kitties MRA oppressed men whaaaaa?

Hey ladies! The Men’s Rights movement needs you. Like, really, really needs you.

The Men’s Rights subreddit is a gift that keeps on giving!

In response to a woman pledging her support to the Men’s Rights movement, someone calling himself Nephilim_Hunter offers his thanks:

Because men have been relegated to a what of a what now?

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Just wanted to make sure I understood that you really, actually did just say that.

Oh, by the way,I’m starting a new feature here at Man Boobz. It’s called: Random Pictures of Boards of Directors.

Here’s a picture of the board of directors of Wal-Mart:

Oh, and here’s the board of directors for GE:

And here’s the board of directors of Duke Energy:

Oh, and the board of directors at Dynasty Financial Partners:

And these fellas are the board of directors at The Rea Magnet Wire Company:

And, while we’re at it, here’s the board of directors of Man Boobz:


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12 years ago

Why not just warpspeed?

“Warpspeed, fair Kirbywarp!”

12 years ago


Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

It really pisses me off, by the way, that my employer’s Board of Directors looks a lot like those photos–despite the fact that the rank-and-file employees are mostly women and have a large proportion of people of color.

It kinda doubles down on the bigotry when you go from “who’s considered fit to run the place” to “who’s considered fit to run the place versus who’s considered fit to answer the phones and scrub the toilets.”

12 years ago

Also: In b4 some guy points out that he isn’t personally a millionaire businessman, therefore privilege is a lie.

You are psychic. Also, Mags clearly doesn’t bother to read the comments.

12 years ago

I Think Mags is right, just because the majority of CEO’s and Board members are men that doesn’t mean men in general have it any easier than women. I mean its not like there are any other areas of society where men vastly outnumber women and its not like in the US right now one particular political party and a lot of religious groups are teaming up in an effort to restrict women’s rights or anything.

12 years ago

So, until men start getting their patriarchy membership cards, the argument that power is held by men is pretty much irrelvant to men who have no power.

The power imbalance in these companies (and in every branch of government) is still illustrative of the power imbalance at large in our society. Ask yourself, why is it that these positions of power are almost entirely held by men?

12 years ago

Another patriarchist in action (, using his privilege to suppress women from outnumber men in school, living longer, spending more, and making more money in urban environments as demographics change.

12 years ago

I just love how Mags inadvertently makes a great point but refuses to see it.
The biggest problem men have is with other men NOT women/feminists. But they direct their anger toward women because it’s easier than dealing with the real problem.

Oh, and where is a picture of the BOD’s for Vatican city? I’m guessing there are no women there either. I think the BOD’s for Manboobz should take over everything. They couldn’t do worse.

12 years ago

Mags-logic is a special kind of logic.
“Well, yes, nearly all politcally powerful people ARE men, but most people are not politically powerful, so that MRA made a valid point when he said all politically powerful people are women!”

12 years ago

“…Why is it that positions of power are almost entirely held by men?”

Because men are more willing to sacriice everything in pursuit of it, where more sane people balance their lives. CEO’s are diagnosed with more personality disorders than the average person in society. Are you willing to do what it takes to get there? Most sane people are not.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh yeah, positions of power go to those who just want it more.

But don’t be jealous, folks, it’s really no fun at all having wealth and power.

(Also, some men are homeless, therefore privilege is a lie. But Magz, by your logic he just didn’t want a home badly enough!)

12 years ago

The problem isn’t directing action at organizations that discriminte….it is trying to hold accountable a class of people that have absolutely no power in effecting the outcome. “Patriarchy” as a concenpt is BULLSHIT. Until you want to start dealing with real factors, i.e. class, there will be no change. One could argue that the elite are sexist…fine, but that is not what feminists do. They assign blame to every dude in a sort of collective guilt system. Balogna.

12 years ago

Homeless men exist! Therefore no men are ever privileged over women in any way, ever! Also, it is totally easy for women to be in politics, or for women to be really successful climbing the corporate ladder.

I really do hope whoever is supposed to be impressed by your whole schtick is properly impressed.

I know it is no one here.

12 years ago

Class is also never benefits men of certain backgrounds, ever.

Christine Noble
12 years ago

Also most men are not slaves to their biology, which women no longer need to be but men, and a few of their female collaborators are trying really hard to fight.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

“Patriarchy” doesn’t mean “all men deliberately and maliciously oppress all women.”

It’s more like “other forms of hierarchy in society still exist, but all things being equal a man has more power than a woman of the same ‘standing.'” I’d do better as the son of a CEO than the daughter of a CEO; I’d do better as a penniless immigrant man than as a penniless immigrant woman.

12 years ago


I agree with you actually. The definition of “Patriarchy” that you are using is pretty bullshit.

12 years ago

“One could argue that the elite are sexist…fine, but that is not what feminists do. They assign blame to every dude in a sort of collective guilt system. Balogna.

Except that is is demonstrably untrue. Feminists talk, speak, write online and publish books and paper and teach classes about class and how it works all the time. Portraying patriarchy as some sort of collective guilt system is a deliberate misunderstanding of how the term is used in actual sociology.

But you never claimed to be truthful or have a deep understanding of anything, and that will,of course, be your defense for your position, as usual.

Christine Noble
12 years ago

I should qualify the above with “some” men.

12 years ago

Mags, do you agree that white people have privileges over other groups?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

About those “sacrifices” CEOs make, by the way:

One of the big ones is time with their children. They’re able to make this sacrifice because they have a wife at home raising their children! She’s sacrificing too–she’s committing many many hours a week to childrearing and housekeeping, and she’s completely sacrificing her own work career–and at the end of it, she’s still not a CEO.

12 years ago


Pretty sure they don’t. Cause we have a black president and some white people are homeless. Checkmate!

12 years ago

Oh no, the imaginary feminazis are attacking, again! Quck, grab the Partriarchy Spray!

Seriously, mags, who the hell is assigning collective guilt to men? You’re just doing the same boring, bullshit dance and no one is fooled.

12 years ago

@ Crum in re “white privilege”

As I’ve argued before: “…being yourself is not a privilege, since I cannot control how other people treat me because of some immutable characteristic, just as I can’t control how other discriminate against me because of the same immutable characteristic. I have no more obligation to ‘check my privilege’ than I do to apologize for myself – which is none at all…”

12 years ago

It’s always popular to point out that men are at the top of all of these boards and companies. What you don’t point out is that men are the majority at the bottom of society. You could post a picture of the homeless and it would be predominately men or those jailed for victimless crimes and it would be men.