$MONEY$ self-promotion

Man Boobz Pledge Drive

Operators are standing by.

Welcome, my friends, to the first Man Boobz Pledge Drive!

I would like to take a moment from the usual goings on here at the Man Boobz blog to humbly ask any and all of you who enjoy this blog, and who can afford it, to consider clicking on the “donation” button below and sending a small (or a large) amount of money to help support this blog’s continued existence.

As most of you know, I support myself as a freelance writer. But at the moment I am working on a project that will not be paying off for a long time. As a result, things are a little lean here at Man Boobz manor, and I’ve been dealing with a number of unexpected expenses. So anything you can throw my way, from $5 to $500,000, would be enormously appreciated.

Click below to donate through PayPal, using any major credit card. (And I am adding a permanent Donate button to the sidebar.)

If you cannot afford to donate, and I know some of you can’t, that’s fine too. Seriously. The fact is that many of you already contribute immeasurably to this blog with your (hilarious, insightful, biting) comments, here and on the forum. In case anyone is wondering, the comment count on this blog recently passed 125,000. One hundred and twenty-five fucking thousand! And most of them (trolls excluded) are pretty fucking awesome comments, as well. I know, because I read them all.

When I started this blog I had no idea that it would turn into a community, but now that it has it’s the community here that keeps me going, even when I get utterly sick of the awful, awful people I write about regularly. I appreciate you all — you of the Man Boobz community, that is, not the awful misogynists — more than you realize.

Aww, I’m getting all sentimental.

In keeping with the Pledge Drive theme, I would like to present you with the trailer to a TV special I happened to run across (for reals) during a recent Pledge Drive on a local PBS station. It was so awesomely entertaining, I rented the DVD from Netflix shortly afterwards. Without further ado, here’s Mitzi Gaynor, in all her kitschy 70s glory:

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13 years ago

I wish I could help, but I have literally zero money right now. I’m getting by with help from my family. If not I’d totally help, cause I love this site.

13 years ago

David, thanks for running such an entertaining blog. I don’t comment too often, but this blog, and it’s very awesome regular, non-troll commenters are a blast.

Oh, and I actually made it through that video. His voice is so whiny and grating. So, in addition to a money donation, I will also donate this relevant partial transcript:


So these radicals, our enemies, have taken it upon themselves to lie to the general public to redefine the term. I just want you to know that. So while you’re worried about free speech for them, this is what they’re doing to you. I would never do that tactic. I’d let them say what they wanted to. But I wouldn’t lie about their positions.

Feminists are just lying about the MRAs and redefining the term! Yeah, you’d never lie to the general public to redefine feminism! You would never do that tactic! (Transcriber’s note: That is a really weird phrase. “I would never do that tactic!” Haha.)

Less than a minute later…

Well, feminism isn’t about women’s rights; it’s about privilege for socialist feminists who are incapable of working. That’s my definition.

Wait, remember that tactic you said you would never, uh, do? You. . . just did do that tactic.

Bonus quote!

… Now they loop it in with the KKK, that’s great. White Pride, that’s great.

Why do I get the feeling the “III” on his flag represents the 3rd Reich? Oh, maybe because he’s a white guy with a shaved head who thinks being “looped in” with the KKK is “great”.

13 years ago

YAY we got Chapin’s Inferno spicing up the donations thread, it’s a real manboobz telethon, keep those donations coming, and don’t forget to click the link to urbandictionary mra entries and upvote now!


13 years ago

If I manage to secure a summer job, a donation to this site will come right after! I really enjoy coming here and talking to y’all, and that’s worth a little money to me!

13 years ago

I have long had a theory that there is a strong correlation between being a giant tool and using the American flag (current or past) as a background while you rant. One more data point in favor.

13 years ago

Just donated 10 USD. I wish I could spare more, since this place brightens my day for a number of reasons.

13 years ago

Just donated too, not as much as I would have liked to. This place has been good for my mental health. 🙂