift that keeps on giving!

In response to a woman pledging her support to the Men’s Rights movement, someone calling himself Nephilim_Hunter offers his thanks:

Because men have been relegated to a what of a what now?

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Just wanted to make sure I understood that you really, actually did just say that.

Oh, by the way,I’m starting a new feature here at Man Boobz. It’s called: Random Pictures of Boards of Directors.

Here’s a picture of the board of directors of Wal-Mart:

Oh, and here’s the board of directors for GE:

And here’s the board of directors of Duke Energy:

Oh, and the board of directors at Dynasty Financial Partners:

And these fellas are the board of directors at The Rea Magnet Wire Company:

And, while we’re at it, here’s the board of directors of Man Boobz:


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12 years ago

It’s like the debates about gender and education. If boys do better than girls at something, it’s proof that boys are smarter than girls. If girls do better than boys at something, it’s proof that the girls had an unfair advantage. Or, alternately, that the subject in question is dumb and the boys don’t need to waste their superior intellects on it anyway.

They get you coming and going.

12 years ago


This calls for two new MRA Marmosets, done in your honor.

12 years ago
12 years ago

They get you coming and going.

Yup. Our MRA friends are quite fickle.

12 years ago

Boggi, that second one should be “Girls have an unfair advantage.” But thanks for making those!

12 years ago

TK: Excellent point. For men, the answer is “your wife take care of the kids.” But (straight) women don’t HAVE wives, so our stereotypes are like “but but but who’s taking care of the CHILDREN?”

12 years ago

I’m trying to think of the last time I saw an interview with one of the few female CEOs/presidents of a large corporation where the interviewer didn’t ask something like “so how do you balance work and family?” or “do you regret the long hours you spent at work, away from your kids?” or “is it possible to be a CEO and a mom at the same time?” I’m also trying to think of the last time I saw an interview with a male CEO/president where they were asked a similar question. I’m pretty sure the answer to both questions is “uh, never.”

12 years ago

Nice pictures of a handful of men at the top. Why not show where men also reside as the vast majority. That’d be at the bottom. When looking to see who gets the short end of the stick in any society look to the bottom. If at the bottom, it’s a virtual all mens club, you’ll know who the privileged class is.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

It occurs to me that Mags’ weird prioritization of suicide (attempt) methods–more violent and lethal ones show sincerity and real suffering, less violent and lethal ones mean you’re a wussy faker and “just want attention”–is exactly the reason men complete suicide more often.

You should want more men to be “just crying for help” and surviving! You should be encouraging that! I mean, obviously it’s better if someone never attempts suicide at all, but seriously now.

It’s incredibly hypocritical to complain that men have a higher completed suicide rate, then talk big about how less lethal attempts mean you’re a whiny little girl.

12 years ago

@ Holly


12 years ago

Men have a higher “success” rate at suicide because they use more lethal methods. They have access to firearms and use them. It’s the same reason Doctors have a high rate. A doctor knows how to go out nicely and finally, they’re not botching it, they know just what to take. That’s all that needs to be said on that.

This is the honesty of the MRM. It somehow is against feminism that more men die of suicide, and when the reasons behind it are brought up, and proof shown that more women 1. attempt and 2. use means that cause the classification to go under “overdose” …somehow this is not relevant.

Also the homeless thing. Women are forced into prostitution when they get to that stage, buddy, and I’d rather be homeless than pimped out. I’d end up on that “overdose” list, really.

12 years ago



It also shows a reasonable lack of empathy or understanding to suggest that a less lethal attempt or method somehow equates to a lesser degree of suffering. How the hell does one calculate the level of another’s suffering? I’m not familiar with that equation.

Two of the people I love most in the world are men who attempted suicide (at least once for both of them) and thankfully survived. They either are getting or have already gotten the help they needed and are doing reasonably well today.

But how can we compute their suffering at the time of their attempts? I find it kind of sick to even try.

12 years ago

Uh, add me to the “horrified” list re: the suicide. Especially since I suspect that if women had higher suicide rates, the argument would be, “they just didn’t want to LIVE enough! Men are tough and stick it out!” I… no! NO! We don’t use shit like suicide as evidence points, Jesus!

