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Gucci Little Piggy: Sandra Fluke is a lesbian pirate because one of her fingers is longer than the other

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Leave it to the manosphere to further elevate the national discourse about Sandra Fluke. On Gucci Little Piggy, a blog loosely aligned with the alt-right/racist/PUA wing of the manosphere, blogger Chuck Rudd suggests that Rush Limbaugh might have been wrong to call Fluke a slut. Sounds good,eh? Not when you hear the, er, reasoning behind it:

I think the term “slut” is too arbitrary to have much meaning in a political context, especially when we don’t actually know anything about the so-called slut’s sexual history.  It doesn’t fit Sandra Fluke anyway as we don’t know for sure that she’s heterosexual.

Go on.

Fluke is not a “slut”, nor is she a “good citizen” which is what President Obama called her in a press conference held today.  Based upon readily observable behavior and on her beliefs about what she and her favorite groups have a right to grab from tax payers and employers, it’s best to call her what she is:  a pirate

Uh, what?

Apparently, in Chuck’s world, putative lesbians who suggest that insurance should pay for birth control that they personally don’t need to prevent babies, though they or people they know might need it to treat other medical conditions, are pirates.

Later in the post, Chuck links to a review of a book that suggests many pirates engaged in sodomy. Which is evidently proof in his mind that lesbians are pirates, or at least that it is hilarious to call them pirates.

Anyway, the best part of the piece is how Chuck, using the magic of SCIENCE, proves that Fluke is gay:

[P]eople who have a longer ring finger (4d) than index finger (2d) have more testosterone and, some argue, a higher sex drive.

Pointing to a news photograph that appears to show that Ms. Fluke does indeed have a long ring finger, Chuck concludes:

her ring finger is quite a bit longer than her index.  It’s almost as long as her middle finger.  In general, a low 2d:4d ratio in women indicates a greater proclivity towards homosexuality or bisexuality and greater tendency towards aggressiveness and assertiveness.  So, yeah, pirate fits.

Thanks, Chuck.

Most of the commenters to his article seem to agree with his basic thesis.

Stickman writes:

forget the fingers… shes got strait up MAN HANDS. But look on the bright side, if she survives the up coming second dark ages, I’m sure she will do a fine job of pulling a plow.

Note: The “coming second dark ages” is a familiar trope among manospherians; the idea is that men will get so fed up with the gynofascist matriarchy we evidently all live in today that they will stop working, civilization will crumble, and the ladies will be put in their proper place, behind pulling plows.

SOBL1 adds:

As a fellow Cornellian, my guess is lesbian. Cornell has a decent les population.It also speaks more to a les to demand free birth control as a hand out from the government speaking on behalf of all women when she has no shot of getting pregnant. That’s just the thing lesbians like to do: consider their opinions the worldview of all “womyn”. At a minimum, she was a LUG [Lesbian Until Graduation]. Her face and hair are so masculine, she could pass for a male supporting character in “All the President’s Men”.

Did he mention he went to CORNELL?

One free-thinking fellow actually challenges Chuck’s analysis. Nick digger writes:

This finger length analysis from candid photos is nonsense. There are too many knuckle-bends in all directions, combined with skewed camera position, to get an accurate measurement. There has to be some standard for this, such as hands pressed flat against a flat surface, with all fingers together, or each finger extending in a straight line from its source carpal (or metacarpal, whatever it is).

Having said that, she looks like a fat, ugly cunt — which is what Rush should have called her, as it does not imply sluttiness. He’s entitled, because libs call him a fat ugly cunt all the time.

Such is the nature of the discussion amongst some of the internet’s most steadfast advocates for the rights of men.

Chuck himself adds a few parting thoughts in a comment suggesting that Fluke’s biggest crime was that she didn’t ask for birth control coverage nicely enough:

When you ask for something from someone you don’t demand it and then demonize someone who doesn’t cave in to your demands. You ask and the other person chooses whether to reciprocate. All of this is akin to someone asking a stranger for a hitch across town and then screaming and yelling when rebuffed

It’s true. In the past, activists have always been extremely polite about their demands requests. You may recall the famous anti-war slogan: “Heck no, we would prefer not to go.”  The “Excuse us, fellas, but we would also like to be able to walk around at night” marches. And of course, Martin Luther King’s famous, “Guys, would any of you like to hear about this dream I had” speech.

All Chuck and his friends are asking is that fat ugly dyke cunts stop being so darn rude when they call on insurance companies to provide certain kinds of medical coverage. Is that really too much to ask?

