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Gucci Little Piggy: Sandra Fluke is a lesbian pirate because one of her fingers is longer than the other

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Leave it to the manosphere to further elevate the national discourse about Sandra Fluke. On Gucci Little Piggy, a blog loosely aligned with the alt-right/racist/PUA wing of the manosphere, blogger Chuck Rudd suggests that Rush Limbaugh might have been wrong to call Fluke a slut. Sounds good,eh? Not when you hear the, er, reasoning behind it:

I think the term “slut” is too arbitrary to have much meaning in a political context, especially when we don’t actually know anything about the so-called slut’s sexual history.  It doesn’t fit Sandra Fluke anyway as we don’t know for sure that she’s heterosexual.

Go on.

Fluke is not a “slut”, nor is she a “good citizen” which is what President Obama called her in a press conference held today.  Based upon readily observable behavior and on her beliefs about what she and her favorite groups have a right to grab from tax payers and employers, it’s best to call her what she is:  a pirate

Uh, what?

Apparently, in Chuck’s world, putative lesbians who suggest that insurance should pay for birth control that they personally don’t need to prevent babies, though they or people they know might need it to treat other medical conditions, are pirates.

Later in the post, Chuck links to a review of a book that suggests many pirates engaged in sodomy. Which is evidently proof in his mind that lesbians are pirates, or at least that it is hilarious to call them pirates.

Anyway, the best part of the piece is how Chuck, using the magic of SCIENCE, proves that Fluke is gay:

[P]eople who have a longer ring finger (4d) than index finger (2d) have more testosterone and, some argue, a higher sex drive.

Pointing to a news photograph that appears to show that Ms. Fluke does indeed have a long ring finger, Chuck concludes:

her ring finger is quite a bit longer than her index.  It’s almost as long as her middle finger.  In general, a low 2d:4d ratio in women indicates a greater proclivity towards homosexuality or bisexuality and greater tendency towards aggressiveness and assertiveness.  So, yeah, pirate fits.

Thanks, Chuck.

Most of the commenters to his article seem to agree with his basic thesis.

Stickman writes:

forget the fingers… shes got strait up MAN HANDS. But look on the bright side, if she survives the up coming second dark ages, I’m sure she will do a fine job of pulling a plow.

Note: The “coming second dark ages” is a familiar trope among manospherians; the idea is that men will get so fed up with the gynofascist matriarchy we evidently all live in today that they will stop working, civilization will crumble, and the ladies will be put in their proper place, behind pulling plows.

SOBL1 adds:

As a fellow Cornellian, my guess is lesbian. Cornell has a decent les population.It also speaks more to a les to demand free birth control as a hand out from the government speaking on behalf of all women when she has no shot of getting pregnant. That’s just the thing lesbians like to do: consider their opinions the worldview of all “womyn”. At a minimum, she was a LUG [Lesbian Until Graduation]. Her face and hair are so masculine, she could pass for a male supporting character in “All the President’s Men”.

Did he mention he went to CORNELL?

One free-thinking fellow actually challenges Chuck’s analysis. Nick digger writes:

This finger length analysis from candid photos is nonsense. There are too many knuckle-bends in all directions, combined with skewed camera position, to get an accurate measurement. There has to be some standard for this, such as hands pressed flat against a flat surface, with all fingers together, or each finger extending in a straight line from its source carpal (or metacarpal, whatever it is).

Having said that, she looks like a fat, ugly cunt — which is what Rush should have called her, as it does not imply sluttiness. He’s entitled, because libs call him a fat ugly cunt all the time.

Such is the nature of the discussion amongst some of the internet’s most steadfast advocates for the rights of men.

Chuck himself adds a few parting thoughts in a comment suggesting that Fluke’s biggest crime was that she didn’t ask for birth control coverage nicely enough:

When you ask for something from someone you don’t demand it and then demonize someone who doesn’t cave in to your demands. You ask and the other person chooses whether to reciprocate. All of this is akin to someone asking a stranger for a hitch across town and then screaming and yelling when rebuffed

It’s true. In the past, activists have always been extremely polite about their demands requests. You may recall the famous anti-war slogan: “Heck no, we would prefer not to go.”  The “Excuse us, fellas, but we would also like to be able to walk around at night” marches. And of course, Martin Luther King’s famous, “Guys, would any of you like to hear about this dream I had” speech.

