antifeminism douchebaggery evil women hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit the c-word

Men’s Rights Redditors to Rebecca Watson: How dare you say we hate women, you [obscene gender-related slur]

NOTE: Today is Day Two of the Man Boobz Pledge Drive. If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending a few bucks my way.

Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

So the other day, the atheist blogger Rebecca Watson, aka Skepchick, had this little conversation on Twitter:

Watson, you may recall, got herself onto the Men’s Rights radar a few months back, after a brief comment she made in a podcast — suggesting that perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea for a guy to hit on woman he’s never spoken to before while the two of them are alone in an elevator at 4 AM – somehow turned into a Big Fucking Thing on the Internet, because how dare she say such a thing, it’s creep-shaming, she must hate men, bla bla bla.

So, anyhoo, one Men’s Rights Reddit noticed this little Twitter exchange, and posted it to the Men’s Rights subreddit. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. MRAs hating women? How dare she suggest such a thing!

Here are some of the things that assorted Men’s Rights Redditors posted in response, to remind us all that the Men’s Rights movement isn’t all about shitting on women. Let’s start with this lovely rebuttal, boasting nearly 60 net upvotes:

This comment inspired a long and winding discussion of the word “cunt,” and why it’s like totally ok to use it all the time, because in England the UK people call men “cunts” as well.

Some got a little carried away:

This little exchange came with a side order of irony:

Speaking of fantasy, here’s a strange bit of paranoia, which nonetheless drew upvotes from the very same people who are outraged that Watson was a bit creeped out by a dude she didn’t know asking her to come to his hotel room at 4 AM:

And here’s still more evidence that MRAs, despite their many egregious flaws, do at least have vivid imaginations:

Some other comments, all of which got at least a few upvotes from the MR regulars:

Funny how most of feminism is shitting on men and generally being a cunt under the guise of empowerment and “equality.”

She should do something about that uni-brow.

She’s only in the atheist community to give her a broader audience for her hateful attention whoring.

Let’s end with this eloquent plea for people to not give a shit if MRAs hate women:

The folks in the Men’s Rights subreddit are currently debating whether or not to change the subreddit’s slogan, which is currently: “Mens’ Rights: Earning Scorn from Bigoted Feminists and White Knights Since 2008.”

So let me humbly suggest:

Mens’ Rights: Like it’s even relevant if mens rights is anti women in regard to if mens rights is a movement about addressing mens issues.

Or the even punchier:

Men’s Rights: i’m tired of not using the term “cunt”.

MRAs, you’re welcome.

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12 years ago

Ha, AntZ got re-banned at TGMP? How long was that, like, a week? You do a real service to our trolls here, David, giving them one last place where they can make total asses of themselves until they cross really serious lines.

By the way, I’m enjoying this ROOIBOS LATTE.

12 years ago

Antz is BANANAS.

12 years ago

My FOREIGN BRIDE has prepared something special


12 years ago

“The USPSTF recommends screening for sickle cell disease in newborns.”

Goddamn newborns. Hogging all the healthcare.

I just fixed my COWORKER’S computer. She’s FOREIGN, from IRAN.

12 years ago

Is AntZ harping on his FOREIGN WIFE because he thinks he’ll make the American ladies here jealous? Oh no, AntZ, why couldn’t you marry one of them!* All these women here, sobbing at being deprived of your precious sperm and money!

It’s too bad we had a pretty significant snowfall last night, I don’t really want to SHOVEL the SIDEWALK.

*or should I say us? How close to American would I have to be in order to avoid your amorous advances, were you still single?

12 years ago
12 years ago

I am currently eating CURRY. LUNCH is a bit late, because I was BUSY earlier. I’m about to go make some GREEN TEA. Other than the chicken and the onions, every component in my meal was produced outside the US, so I guess that would probably make me a BIGOT if we were on Stormfront. As is, I didn’t offer any of my lunch to any MEN, so I’m still a BIGOT in Antz land.

12 years ago

so I provide a bunch of links, give explanations and asked him questions, yet I’m deemed the loser of this “argument”

oh no wait, I get one point for picking out one screening women don’t get and pretend to get upset about it.

If you’ll excuse me I’m going to go have DINNER.

12 years ago

Maybe he thinks he will enrage us, because feminists hold themselves to a strict policy of only marrying people who were born within 5K of their own birthplace? That’s actually not a real thing! As long as you treat your wife with respect (doubtful), nobody g

12 years ago

I ACCIDENTALLY hit the POST-COMMENT BUTTON. Let’s try that again:

Maybe he thinks he will enrage us, because feminists hold themselves to a strict policy of only marrying people who were born within 5K of their own birthplace? That’s actually not a real thing! As long as you treat your wife with respect (doubtful), nobody gives a damn where she’s from.

I’m thinking I might shovel in the morning, and right now head straight to my boyfriend’s house to snuggle his ADORABLE KITTIES.

12 years ago

I found Antz’s ideal woman! Well, girl, but I doubt he’d care about that part.

12 years ago

According to a scoring system he himself made up, AntZ wins!

So basically, this whole conversation has been a sort of rhetorical Calvinball.

12 years ago

Actually, better pics and video here.

Personally I don’t care for the uncanny valley effect, but for Antz this must be a dream come true. It’s finally happening!

12 years ago

I think the scoring system should be based on how many TOTALLY UNCONTROVERSIAL WORDS you can write in ALL-CAPS.

12 years ago

My CAT is looking at another CAT right now. Maybe someday it will be a VR cat, and then we’ll know that EQUALITY has been achieved.

12 years ago

While all of you bird brains do your homework, I am going home to my FOREIGN BRIDE.

I thought you were married for some time and had at least two children. Now she is a foreign bride? If you’re going to lie, learn at least to lie well.

Antz is BANANAS.

Antz is a bigot.

12 years ago

I went to the GROCERY STORE a little while ago. I bought SOAP and a GALLON OF MILK. When I got home, I ate a BOWL OF CEREAL.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

Still nothing? I think you had a lot more than HAIR removed from your HEADS.

I’ll check bask in one hour, in case anyone has a legitimate rebuttal.

Meanwhile, MRAs everywhere bask in the glory of victory. Even the boob king himself could think of nothing, other than “why do you complain about one vile bigoted feminist hate-law, when there are some other laws out there that are not as bad?”

Ouch! This must hurt ..

12 years ago

“Meanwhile, MRAs everywhere bask in the glory of victory.”

What victory? Everyone here is laughing at you, and as far as I know you guys haven’t defeated Obamacare.

12 years ago

Obvious joke corner:

I think FOREIGN BRIDE means she has MADE IN CHINA written around her valve.

12 years ago

It doesn’t actually hurt a bit that you’re pretending you had a different conversation than the rest of us, Zarat. In fact, it’s hilarious.

12 years ago

“The USPSTF recommends screening for phenylketonuria (PKU) in newborns.”

Newborn BIGOTS!

I just put on LIP BALM.

I am going to adopt this as a new speech pattern, just randomly yelling some words in every sentence. This may be problematic, since I work in a LIBRARY.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Since he got completely fucking owned in the first thread, he had to come here and start over, hoping that no one would notice.


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