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Men’s Rights Redditor: “Feminists used to chuckle about the MRM. Now they talk about how we make them afraid.”

PROTIP: If you don’t want people to think you’re hateful, you probably shouldn’t talk about how the notion of making feminists afraid gives you a misogyny-boner. Or give dudes who say shit like this any upvotes:


Actually, here at Man Boobz we still chuckle about you guys. Pretty much all the time.

Also, Demonspawn? Complaining about women having the right to vote? Probably not a great PR move either.


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12 years ago

Also, thanks for leaving the link to the MRA Marmoset tumblr, David. It totally made my day.

12 years ago

I’m not afraid of the Keyboard Kommandos, but I am a little scared of the ones who are willing to take action to defend themselves against feminism or feminists. Yeah, it’s a small percentage and odds are they aren’t the ones keyboardmashing, but they exists, and that makes me nervous.

12 years ago

NWO: If debtor’s prison was abolished, how can people be sent to it now? that really doesn’t make any fucking sense.

12 years ago

KathleenB, you silly ignorant feminist, clearly the point is that the gynocracy is SO cruel that it sends men to prisons that don’t even exist! It’s just one long kafka-esque nightmare of standing in the middle of empty fields, all for the crime of Existing While Enpenised. Then suddenly the poor debtor men don’t exist anymore.

Erased from existince! This is that which Feminist Magick hath wrought. Gaze upon and despair at the monster you have created, women!

Or something like that. Idk maybe he means feminists re-established de-facto debtors prisons, which I highly doubt is true.

12 years ago

Also, if women are all stupid cows, how are they controlling the world?

That’s where the lowly beta manginas and white knights come in. The feminazis then use their feminine wiles to hypnotize these men into doing their bidding.

God, it’s hard to even write this crap sarcastically.

12 years ago

Indeed you guys chuckle. Its like a bad impromptu theatre here. But, thats it. There is no substance, no point by point rebuttals, not even an attempt to do so.

Declaring someone who holds a different view to be stupid, no matter how clever and wry you think the wit is and how asymptotically close you approach John Stewart level of wry rhetoric, you aren’t saying anything really, you are like hecklers, or a contrived conversation in the living room on a sitcom with 4 unlikely room mates, the gay nun, the dread-locked designer, the nuclear physicist and maybe a female beach volleyball star.

Yea, I just did it too didn’t I, even though unfunny (I didn’t really try because I prefer substantive discourse). But see, you made no remarks that are subject to rebuttal. This is how you stay cocooned in your self righteousness, by conflating mocking and insults and wry zingers with actual forensic discourse, you simply claim others are idiots, let your smug superior hang heavy in the air, and see the lack of challenge as a sign you’ve scored in the debate….meanwhile youve not even participated.

Find some MRA statements that are asserted as facts , refute them with statistics, studies, empiricism, dry and clinical if credible, and go a few rounds as such and see if the stupidity that passes for argument is sufficient to cover for your intellectual laziness.

I know, thats no fun is it. No fun at all. So, generation whatever you would call yourselves, perhaps best the adults stay in charge and you entertain yourselves with things like this website, and Huff Post, and Kos, and the main media, and NYT, and each other.

Men posting here, guess what….that trick that, in high school when youd tell the girl with utmost sincerity, “Im not like other guys, they just want one thing”….and that would get you the one thing…..guess what, you are stuck with that single trick, only now its not necessarily sex you are after, just female approval, especially online, it FEELS good to be called courageous for standing against men, as a man, same way its courageous to slam whites if you are white, smal Americans if you are American, slam heterosexuals if you are heterosexual, etc. Self effacing gives the appearance, among shallow thinkers, of being edgy, and learned, while being no more than a micron deep and a universe wide.

12 years ago

I think they have a point. When you talk like a serial killer or a mass murderer it does tend to frighten people. In point of fact it makes them wonder if you might actually be a serial killer or a mass murderer.

12 years ago

Moewicus: You’re right, my lowly feminist brain cannot comprehend such things.

12 years ago

There’s really no way to read that comment other than “if you don’t do what we want then we’ll hurt you”. Which, again, is an odd way to respond to the SPLC having labelled them a hate group for doing the very same thing. I’m not sure whether or not they understand that part of the criticism of them is “if you threaten to hurt people if they don’t do what you want, that makes you a bad person”.

12 years ago

Or if instead their argument is NWOs one, ie that threatening women is totally justified. Which I can’t see holding up very well in the court of public opinion, much less an actual court.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I really want to get the meme out there that being offensive is EASY. Making people hate you? Nothing special. I could get myself hated by twenty thousand people before bedtime if I wanted.

Being LIKED is hard and valuable.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

I love how the OP basically admits that the sum total of MRM “victories” are them getting pissy and trolling feminist blogs.

Also, NWO, how exactly do women control State violence? Which women are they? Are they in some sort of shadow government? Because last time I checked, the vast majority of prominent American politicians (including the President) were men.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Holly- I’m pretty sure that making it known that you have boobs on the internet is sufficient. And about half the population is going to develop those at puberty!

12 years ago

I see, NWO has reappeared after a long absence–not that I missed him.

I can remember when a graduate student in my program who said no, politely, to a professor was told (by him) to kill herself (he waved a gun around at that point) because he’d make sure she never graduated. The male student who witnessed it and she went to dept. head who said he knew that Prof X had problems (he liked to shoot guns off at the sky at outdoor department functions), but there was nothing he, Head, could do. The student left after that term ended. One of the two women faculty in the department locked her office door when she worked there on weekends and did not open it except to women students because of past harassment by male colleagues. She warned me about the male faculty who would make passes at me before I started (I was an undergrad there). She called them all.