All Chuck and his friends are asking is that fat ugly dyke cunts stop being so darn rude when they call on insurance companies to provide certain kinds of medical coverage. Is that really too much to ask?

I’d better put that blinking

gif here, just in case.

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12 years ago

Well..the white nationalists won’t be happy with me either. I have children, but we aren’t white enough for the nazis. Guess my great great grandmother can rest in peace knowing that she’s paid back the kinds of bastards that brought her so much miserey.

The nazis are no friends of my ancestors either. In WWII we Serbs were designated as an “inferior” race and were persecuted by the millions. Anything that pisses off right-wing, authoritarian assholes “riding the opulent horse of Aryan intellect” is good by my book.

12 years ago

I mean you call a woman who is arguing for birth control to be covered by insurance SHE PAYS a pirate, then get peeved when I hint that you probably have other misogynistic beliefs too.

Also, I didn’t assert anything, I actually ASKED you:

What are our entitlements hmm? the right to vote? the right to work? the right to get a medication included into insurance WE pay for?”

Fuck. Why do manosphere dudes always get pissy when you call them out on their misogyny or sexism? I guess the truth hurts!

12 years ago

Ah, Upchuck isn’t nearly antifeminist enough for the hardcore:

Strangely enough, Chuckie never resorts to telling this guy to “cut his dick off and pour lemon juice in the wound.”

Now “Whorefinder” — the author of that blog — is way more attacking than Sarah, the woman Chug told to stab herself in the vagina and irrigate with citric acid. So apparently women are the only ones worthy of that kind of vile shit.

(It’s kind of fun watching them argue on the internetz.)

12 years ago

What strikes me is how oblivious most people are to the virulent misogyny online. Even the most innocuous videos or blogs about either women or feminism are met with comments like “Who the fuck let this woman out of the kitchen.” and “WOMEN ARE INFERIOR.” or “That’s great, but what’s for dinner.” And women are expected to tolerate this constant bullying. (Yes, that’s right, it’s bullying!) If they don’t, they are humorless feminazis.

But just a few comments the other way around is enough to spark a shitstorm and send butthurt bigots screaming “This is misandry! Feminism is killing is a criminal organization killing men! We live in such an INSANE PC CULTURE!” If those bigots got anywhere near the amount of virulent comments people from disparaged groups receive they would melt into a puddle of tears on the first day.

And this same rule applies to other disparaged groups of people. Not just women.

Those who dish it out really can’t take it.

Excellent point. Here are two comments I found today under a video about this whole Sandra Fluke thing.


If you don’t STFU I’ll rape you everyday for 9 months. Beating the femi nazi soul out of you, filthy cunt.

I will call for a squad to come down and gang rape this femi-nazi slut back to the 14th century. Don’t you fucking touch my tax money, whore!!!

Look at the hatred in these comments. This isn’t just disagreement with Fluke, it’s just pure hate and rage at a woman who dares to ask that insurance she pays for covers birth control. It’s the same type of hatred that fueled Limbaugh’s comment but it makes his comment look like a damn compliment! And then they flip out when we imply that maybe society is just a teeeeny bit misogynistic when it comes to such things?

Like you said, they can dish it out but they can’t take it. They can threaten rape, but the moment someone implies that men aren’t perfect they shit themselves.

It’s nothing but pure projection.The fact that I can pull quotes like these by the 100 but they still harp on quotes from dead radical feminists from the 60s really goes to show who the hateful ones are.

12 years ago

It’s nothing but pure projection.The fact that I can pull quotes like these by the 100 but they still harp on quotes from dead radical feminists from the 60s really goes to show who the hateful ones are.


12 years ago


Wow…look at all the slurs towards gay men on that link. So much for fighting misandry eh? I guess it doesn’t count if they’re gay or effeminate.

And yep, what a calm and reasonable comment Chucky leaves in reply to Whorefinder’s extremely rude attack. Only women get the privileged of being told to violently rape themselves.

