Welcome, my friends, to the first Man Boobz Pledge Drive!
I would like to take a moment from the usual goings on here at the Man Boobz blog to humbly ask any and all of you who enjoy this blog, and who can afford it, to consider clicking on the “donation” button below and sending a small (or a large) amount of money to help support this blog’s continued existence.
As most of you know, I support myself as a freelance writer. But at the moment I am working on a project that will not be paying off for a long time. As a result, things are a little lean here at Man Boobz manor, and I’ve been dealing with a number of unexpected expenses. So anything you can throw my way, from $5 to $500,000, would be enormously appreciated.
Click below to donate through PayPal, using any major credit card. (And I am adding a permanent Donate button to the sidebar.)
If you cannot afford to donate, and I know some of you can’t, that’s fine too. Seriously. The fact is that many of you already contribute immeasurably to this blog with your (hilarious, insightful, biting) comments, here and on the forum. In case anyone is wondering, the comment count on this blog recently passed 125,000. One hundred and twenty-five fucking thousand! And most of them (trolls excluded) are pretty fucking awesome comments, as well. I know, because I read them all.
When I started this blog I had no idea that it would turn into a community, but now that it has it’s the community here that keeps me going, even when I get utterly sick of the awful, awful people I write about regularly. I appreciate you all — you of the Man Boobz community, that is, not the awful misogynists — more than you realize.
Aww, I’m getting all sentimental.
In keeping with the Pledge Drive theme, I would like to present you with the trailer to a TV special I happened to run across (for reals) during a recent Pledge Drive on a local PBS station. It was so awesomely entertaining, I rented the DVD from Netflix shortly afterwards. Without further ado, here’s Mitzi Gaynor, in all her kitschy 70s glory:
Done. Keep up the good work.
Twenty bucks. It’s not much, but I’ll give more once I have my paycheck. 🙂
DOne! I wish it could be more, but RESCUE DOG and VET DEBT Is mounting up. Will try to do something in future–because I truly love hanging out here.
Keep up the good work, Futrelle. You are doing a valuable public service.
As are other members here who host similar blogs:
Ami Angelwings
Cute video, but holy The Smurfette Principle http://www.feministfrequency.com/2011/04/tropes-vs-women-3-the-smurfette-principle
I donated 20 dollars… or however much that is in Swiss francs
Thank you for the website!
I donated my usual Manboobz donation amount.
Will there be tote bags?
An obligatory and rather sad They Might Be Giants song to go with the picture for this thread: Operators Are Standing By…
There are tote bags! Well, on the Man boobz store there are (follow the t-shirts etc link at the top of the page). You have to buy them through there.
Thanks, everyone, for your donations!
Amanda, one of the Mitzi Gaynor specials from the 70s that they talk about in that special-about-her-specials was called “Mitzi Gaynor and One Hundred Men.” And it starred … Mitzi Gaynor and one hundred famous and semi-famous celebrity dudes (though she may have had only about 20 or 30 legitimate celebrity dudes in the bunch, with the rest filled out with dancers). The only one I can remember off the top of my head was Jamie Farr, though I think she might have had Ed Asner also. In one of the routines the men file past her and she kisses each one on the lips. (well, not literally each one, but a bunch of them). It was the 70s, so naturally a lot of the celebrity dudes are hairy and sort of disgusting. It’s very weird.
David I have a suggestion for a product in your store…a mug that says “take the pink pill” because it’s PINK and pink=women=feminism!!!
Donated! Less than I would like, being a poor college student, but donated.
also a t-shirt that says “I rode the cock carousel and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”
This is the first pledge drive ever I think!
Also people might want to give some votes here to this HILARIOUS Urban dictionary MRA lolfest. The MRAs are spreading the word to go over and start voting. Don’t forget there are three pages and the last pages need down votes, the first few need upvotes. You’ll see what I mean.
Wow! people at Urban dictionary are sure giving these guys a bitch-slap, aren’t they?
they must feel so oppressed by this.
Quackers, there are cock carousel t-shirts too! With the graphic from the banner!
I really wish I could donate to you! I love your work so much, and there are so many causes I’d like to support right now but I’m afraid I just don’t have that much to give; the winter is never a good time for me financially.
But since you’re planning on making a regular donate button, I will donate once my situation improves.
bwahahaha…that’s their big fight eh? I upvoted. And I do it again. 😀
it’s always hilarious when MRAs try to deny their misogyny. It’s like denying that water is wet. I mean, even feminists wont deny the few extremists in the movement, but MRAs can’t even do that.
I’m loling at the comments on Chapin’s video on the subject
A click of a mouse to downvote/upvote and making a definition on urban dictionary is an INTIMIDATION TACTIC YOU GUYS!!!! LOLOL
Thanks to all the generous people who have donated since I last thanked you!
It means a lot, and will help enormously.
And Morgan, and anyone else who can’t donate, I understand, and appreciate the non-financial support as well.
Quackers, what Chapin video is this? I need to take a look at it. Or at least the comments; I can’t stand the sound of his voice.
Oh man neither can I, it’s so grating! Here is the vid
Happy to donate. 🙂
Seconding Morgan. Please keep the donate button up and I’ll hit u as soon as I can, things are a little tight right now, so I’m afraid I can only make a little donation at a time.
I am sending a few bucks your way (sorry it isn’t much!) because out of all the great feminist blogs I read, this one is by far my favourite. Keep up the good work!
This site brightens my day. I’ve never commented, but have always skulked around and privately enjoyed all the posts and comments. Keep it up!! Please!!!!!!! I wish I had more to give, this site certainly deserves it.
the struggling student who donated a tiny sum.