antifeminism douchebaggery hypocrisy irony alert lying liars misogyny reactionary bullshit sex shaming tactics sluts

If Rush Limbaugh could draw cartoons …

Oy, Sorry for more Rush Limbaugh-related crap, but this cartoon, by Gary McCoy, was just too appalling not to post.

I’m not even going to get into the slut-shaming, or that the cartoonist is bizarrely trying to fat-shame someone who is not actually fat, but I would like to point out once again that WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDING FREE BIRTH CONTROL (even though that sounds like a nifty idea to me). We’re talking about INSURANCE COMPANIES COVERING BIRTH CONTROL LIKE THEY COVER OTHER MEDICAL EXPENSES. You know about insurance, right? That thing that people PAY FOR THEMSELVES, with THEIR OWN MONEY?

Are Rush and his fans really so ignorant and obtuse that they’ve somehow convinced themselves that this is about the government paying for birth control? Or are they deliberately misrepresenting the issue, knowing that most of their readers/listeners/whatever won’t bother to check the facts?

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Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

So none of you intellectual giants could actually come up with a counter argument? Not surprising.

Obamacare mandates coverage for women, and not for men, and the response of the manboobz geniuses is “provide a citation showing that insurance companies do not already cover vasectomies.”

Current insurance is private, cupcake. Each company decides what they want to cover, and what they don’t. For example, many insurance programs currently cover female birth control.

The individual choices of private companies are irrelevant.

>>> Government should not be in the business of offering protection only to people who have the “right” genitalia.<<<

You should all be ashamed of what you are doing. Extending government protection only to people who have the "right" birth certificate is EXACTLY what Jim Crow was about. VAWA and Obamacare are doing exactly this — extending government protection to women, but not to men.

None of this has anything to do with what the percentage of private sector carriers who currently extend coverage for any given procedure.

The question is, why should government MANDATE coverage for female needs, and not for male needs?

Got it cupcake? Too hard to understand? Concentrate!

12 years ago

If you really think these corporate, bloated, subsidy hogging insurance companies are private, I dont know what to tell you, but you sure did swallow a nice, shiny hook with that individualist bait.

12 years ago

What do want, antz? I don’t think you really wanna play the game of free markets and individual rights. I’m game if you are, but out of the mra and right wing echo chamber, it might not go well for you…

12 years ago

Got it cupcake? Too hard to understand? Concentrate!

Zarat, you fucking dipshit, are you under the impression that “Obamacare” is some sort of single-payer system of socialized health care and medicine? Really? I mean, I realize that you’ve sunk deep, deep, into the rabbit-hole but surely you understand that private insurance is not only still the standard of health care coverage but that nothing about the current reform will change that.

12 years ago

Funny, but I saw several people making counterpoints to your bullshit, Zarat. Pretending they didn’t doesn’t really work when it’s right there for anyone to go back and read.

But then, you started out this conversation by preemptively declaring victory, so it’s safe to assume you’re not particularly interested in engaging in a real debate here. Business as usual for you, isn’t it?

12 years ago

The question is, why should government MANDATE coverage for female needs, and not for male needs?

Got it cupcake? Too hard to understand? Concentrate!

I’ll speak slowly, moron. There is no segregation of men. Their reproductive health issues are already accepted as standard medical care. Viagra is covered. Vasectomies are covered. There is no need to intervene when something is already happening.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

“What do want, antz?”

Equality. Obamacare must contain the same provisions for male health care, as it does for female health care. Obamacare must contain the same provisions for male consultation, offices, institutions, commissions, departments, oversight, research, influence and political power, as it does for females.

I know, I know. Equality is a hard concept for feminists to grasp. Try. It won’t kill you, I promise.

12 years ago

There is a ridiculous lot of state involvement and tax money involved, but without much of the honesty and relative good sense of simple state socialized medicine… Antz does have a bizarre looking glass notion of the truth that there is a great deal of government control in the mess, he’s just missing a lot of how it really works. I dont think the current system really counts as private at all, except in the bizarre sense defenders of crony capitalism use the word private to sucker people with a healthy dislike of gov into supporting the corporate arms of the powers that be.

