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Fingers and trolls

Are they or aren't they?

A couple quick things:

Due to recent increases in trollerly, I’m being a bit more cautious about whom I let comment freely here, and while I will let new commenters post, I will be keeping them on moderation until I’m convinced they’re sincere, and not creepy abusive assholes, etc. In general I will be a bit quicker on the moderate/ban button.

EDITED TO ADD: If you’re a new commenter and want to be taken off moderation more quickly, email me with some info about yourself so I know who you are. (This info will be kept confidential.)

If someone is acting egregiously in the comments, please email me about it.

And generally, keep safe. Be careful with personal info. There are angry assholes everywhere.

On a happier note: Remember that thing about Sandra Fluke and her (allegedly) lesbian fingers? PZ Myers has torn apart the dubious science behind relative-finger-length-gaydar.

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Awww, how sweet that even fingers can have hugs.

12 years ago

Your gift for finding the most adorable pictures possible is impressive.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

My fingers are exactly the same length. I must be bisexual.

(Er, my ring and index fingers. Not ALL my fingers. That’d be funky looking.)

12 years ago

Mine too, Holly. And I am bisexual, so clearly that’s not a coincidence and this theory is totally sciencey.

12 years ago

Silly feminists, always trying to hide the truth with their facts and scientific data.

12 years ago

David, that picture and caption is hilarious!

Anyway, is it worth adding a line to the comment policy along the lines of “don’t sockpuppet other living people on the Internet, using either their real or pseudonymous identities”?

The most recent case of this being Boggi impersonating a YouTuber who doesn’t post on MBz.

Not included under this rubric: we’ve had some fun posters such as Irene Meller and Evan who are obviously fictitious people (?), and some regulars who appear under paper-thin concealed alternate guises such as ozyMRAndias. I’m not suggesting these types of posting be disallowed.

12 years ago

The price of popularity and increased linking seems to be moar trolls, so I’m glad for your policies.

OMG, that picture is adorable!

12 years ago

Silly feminists, always trying to hide the truth with their facts and scientific data.

It’s an Illuminati scheme I tell you, to destroy manly white men and suppress the TRUTH.

12 years ago

(Er, my ring and index fingers. Not ALL my fingers. That’d be funky looking.)

That’s very hard to picture. I bet it would be incredibly disconcerting to see a photoshop of that.

12 years ago

I am not a sockpuppet of ANYONE! You bitches just can’t handle my alpha awesomeness.

12 years ago

I heard when a person is called something, they begin to internalize whatever they’re called. I notice you seem to call all of your dissenters terrorists. With so many people who are not in lock-step with your radical feminist beliefs, it is not a big leap to suppose a few dissenters might begin to internalize your attacks.
I believe you once said, “hate begets hate” to rationalize the feminist hate mail sent to a comedy site.

12 years ago


I know as well as you do that since ANYONE is in capital letters, it’s meant to be a legal name. You’re not a sockpuppet of any person called ANYONE; that much is true.

David, can this blog be an Admiralty Court again? I’m sick and tired of people using this sort of trickery.

12 years ago


I heard when a person is called something, they begin to internalize whatever they’re called.

And yet you still don’t realise you’re an arsehole. How’s Knocked-Up Knockout going?

12 years ago

I heard when a person is called something, they begin to internalize whatever they’re called. I notice you seem to call all of your dissenters terrorists. With so many people who are not in lock-step with your radical feminist beliefs, it is not a big leap to suppose a few dissenters might begin to internalize your attacks.
I believe you once said, “hate begets hate” to rationalize the feminist hate mail sent to a comedy site.

a winger trying to explain away responsibility for his own actions? what happened to ‘personal responsibility’, factfinder?

12 years ago

So that’s why my comment roasting that stupid $PLC piece didn’t go through. You’re getting some push back.

If homosexuality is genetic as you claim then there is going to be some genetic proof.

12 years ago

buttman, this is a comedy blog. what kind of pushback do you think it could possibly get except from incorrigible whiners like you?

12 years ago

Buttman, I’m sure we’re missing out not being able to read your lost comment.

12 years ago


Where has anyone here said that homosexuality is inherited? I’m not sure I’ve ever quite bought “we shouldn’t discriminate against LGBT folks, because they were born like that” was ever a great argument – it’s essentially “well, looks like we can’t fix them, we’ll have to put up with them” as opposed to “we shouldn’t discriminate against LGBT folks because discriminating on the basis of gender or sexuality is wrong”.

Homosexuality, generally, isn’t a conscious choice, or a choice at all, but that’s largely irrelevant. If the straightest person on Earth decided there was some benefit to being gay and they would fuck as many people of the same gender as themselves as possible despite not being into it, they’d still deserve protection from discrimination. I can’t help but feel there’s an element of bisexual erasure to that idea, too – bisexual people who fit the popular idea of being equally attracted to either gender do, arguably, “choose to be gay”, and yet surely they deserve protection and tolerance and rights?

All-round cool person Noah Brand has discussed something very similar to this issue at NSWATM:

tl;dr: Fuck your “genetic proof”.

12 years ago

I notice you seem to call all of your dissenters terrorists.

Apparently “seem” means “don’t,” or else “you” means “other people.”

12 years ago

I notice you seem to call all of your dissenters terrorists.

What reality are you living in again?

12 years ago

every time i see ‘fingers and trolls’ it makes me think of camera obscura’s ‘forests and sands’

12 years ago

Is that why you changed your handle from fact finder to ideologue review? Based on your comments you seem content with accepting second-hand opinions rather than seeking out those pesky facts. For instance, if you paid attention you’d notice that the world “terrorist” is seldom used on Manboobz, and the subject is touched upon only when a) there are actual terrorists and b) people featured on manboobz employ rhetoric suggesting that violence is justified, forthcoming, etc, against feminists/women/”enemies” of men as a whole.

Maybe we should just call you Fact Finder from now on, you might just internalize it.

12 years ago

Why does it matter if people are genetically coded to prefer one sex over another, or both at once, or none at all? It’s what they want to do, so why is it a problem for anyone, as long as all participants are consenting adults? I just don’t get this.

I was talking to a young woman today about the birth control debacle, and she said, “I just don’t want people who are irresponsible to have it” (I guess meaning unmarried women). I’d have said it was more responsible to take birth control if you’re not in a position to take care of a kid, and I am still a little stunned by her response.

My thoughts are that there are too many people in the world who want to control the actions of others. What the heck? I figure I am doing well to control myself, and did pretty well at teaching my kids and dogs to control themselves (did well with the kids, the dogs mostly get it right). Whatever happened to live and let live?

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