kitties MRA oppressed men whaaaaa?

Hey ladies! The Men’s Rights movement needs you. Like, really, really needs you.

The Men’s Rights subreddit is a gift that keeps on giving!

In response to a woman pledging her support to the Men’s Rights movement, someone calling himself Nephilim_Hunter offers his thanks:

Because men have been relegated to a what of a what now?

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Just wanted to make sure I understood that you really, actually did just say that.

Oh, by the way,I’m starting a new feature here at Man Boobz. It’s called: Random Pictures of Boards of Directors.

Here’s a picture of the board of directors of Wal-Mart:

Oh, and here’s the board of directors for GE:

And here’s the board of directors of Duke Energy:

Oh, and the board of directors at Dynasty Financial Partners:

And these fellas are the board of directors at The Rea Magnet Wire Company:

And, while we’re at it, here’s the board of directors of Man Boobz:


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12 years ago


Does anybody STILL think that more than the most rudimentary education for women is a good idea?

I love the way this is phrased, as though he’d honestly be surprised to discover someone who didn’t think that.

Personally, I’m dead keen on women educating themselves. My wife’s education has made her the primary earner in our household – why on earth would I want to give that up? And even if it wasn’t for that strong financial incentive, I’d prefer her to be highly educated so that we can talk about halfway intelligent things when we’re together.

Just out of interest, back in the days when you were married, what did you and your wife talk about?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Just out of interest, back in the days when you were married, what did you and your wife talk about?

HOLD DA PHONE! When was DKM married? o.O

12 years ago

I don’t know when, but I do know that it broke up because he cheated on her, and for some reason she didn’t just meekly accept it like a good little fluffy airhead.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Does anybody STILL think that more than the most rudimentary education for women is a good idea?

People who’ve had their lives saved by female doctors, yeah, probably.

…Also most people who don’t see the point of squandering the potential of half the human race?

The things I have to explain.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Meller, obviously you’re bothered by educated women and their gal pals. Rather have a dumb woman with no friends, huh?

12 years ago

DKM, I was in an abusive relationship (through nothing more than sheer luck, I managed to leave while it was still in the honeymoon period). One of the ways my abuse manifested was that I was afraid to question him or disagree with him because he might get angry. But the thing is, in a normal relationship questioning or disagreement is allowed, and anger is permitted. The dynamics you are describing are not “how women can avoid abuse”: they are emotional abuse. Period.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

I’m “bothered” by OVER-educated women, and their goofy girlfriends, because too much of either friendship or education ruins women for wifehood and domesticity, especially when she uses them, or is used by them, at cross-purposes against being a good wife, mother, and homemaker.

If she could be educated to be a better “domestic goddess” and her friends could encourage her to seek and find her fulfillment in her life with her man, there are no quarrels with either her “gal-pals” or her education.

If her friends could teach her how to be even more lovable or domestic, that would even be better! Of course, I bet that Ruby Hypatia et al probably see much more destructive goals for both education and woman’s social life.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

So, uneducated women with no gal pals make the best wives, have the strongest marriages? I’m not buying that. You just don’t want women educated because, well, knowlege is power. And you want men to have the majority of power.

12 years ago

DKM: Does anybody STILL think that more than the most rudimentary education for women is a good idea?

Here we see the failure of your movement, past, present, and future.

Lots of people still think this, or women wouldn’t be getting educations.

There are still people who think there ought to be slaves, or that, “The races ought to be kept separate” (right Meller? It will be, “natural”, white folks will want to be “unmixed” and black folks, [if they have any manners] will just stay away; lest any of those white folks get their fragile feelings hurt), and a host of other inane, asinine and damnfool ideas.

But they are in the minority, and so the rules which allowed for that have been changed. If there weren’t any people who thought women ought to be educated, you would have some of your paradise; women would be ill-educated, and in thrall to men; because they’d be unable to fend for themselves.

Which is what you really want. Women who are dependent on creeps, such as yourself, to avoid starving in the gutter. Women who can’t afford to leave if the man they are with should, “stray, even though he knows, “the home fires” are more warming”, because to leave is to be adrift. She isn’t going to be able to know all the other men aren’t your sort of asshat, so “better the Devil she knows”, and you can cheat on her to your dickish content.

