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The Southern Poverty Law Center takes on the violent misogyny so pervasive in the Men’s Rights Movement

[TW for the comments to this post; discussions of rape and abuse.]

The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization devoted to tracking and exposing hate groups, has just published a detailed report on the misogyny and violent rhetoric so pervasive in the Men’s Rights Movement — as well as the actual violence inspired by this sort of hatred of women. It’s a piece you all should read, even though few of the details will be new to long-time readers of this blog.

Arthur Goldwag, an expert on conspiracy-mongers and the far right, argues (I think correctly) that the Men’s Rights movement is largely a backlash against the many successes of feminism over the last several decades:

It’s not much of a surprise that significant numbers of men in Western societies feel threatened by dramatic changes in their roles and that of the family in recent decades. Similar backlashes, after all, came in response to the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, and other major societal revolutions. What is something of a shock is the verbal and physical violence of that reaction.

[Thomas] Ball’s suicide brought attention to an underworld of misogynists, woman-haters whose fury goes well beyond criticism of the family court system, domestic violence laws, and false rape accusations.

The Men’s Rights Movement, as it exists today, is not a civil rights movement; it is a regressive, hateful reaction against a civil rights movement — that is, feminism.

Those who truly care about the rights of men, and who are not motivated by a hatred of women or feminism, need to repudiate the hate and the violent rhetoric of the Men’s Rights Movement as it exists today. Only then can there be a Men’s Rights Movement worthy of the name.

EDITED TO ADD: The SPLC has also put up a guide to some of the more hateful sites in the manosphere. Longtime readers will be familiar with most of them.

EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: And a piece debunking some Men’s Rights Myths.

EDITED TO ADD AGAIN, AGAIN: The discussion of the SPLC report on the Men’s Rights Subreddit is surprisingly reasonable, so far.  (I mean, compared to what I expected. Meanwhile, over in this thread, the Men’s Rightsers are behaving as they usually do.)

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13 years ago

Mags, I couldn’t help noticing you’re going out of your way to find out who wrote the SPLC article.

Trying to get some brownie points with Elam by doxxing someone free of charge? Why not hold out for the 1000bux he’ll inevitably offer for the e-lynching of another “bigot?”

And you wanted to donate to Manboobz anonymously. Coward.

13 years ago

AVfM has now responded:

Typically florid quotes:

Those who fear truth, and brand it as hatred and bigotry, hide behind the worst kind of cowardice – the sniveling complacency that for generations allowed the rich to starve the poor, for one person to own another because of the color of their skin, and for the officers at Nuremberg to claim they were “just following orders.” For men and boys, there is no more time for complacency.


The alternative, I fear, is that you come down on the wrong side of history, with the likes of Dred Scott as your legacy.

That last, directed to the SPLC, is almost delicious.

Helpfully available as a .pdf download. Thanks, Paul E.!

13 years ago


tonight, I am going to refrain from the pissing contests that I get sucked into here at MBz. I always start out nicely, and get attacked by people like you. So, hence, and therfore, I won’t comment. I will say, that the person that wrote it should take responsibility for their article if they are going to slander everybody on /r/mensrights.


13 years ago

Also, check out the reply from AgentMRAOrangeMRMBBQ — possible Elam sockpuppet, who released dox* on radical messageboard feminists he deemed a threat to public safety.

* I forget, did he go through with releasing actual identifying information? I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t, because he’s a coward as well.

13 years ago


Try to ignore, as David feigns to do, the MRM.

Er, have you read and understood the purpose of this blog?

13 years ago

How is it necessary to doxx the dude who wrote the SPLC article? He’s a published author, and his name is right at the top.

13 years ago

Why don’t you want to accept responsibility for all your “FURST!!” posts? Cya later Mags, good luck getting another person harassed by a bunch of maniacs.

13 years ago

No….there is the one that mentions /r/mensrights that has no author. There are three articles in the issue. Two have authors.

13 years ago

Good night sweet Xardoz. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Until we meet again. hugs and kisses.

13 years ago

Bylines – how do they work?

13 years ago

And Fidelbogen’s comment on AVfM post is good too:

This is in regard to your postings about the men’s rights “manosphere” websites.