I’d better put that blinking

gif here, just in case.

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ObamaCare doesn’t force employers to pick up plans that cover Viagra nor does it mandate zero co-pay. you’ve got to get your facts straight.

I have the bill open and I do believe it does. In several spots actually although not preventative care as I have yet to hear anyone make an actual case it serves any medical purpose.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

To the Viagra issue – ED can be the result of some kind of medical pathology, like heart disease, diabetes, circulatory problems, etc. Because of this, i.e. being a symptom of another disorder, insurance companies typically pay. Sometimes however ED is a result of anxiety or stress. Insurance still will pay though. So it really isn’t just an issue of favoring penis problems. It’s an issue of treatment.

Hormonal birth control is typical falls under preventative care. I know, sometimes women take it for other reasons (I have myself taken it for hormone regulation), but by and large, it’s considered preventative treatment.

Although the medical field is getting better about it, not a lot of resources are allocated to preventive care, outside of routine screenings like pap smears, breast exams, prostrate exams, etc.

And not all hormonal birth control is created equal. It is possible for a generic brand of a triphasic to be relatively cheap. But not all women do well on triphasics. I sure as hell don’t! When Yasmin first came out, my doctor switched me to it. Since my insurance didn’t cover hormonal birth control other than triphasics, I was screwed since one month of Yasmin was around $60. As a then grad student, I couldn’t afford that.

Nonetheless, it is bullshit that insurance companies want to split hairs over hormonal birth control. Just cover the fucking shit! In fact, covering preventative treatments/tests saves money in the long run.

It’s pissing me the hell off that the GOP is once again attacking reproductive health because of how preventative healthcare is framed. Mainly because I can picture where it might lead.

Why pay for birth control if you can buy condoms or keep your legs together?

Why pay for mammograms is you can just do a self breast exam every month?

And so on.

Besides, if they allow employers to be exempt from providing insurance for certain procedures because it offends religious sensibilities, just know that there are other medical procedures that some religious groups object to. For instance, Jehovah’s Witnesses and blood transfusions. Are these people ok with allowing a JW employer to refuse providing insurance that covers blood transfusions?

12 years ago

I had a mammogram once. that was weird

12 years ago

Just my opinion that she’s a lesbian

Why do people hide painfully inane things behind the shield of “opinion”? In any case, no. Who Sandra Fluke may or may not date or have sex with is not subjective. Nor is it at all relevant, nor is it something that we have any business speculating about.

12 years ago

Quackers, essentially the comment was that the woman should be vaginally raped with a serrated knife and then lemon juice poured over her wounds. So color me surprised when when of that crew can come here and speak civilly to a group of feminists, when they can’t do so with a woman who supports their opinions. Why the need for this level of hatred I don’t understand.

12 years ago

I heard there was some big thing about the GOP wanting convicted rapists and molesters to be exempt from Viagra coverage, which they aren’t with the current Act.


You pay for other prescriptions on your plan after paying your insurance premium.

Not for preventative medications.

There is no principled reason for this mandate.

There are actually several principled reasons.

Employers should be allowed to offer whatever plans they want.

No, they may not. Discrimination is still illegal in the US despite your blatant desire for it to be legal against women.

The argument here is that the government can force anyone to purchase or offer insurance, and it’s merely a continuation of this coercive policy that employers have to pick up certain health plans that charge nothing for birth control.

Technically it is something that can be built into the overall cost of the monthly premium. Which is what things like this are covered for men at no cost to the individual man.

I just want someone to give me a good reason for why every employer *has to* provide these plans.

I did. Cue total whine fest that it is not enough. Because it never does seem to be enough.

12 years ago

i thought the issue was that women weren’t receiving birth control. now you’re saying that they are receiving birth control which shows that they aren’t stealing. which is it?

Hence the “not worth engaging” bit.


To the Viagra issue – ED can be the result of some kind of medical pathology, like heart disease, diabetes, circulatory problems, etc. Because of this, i.e. being a symptom of another disorder, insurance companies typically pay. Sometimes however ED is a result of anxiety or stress. Insurance still will pay though. So it really isn’t just an issue of favoring penis problems. It’s an issue of treatment.

I have now seen a medical reason for the med. It is something that can be covered under the preventative care so it is in many places in the bill.

Chuck Rudd
12 years ago


“I have the bill open and I do believe it does. In several spots actually although not preventative care as I have yet to hear anyone make an actual case it serves any medical purpose.”