What pisses you off is women don’t have to put up with you, and the way you behave.

12 years ago

Oh, Meller: Women with educations make fine wives (partners, SOs, whatever they want to be called).

What they don’t make is good slaves. They will leave if you cheat. They will be able to go places without their mate, even when married. It means their partners have to treat them with respect. It means their partners have to be… partners, not masters. A marriage of equals.

Woman, says the Talmud, was made from man’s rib. Not his head, that she should lord over him, nor from his foot that he should be above him, but his rib, that they should be beside each other.

Education makes that possible.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Pecunium, I don’t have to worry, because being a man, you are going to eat your words sooner or later–sooner instead of later, if the modern women you seem to like so much are true to form!

As for VOLUNTARY separation of the races, I offer any large American city, Detroit, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles,Philadelphia, or any other after WWII, and especially since your much beloved ’60s. These cities, even in the 30s, during the Great Depression, were American and world showplaces, when they were largely under White ownership, management, and commerce. They were places where people from around the world came to try to live, even if it was “in the slums”–which in the late XIX and early XX century, were largely European, by the way, with Africans being a largely rural underclass safely kept in the American South. Today, cities are either burned out hulks, sad remnants of former days, like Detroit, New Orleans, or Chicago, or two “ghettos”, one small for the super-rich, and one (much larger) for a growing class of permanently unemployable, ineducable, drug and booze addled, and often maniacally violence-prone lumpen on other…

“Inane and asinine” ideas? When my kind of ideas prevailed, poverty was temporary, a large and growing middle class was THE PREVAILING NORM, a male breadwinner income was understood to be the financial support of a family, where the man provded financial support, and the woman provided domestic support. There were households where this program failed to operate, for some reason, but it was universally understood to be tragedy produced by EXCEPTIONAL circumstances, not the norm, and certainly not some sort of warped “ideal”, the way “single motherhood” seems to have been since the ’70s.

Some, maybe most, of my ideas are suggestive of restoring the sum and substance of our society as it was before WWI. Is it possible? Probably not. Should we still explore options in that direction? Yes,esepecially since the more advanced state of much ((civilian market-based) technology available today, or in the near future, would offer everyone a vastly better standard of living then that which prevailed a century ago (think air conditioning).

The wisdom of the Talmud that you cited is absolutely true–for the men and women of the time! No Rabbi or Talmudic scholar imagined that a nightmare world would ever exist like ours, where women were at war with men, where displacement of men by women would be considered “progress”, and where, without blinking an eye, women would eagerly imitate men, even in our less praiseworthy traits, anywhere and everywhere, in the name of “equality”. Yes, woman as companion, as a man’s beloved, and as his “nearest and dearest” is certainly and ideal to be endorsed. But it becomes impossible when woman is man’s competitor, man’s rival, and in some cases, his ENEMY!

Kind of “Clockwork Orange” meets “Brave New World”. No Thank you!!

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Ever notice that highly educated men tend to go for highly educated women? Ever get the feeling that people in the MRM aren’t highly educated, and they’re pissed these intelligent women would never go for them? Meller, you must feel really small when you’re around women doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Meller, our Western culture where women have the same opportunities as men may be your nightmare scenario, but it’s not for most people. Our standard of living is better than most people’s around the world, and throughout history. If you were more secure in your manhood, you wouldn’t be bothered by the thought of women being highly educated professionals.

12 years ago

Meller, you’ve been watching too much little house on the prarie again. Slums and ghettos and poverty have always been the rule of thumb. That golden age you talk about was a blip that didn’t happen for most people.

And so what if all those wonderful cities used to be so wonderful? The rich used them up and moved on. Poorer families and then Black people moved in because that’s what they could afford. Then the city politicians underfund services and after that assholes like you blame people forced to live in dumps!

Nice Meller…

12 years ago

Shorter Meller – as long as the husband is happy, who cares if the wife is miserable? If she’s not happy it’s proof that she’s been led astray.

(For “husband” in this instance read “creepy controlling oddball with a doll fetish.)

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I don’t think Meller’s read “A Clockwork Orange” if “this equality business has just gone too darn far” is what he’s getting from it…

Also I’m curious where bi/multiracial people should live. Do they get bordertowns, or are we going by a “one drop” rule here, or oh god I feel terrible even joking about this shit.

