kitties MRA oppressed men whaaaaa?

Hey ladies! The Men’s Rights movement needs you. Like, really, really needs you.

The Men’s Rights subreddit is a gift that keeps on giving!

In response to a woman pledging her support to the Men’s Rights movement, someone calling himself Nephilim_Hunter offers his thanks:

Because men have been relegated to a what of a what now?

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Because males are already relegated to a position of non-participant in society

Just wanted to make sure I understood that you really, actually did just say that.

Oh, by the way,I’m starting a new feature here at Man Boobz. It’s called: Random Pictures of Boards of Directors.

Here’s a picture of the board of directors of Wal-Mart:

Oh, and here’s the board of directors for GE:

And here’s the board of directors of Duke Energy:

Oh, and the board of directors at Dynasty Financial Partners:

And these fellas are the board of directors at The Rea Magnet Wire Company:

And, while we’re at it, here’s the board of directors of Man Boobz:


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12 years ago

DKM: I was only trying to show what can happen when a feminist allows the rage and frustration of an already unbalanced and destructive man spirils out of control

Holy shit, I didn’t even see this the first time: the crappy syntax as you try to make ‘feminists’ the agents of the action (a feminist ALLOWS… meaning, a feminist ALLOWS a man to kill her.

Uh huh


MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

goofy girlfriends

Friends, Meller. Just friends. FRIENDS. You know, both male *and* female?

(I know DKM has said far, far more serious things, but his insistence that women 1.) can’t have male friends and 2.) they’re all as dysfunctional as the women on Sex and the City is a huge pet peeve for me.)

12 years ago

Ithiliana, I was only trying to show what can happen when a feminist allows the rage and frustration of an already unbalanced and destructive man spirils out of control.

WTF, Meller? I thought you liked men–why are you saying they can’t control themselves?

Fuck you for putting a man’s behavior back on the woman.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

WTF, Meller? I thought you liked men–why are you saying they can’t control themselves?

Men are like grizzly bears! Hikers–I mean, women–should always be careful not to make loud noises around them, not look too threatening, and hold still even when they charge.

12 years ago

…NOT the ‘ ATM with legs” the way too many modern women, even if they marry and have child(ren) too often feel.

say the men who think it perfectly reasonable to view women as “incubators [of hopefully MALE children] with legs”

Again, while a man may stray, most traditional men will, if encouraged by a good woman, return to a monogamous home and appreciate what he has “keeping the homefires burning”.

at least until the next bodacious beauty catches his eye, then off he roams again, knowing that poor sucker….erm, I mean, wife….will still be stoking those homefires when he comes crawling back, time and again.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago
Reply to  Kyrie

I tried watching one of Girl Writes What’s videos that someone posted on a Libertarian web site. I couldn’t get through it, my IQ was dropping. Anyway, this led to me cussing a guy out for wanting it to be socially unacceptable for mothers to have careers. Damn sexism!

12 years ago


Meller, if you’re going to try to deny the fact that you fully support domestic abuse and even murder as long as the aggressor is a man and you don’t approve of the woman, you really need to stop repeating your support for that very same thing over and over again, just with slightly different wording.

You also need to start using spellcheck.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

If, and it is only IF, I “supported domestic abuse and even murder”, I certainly wouldn’t try so hard to point out how the women could probably avoid this merely by behaving in a normally feminine, compliant, and charming manner. Of course, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” goes totally outside any reasonable frame of reference which characterises women’s “thinking” doesn’t it? Remove the cause, and the likely consequences also disappear.

Besides, if youall were to follow this advice, and proactively eliminate, or at least radically reduce occasions for such disastrous and tragic events. you wouldn’t have anything to write about any more, and you each would have to find and marry a man, go home, have babies and start cooking, sewing, dusting,…etc.

Husband is happy, you are happy (I hope) and child(ren) are happy!