I am one of the bloggers listed on your “hit list”, and I am not at all pleased about being there. I consider the tenor of your material to be grossly libellous, and in need of justification.

I have personally not engaged in hate speech as the law defines it. Nothing in my writing is directed at any religious group, ethnic group, racial group or birth group whatsoever. Nor have I made threats against any individual. I have spoken harsh words about feminism, but I have a perfect right to express my opinion about ideologies I don’t agree with. Freedom of speech was guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution the last time I checked.

I consider feminism to be on a par with the KKK or any similarly odious thing. That is my highly principled conclusion, and I have reached it only after long and serious reflection. But I know quite well that if I had created a website against the KKK, I would not be on the SPLC watch list. Yes, I know a double-standard when I see one. So I consider the action of the SPLC to be unjustifiable and inexcusable. What is your excuse, then?

The SPLC does not condone the KKK, so why does it condone feminism?

Furthermore, there is no “misogyny” in my writing. Nowhere do I attack *women* (as a class or birth group) in any in any way whatsoever. So that is another case of libel. Is libel a practice of the SPLC?

Also, in regard to Arthur Goldwag’s article (issue 145). I was offended by what I saw there, because most of the information presented is simply FALSE, and in many cases slanderous — for example, a completely unfounded linkage to Mark Lepine. In other words, the SPLC is misinforming the public, and I am sure you will agree that the public is ill-served in that manner.

I would like to see you correct the information in Goldwag’s article, and I will be happy to provide the necessary consultation. I will even write an article myself, to set matters straight, since Mr. Goldwag appears uninterested in reporting things accurately.

I look forward to your serious and considered response in the near future.

Oh, and tell your friends at the FBI I said hello! 😉


13 years ago

David, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but can you tell me on this -> page where the author is. Maybe I’m just missing it.

13 years ago

The best disinfectant is sunshine.

Particularly for a movement composed almost entirely of trolls :p

13 years ago

David, as I always say, it’s aways a good idea not to start out the conversation with veiled condescension.

13 years ago

So, hence, and therfore, I won’t comment.

Good night sweet Xardoz. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Until we meet again. hugs and kisses.

Sticking the flounce, are we?

13 years ago

I’ve never even heard of fidelbogen. Did SPLC get that one wrong? He clearly can’t think straight, tno. Why would a site exposing a hate group like the KKK be wrong? That’s not a double standard if SPLC doesn’t care about anti-KKK sites.

Also if he has so much evidence that feminism is a hate group like the KKK, why doesn’t he hand over that evidence to the Southern Poverty Law Center for review instead of skwaking about being listed? It’s clear that he does not believe his own crap.

OH and fidelbogen… try googling Lepine and Elam. Wait, I did it for you.

Having said all that, I wonder why SPLC included this gentleman here? I believe that their paragraphs describing sites should have at least one example of why they were chosen.

13 years ago

I consider feminism to be on a par with the KKK or any similarly odious thing.

You wanna talk about “…in need of justification.”?

13 years ago

I am indeed. As the other attorney on this board, don’t underestimate the power of the dark side.

13 years ago

I posted a link, is that why my comment was held up? It was to an article on Lepine by Elam showing that there is a link, against what Fidel was claiming.

13 years ago

Ok magdelyn, we know you hate women, especially feminists and everyone else. You have proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Hopefully the MRAs that you come closest to liking will now like you back.

Or maybe not, because those guys do not seem to like anyone.

13 years ago

Gad, they’re so melodramatic! Almost like “feminists” with the vapors!
Here’s Fidelbogen again:

The calm before the storm. The foreboding silence. Can you feel the electrical tension in the air, as the thunderheads pile up and up over the prairie? The sky grows ominously dark. Look yonder, a funnel cloud….!

He is totally serious.
I am beginning to see what inspired David’s mockery, which I enjoy so much.
(Insomnia again. Sucks.)

13 years ago

They’re trying to use Dred Scott to attack the SPLC? These people have no sense of irony.

13 years ago

Well, Bostonian, I understand that you are not my biggest fan in the world. But, as I’ve said, today, I am being all sunshine and lollipops. The last few times I’ve been on here, the conversation devolves into a clash of snark.

13 years ago

There is so much fail to this flounce.