antifeminism douchebaggery hypocrisy irony alert lying liars misogyny reactionary bullshit sex shaming tactics sluts

If Rush Limbaugh could draw cartoons …

Oy, Sorry for more Rush Limbaugh-related crap, but this cartoon, by Gary McCoy, was just too appalling not to post.

I’m not even going to get into the slut-shaming, or that the cartoonist is bizarrely trying to fat-shame someone who is not actually fat, but I would like to point out once again that WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDING FREE BIRTH CONTROL (even though that sounds like a nifty idea to me). We’re talking about INSURANCE COMPANIES COVERING BIRTH CONTROL LIKE THEY COVER OTHER MEDICAL EXPENSES. You know about insurance, right? That thing that people PAY FOR THEMSELVES, with THEIR OWN MONEY?

Are Rush and his fans really so ignorant and obtuse that they’ve somehow convinced themselves that this is about the government paying for birth control? Or are they deliberately misrepresenting the issue, knowing that most of their readers/listeners/whatever won’t bother to check the facts?

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Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

That was their illustration of the logical conclusion of the Blunt amendment, which would allow any employer (not just religious ones) the right to deny coverage of any medical service that they deem is morally objectionable.

On behalf of the state of Missouri, I want to apologize for Roy Blunt. He is from my congressional district, and in my defense I have NEVER voted for him. Southwest Missouri is extremely conservative so Blunt is popular around here. Yuck.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago


Lol, all caps. You seem desperate.

Actually, this is completely false. This is government providing free birth control. How? Feminists cleverly concealed the socialization of costs, but you can figure it out using these facts:

1) Male birth control (including vasectomy) is not covered by Obamacare.
2) Female birth control (including tubal ligatino) is covered by Obamacare.
3) Insurance companies are not permitted to charge men and women differently.

Presto! Socialized medicine, without the stigma! Bravo! You fooled America, but you did not fool the MRM.

Women only PRIVILEGES outlined in Obamacare (a few examples):
1) Birth control for women, but not for men
2) Sterilization for women, but not for men
3) Smoking cessation for women, but not for men
4) STD treatment for women, but not form men
5) Cancer vaciine for girls, but not for boys
6) Violence prevention for women, but not for men
7) Breast health for women, but no prostate health for men

Women only POWER outlined in Obamacare (a few examples):
1) Every health plan must be reviewed to “take into account the health care needs of women”, but no provision for health care needs of men.
2) Financing for a huge study on “the relative mental consequenc3s for women of resolving a pregnancy in various ways .. carrying to term .. adoption .. miscarriage .. abortion”, but no money for the consequences for fathers.
3) Establishes an “Office of Women’s Health” within the Office of the Secretary.
4) Mandates that the Secretary of Health “monitor the Department of Health and Human Services’ offices, agencies, and regional activities regarding women’s health ..”
5) “Establishes a Department of Health and Human Services a Coordinating Committee on Women’s Health ..”
6) “Establish a National Women’s Health Information Center ..”
7) Mandates “efforts to promote women’s health programs and policies with the private sector ..”
8) “Establishing within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration and Office of Women’s Health ..”

There are dozens more offices, programs, departments, committees, and privileges for women only in Obamacare.

How about men?

Zero. Nothing. Actually, the word “men” only appears 2 times in Obamacare, both in “women and men” statements that mean nothing.

In contrast, there are 134 occurrences of the word “women” in Obamacare, all but two of which outline special women-only programs or bureaucracies.

In short, Obamacare is the greatest act of state sponsored bigotry since Jim Crow. A massive edifice to feminist discrimination against men, boys, and fathers.

It goes without saying that this happens in the context of a healthcare system where men and boys face significantly worse outcomes than women and girls.

Sorry for knocking down your ideological edifice. Go Rush! Civil rights hero! The only American with the courage to face the feminist beast!


Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

“In short, Obamacare is the greatest act of state sponsored bigotry since Jim Crow. A massive edifice to feminist discrimination against men, boys, and fathers.

It goes without saying that this happens in the context of a healthcare system where men and boys face significantly worse outcomes than women and girls.”

The most striking thing is not that this happens. The most striking thing is, nobody even knows. The feminist media won’t touch it. It is too hot for either side of the political divide. Only the MRM has the courage to face the facts.

I wonder … what clever mechanisms will you all invent to hide your fragile egos from the shame of participating in the greatest act of segregation and discrimination since Jim Crow? How will you rationalize it? I am quite curious, and excited, to see.

12 years ago


So what is your proposed solution? Which services would you like to be covered?

If you want male vasectomies as well as male and female condoms to be covered, then you’d be in good company, as Guttmacher Institute and Planned Parenthood both have been lobbying for those to be included in the mandate. Write your representative and tell them to listen to Guttmacher and PP already!

If you want a men’s office in the center for mental health, write your representative. You could make a good case for it, as men’s substance abuse rates are higher.

Why do you want to tear down women’s health services instead of building up men’s? You think it’s bad that men are left out of APCA, so you know that APCA is beneficial to those it covers. Why ask that fewer people should be covered instead of more?

12 years ago

Go Rush! Civil rights hero! The only American with the courage to face the feminist beast!

Yes, Rush is a real civil rights hero. That’s why he started offering bull-shit apologies as soon as his show started hemorrhaging sponsors.

