a voice for men antifeminism bullying evil women grandiosity hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam threats

A Voice for Men responds to the Southern Poverty Law Center. With love.

Welcome to the fifth and final day of the Man Boobz Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending a few bucks my way.

Thanks! And, once again, big thanks to all who’ve already donated. I’ve been amazed and humbled by the response, which was greater than I had ever expected. Seriously, you rock. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

The look of love, AVFM-style.

[TW for rape apologism and domestic violence.]

Paul Elam of A Voice for Men has responded to the Southern Poverty Law Center report on the Men’s Rights Movement with an letter to the organization’s head. Apparently, the SPLC is confused, and AVFM isn’t hateful at all! Indeed, it’s like the opposite of hateful. Loveful, you might call it. Here’s Elam:

Contrary to what readers of your site may be led to believe, the goals of SPLC and AVfM are quite similar: We both work to identify groups who seek to oppress others, and inform the public of the inequities they would perpetuate. … The work of AVfM is vital and, despite what you may think, not dissimilar from the goals and aims of the SPLC.

Indeed, AVFM might better be thought of as “a human rights organization.”

Elam also clears up a little matter of terminology:

[T]he term “mangina” is not a euphemism for “weak men,” but rather a label for men who enable and excuse female misconduct – ranging from physical violence to exculpatory false reporting of crimes …  – solely because the offender is female (and to gain women’s approval).

I think I can speak for all manginas when I say, thanks for the clarification, Paul!

At the end of the letter, Elam gets all Martin Luther King on us:

Those who fear truth, and brand it as hatred and bigotry, hide behind the worst kind of cowardice – the sniveling complacency that for generations allowed the rich to starve the poor, for one person to own another because of the color of their skin, and for the officers at Nuremberg to claim they were “just following orders.”  …

This movement will grow, as it has since its inception, and the time will come when the SPLC (and other groups) must admit our fundamental similarities and aspirations.  I am inviting you, with open arms, to do just that.

The alternative, I fear, is that you come down on the wrong side of history, with the likes of Dred Scott as your legacy.

Inspiring stuff, Paul. Nazis, Dred Scott– you totally nailed it. Who could possibly doubt your passion, or your deeply moral vision?

Here’s a link to his letter.

Oh, wait, that wasn’t a link to his letter. That was a link to a post of his in which he tells a feminist that:

I am not going to stop. You see, I find you, as a feminist, to be a loathsome, vile piece of human garbage. I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.

Here’s the link to his letter.

Oops! That was actually a link to a post in which he suggests that “vermin” like me (and another feminist writer who has also been critical of the Men’s Rights movement) deserve to be killed. Or have something awful and permanent happen to us that would solve “the problem” that is us. He’s a little vague.

Here, at long last, is the link.

Oh, sorry, that’s actually a link to a post in which Paul puckishly suggested that October, currently designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, should be renamed “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” As he explained:

I’d like to make it the objective for the remainder of this month, and all the Octobers that follow, for men who are being attacked and physically abused by women – to beat the living shit out of them. I don’t mean subdue them, or deliver an open handed pop on the face to get them to settle down. I mean literally to grab them by the hair and smack their face against the wall till the smugness of beating on someone because you know they won’t fight back drains from their nose with a few million red corpuscles.

And then make them clean up the mess.

What a wit!

Anyway, here’s the letter.

Gosh darn it. I’m not doing too well with links at the moment. That’s actually a link to a post in which Elam suggests that women who drink and go home with men are “freaking begging” to be raped:

Damn near demanding it.

And all the outraged PC demands to get huffy and point out how nothing justifies or excuses rape won’t change the fact that there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk though life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.

I guess that’s what they call “human rights advocacy” right there.

Ok, finally, the letter:

Damn. That wasn’t even by Paul. No, that was a guest post on A Voice for Men by a fellow named Keith, with an explanation for why men don’t just beat women all the time. (It’s not why you’d think!)

Let’s face it guys if it was about size or domination, or patriarchy or anything other than power, wouldn’t we be kicking the shit out of women on a daily basis in the streets? The only reason men don’t randomly pound the shit out of women who can’t keep their mouths shut, is because they don’t mean anything to us and they have no power over or in our lives. They are not worth the trouble! That’s the only reason there isn’t bodies strewn all over the streets.

That’s enough human rights advocacy for me for now. Here’s the actual link to Elam’s letter.

This post contains some

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12 years ago

And upon re-reading that highlighted bit, I find it funny that because Roosh doesn’t like a woman’s hair, that makes her fair game. What a child.

12 years ago

I will be in ATX at the end of this month, so I am currently enjoying the dubious charms of Minnesota weather. I miss Boston very much at the moment.

12 years ago

Moe sees Pick Up Artists and arsonists in the same magazine. Moe thinks people who don’t call women back after having sex with them are on the same level as people who burn down buildings.
And that is how the feminist mind works, ladies and gents. Give Moe a hand, she’s a good girl and has done a good job.

Did I say there was no difference? No. I said there are a range of levels of hateful persons and groups covered, therefore the criticism is off base. Nice job learning to read, asshat. Or did you just see my post commented on over at Reason magazine and fail to check for yourself, just as you refrained from thinking critically about the claim that the only relevant juxtaposition is PUAs, “egalitarians,” and armed militia groups? I did not know my words had spread so fast or gained such influence that they could be so rapidly misunderstood. I guess that’s how a FACT FINDER’s mind works.

“He,” btw.

12 years ago


It’s not just IR, he linked to this as an attempt to show that there was legitimate opposition to the SPLC article.

The SPLC held up for ridicule one D.C. blogger for saying of American girls that he “made it a point to f#*k them and never call again.”


