cuteness kitties MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Activists, or Kitten Haters? You decide.


The Men’s Rights subreddit responds to my previous post:

Men’s Rights Movement, I say to you: You can’t handle the kittens! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE KITTENS!

I rest my case.

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12 years ago

Polliwog, I love your dog. She is awesome in her hats.

12 years ago

In the middle hat pic she looks like she’s preparing for a day at Royal Ascot.

12 years ago

No pics, but I can report that tonight was the first night that our rescue chocolate lab (Katie) climbed into her new doggie bed (in the tv room–she has doggie beds in my bedroom, and in the kitchen) with Arwen (tortie cat). Since the new bed came into the house, it’s been occupied by cats who assume all beds/furniture are theirs, and Katie defers to cats. But tonight, she showed that she could fit in as well!

Arwen looked a bit miffed but did not leave, or become aggressive!

As of March 16, we’ll have had Katie two months!

(We’re lousy at taking pics, sorry)

12 years ago

I love Royal Ascot hat pics. Those are some crazy hats.

12 years ago


12 years ago

*that was a reply to both polliwog and ithiliana

12 years ago


That blows. One of the shitty things about pet ownership is outliving them.

I’d love to get another dog, but my mom refuses to have an indoor pet, and it’s too fuckin cold here for anything but. But yeah, another dog lover here. We raised an alsatian/rottweiler mix, but we lost her to congenital heart failure. I love cats too though. My gran’s house in Sri Lanka always had like 6 or 7 of the neighbourhood cats at any given time, coming to mooch of of her.

12 years ago

I love rescue labs, tortie cats, and dogs in hats. I am totally bookmarking this post under the heading “Cure for what ails you.”

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@everyone- Your puppies are the cutest puppies! I love dogs to death, but most of them are far too high energy for me to ever live with one. I prefer animals that probably secretly want to kill me in my sleep.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Straight edge kitties!

<3 Quackers.

12 years ago


haha glad you like! 😛

12 years ago

@katz: I’m working as a cryo tech, supporting a couple of the telescopes down here. Also working on the trauma team, in the off chance that something happens.

12 years ago!165&parid=2DF04615718C7A8B!142&authkey=!AApmh0DyJo5qKz8

I was going to say, no pussy pics but my cock’s wet, but that would be rude XP

(His name is Rhonda)

12 years ago

My mom’s chow mix is obsessively clean. He will actively avoid dirt or water. He also won’t eat raw meat or other disgusting things. He’s such a prissy dog in some ways, though he is the sweetest thing.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Why think that MRAs hate cute little furries? I would call myself a men’s advocate, and I adore them! Just look at some of my other posts if you doubt this. I even encourage modern women to take more of their cues from the little lovable creatures, as even women too can have attractive, playful, and lovable qualities.

12 years ago

Okay, but that kitten-pony is a tad bit creepy.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Agreed. Kitties are kitties and ponies are ponies. Both are loveable, but merging the little furries doesn’t work very well, does it?

12 years ago

Forgive my skepticism about your love of animals, Meller. Last time I mentioned our younger cat misbehaving, you suggested that we euthanize her. For scratching me. Yeah, I just feel that love radiating…

And let’s not forget that you laugh at the pain of cancer patients and think that abused women should think about how they might be provoking the abuse – men shouldn’t hit women, but gosh darnit, sometimes she aggravates him to the point where he has no choice but to slap her around. This is still your position, yes?

12 years ago

Meller: What counts as playful to you? I play tabletop rpgs with MrB, does that count? I chase NephewB around the house shouting ‘EXTERMINATE’ at the top of my lungs, how about that? I throw Kamikaze her rattle balls, is that play? Please explain, that this lowly feminist may be enlightened.

12 years ago


Judging by Meller’s advice, I think it only counts if you get on your hands and knees and bat a ball around, or bat at a catnip mouse that Mr B hovers over your head. Fetch may also be an acceptable pasttime.

12 years ago

I should add, because MRAs so love taking shit out of context, that chasing NephewB while yelling ‘EXTERMINATE’ is a Doctor Who reference and nothing to do with, you know, actually wanting to exterminate the kid.

And because it’s fun and educational, here’s a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy entry on Daleks:

12 years ago

Shadow: A point. A good point. Sigh.

12 years ago

Wahl, your career sounds formidably awesome.