As for the rest or your post, it’s more of your boiler plate faux-rage and offensive invocation of the civil rights movement. You aren’t particularly bright and we all know your reading comprehension is for shit. The whole point of Health Care Reform (as imperfect as it is) is that existing insurance policies will not be changed. And under existing insurance policies men are, in fact, covered for vasectomy, STD treatment, addiction counseling and treatment, cancer screening and treatment, etc.

It’s true that prescription birth control is not covered for men but that’s because, currently, there is no form of prescription birth control available to men.

12 years ago

I wonder if I should take AntZ seriously today!

Go Rush! Civil rights hero!


12 years ago

I should note that coverage for men and women’s reproductive health is not complete under all current insurance plans. And, like Ugh, I think this is a problem. But the solution to the problem, as noted, is to expand coverage and services regardless of gender; not to offer even fewer.

12 years ago


Carry on.

12 years ago

Please provide a citation showing that insurance companies do not already cover vasectomies.

12 years ago

I wonder … what clever mechanisms will you all invent to hide your fragile egos from the shame of participating in the greatest act of segregation and discrimination since Jim Crow? How will you rationalize it?

Poor hyperbole, how the MRM abuses you!

12 years ago

Also, please explain why Viagra is covered by most standard insurance policies if the issue is morality concerning sexual practices.

12 years ago

Jim Crow? Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Way to misappropriate the struggle of people who were, and still are, actually oppressed. Tell me Zarat, how does it feel to be a disingenuous, pompous ass? Does it make you feel special?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

12 years ago

Wow Ant, I had no idea that Obamacare was a delivery platform for gendered coverage. Maybe it’s time I looked at the law.

12 years ago

He’s full of shit. Vasectomies are already covered by standard insurance policies.

12 years ago

Here, in Brazil, birth control is free – the government provides it. Pills and condoms, you just have to stop by the health thingy and get it. Of course, the birth control is the pill and only one kind, so 99% of women go and buy their own, but still, it’s there.
Also, people use that to justify not legalizing abortion “you could’ve prevented it for free” which is crap, as we all know.

But at least we give it for free, which I’m proud of. Also, distribute condoms at schools and the government pays for advertisings on TV telling people to use condoms…
It’s absurd that this is actually being discussed in the US. I mean, you pay for health care – you get meds – you get birth control. There is nothing to discuss!!

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

We’re done having kids, so my husband had a vasectomy a couple of years ago with zero copay or deductible. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, AntZ. I also want to second Blitzgal’s request for a citation on your claims*.

*I do not consider conservapedia or A Voice for Men to be reliable sources either.

12 years ago

We’re done having kids, so my husband had a vasectomy a couple of years ago with zero copay or deductible.

What an immoral slut your husband is. Sex is for procreative purposes only.

12 years ago

Also, I expect Rush Limbaugh to be providing video footage of his Viagra fueled romp in the Dominican Republic with his “24” buddies.

12 years ago


Way to misappropriate the struggle of people who were, and still are, actually oppressed.

You’d think, as a valiant warrior for the Men’s Rights Movement, he’d actually give a damn, wouldn’t you? Since half of Black people are Black men? But then, I’m pretty sure they call it the Men’s Rights Movement because the Gender-Conforming Straight White Able Middle-Class Men Who Agree With Us Rights Movement would take way too many letters.

Keep fighting the good fight for the GCSWAMCMWAWURM, AntZ! That way, you don’t have to feel bad about calling someone a “civil rights hero” despite the fact that they, among other things, a) wrote a parody of “Puff the Magic Dragon” about “Obama, the Magic N-word” (note: he didnt edit himself) and b) claimed Michael J. Fox was just putting on a show with his Parkinson’s symptoms for the attention. Both of them are excluded from the GCSWAMCMWAWURM club, despite being men, so you’re being entirely consistent.

12 years ago

What an immoral slut your husband is. Sex is for procreative purposes only.

Well, only if you’re a woman. If the idea of men having non-procreative sex with women, who must only have sex for procreation, sounds logically inconsistent to you, you’re probably a woman, or a liberal devil, or worst of all: both.

12 years ago

Um. I am pretty sure smoking cessation is covered for men under the Affordable Care Act:

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Well, only if you’re a woman. If the idea of men having non-procreative sex with women, who must only have sex for procreation, sounds logically inconsistent to you, you’re probably a woman, or a liberal devil, or worst of all: both.

Pretty much. My husband is a cis, straight man so sex makes him awesome. I’m a woman, so sex makes me a slutty mcslut.

Also, I expect Rush Limbaugh to be providing video footage of his Viagra fueled romp in the Dominican Republic with his “24″ buddies.

It would be funny for him to release such a video, but I would choose not to watch it. I find Limbaugh’s personality to be a major turn off.

12 years ago

Feminists cleverly concealed the socialization of costs – it is to laugh. Bitterly Most statist feminists I know (wrongly, but it would be way better than what we have now) would have happily had the guts to go through with single payer or a public option. This abomination of a state corporate mandate is not the result of feminists trying to hide their handiwork. They would have been far bolder and more sensible in socializing it.

12 years ago

Sorry for knocking down your ideological edifice. Go Rush! Civil rights hero! The only American with the courage to face the feminist beast!

You… support Rush…

Another reason why MRAs ought not to be taken seriously. Or should I say the GCSWAMCMWAWURMs.

Let’s just shorten it to the GCMs, Gender-Conforming Males. Or we’ll just call them the 300 Spartans, (or the 300). Because if there’s anything I learned from that movie is that only heterosexual, cisgender, able, white men are people.

12 years ago

Actually scratch that, calling them that is too generous.