A few neurotic and bitter lezzies go home with their cats and their friends (Happy now, Molly Ren) and suik, grumble and whine about’and ‘male-chauvanist pig oppression” and your demented feminism returns tobeing, at most, the marginal curiosity that it was before the mid XX century.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

As far as my referring to feminist friends as “goofy girlfriends”, Molly Ren, this is only becuase as a rule, they do anything and everything to try to disrupt a single woman’s natural tendencies to bond with a man. If possible, even more than “sex in the City”, these dysfunctional females will tear down a newly discovered mate at every opportunity, will, if possible, disrupt her budding relationship with him, and will tear him down at every opportunity. It is not unknown for one of them to even contrive a supposed “affair” and then go to girlfriend with tales of the alleged ‘infidelity’. Not all women, even all feminists, are like that of course, but far too many are, and those who aren’t, will eagerly cover for those who are!

It is hard enough nowadays for a good man to find a woman! He shouldn’t need to brave a gauntlet of his favorite woman’s goofy girlfriends talking him down and slandering him at every opportunity just to date and mate.

“Goofy girlfriends” is the mildest thing I can call these horrid women, MollyRen! There are other words for them,but I don’t want to use them in public!

12 years ago

Meller, if I were you I wouldn’t go around talking about your favourite abuse tactics.

What you’re essentially saying is that you feel the need to drive a wedge between your girlfriend and any friends she may have.

Though I imagine that you’ve run into this problem a few times…I’m sure that wiser friends of your dates may have picked up on what you really are than your date did. Sad that interest in someone can be so blinding, but that’s what friends and family do to protect you from heartbreak.

12 years ago

The best preventitive Meller, is in avoiding men like you rather than exhibiting those girly traits you love and being made more vulnerable to predators like you.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Pillowinhell, CassandraSays, Ithiliana, et al…

See above:

So Much Ignorance, So little Time!

Does anybody STILL think that more than the most rudimentary education for women is a good idea?

12 years ago

Meller: Ithiliana, I was only trying to show what can happen when a feminist allows the rage and frustration of an already unbalanced and destructive man spirils[sic] out of control. I didn’t say that killing was justified–AND NEVER WOULD—but that people could explode with tragic consequences for everybody concerned. Nothing in that post ever said that “disobedient or quarrelsome women should be murdered”, or anything like it!

Bullshit. You keep saying women need to think about the consequences of having opinions. It will, “Drive men to understandable outbursts”. You also say women do everything they can to stimulate such outbursts.

You excuse violence. When you aren’t saying you are looking forward to the time when men rise up and put women in their place.

Even if he should break his marraige vows, at least he KNOWS that it is wrong, and if she is a good wife, will try to do better by her and their marriage.

But if she has sex outside of a marriage, send her to the whorehouse, or leave her in the gutter to starve.

If, and it is only IF, I “supported domestic abuse and even murder”, I certainly wouldn’t try so hard to point out how the women could probably avoid this merely by behaving in a normally feminine, compliant, and charming manner

Oh yes you would. It’s perfect. “If you act the way I tell you to, then men won’t beat you. If you get beaten you must have driven him to it… just be a good girl and he’ll stop.”

You are arguing for the right of men to hit women. You just don’t have the courage to say it out loud. You are afraid some people might be dim enough not see you for the abuse condoning heel that you are.

12 years ago

Meller, from the looks of what you write, not only is my education more comprehensive than yours its also more up to date (by at least a century).

Unlike you, I don’t have to look to dolls for companionship because I have a partner, friends and family all of whom love and support me and get the same love and support from me. In the end, there’s far more happiness all around than what you propose is the right way for a woman to live.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

A few neurotic and bitter lezzies go home with their cats and their friends (Happy now, Molly Ren) and suik, grumble and whine about’and ‘male-chauvanist pig oppression” and your demented feminism returns tobeing, at most, the marginal curiosity that it was before the mid XX century.

Much like Tom, Meller can’t conceive of any woman wanting to do anything but make babies post-feminism. Having wild sex with my girlfriend, painting a landscape, writing a novel, or taking a dance class is just *unfathomable* to him!

(Pssst, Meller! I do a lot of these things already! If feminism ended, I’d just do them even MORE!)

12 years ago

Does anybody STILL think that more than the most rudimentary education for women is a good idea?

