I mean, seriously?
I’m not even sure if I’ll be putting up a tree next year.
That said, Martha Marcy May Marlene is an awesome movie. You should rent it and eat cupcakes.
In the meantime, let’s celebrate International Women’s Day the right way. With a gif of Maude Lebowski saying “vagina.”
EDITED TO ADD: In case anyone is wondering, I have no idea who did that graphic; it’s floating around on tumblr. I found it courtesy of unknowable woman.
Only one question: Why is that one lady eating a cabbage?
She is a typical woman, thrilled to be sitting in skimpy pjs eating salad. Because in advertising land, that’s what we all do, with gusto!
and before any MRAs start screeching:
Anyway, happy lady day and all that. I think I’ll treat myself to donut, not cabbage, and smirk at the fact that it pisses off misogynists that I’m getting fat and undesirable or something
For some reason this seems appropriate today.
I like being a woman! I don’t know if I’m an international one though v_v.
I have no idea what’s going on in this post but I like it.
Yeah, happy International Women’s Day.
I know I work in an awesome place because one of my co-workers was self aware enough to joke, “I can’t wait for it to go back to being International Men’s Day tomorrow. Like it is every day.”
I didn’t even know this was a thing until today.
Yeah, respect Lady Day’s Stalinist roots, guys!
This calls for a Social Justice Sally!
The Women of the Future
(according to 1902 French trading cards)
Hi IR! Are you here to tell us to “shut up, women, get on my horse?”
[NOTE from DF: Video is NSFW]
Gasp! Are you saying that by talking about women for 24 hours we’re raising Stalin from the dead!?!
That’s right, Quackers! By not doing activism every single moment of the day, you are a bad feminist
/sarcasm, obviously
Whoa I did not realize the screenshot for that song would be so NSFW. I also forgot the whole thing was NSFW. So sorry for not warning, and if you want to take out the vid because of the screenshot David I would totally get it.
Stalin was a noted woman.
Feminists should be able to indulge in every calorie of their feminist activism without being shocked by the sight of a giant cartoon horse penis. Someone could choke!
As much as I hate Stalin, he’s dead, the USSR collapsed two decades ago, and International Woman’s Day has sort of become its own thing.
IR, do you really think calories and horse penises are equally obscene?
I get that those are pretty much the 1902 equivalent of “sexy cop” costumes, and that the intent was almost certainly, “Hee hee, look at these girls dressed up like they’re doing MAN things! How absurd, yet titillating!”…but I really like those pictures in spite of myself. Maybe it’s that the 1902 version of “sexy cop” looks less like “photoshopped porn star pouting in ridiculous cop-themed lingerie” and more like “pretty but basically ‘real’-looking woman smiling happily in what is pretty much an actual police uniform, just adjusted to fit a more hourglass-ish figure,” but it somehow seems less demeaning than the modern version.
IR, you do realize that nothing you say makes sense to anyone but you, right?
Pfft! I’m doing activism right now! Look, Social Justice Sally would be a wicked name for a donut, it could be shaped like the woman symbol. Coffee shops could sell it on Women’s Day and proceeds could go to a woman’s shelter.
Then on Men’s day they could have have a donut shaped like the man symbol and proceeds go to a men’s shelter or towards prostate cancer research.
I think this plan is misandrous though because donuts make women fat and unfuckable. Sigh. Bach to the drawing board.
Actually I was more concerned that people who are working shouldn’t have to explain to their employers why they’re looking at websites that feature giant horse penises. That includes you, IR, if you happen to be at work. And of course, I don’t want to be posting stuff on David’s blog that he doesn’t want there, because it’s his blog, not mine.
Would you like an item-by-item breakdown of the food I’ll be eating this International Women’s Day, so you can tell me whether or not it meets your rigid standards for women’s food choices?
Stalin was a noted giant horse penis, and quite high in calories as well.
International Women’s Day was first made a holiday by Vladimir Lenin, not Joseph Stalin.
Keeping with the Lebowski theme, let Walter explain it
If I ever get brave enough to make doughnuts from scratch, they’re gonna be shaped like this!
Also, IR, I ate a cookie today. IN PUBLIC, just to show of my OBSCENE CALORIES! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Geez, Viscaria, don’t you know that basic consideration for others is terrible? For shame!
And yes, that is misandry.