It’s largely because I do see “obamacare” as even more government controlled and coercive than simple single payer that I would prefer moving that way on the way to a genuine fair market system.

12 years ago

Well, okay, fine, but then obamacare would still be coercive. Eqaulity in an unjust system doesn’t get you much, does it?

12 years ago

AntZ, you clearly know nothing about Jim Crow or anything else.

You and your little cupcakes in the MRM are a bunch of assholes. Men are already the default and hardly oppressed. But you don’t give a fuck about men of color or poor men, do you?

12 years ago

Current insurance is private, cupcake. Each company decides what they want to cover, and what they don’t. For example, many insurance programs currently cover female birth control.

The individual choices of private companies are irrelevant.

Private parties are still bound by the civil rights legislation. Insurance companies that choose to cover male preventive care or care designed to enable men to fuck, must also cover female preventive care and care designed to enable women to fuck.

Moreover, when it comes to private companies, some animals are clearly more equal than others. Big, well-connected companies repeatedly get away with violating the basic principles of common law. Insurance companies, for example, routinely make “modifications” to their coverage with impunity, even though this is a textbook example of breach of contract. You, the consumer — try “modifying” your premiums, and see what happens. Insurance companies also refuse to provide detailed information — indexed by diagnosis code and procedure code — of what is and isn’t covered. Rather, they deny a claim and simply tell you the procedure isn’t covered. They make a unilateral decision. And that’s a fraudulent practice. Just because they are private, that doesn’t make it okay.

12 years ago

Is this about what public and private companies should or should not be able to do and the State socialization of medicine, or is it about making sure all goodies are equally distributed between the sexes. Which is it?

12 years ago

Zhinxy, it’s about AntZ having the vapors over something that’s not a thing. To him, the imaginary feminists in his head are running amok again. This time, they’re writing healthcare legislation.

Antz, how’s the VR coming along?

12 years ago

Obamacare must contain the same provisions for male health care, as it does for female health care. Obamacare must contain the same provisions for male consultation, offices, institutions, commissions, departments, oversight, research, influence and political power, as it does for females.

I agree, Obamacare must contain the same provisions for male health care as for female health care. As it stands right now, however, it covers male health care better than female health care. And I don’t give a shit about “commissions”, you can have’em. How about this — you wanna switch? Women will have full coverage of all gynecological and obstetrical services, even those that are arguable “elective” — and you can have “commissions” that are going to endlessly debate whether erectile dysfunction is a disease that should be covered, while you continue to pay for your care out-of-pocket. Deal?

12 years ago

Antz – Most insurance and other large companies are only “private”, considering the amount of tax money they get, by naming convention. The Post Office counts as far more self-sufficient. This allows the lovely ability of the right to shift people into supporting the “private” arm of the ruling class by exploiting their healthy distrust of government, and shift other people into supporting the “public” arm of the ruling class by exploiting their healthy distrust of greed and exploitation run amuck, all while everybody keeps getting to rule. Nice work, if you can get it.

Yes, I want society to devote as much attention to caring for men as women. I don’t want that to be a simple matter of equal lines of text in a coercive state corporate system. Look at why health care’s so expensive. Look into the artificial scarcity and patent nonsense. Look into why we simply can’t form health credit unions to care for each other.

Look into what happened when ordinary working people were bringing the costs of health care down by pooling resources and hiring doctors (Hint, that’s illegal now)

And if there was a woman’s health credit union, totally without any government support, I wonder what you’d say…

We’re given a false choice between being at the mercy of “private” free enterprise or “public” state, and either way we’re at the mercy of the ruling class. But hey, as long as it’s boxes ticked equally for you? Or what? What do you want? Do you have any actual principles?

