cuteness kitties MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Activists, or Kitten Haters? You decide.


The Men’s Rights subreddit responds to my previous post:

Men’s Rights Movement, I say to you: You can’t handle the kittens! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE KITTENS!

I rest my case.

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12 years ago


12 years ago

Kamikaze does kind of have the crazy eyes. Of course if you actually like cats that’s cute and funny, rather than a reason to kill them.

Meller doesn’t really like cats I don’t think, he likes the idea of kittens in the abstract, where they don’t have teeth and claws and a natural kitty tendency to attack things.

12 years ago

CassandraSays: I think it’s partly her eyes. They were amber for the longest time, but they’ve started getting green as she gets older (this is standard for Maus). But the combo amber/green eyes can be freaky. Imagine how odd it was when the kitten blue started to shift to amber!

12 years ago

My current kitty has yellow eyes. I found it so freaky at first – omg demon spawn! – but now I think it’s pretty.

I keep getting the feeling that Meller just doesn’t understand the fact that being homicidal demon spawn is part of what’s so hilarious and loveable about cats.

12 years ago

Kamikaze is cute! I’m glad you didn’t kill her. 🙂

12 years ago

cloudiah: So are we! She’s crazypants but we honestly wouldn’t have her any other way. One of these days, we’re going to adopt/find a calm, peaceful lap cat with no mental issues (the older cat is… neurotic), but we love the ones we’ve got.

12 years ago

DKM: So it’s okay for you to tell us to see a doctor for whatever the hell you armchair diagnosis of the week is, but heaven forefend anyone try to impugn the mental health of people who advocate killing women, beating children, and corrective rape – all of which I have seen various representatives of the MRM do at one point or another.

What Meller said was disgusting I don’t see how armchair diagnosing mras back will solve anything. Plus being violent (or pro violent) ≠ to be mentally ill. :/

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

It kinda sickens me that DKM’s idea of great gentleness and morality is that he only thinks people/cats he doesn’t like should be abused/killed.

He doesn’t get that almost EVERY murderer and abuser thinks the same way! Of course they don’t attack people they LIKE!

You don’t get a cookie for “hey, at least I don’t think people should be killed at RANDOM.” That’s seriously the least impressive moral system ever.

12 years ago

I keep waiting for him to say “well, it’s not like I want to send my Mom to one of the Houses of Entertaintment – see what a kind generous man I am?”.

He’s like something out of a horror movie where the killer honestly believes himself to be a good and just person.

12 years ago

jumbofish: Yeah. Shouldn’t have posted that. Too much rage, not enough thinking.

12 years ago

Thats ok kathleen, its really disgusting though. My bunny is mean to me at times (she punches!) but I love her and would never want to put her down just for that. >_<

12 years ago

DKM! My advice is for, and about friendly animals (or women). There is certainly no sense in punishing a friendly and affectionate little adorable, and there is similarly no sense in petting and playing with a hostile, ill-tempered, nasty hissing and spitting creature.

I LUV soft, playful, and adorable animals, I also LUV real women-not feminists and :”modern women”–for understandable reasons. I don’t love, or even particularly like, sour, ill-tempered, mean examples of either creature, and avoid them as much as possible.

See, here’s the problem. In the world you live in, animals/women (you equate them, you putz) are essentially EITHER loving/adorable/sweet/etc OR are hostile/ill-tempered/nasty. You cannot conceive that sentient beings of any species have a broad range of potential behaviors, and are not limited to either GOOD(AKA YOU APPROVE) or EVIL (AKA YOU THINK SHOULD BE PUT DOWN).

You do contradict yourself because you believe that the good women have been corrupted by the evil women/feminists–which is a contradiction because if somebody is NATURALLY GOOD, how an they be corrupted (corruption implies that environment affects behavior omg shock shock shock). You also think education ruins women too (that’s we see you as a vampire from the 18th century). So yeah, your muddled thinking is completely contradictory, but that muddle is why we say that you advocate abusing/killing women (or cats) (or probably anybody else) who do not behave in the way you consider they should INNATELY behave all the time, regardless of external factors.