Save your time; it doesn’t.

12 years ago

Some trolls really aren’t worth it. It’s really hard for them to understand that they’re here for our entertainment.

12 years ago

When you say “Now dance for me troll” they start to get it. Especially when that’s the only response they get.

Chuck Rudd
12 years ago


“Not for preventative medications.”

if nobody has the right to tell a woman whether or not she can abort a non-viable fetus then why can someone tell employers or insurance companies what kinds of coverage and at what prices they must offer? my argument isn’t that it this coverage isn’t cost-effective or that it isn’t a nicety; my argument is that there is no principle on which the government can mandate this. you claim to be on the side of freedom and liberty, but you clearly aren’t.

12 years ago


Please link it? I believe you but as I mentioned I think it should be seen.

Because it’s cute how Rudd is being civil when really we know what he and his ilk truly stand for. Which brings me to this point-

All this “debate” all these other bullshit rationalizations regarding the GOP and birth control is pointless. Do they really think we’re that dumb? this isn’t about money, government, health…it’s about returning to a time where women were barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

A baby can destroy a woman’s life if it’s not planned. It can wreak hell on her health, her budget, her career, everything. On top of that birth control is used for medical purposes. Maybe if all these assholes weren’t so busy calling Fluke a slut and a dyke would have known this as she said this in her argument. BCP needs to be labeled a medical need, not preventative care. Because pregnancy is a medial issue and so are all the other disorders BCP covers.

Why don’t they just come out and admit it? this is about doing everything they can to control women. This has everything to do with forcing society to move back to a time where women stayed home and men ran the show. And if they try to tell us that this isn’t the goal of the GOP and the manosphere they are not only liars but arrogant trash who actually fancy themselves smart enough to think people will fall for their lies.

12 years ago

if nobody has the right to tell a woman whether or not she can abort a non-viable fetus then why can someone tell employers or insurance companies what kinds of coverage and at what prices they must offer?

Wait wait, do insurance plans that offer preventative care somehow attach to the bodies of employers and depend on their bodies to continue to supply that care? Gross.

12 years ago

The insurers! Won’t someone think of the insurers?!

12 years ago

Huh. So, people who advocate for Mental Health Parity–the idea that mental health should be covered at a comparable rate to physical health–are they thieves too?

12 years ago

if nobody has the right to tell a woman whether or not she can abort a non-viable fetus then why can someone tell employers or insurance companies what kinds of coverage and at what prices they must offer?

Okay, now you’re getting funnier. Keep saying things this hilariously stupid and you might actually become an entertaining troll.


Mandate the coverage of preventative services? Yes. The principle of equal protection. It is in the Constitution-you may have heard of it. Here is a copy of it.

Mandate that we buy insurance through a private entity? Now there you have an actual argument. Under United States v Butler the government can provide for the general welfare by having something like Medicare/caid. But can it require, even under that standard, that one buy something from a private company?

12 years ago

Quackers I can’t provide a link. It came across it months ago, when I first heard of MRAs and I was looking to see what issues they were trying to raise awareness of. Piglets blog was the first MRA blog I looked at, and probably the worst. You know how it is, a lot of these guys are laughably not from the same planet. Piglets blog had malevolent vitrol all over it, despite the fact that various members seemed to get splashed by it.

These guys don’t ever think about how much control they wasn’t over women, because they already have that control over the women in their lives and that’s just how it is for them. Besides,why waste mental energy on a cunt amiright?

12 years ago

“Doesn’t it mean ‘Saint Diego’?”


“…No, that’s what it means.”

“Well. Agree to disagree.”

12 years ago

Fact finder I personally would suggest buying yourself some restraints and a nice stable chair placed just out of reach of your keyboard.

12 years ago

These guys don’t ever think about how much control they wasn’t over women, because they already have that control over the women in their lives and that’s just how it is for them. Besides,why waste mental energy on a cunt amiright?
I wasn’t over women because of how much control there was to think about cunts.

12 years ago


Ah ok, I see 🙂

Yeah, assuming they do control the women in their lives its interesting how that still isn’t enough? they’re so narcissistic and power hungry that it eats them up inside when other women are out doing things they disprove of…voting, working, having sex, etc.

Hell every time I vote now I get a little sense of pleasure knowing I’ve made some misogynist filth smash his keyboard in rage.

12 years ago

But I still was control to think over women and women wasn’t control have.

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