12 years ago

Kirby, OFFS. Really?*

Not at you, at the article.

12 years ago


The comments section is just peachy as well.

There are limits to everything, even enfranchisement. What really is the benefit, for example, of letting women vote? It sounds lovely and dramatic to be in favor of women voting, but the actual results are not so good. Extreme enfranchisement is extreme; and thus stupid. Political systems should reflect real political power to be most effective. The vote of an intelligent or informed person cannot be held as equal to the vote of a TV-watching moron or you get … what we have now. Which is decay and self-destruction.

Think more about the theory of government. Who is really fit to vote? Is the current system working? Is the vote of a female Pinterest user who looks at pictures of silly dogs and babies and can’t read or write equal to the vote of a free man or land holder as you describe them? Of course not. One is an informed, intelligent vote, the other is a vote that can be bought with a sexy smile by a male beefcake actor like Ronald Reagan. Do you want intelligent effective leaders or sexy men with fake suntans like JFK. Or naughty sexy little boys like Billy Clinton or big-ears Obama. Our elections are degraded contests of attractiveness on TV, because our voters are ignorant.

(let’s see if the ‘cite’ variable that I saw once works)

12 years ago

The idea that women being allowed to vote is “exteme” pretty much sums up how the MRM ended up on the SPLCs list of groups to keep an eye on.

12 years ago

Female pinterest users: degrading politics since 1920. Male pinterest users are all landowners so they’re cool.

12 years ago

RE: Kirby

…Obama is a sexy little boy?

I… I feel dirty now. I… I’m just going to go and uh. Shower.


12 years ago

Oh, fuck that guy and his disenfranchisement talk. I wonder how he feels about black people voting? Bet it the same song and dance.

So all men’s interests are chock full of gravitas, allowing them to vote effectively. Has this ass ever heard of video games, porn, and golf?

12 years ago

I love how wonderfully unaware he is of the existence of smart women.

12 years ago

Here’s a link that puts all this in perspective:

What a luvly day it is. So there is sanity after all in this world.

12 years ago

I guess it’s easy to think that all women are stupid if those are the only women who will talk to you?

12 years ago

RE: Cassandrasays

I dunno, my brain kinda automatically shuts off in self-defense if subjected to too much vilebile. I wouldn’t call that an unusual coping mechanism…

(No, my brain didn’t do it with Roberta. It’s a learning curve, okay?)

12 years ago

The vote of an intelligent or informed person cannot be held as equal to the vote of a TV-watching moron or you get … what we have now. Which is decay and self-destruction.

What about the mindless men who do nothing but drink beer, watch football, go to strip clubs, drive recklessly like fools, and are stupid pick up artists like Roissy? You do realize that by your criteria many men shouldn’t vote either. If you can bring up stereotypes to dehumanize an entire group of people so can I.

12 years ago


This is why so many feminists blogs have kitty pictures. Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, cut the voice boxes out of little girls, rape isn’t really rape because women are lying liars…after enough of that your brain does kind of go into “kittens, kittens are nice” mode.

12 years ago

If we’re listing random trivial things that disquality people from voting then I that suggest owning trucknuts be added to the list.

12 years ago

Cassandra, I’ll see your trucknuts and raise you a Calvin pissing/Calvin praying sticker in the disqualification round.

12 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

Enh, I zone out of a lot of my tumblr too. I’ve had a week of frantically scribbling Edward Cullen comics to keep myself mentally functioning; I really, REALLY can not handle children in Uganda and shit today.

I’ll look at pictures of cyborgs instead.

12 years ago

Hellkell, I’m suddenly so glad that I don’t live in Texas any more. The most common bumper sticker I’ve seen here for a while is the geek spoof of the “Protected by Angels” one that reads “Protected by Angles”.

12 years ago

Cassandra: Kittens are wonderful unless you end up with a psycho one. Kamikaze’s not exactly a kitten anymore, but she’s crazypants. At any given moment, it’s a tossup as to whether she’ll rub up against your ankles and purr, or attack your pants for the offense of… existing, I guess. She’s gorgeous (we could probably pass her off as a show-quality bronze Egyptian Mau) and a lot of fun when she’s not attacking us, though.

12 years ago

My old kitty was psycho. I’m still finding it wierd that the new one never stalks and attacks me – she’s so sweet and polite. Even when she wants me to wake up to feed her she just comes and hangs out on my bed purring until I notice her and figure it out.

12 years ago

[Note from DF: This is not the real “Rocking Mr. E,” who evidently posts on youtube and AVfM. This is an impersonator. I’m banning the imposter account, and leaving this up only b/c people responded to it, and it would be confusing to take it down. DO NOT IMPERSONATE OTHER PEOPLE ON MAN BOOBZ, EVEN IF THEY ARE ASSHOLES.]

@All Manboobzers:

Your concise reasoning and adroit use of evidence is nothing more than a typical Cultural Marxist Stalinist leftist ploy to somehow deceive Mens’ Rights Activists and the general public. Your anti-moral anti-family anti-capitalist values are the embodiment of leftist nonsense. Mens’ Rights Activists are real civil rights activists who truly fight to do good in the world. If only you Islamo-Marxist-leftist-misandric fascists understood this obvious truth.

This is RockingMrE, over and out.

12 years ago


This is why so many feminists blogs have kitty pictures. Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, cut the voice boxes out of little girls, rape isn’t really rape because women are lying liars…after enough of that your brain does kind of go into “kittens, kittens are nice” mode.

Understandable. I doubt any MRA would be able to swallow their own vile medicine for one day.

12 years ago

So the fact that I am politically active and well-informed (on a multitude of issues) is somehow trumped by the fact that I like pictures of cats when deciding if my vote counts?

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