But don’t worry, he’s not actually a misogynist or anything. He just makes the comments and links to the blogs >.>

Chuck Rudd
12 years ago

i don’t think you people understand the actual value of words. telling a person who has made it clear that they think you are the enemy to do some heinous act is not nearly as impactful upon that person as telling someone who once liked you that you are no longer to accommodate them in whatever way they want to be accomdated. so me telling sarah or desi or whoever it was to slide down a bannister into a pool of acid is nowhere near as bad to either of those people as me telling whorefinder that i’ve made a decision not to adhere to his strict ideology.

Chuck Rudd
12 years ago


I mean you call a woman who is arguing for birth control to be covered by insurance SHE PAYS a pirate, then get peeved when I hint that you probably have other misogynistic beliefs too.

fuck, please read up on this subject. you don’t know as much as you think you know about this. if it’s not being provided to her in her plan then she obviously didn’t pay for it. insurers don’t just not cover the things they say they’re going to cover. they don’t say that there’s a $15 co-pay on Prozac and then force the insured person to pay $50 for it.

so to then say that she can pay whatever she was paying (or worse, pay nothing) and get the pills is basically her stealing from other people. do you think those pills are free? who then pays for them? perhaps the employer or perhaps the other people in the insurance risk pool. why should people who don’t need birth control for their own bodies have to pay for the birth control of people who do?

12 years ago

[TW: Evil, vile, totally inhuman comments to follow.]
@Quackers, I know!
He keeps trying to say all he said is that any dissenter should “slide down a bannister into a pool of acid.” When what actually happened is that he says to a woman, but not a man, that she should

stab [her] vagina with a serrated blade

and irrigate with either lime or lemon juice. I guess he is a decent human being because he leaves the choice up to her? UpChuck makes me upchuck. Plus, according to the commenter, he actually changed her comment. Sleazy little piggy.

12 years ago

Because that’s how insurance works?

Wouldn’t it be great if we could have some kind of insurance where everybody only pays for their own healthcare needs? Oh wait, we can!* It’s called “having no insurance.” I’ve never met anyone who was particularly excited about the “having no insurance” option, but hey, you do you, Chuck Rudd.

*Well, I guess “we” can’t. Because, you know, Canadian.

12 years ago

Of course Chuck would never call anyone out for something like racism. Racism is a requirement for participation in the MRM.

12 years ago

Why should people who don’t need blood transfusions force religious objectors to subsidize blood transfusions? Especially since there are so many good jobs available that no one could ever be forced to take a job with an employer that for religious reasons is opposed to blood transfusions.
So look, the Catholic Church apparently does a piss poor job of convincing actual practicing Catholic women not to use birth control. Why should they get to use insurance companies to police their religious policies?

12 years ago


She is arguing FOR the pills to be covered in the insurance plan. This assumes that she, and every other women who will be using that insurance plan are making payments. Yet Rush and the GOP are twisting this issue to make it out that taxpayers are paying for everything and Fluke and other women pay nothing. This is a lie. She would be paying her insurance, how is this any different than any other medical care covered under insurance? how is it any different from other people who pay insurance for one med, and another who pays insurance for another? why don’t they make an issue out of that? other insurance plans cover viagra AND vasectomies, why is it such a big deal about this medical issue (because preventing pregnancy IS a medical issue) in particular? And huge number of women use birth control not only to prevent pregnancy but for other medical reasons too as Fluke herself argued. It is a necessity and it has long term benefits.

But this isn’t what it’s about. It’s about ideology. You lot are always criticizing feminists for being ideological but this is exactly what the GOP is doing. They’re against this because they’re against women having sex. And they’re using religion to justify it.

12 years ago

and for the record I’d feel the same way if this were about a male pill too

12 years ago

Okay, insomnia here, but I just noticed this:

Fluke and the feminists are using extreme rhetoric i.e. War on Women to silence those who oppose government mandates for items that ppl can pay for out of their own pocket

So apparently feminists’ “extreme rhetoric” is so powerful that it will silence Rush Fucking Limbaugh, who is richer than rich. But ChuckieCheese’s rhetoric about slicing vaginas & marinating in lemon/lime juice for random blog commenters is just, you know, fun? Not meant to silence them or anything. Fucking hypocrites should recognize, or at least be aware of, their own fucking hypocrisy.