All the feminists does, most of the women and most of the men and I’d go as far as probably most of the MRAs.
Now I’m haunted by the idea of Meller watching Sex and the city with his dolls, while explaining to them why these women are not ladies and deserve to be forced into prostitution.
DKM is really the perfect example of how one can be vile, or even evil, while not using a single naughty word.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If, and it is only IF, I “supported domestic abuse and even murder”, I certainly wouldn’t try so hard to point out how the women could probably avoid this merely by behaving in a normally feminine, compliant, and charming manner.

I know you’re a vampire, but surely even in the 1700s they had these concepts called “intimidation” and “extortion”?

“I don’t support murdering women at random… just the ones who step out of line.” Boy, you’re a real hero.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I know you’re a vampire, but surely even in the 1700s they had these concepts called “intimidation” and “extortion”?

Problem is, Holly, Meller’s persecution complex runs so deep that he’d never be able to see threatening to hurt a feminist as intimidation. He sees the FEMINIST as the person most likely to hurt someone!

12 years ago

If, and it is only IF, I “supported domestic abuse and even murder”, I certainly wouldn’t try so hard to point out how the women could probably avoid this merely by behaving in a normally feminine, compliant, and charming manner.

No, see, by trying to “point out” that women can avoid abuse and murder by being “charming and compliant” you ARE supporting domestic abuse and murder, pretty much by definition. Because your words, taken to their logical conclusion, hold only the victim responsible.

You’re not saying “Men need to stop beating women.” You’re saying “Women need to stop pissing men off.” What other possible interpretation of your position could there be, apart from “Women should just smile and take it they don’t want to get hit.”?

If, and only IF, you weren’t supporting abuse, you’d be saying “It’s wrong to hurt someone who loves and trusts you, no matter how much they make you angry.” WITH NO QUALIFIERS.

Now, I know you’re just going to repeat your standard denial, if you even bother to respond. But you, me, and everyone else here knows you’re lying, Meller.

12 years ago

@DKM: I have a doctorate.

I write grants and have been funded by OMG tax dollars.

I teach a LOT of women students (there tend to be more women in English than in, say, History, where my partner teaches).

LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF WOMEN, from their early 20s into the 60s (the oldest student I had was 82 when she took my creative writing class, and OMG she kicked ass, and always had–she worked on her memoir–I have a copy of it).

I teach women ALL THE TIME in college. And often, I teach with BOOKS written by WOMEN.

And you can’t do anything about it, neener, neener, neener!

And I bet I die a whole fucking lot happier than you do, vile nasty little passive-aggressive schmuck that you are.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I don’t think I’ve fully realized til now just *how* scary Meller finds feminism.

An unarmed, not-buff, untrained-in-self-defense feminst? OMG A THREAT!

Someone who’s making physical threats, verbal threats, or actually hitting people? NO THREAT AT ALL!

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

So basically any violence directed on women is a result of her not wearing frilly dresses, bows in her hair, and acting like a dog that’s been kicked?

Odd. Most of the men in my life have expressed appreciation for my wit, how I can verbally defend myself with the proper application of sarcasm, my general unwillingness to take any shit off of anyone, and self sufficiency. I’ve been know to pay for dinner too. Not exactly the pinnacle of submissiveness here. And isn’t it funny that none of them ever beat me for non-submissiveness? I wonder why that is. Oh right! It’s because I don’t date batshit insane misogynistic abusers!

12 years ago

David Meller is some kind of troll that would be a total waste of time except for the fact that you guys answer so well it’s edifying and worth the read. I’m inspired and edumacated by this board. Yes, beyond the rudimentary.

BTW, keeping segments of humans stuck in basic education also enables and perpetuates endless Schopenhauer type critiques and dismissive slander on said population. Nice to have your cake and eat it too, huh, abuser’s lobby? Yeah, I think so.

:”Women shouldn’t work!” so the ridicule can continue, “Women don’t work!”
This kind of shit never ends with that bunch.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I think that’s why I keep coming back to Manboobz. I’m always either inspired, edumacated, or mildly traumatized.

12 years ago

I feel like a new slogan is coming on… “Manboobz: inspiring, edumacating, or mildly traumatizing feminists since 2010!”