But that’s why we interpret your words the way we do: the minute a woman or a cat behaves in a way you consider BAD (and boy is your BAD category big), it’s OFF WITH HER HEAD.

And that’s why you can only like dolls or stuffed animals: they’re not sentient; they don’t react to changes in the environment.

And they never ever contradict you. Or point out your extremely bad behavior.

Like this:
Ithiliana–February 12, 2012 @2:31pm

“graduate student “murdered” by ex-husband”

Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…

Did graduate student take her “how to handle men” or something like that from YOU?

I was explaining that a man who loved his nearest and dearest would do anything to avoid the spousal abuse so often cited on feminuttery websites and blogs like this, because it wouldn’t get him what he wanted! I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!

Gee, Ithiliana, for an intelligent woman, you sure have a lot of trouble understanding ordinary common sense, don’t you?

12 years ago

Okay, you grrrrlz asked for it!

I love the many iterations of this phrase that DKM loves to use. It’s part horrifying abuser talk, and part amusing yapping chihuahua

12 years ago

@Shadow: Definitely–but what is really horrifying to me as someone who (perhaps naively) believes that writing can be a way to learn, to assess one’s own beliefs, etc. etc. is how bloody completely unselfaware he is, that he can keep blathering and spewing this stuff out, and


12 years ago

Meller, you haven’t apologised for shit. You’ve said things which are distancing… but not an actual apology.

You backtracked and said you didn’t mean, “All cancer survivors, just the one’s who deserve it”, because some feminists were nasty and it hurt your feelings.

So when women act like you did, and get upset when you say nasty things, you get your knickers in a twist and say they must be mentally unbalanced.

Then you call them bitches and pretend it’s all their fault.

It’s not. It’s your fault. You were an asshole, and won’t take responsibility for the results of your intentional actions. You admitted you were trying to cause offense and now you have the vapors because people took offense.

You’re lucky the rules here don’t allow people to be truly harsh with you, because if this is the level of, “vitriol” you lose your cool over, you aren’t in any shape to deal with people engaging in a no-holds barred exchange of ideas.

You are so doomed in the Libetarian Paradise, because you haven’t got the honesty required to deal with the expected reactions to what you do.

No one is going to accept your opinions, and you are going to have to pray no one who fails to accept the validity of your, “arbiters” comes to call.

So you will have to be a craven worm, or just accept that a lot of people are going to kick you around. Which is probably what you deserve.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

manboobz is a very unusual blog! It is the only one which has somehow shown me to be an “apologist for ‘domestic violence’, a ‘woman hater’, and even a ‘kitty killer’. Considering that I post to a great many other blogs and websites, and maintain a more or less human touch, I wonder what it is with the feminists here, and their male? copycats–or would that be “copykitties”?–who think that if they agree slavishly enough with the sisterhood from hell, maybe this will improve their acceptance for sex, or something like that. Of course, any man who wants sex with a feminist probably would also want to cuddle cactus, caress live cobras, and add live red wasps to his butterfly collection, so I don’t put too much stock there!

Your guess is as good as mine. All that I know is that the Meller that everyone knows and loves in real life certainly isn’t the hateful person that is caricatured here, and I suspect that other critics of manboobz here (a.k.a. “”) like Antz, NWOslave, or Brandon probably aren’t either.

As far as the feminuttery collective is concerned, why not take up the suggestion offered in a previous post, to wit, gather up some of your sister manboobzettes, and go to the nearest biomedical research center. Youall can offer to sell them powerful female venom, fresh from your fangs! The extraction is painless, and you may get some $$$ for it!

I understand that venom is currently being studied for possible uses in pain control, antiseptic uses, and control in certain nerve pathology. Your incredible viciousness, nastiness, and–shall I say–venomousness could be put to some socially constructive purpose. You feminists would need to bring a vaccination certificate for rabies of course, to show that your bite would not endanger passersby!

12 years ago

Meller: I’ve seen you elsewhere, you go to places where the locals are also excusers/apologists for/fans of DV: or just plain hate women, or people who aren’t white.

Of course they don’t think you are a bad person, you are like them.

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