Okay, back to petting extremely soft kitty and hoping for sleeeeeep. Kitties are SOFT.

12 years ago

if it’s not being provided to her in her plan then she obviously didn’t pay for it. insurers don’t just not cover the things they say they’re going to cover. they don’t say that there’s a $15 co-pay on Prozac and then force the insured person to pay $50 for it.

Contraception coverage would no doubt be included in the cost of premiums. As insurance companies have economies of scale, price negotiators and influence over pharmaceutical companies, the cost per dose is likely to be a hell of a lot lower than for an individual woman picking up the drugs/condoms/whatever at her local pharmacy.

However, your point seems to be that if women have access to, say, the Pill with no or very small co-pay, the expense of the drug needs to be picked up by the company and (most likely) passed onto employers who pay for a portion of the premium and is, therefore, theft, if the employer has some idealogical problem with it.

I don’t see this as correct. There are, of course, employers who would prefer to pay for none of their employee’s medical care. Yet they’re pretty much forced to offer insurance as part of a salary package. This is a consequence of the system in place in the US at the moment. To declare that since employers must pay (some) of the bill for the insurance they should have the right to dictate what medical care their employees can receive strikes me handing an awful lot of power over to someone else.

Say, for whatever reason, you got a job at the Fantabulous Crystal Energy Shack, flogging healing crystal to gullible morons. Say, your employer decided that cancer is just negative energy, and chemotherapy was a plot by BIG PHARMA to poison our precious bodily fluids. Would it be stealing to demand the your hippy employer chose an insurance package that would pay for your chemo if you (perish the thought) contracted cancer? How about Jehovah’s Witnesses? Is it a denial of their liberty to force them to chose an insurance package that covers blood transfusions?

Your argument, although it centers on liberty, hands the individual liberty (the ability to chose your own medical care) of one group of people to another, based simply on the fact that their business/enterprise/whatever choses your insurance package as part of a salary package. That doesn’t sound like encouraging liberty to me at all.

12 years ago


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr purr

Sorry XD

12 years ago

I don’t think you people understand the actual value of words. telling a person who has made it clear that they think you are the enemy to do some heinous act is not nearly as impactful upon that person as telling someone who once liked you that you are no longer to accommodate them in whatever way they want to be accomdated. so me telling sarah or desi or whoever it was to slide down a bannister into a pool of acid is nowhere near as bad to either of those people as me telling whorefinder that i’ve made a decision not to adhere to his strict ideology.

What on earth are you talking about? Can MRAs please for once speak directly to the mind and heart and not obfuscate with purple prose.

Each time an MRA is longwinded and unclear in their speech, we should use this Orwell quote:

“As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.”
-George Orwell

12 years ago


Lovely poem! Although I am not asleep, the fact that I am hanging out with two soft, warm, furry, sleepy, happy rescue kitties, who are purring, is kind of awesome. Sleep would be cool though, too. 🙂

12 years ago

He’s actually completely right about the finger thing. Testosterone in the womb makes you like girls (regardless of gender) and less testosterone makes you like boys (again, regardless of gender). Testosterone makes the ring finger longer.

It’s called digit ratio and it’s a recently discovered thing actually:

12 years ago

Your argument, although it centers on liberty, hands the individual liberty (the ability to chose your own medical care) of one group of people to another, based simply on the fact that their business/enterprise/whatever choses your insurance package as part of a salary package. That doesn’t sound like encouraging liberty to me at all.

THIS. This x100. Especially today in a recession where many people don’t have the option to just pick and choose employers with insurance packages that meet their individual needs.

That being said I should head to sleep too. Night all.

12 years ago


Haha it’s from Big Bang Theory.

Lucky, I wish I had some purring kitties here, though the hum of the computer is nice too xD

12 years ago

It’s from my Grandma! And it’s “Warm pussy, soft pussy” 🙂
And there’s nothing like a warm purring pussycat and the sound of rain on the roof to help you sleep, ay