antifeminism douchebaggery hypocrisy irony alert lying liars misogyny reactionary bullshit sex shaming tactics sluts

If Rush Limbaugh could draw cartoons …

Oy, Sorry for more Rush Limbaugh-related crap, but this cartoon, by Gary McCoy, was just too appalling not to post.

I’m not even going to get into the slut-shaming, or that the cartoonist is bizarrely trying to fat-shame someone who is not actually fat, but I would like to point out once again that WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDING FREE BIRTH CONTROL (even though that sounds like a nifty idea to me). We’re talking about INSURANCE COMPANIES COVERING BIRTH CONTROL LIKE THEY COVER OTHER MEDICAL EXPENSES. You know about insurance, right? That thing that people PAY FOR THEMSELVES, with THEIR OWN MONEY?

Are Rush and his fans really so ignorant and obtuse that they’ve somehow convinced themselves that this is about the government paying for birth control? Or are they deliberately misrepresenting the issue, knowing that most of their readers/listeners/whatever won’t bother to check the facts?

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12 years ago

Uh, moe, i just want the conversation with you to end because you bore me, and i find you annoying. furthermore, as is almost ALWAYS the case, i start out these converstaions very politely…and get immediately attacked by the posters here. Then they take umbridge when I return their snide remarks in kind.

12 years ago

AVfM picked it up after i put it on my blog. I wish they would pick up this piece I did on hugo schwyzer:

Castrati? Someone who claims to be looking out for men’s interests is disparaging a man with whom they disagree by calling them emasculated? Screw you, Mags.

12 years ago

The fuck? That is a piss-poor post for someone who prides themselves on shitty spelling and punctuation.

You should be ashamed.

12 years ago

Women use a disproportionate share of healthcare…

How can anyone determine what a disproportionate share of healthcare is? What does that even mean? What is the appropriate portion of healthcare, exactly?

12 years ago

Oh, lauralot…i am, so very ashamed.

12 years ago

Uh, moe, i just want the conversation with you to end because you bore me, and i find you annoying. furthermore, as is almost ALWAYS the case, i start out these converstaions very politely…and get immediately attacked by the posters here. Then they take umbridge when I return their snide remarks in kind.

I find you annoying and boring as well, but I take pleasure in teasing you and pointing out your use of logical fallacies as you complain that you are treated unfairly and not responded to with actual arguments. Go away if my joy does not suit you.

12 years ago

oh, moe, don’t get your knickers in a twist. calm down. btw, i will not fuck you. you can’t afford me.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

No matter how nicely you say “Maybe these rape apologists have a point“, it will never be polite, Magdelyn. Also, we’re calling you ineffective and boring, not fuming about how much you’ve hurt our feelings. I repeat; are you illiterate?

12 years ago

Don’t worry, I’m calm, and find your dumb jokes boring.

12 years ago

i already answered that question, sweet cheeks. see above

12 years ago

Much of feminist thought today is based upon negative assumptions about men…men are privileged by patriarchy, they are harassers, wife beaters, rapers.

Men have plenty to be angry about. Just because feminism dismisses men’s anger doesn’t mean their feelings are not legitimate. Their anger will help fuel and grow the MRM.

So Mags, do you go to MRM sites and chide them for cultivating their indignities over their misunderstandings of feminist thought? I mean, I already know you’re lazy, have double standards, and barely understand the stuff you talk about, I just want to know what it is you do, exactly.

12 years ago

well moe, i have to figure out your question. is your question, (1) riddled with ad hominems because you want me to stop talking to you (let’s call this the maggie method of ad hominems), or (2) are you using them to be ironic in some sort of urban hipster way (“Personally I think the ad hominems and false dichotomies you use are the worst forms of argument, mostly because they’re actual logical fallacies.” -you).

please clarify.

12 years ago

Someone who called Hugo a word that essentially means “ball-less” is complaining about ad hominem attacks. Oh, that’s rich.

12 years ago

It’s a rhetorical question illuminating your values, in which attacking insulting someone based on their mental health is dismissed as “cultivating indignities,” while misunderstanding the feminist address of gendered violence and being angry about it is regarded legitimate. It amuses me to do this.

12 years ago

Someone who called Hugo a word that essentially means “ball-less” is complaining about ad hominem attacks. Oh, that’s rich.

No, see, it’s funny because as a male feminist he lacks manliness and testicles and is free to be thereby degraded. It’s funny! Funny.

12 years ago

I’ll never understand why so many of the trolls here are under the impression that they’re annoying or upsetting the regular commenters. So far it seems like the only one who’s genuinely irked people is MRAL, and that’s only because during his fake repentence period so many people extended compassion towards him, which he then threw in their faces. Other than him most people seem to regard the regular trolls more the way that my cat sees her toy mouse.

12 years ago

It’s hard to imagine how magdelyn navigates basic daily tasks if she doesn’t understand that, if she doesn’t like the result of something, she should stop doing it. I imagine her actually punching herself and complaining that it hurts.

12 years ago

Woops, I should have said “… in which protesting against the use of a person’s mental health as an insult is dismissed as “cultivating indignities”…”

I wasn’t going to correct myself, seeing as how Mags prides herself on understanding people despite their grammatical errors, but since she has so drastically failed to understand her ideological opponents I decided not to risk it. Luckily, those things are not related, as plenty of people on manboobz are able to be witty, concise, and understandable with terrible spelling/capitalization.

Now if you’ll excuse me, as a loyal but disgraced grammar fascist I must go to commit seppuku, lest the Greater Grammar Co-Prosperity Sphere be besmirched by my name.

12 years ago

Trolls like Mags think of themselves as Charizards wrecking the place up. In reality they’re more like Magikarp, splashing around and repeating their cries.

12 years ago

Also, I love how pointing out someone’s shitty argument is something that onky “hipsters” do. lol

Now if you excuse me, I’m going to listen to few songs from Tremellow (oh, you’ve never heard of them? LOOOOOOSER! And your debate skills suck).



12 years ago

If Magdelyn is a Pokemon, she must be a First.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh, Maggie said Moewicus ad hom’d her.

I never cease to be amazed at the collective internet fascination with claims of ad hominem while failing to understand what an ad hominem is. Ad hominem is when you substitute an insult for an argument (ex. “i hope u don’t take offense that i don’t respond to your posts. firstly, i find male feminists to pretty icky most of the time…they remind me of people like hugo schwyzer and mickael kimmel…people who obviously despise men.”; your argument is invalid because you are a male feminist, and these other two male feminists are people I claim hate men, which also adds in guilt by association), not just when you use an insult (ex. “Mags, you are illiterate, and your criticisms of sociologists are contentless whining absent any sort of evidence that they are actually wrong”; your argument is invalid because of counterargument X, and you are also an idiot for making your argument.)

Moewicus’ insults didn’t attempt to invalidate an argument or claim; they were just insults.

12 years ago

Has anyone here gone and had a look at magdelyn’s blog?


12 years ago

@kirby: I lost any desire I had to look at anything else she’d written as soon as I got to “castrati.”

12 years ago

Yeah, anyone who took philosophy in high school thinks ad hominem is the universal “I WIN!” in discussions.

Except that there are plenty of times when someone’s personal life may indeed be relevant, such as when setting oneself up as an authority:
A: I’m an expert on law and VAWA is unconstitutional!
B: Dude, you’re 18.

Or being hypocritical:
A: Women who sleep around are slutty sluts!
B: You’ve had sex with a bunch of women. How’s that supposed to work if they’re not allowed to sleep around?

Or actively disproving his own point:
A: The feminist thought police throw all dissenters in jail!
B: You’re a misogynistic douchebag and you’re not in jail.