Nothing could be done.

We were afraid of the men (including some of our male grad student colleagues who didn’t see what the big fuss was about professors trying to get dates with the women. One of whom freaked out when the gay male faculty member propositioned him, but that was of course DIFFERENT).

This was life back then.

If this troll thinks his threats are any scarier now than the reality of life back then, he’s wrong.

I’m not even going into my childhood and remembering my classmates who were abused by parents, but nobody ever talked about it, or the number of pregnant classmates in my high school, or any of that shit.

12 years ago

@M Dubz: I may be misremembering, but I think the fact that such a large percentage of public positions of power are held by men is the Sneaky Shadowy Illuminati Type Feminist Sekrit Government working through mangina puppets somehow proves that women control everything.

No guarantees though because my head hurt just typing that.

As we say in my corner of fandom and no doubt elsewhere on the internet: “Earth logic, it does not apply!”

12 years ago

empathologicalism: Seriously, is there some part of ‘mock’ our recent influx of asshats it having trouble with? It’s really not that difficult a word. There are lots and lots of sites dedicated to intellectual discussion of feminism and gender theory – you should try some of those (assuming the mods don’t bring the banhammer down within thirty seconds…)

In the immortal words of JupiterPluvius: “What you are doing, sir, is the equivalent of going into a pie-shop and demanding a jellied eel, because the jellied-eel shop had been closed down after a gang of hooligans had demolished the place. SIR, YOU ARE TOO LATE FOR THE JELLIED EELS. HERE, WE HAVE ONLY PIE.”


12 years ago

… I prefer substantive discourse

You’ve had two chances to prove that, and failed. Now dance for us, or go away.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

In that case, I think I need to just start splashing this around all of the MRA forums. It might help them out!

… probably not though. *lolsob*

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@empathiclogicalism- When I want to engage substantively about gender roles, mysogyny, and issues facing men and women today as caused by the kyriarchy, I go to feministe, or tigerbeatdown, or pandagon, or I go hang out in a room with intelligent people. When I want to blow off steam, I come here. That’s what the space is fucking FOR, dude. Where are you having substantive conversations about these topics instead of concern-trolling our party.

Also, your idea for a sitcom? I LITERALLY came up with a better idea last night at 1 in the morning while dancing with a very very very tall man.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

<blockquote.Keyboard Kommandos
Is that like Keystone Kops?

Also, if you like ‘substantive discourse’ (Statement assumes facts not in evidence), you might want to try something a little better than “Liberals can’t talk substantively, and also I can’t provide any evidence for my claims”

12 years ago

empathowhatthefuckeverpretentiousbullshit –

I do hope you don’t think no can see what you’re doing. You come in here with your faux intellectual, content-free blather, wanking all over yourself about how superior you are. Everyone, naturally, mocks you and brushes you off, because guess what? You haven’t actually said anything, apart from announcing how fucking smart you are.

So now, your quote-mining quota met, you can crawl back to wherever you came from to brag to whoever will listen about how none of us poor fools could come with a “substantive” rebuttal to your empty rhetoric.

12 years ago


Like many “rightists” you sit on a high chair and use “advanced” language to sound clever and profound, when in reality you are very superficial.

Our mockery is not discourse, neither do we pretend it to be. Who would honestly have a “discourse” with people like Paul Elam and most other MRAs? They are hateful fanatics so dogmatic and dishonest they are completely immune to reason. Having a “discourse” or some other “reasonable debate” with them is pointless.

12 years ago


Find some MRA statements that are asserted as facts, refute them with statistics, studies, empiricism, dry and clinical if credible, and go a few rounds as such and see if the stupidity that passes for argument is sufficient to cover for your intellectual laziness.

You haven’t read much here, have you? While the mocking is predominant, at times part of the mocking includes posting links to various types of evidence (usually but not always accessible on the internet; I remember a time or two a post–named Flip? I think–and I have refuted the claim about sociological studies by checking the number of citations in sociological databases).

Doesn’t work (in any sense other than we’re having fun, and some of the regulars get some good additions to their reading lists

I know, thats no fun is it. No fun at all. So, generation whatever you would call yourselves, perhaps best the adults stay in charge and you entertain yourselves with things like this website, and Huff Post, and Kos, and the main media, and NYT, and each other.

Actually, it is fun for those of us who like such things–I call myself the Raving Researcher for just that reason.

And what makes you assume that everybody here is of a certain generation–I’m 56, And from what at least a few have said, there are posters here ten years older than me. The youngest poster I know of is or was 19. I’m a university professor, and I think I qualify as an adult, as do the vast majority regulars. So what’s your point?

Plus, it’s JON Stewart (a number of us are fans).

The point of the site, is, after all, mocking misogyny: I’ve been a feminist since 1982, and there is no point in engaging in any sort of srs discussion with misogynists (ditto racists, homophobes, etc.) because logic, empirical evidence, and appeals to principles have effect on prejudice which is irrational by definition. I gave up arguing feminism with men who are anti-feminist and/or misogynistic by about 1984, I think, and tend to focus on making better spaces for people who are not irrationally prejudiced and hating.

And if you think that social justice/civil rights work on systemic and institutionalized oppressions is just “slamming” people–well, there’s not much point engaging with you either, is there.