12 years ago

Zhinxy, it’s about AntZ having the vapors over something that’s not a thing. To him, the imaginary feminists in his head are running amok again. This time, they’re writing healthcare legislation.

Hellkell, how can you be so insensitive. The feminists are the ones keeping him from his dream relationship with a vr imaginary woman. And you know it!

12 years ago

Anthony Z – the reason there are separate mandates for women’s health is because, until recently, all healthcare was based on the male model.

Women’s health is different from men’s (for example when a woman has a heart attack her symptoms are different from a man’s. For that reason, women were more likely to die from heart attacks because they were misdiagnosed).

Perhaps if society wasn’t so androcentric to begin with we wouldn’t need separate women’s health mandates.

12 years ago

“Women will have full coverage of all gynecological and obstetrical services, even those that are arguable “elective” — and you can have “commissions” that are going to endlessly debate whether erectile dysfunction is a disease that should be covered, while you continue to pay for your care out-of-pocket. Deal? -”

Yeah, you gotta love how the commissions are all obviously feminist get togethers about how wonderful we are and how we should get more stuff… OBVIOUSLY

12 years ago

Zarat, you are not only full of shit, it’s quite clear that you don’t really understand what the affordable care act even is. The affordable care act does mandate that private insurance plans should cover vasectomies as well as tubal ligation.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Obamacare must contain the same provisions for male consultation, offices, institutions, commissions, departments, oversight, research, influence and political power, as it does for females.

AntZ, are you angry that cis men do not have access to pap smears and maternity care? If it makes you feel any better, cis women can not have prostrate exams. With health care, there are some biological factors that make it impossible for everyone to always receive exactly the same services.

If I’m misunderstanding your argument, it’s because you haven’t really made any clear points. You just keep ranting against imaginary feminists and calling everyone ‘bigot’ and ‘cupcake’. You also ignored our requests for you to cite the sources for your claims.

12 years ago

Actually, this is completely false. This is government providing free birth control. How? Feminists cleverly concealed the socialization of costs, but you can figure it out using these facts:

I think there would be more than one Senator and/or Representative who would be surprised to hear they are feminists. Because Ben Nelson is no feminist.

1) Male birth control (including vasectomy) is not covered by Obamacare.

Contact your medical insurance company and discuss your health insurance coverage, as most insurance programs include vasectomy. In such cases, the majority of the associated vasectomy costs will be paid through the insurance. The out-of-pocket cost to you could be only a small co-pay or deductible amount. I bet you cannot guess which ones do not (hint, they tend to be religious ones. And Sec. 2713(a)(1) covers it as it specifies preventative care.

2) Female birth control (including tubal ligation) is covered by Obamacare.

It is not specified. If one looks through all of the pages, does a search, one does not find anything saying “female birth control is covered.” What the statute does say is this:
‘‘(4) with respect to women, such additional preventive care and screenings not described in paragraph (1) as provided for in comprehensive guidelines
supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration for purposes of this paragraph.

Do you know why it had to be covered? Because it was not. In fact for decades birth control medication was not at all covered. Vasectomies were. It was not until 2000 that it was ruled to be part of preventative care in fact. EEOC decision

3) Insurance companies are not permitted to charge men and women differently.

Why should they? No seriously, why should Insurance company A charge a woman twice what they charge a man? Because they have the occasional need like giving birth? That makes little sense as men have non-equivalent but equally costly care.

Presto! Socialized medicine, without the stigma! Bravo! You fooled America, but you did not fool the MRM.

Socialized medicine would be if Medicare/caid was turned into a single third party payer system. I know you are kind of dumb Anthony but even for you this is stupid.

Women only PRIVILEGES outlined in Obamacare (a few examples):


1) Birth control for women, but not for men

Demonstrably false.

2) Sterilization for women, but not for men

Also false.