Also, I can’t really talk so much about gender diffs in school. I dropped out of grad school because I was pushed. As a trans guy, I could either afford my healthcare, or afford my school. I chose healthcare. Sure would’ve been nice if I could’ve had both, but these days, I doubt the degree would’ve gotten me a job anyway, so now I make

12 years ago

No, no you see David, they put a woman in the center chair on Star Trek and there’s a woman in John Carter of Mars who’s allowed to know things and swordfight and this summer there’s going to be a movie about a young woman who fights a bear and let’s not mention that sometimes Hollywood makes movies for [a certain stereotype of] women instead of for a certain stereotype of men and can’t you see it’s all gone to hell!

Cats and dogs! Living together!!

12 years ago


12 years ago

… I feel like I probably made a cognitive connection with that My Little Ponies crack that may not be obvious to others.

I was thinking about how MLP:FiM came along and suddenly we have the phenomenon of men and boys completely fanning out about the show and barging in and looking like they want to completely take it over because, if it amuses men and boys, then it must be for men and boys. Then when women and girls push back and say, Jesus Christ, guys, can’t you let us have something? and the guys start whining.

That’s what I was getting at. But it occurred to me five minutes after I pressed “post comment” that it wasn’t obvious which layer I was on.

So I apologize in advance if I appeared to be jabbing at women and girls who are (rightly) concerned about appropriation of their media by men and boys.

12 years ago

Oh my God! How could we totally forget that there absolutely no poor women in north america! No woman is going cold or hungry here! No woman is failing to get sex! Wew just stand in the middle of the street and are whisked away to our own private mansions with male servants!

NWO, You gotta work harder than this.

12 years ago

Oh hey, I guess he’s on moderation? His comment showed up in my mailbox.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If at the bottom, it’s a virtual all mens club, you’ll know who the privileged class is.

Right, because there are no poor women. On account of how women never have demanding, low-paid, no-promotion jobs like waitress, nurse’s aide, childcare worker, retail worker…

Why would any woman work a minimum-wage job (or two) when she could just sit in the street and cry?

…Wait a second. If men are all so much poorer than women, where’d they get the money to give the crying women? I have found the fatal flaw in your reasoning!

12 years ago

If at the bottom, it’s a virtual all mens club, you’ll know who the privileged class is.

Right, because there are no poor women. On account of how women never have demanding, low-paid, no-promotion jobs like waitress, nurse’s aide, childcare worker, retail worker…

Why would any woman work a minimum-wage job (or two) when she could just sit in the street and cry?

…Wait a second. If men are all so much poorer than women, where’d they get the money to give the crying women? I have found the fatal flaw in your reasoning!

NWO reasons?

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

Nice pictures of a handful of men at the top. Why not show where men also reside as the vast majority. That’d be at the bottom. When looking to see who gets the short end of the stick in any society look to the bottom. If at the bottom, it’s a virtual all mens club, you’ll know who the privileged class is.

Poverty statistics don’t show the “vast majority” you’re bogusly claiming here.

But it’s question-begging. If the top of the heap is mostly men as you are appearing to concede, and the bottom of the heap is mostly men, then *women in effect don’t exist*, and the people oppressing the men at the bottom are the men at the top.

Which is exactly the opposite of the OP’s claim that “males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society”. So you are arguing *against* the OP.

Or at least you would be if anything you said made any sense or had any factual basis.

12 years ago


exactly, I’ve wanted to post a comment after several posts here pointing out that the pictures are an answer to a failed argument. All they’ve done is move goalposts and like you said, actually argue against the original failed statement. So silly.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

What would “non-participant in society” even mean anyway? Homeless people participate in society.

12 years ago

If at the bottom, it’s a virtual all mens club, you’ll know who the privileged class is.

Right, because there are no poor women. On account of how women never have demanding, low-paid, no-promotion jobs like waitress, nurse’s aide, childcare worker, retail worker…

Why would any woman work a minimum-wage job (or two) when she could just sit in the street and cry?

…Wait a second. If men are all so much poorer than women, where’d they get the money to give the crying women? I have found the fatal flaw in your reasoning!

Let me explain that to you, in the form of an hideous pain drawing:

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