kitties MRA oppressed men whaaaaa?

Hey ladies! The Men’s Rights movement needs you. Like, really, really needs you.

The Men’s Rights subreddit is a gift that keeps on giving!

In response to a woman pledging her support to the Men’s Rights movement, someone calling himself Nephilim_Hunter offers his thanks:

Because men have been relegated to a what of a what now?

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Just wanted to make sure I understood that you really, actually did just say that.

Oh, by the way,I’m starting a new feature here at Man Boobz. It’s called: Random Pictures of Boards of Directors.

Here’s a picture of the board of directors of Wal-Mart:

Oh, and here’s the board of directors for GE:

And here’s the board of directors of Duke Energy:

Oh, and the board of directors at Dynasty Financial Partners:

And these fellas are the board of directors at The Rea Magnet Wire Company:

And, while we’re at it, here’s the board of directors of Man Boobz:


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12 years ago


So… because you cannot control how other people treat you because of some immutable characteristic… You therefore may deny that people treat you differently because of some immutable characteristic? Is that really your argument? O_o

12 years ago

I see Manboobz is directed by the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee.

12 years ago

Yes, that is the sum total of magdelyn’s argument.

12 years ago

Oh yeah, positions of power go to those who just want it more.

A couple of days ago I totally had an argument with a guy who was saying that rich people’s kids tend to also be rich because they pass along a work ethic to their children. /raeg

12 years ago

@Kirby: as far as I can tell, Mag’s argument in this thread is that we are all individuals, there is no systematic prejudice based on gender (though apparently there is on class, since hers is a working class family, but maybe they just didn’t want to be CEO hard enough, not that there is any class prejudice), and there is no such thing as privilege because, well, characteristics are immutable. And she doesn’t have to apologize ever.

She and Roberta sure like hanging out with the straw feminsts (though I do acknowledge there are gender-essentialist feminists who don’t want to acknowledge the realities of classism or racism either).

Molly Ren
12 years ago

Because men are more willing to sacriice everything in pursuit of it, where more sane people balance their lives. CEO’s are diagnosed with more personality disorders than the average person in society. Are you willing to do what it takes to get there? Most sane people are not.

Mags, did you really just argue that the majority of people who are in power are there because they’re *not sane*? I am not even sure where to go from there.

12 years ago

Rea Magnet Wire is my favourite. They look like the Republican Committee for Women’s Issues.

(Notwithstanding, of course, the entirely coincidental, statistically meaningless, non-gendered fact that they all just happen, through no correlative factors whatsoever, to have penises. Thanks for enlightening me, Mags!)

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

A board of directors made up only of pretty-kitties? Don’t playful puppies, soft, fluffy honey-bunnies, hamsters, gerbils, and other little adorables deserve a place in the sun, or at least at your table? And don’t forget plush toys, either! I wonder where hello kitty is, for example.

I could talk about little lady lovelies, I suppose, but they would NOT be interested in a board position, being to busy to please their owner…

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

What are a bunch of adorables (in this case pretty kitties) doing wasting their time on a FEMINIST blog? Wouldn’t feminists and modern women simply be objects of pity to them, for obvious reasons?

12 years ago

Molly, Mags isn’t completely full of shit about pathology in the boardroom. Robert Hare did a study and wrote a book about that, called Snakes in Suits: when Psychopaths Go to Work.


I happen to know a lot of politicians. I also know a lot of elected politicians (you run for office, you are a politician so quit claiming you are not Mr/Ms new to the field) and the vast majority of them are men.

They hold real power over real people’s lives. And they are mostly men.

So Mags, care to make that argument to me about how men have no power since only a small amount of them run the planet?

Because I can tell you, I have been in on the meetings involving bills and other things being debated that have real impacts on people’s lives when passed and the vast majority of the time it is not women being asked their opinions from the non-elected officials. It is men.

I, myself, have been belittled and ignored for having an opinion while female. I have had to do the “get a guy to present it otherwise nothing will get done” that many women who have power have to do at some point during their careers. So do not give me the crap that since a lot of men have no power it means men have no power. They damn well do.


Mags, did you really just argue that the majority of people who are in power are there because they’re *not sane*?