12 years ago

Meller, do you really expect to convince any of us that racism is a GOOD thing?? ¬_¬

Cotton Pony Wrangler
Cotton Pony Wrangler
12 years ago

“Some, maybe most, of my ideas are suggestive of restoring the sum and substance of our society as it was before WWI.”


In the 19th century, income inequality rose, but during the interwar period and especially during World War II, there was a marked decrease in inequality, with narrowing overall income differences, as well as shrinking income gaps between males and females, among different races, among blue- and white- collar workers, and among workers with different levels of education (see, for example, Goldin and Katz 1999a).

12 years ago

Voluntary separation of the races?” Seriously? In LA, the city was not very segregated at all at the beginning of the 20th Century. This is why white folks instituted restrictive racial covenants prohibiting white real estate owners in certain neighborhoods from selling their property to African Americans, Jews, etc. There was nothing voluntary about it. Even though LA wasn’t part of the deep South, we had our share of cross burnings and intimidation both against white property owners who defied the covenants and against non-white people who bought the property and moved in. When white southerners started moving to Los Angeles during WWII, they tried very hard to bring Jim Crow with them, segregating parks, movie theaters, swimming pools, even pet cemeteries! African Americans (and others) spent decades fighting politically, filing lawsuits, organizing boycotts, etc. precisely to end this segregation. Meller is not just vile, he is wrong on the facts.

12 years ago

Pecunium, I don’t have to worry, because being a man, you are going to eat your words sooner or later–sooner instead of later, if the modern women you seem to like so much are true to form!

And I think Pecunium is shaking in their stylish, yet affordable boots.

You don’t know a lot about history, do you? If you did, you would know that the “male breadwinner” standard was just that – a standard. It was something that people were supposed to strive to, but a surprisingly small group was actually able to do it. Even in the lily middle-class suburbs, the middle-class lifestyle was usually too much for just one income. Even middle-class wives brought in income, if in unconventional ways. Some popular methods were selling tupperware, jewelry, or makeup to other members of the community.

Again, if you took history lessons from sources other than Leave it to Beaver than you would already know that.

12 years ago

Meller is not just vile, he is wrong on the facts.

Story of his life

12 years ago

Well, Meller, as you can see, the majority of the population does not wish to return society to its pre-WW2 form. Since America is a democracy, that means it isn’t going to happen. Too bad, so sad, etc. Feel free to seek moral support from your dollies.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Xeginy – Yep. As if “modern” women are the first ones to ever work. Let’s do a little genealogy here…

I’m an emergency medical technician.
My mother is a nurse.
My grandmother was an accountant.
My great-grandmother owned a corner grocery store.
My great-great-grandmother worked on a dairy farm.
My great-great-great-grandmother worked on a dairy farm.
At this point the records get a bit hazy but I suspect my great-great-great-great-grandmother worked on a dairy farm.

Maybe Meller isn’t a vampire, or he might remember that the Good Old Days, the ones where women never had to trouble themselves with work beyond washing dishes and feeding babies, never happened. In the 1800s my female ancestors were hauling hay and milking cows.

Then again, perhaps he’s just a very sheltered vampire.

12 years ago

What really gets me is Mellers lack of common sense. I mean really, entire cultures and races of people didn’t want to live in nice places like the white folk live in! The way he makes it sound, Black people deliberatly moved into slums and intentionally made it worse.

Melller, you have the internet, a gateway to just about any kind of knowledge you want. It contains vast amounts of history and sociology. For fucks sake USE it!!!!!!

Start with Black history, especially in terms of realestate and redlining. Then go look at what pioneer women did as work on a daily basis! Or you could read some of the great classics, especially those written by women which talk about womens lives and work. Then start looking up when things like the washing machine were invented and when they became common household items. And when you do that, just keep in mind that many households don’t have access to those time saving devices, many households are still washing laundry by hand. Christ! If it weren’t for fire codes many households would probably still be using wood stoves and well water!

12 years ago

Meller is not just vile, he is wrong on the facts.

Story of his life.

He is also a clown, and the disturbing non-funny type.

Cue in his theme music each time he makes an appearance. (Trigger warning, scary clown picture, but it perfectly captures Meller’s ugly soul.)