3) Smoking cessation for women, but not for men

Title IV, Sec. 4001, Sec. 4201, Sec. 4202, Sec. 4206, Sec. 4217, etc. cover community efforts to reduce smoking. None of them state “women only.” They state community. Despite your desire to have men and women living in two parts of the country, they do not. They live in communities. Men and women are covered under this bill to have efforts to reduce their smoking.

4) STD treatment for women, but not form men

Under Sec. 513, there is a goal of doing “personal responsibility” which means that boys/men and girls/women are covered.

5) Cancer vaccine for girls, but not for boys

HPV vaccines? Since the government recommends it insurance companies will be required to provide it under the first section I mentioned.

6) Violence prevention for women, but not for men

Sec. 10213 covers this and is essentially to help those who have been denied coverage because being hit meant that they had a pre-existing condition. I think, and I may be wrong, you knew that this was going on because it hit the news in a pretty big way.

7) Breast health for women, but no prostate health for men

I am guessing this is Part V, Sec. 399NN, Sec. 10413 you are kvetching about?
The National Cancer Institute already has this covered.
Fact sheet on the issue
“Due to the widespread implementation of PSA screening in the United States, more than 90 percent of all prostate cancers are diagnosed at an early stage. Whether this earlier detection actually reduces the number of prostate cancer deaths is controversial and is being studied in two ongoing randomized clinical trials―the NIH-sponsored Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian screening trial and the European Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer. Initial results from these trials, published in 2009, showed that PSA screening produced, at best, only a small reduction in the number of prostate cancer deaths. This benefit, however, came at a cost: Many more cancers were diagnosed and treated in the screened group than in the control (unscreened) group. These findings suggest that PSA screening can lead to the diagnosis and treatment of some prostate cancers that will not cause symptoms or threaten a man’s life, phenomena known as overdiagnosis and overtreatment (i.e., unnecessary treatment). The major side effects of prostate cancer treatment include urinary incontinence and sexual impotence.”

12 years ago

Women only POWER outlined in Obamacare (a few examples):
1) Every health plan must be reviewed to “take into account the health care needs of women”, but no provision for health care needs of men.


2) Financing for a huge study on “the relative mental consequences for women of resolving a pregnancy in various ways .. carrying to term .. adoption .. miscarriage .. abortion”, but no money for the consequences for fathers.

This would be a great thing to do for men. Hop to it.

3) Establishes an “Office of Women’s Health” within the Office of the Secretary.

Do you know why they had to do this? No, not because they hate men. The reason is because men, for a very long time, were the only people we did any sort of studies on for heath care. Did you know that women have very different symptoms when it comes to heart attacks? No? That is why we need such a thing. Men are defaulted to at the moment when it comes to health care. They already have access to things that work for them. Women do not. So therefore, what you assume is discrimination is quite literally stopping what had been discrimination. Perhaps if the research becomes lopsided in favor of women, you might have a point. (Currently as far as I know there is only one-breast cancer. And while breast cancer is the big one, prostate cancer research gets the second highest amount. Apparently all other cancers can go fuck themselves based on fundraising efforts.)

4) Mandates that the Secretary of Health “monitor the Department of Health and Human Services’ offices, agencies, and regional activities regarding women’s health ..”

See above.

5) “Establishes a Department of Health and Human Services a Coordinating Committee on Women’s Health ..”

See above

6) “Establish a National Women’s Health Information Center ..”

See above

7) Mandates “efforts to promote women’s health programs and policies with the private sector ..”

You know, having to tell businesses to do this should never had to be required by the legislation but alas it was.

8) “Establishing within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration and Office of Women’s Health ..”

Actually that is conflating to separate things but par for course with you.

12 years ago

So none of you intellectual giants could actually come up with a counter argument? Not surprising.

I actually wrote a long response out but it is in moderation. When you see it, shut up.

12 years ago

” When you see it, shut up.”
I don’t know why it was so funny, but I laughed for like a minute straight at that.

12 years ago

So none of you intellectual giants could actually come up with a counter argument? Not surprising.

We aren’t giants, we just look that way from our gleaming opulent horses.