*starts whistling and walking away*

12 years ago

Men of every race have higher average incomes than women of the same race. Men of every educational level have higher average incomes than women of the same education level. Women are heavily overrepresented amoung the poor, both nationally and globally. If income and networth are your test of social participation, men are dominating by far.

In the 2010 US Census, women’s families were poorer than men’s. 31.6 percent of households headed by single women were poor, while 15.8 percent of households headed by single men and 6.2 percent of married-couple households lived in poverty. Women in the US make up over 60% of the country’s poor.

The statistics regarding women and poverty are even more stark worldwide

You want to see fucking social control and domination, take a look at the US’s Congress 17% women. Less than 15% people of color (vs. about 30% or more of the population).

So shut the fuck up, and stop erasing poor women and women of color in your sexist, racist denialism.

12 years ago

I’m not sane! I have paperwork to show it and everything! Do I get power now? I think I’ll settle for being a CEO for a couple years, make some money, then retire and fuck around on the Net for the rest of my life.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Experience at work yesterday: a disgruntled client calls up and starts berating one of my female coworkers. She’s quite firm with him but he keeps yelling for her to fix a problem she has no control over.

A male coworker, of the same rank, picks up the phone and says the exact same thing, and the client goes quiet and hangs up.

I know if you’re a big enough bigot you could argue the male coworker was more authoritative, and if you’re a big enough denialist you could argue the client only backed down because a second person talked to them. But trust me that this sort of thing is not a rare occurrence for women working in all sorts of fields.

12 years ago

Wow, awesome goal-post moving there.

MRA argument: men have been made powerless in this society!

David’s argument: lookit all these powerful men! Are you on crack or what?

Mags’ argument: Some men have problems! As long as some men have problems, patriarchy is a lie!

Mags – Do you or do you not agree with the statement “males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society”? If you agree, please provide evidence for your assertion. If you disagree, please explain why you are arguing against a post that you agree with.


Another example from my job-the committee I was put in charge of is the only one that has a co-chair (who is male.) The rest of the committee chairs are all men.

The other chairperson does nothing. No organizing, no messaging, rarely reports on the committee at the monthly meetings. Nada. He also has stated his subordinates (all women) are too stupid to understand a new system that is being put in place to streamline our work therefore we should only do one type at a time.

Lars Fischer (@lpfischer)

I like your posts in general. This one, however, is special. It’s made of pure win. Made my day – thanks.

Creative Writing Student

The GE board looks really awkward in the photo. It’s not as coherant (sp?) as the other photos. And a couple of the women look tacked on.

Ofc, the whole thing could be a photoshopped composite, but it looks really, really odd.

I’m not sane! I have paperwork to show it and everything! Do I get power now? I think I’ll settle for being a CEO for a couple years, make some money, then retire and fuck around on the Net for the rest of my life.

It’s assignment time right now, and that seems like a really appealing idea – apart from the lack of sane.

12 years ago

Look, if all the Manboobz directors happen to be kitties, that doesn’t say anything. Maybe kitties are just more hardworking. There’s no need to be so sensitive.

12 years ago

An MRA Marmoset for every occasion:

12 years ago

Okay Mags social class does have something to do with the complaint of the average guy not having power. Most men are working class. But among the CEO’s and their families they have easier access to resources and so do their families. I’m sure that the daughters and wives are as well educated and trained to ambition as the sons. I also think that women of the wealthy upper classes value money and power just as much and seek out jobs which will provide those things. If the ratio of men to women is the same 50/50 split as the rest of the population, why are there not more women in positions of power and wealth?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I dunno, sounds to me like if feminism is taking away men’s superiority then they just must not want it as much these days. Maybe they just aren’t willing to make the sacrifices to stay the dominant gender. Oh well, everyone gets what they deserve, right?

12 years ago

MRA Marmoset to the rescue!

Molly Ren
12 years ago

I’m not sane! I have paperwork to show it and everything! Do I get power now? I think I’ll settle for being a CEO for a couple years, make some money, then retire and fuck around on the Net for the rest of my life.

Yah, Ozy, I didn’t even know how to start with the abelism(?), or whatever it was.