antifeminism douchebaggery hypocrisy irony alert lying liars misogyny reactionary bullshit sex shaming tactics sluts

If Rush Limbaugh could draw cartoons …

Oy, Sorry for more Rush Limbaugh-related crap, but this cartoon, by Gary McCoy, was just too appalling not to post.

I’m not even going to get into the slut-shaming, or that the cartoonist is bizarrely trying to fat-shame someone who is not actually fat, but I would like to point out once again that WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDING FREE BIRTH CONTROL (even though that sounds like a nifty idea to me). We’re talking about INSURANCE COMPANIES COVERING BIRTH CONTROL LIKE THEY COVER OTHER MEDICAL EXPENSES. You know about insurance, right? That thing that people PAY FOR THEMSELVES, with THEIR OWN MONEY?

Are Rush and his fans really so ignorant and obtuse that they’ve somehow convinced themselves that this is about the government paying for birth control? Or are they deliberately misrepresenting the issue, knowing that most of their readers/listeners/whatever won’t bother to check the facts?

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12 years ago

My money is on deliberately misrepresenting the issue. Nobody could be that dumb.

12 years ago

Oh hey, more Limbaugh stuffs! I found this also: (source)

Rush Limbaugh opened his syndicated radio show on Monday by reiterating the weekend apology he had made to Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student whom the outspoken host had called a “slut” and “prostitute” for her testimony about contraception the week before.

“I descended to [the left’s] level when I used those two words to describe Sandra Fluke,” Limbaugh said. “I’ve always tried to maintain a very high degree of integrity and independence on this program. Nevertheless, those two words were inappropriate. They were uncalled for. They distracted from the point that I was actually trying to make, and I again sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for using those two words to describe her. I do not think she is either of those two words. I did not think last week that she is either of those two words.”

So yeah, those words were totally wrong to use, but it’s all ok! He was just doing what the left does all the time, so really the Left is to blame! How many forms of not-pology can one guy possibly do?

12 years ago

“I’ve always tried to maintain a very high degree of integrity and independence on this program.”

Haha, that was a good one! Tell me another!

12 years ago

I was surprised to see this mentioned in the papers at all — “Rush Limbaugh says something stupid and offensive” isn’t even a “dog bites man” story. It’s a “dog breathes air” story.

12 years ago

Snowy, yes. It’s trying to gaslight the issue in effect by shifting what is actually at stake.

12 years ago

I could have sworn that “well, I’m just sinking to there level” was never a valid excuse to do shitty things. Reminds me of someone I know, who tends to try to turn around any conversation about zir faults with “well, nobody’s perfect, and oh by the way look at all the things that are wrong with you!”

Them’s abuser mentalities, Rush.

12 years ago

So, how about the Viagra? How is that not paying men to have sex, increasing the need for contraception. Not having an erection is not exactly known to bring dozens of years of consequences. Isn’t that a huge enormous double standard?

12 years ago

I’ve always tried to maintain a very high degree of integrity and independence on this program.

Of course you have Rush. And have means never ever in this case.

12 years ago

I fucking wish we had single payer healthcare here.

12 years ago

This is so depressing. Fluke sounds like an amazing woman, smart, articulate, grace under fire. And this is how they take her down–fat- and slut-shaming. And economic shaming, too, as one blogger pointed out. It’s not the rich women who can cover any costs they like that have their coverage at stake. And men, why, they don’t enter the picture at all. No man has ever not wanted to get a woman pregnant.

12 years ago

I’m going to light a little candle to Tommy Douglas tonight. Hurrah for single-payer healthcare.

12 years ago

Are Rush and his fans really so ignorant and obtuse that they’ve somehow convinced themselves that this is about the government paying for birth control? Or are they deliberately misrepresenting the issue, knowing that most of their readers/listeners/whatever won’t bother to check the facts?

A little from column A, a little from column B…

The cartoon reminds me of an old one-page strip by Kyle Baker called ‘Right-Wing Cartooning’.

‘God damn women drivers! Pisses me off! Saaaay — that gives me a swell idea for a cartoon!

‘God damn hippies! Get a freakin’ job! Saaaay — that gives me a swell idea for a cartoon!


12 years ago

I agree with Snowy, but at the same time, people like Limbaugh are showing us that people are, in fact, exactly that dumb.

When I first saw the cartoon, I assumed that the figure was, somehow and weirdly, representative of the female population on the Georgetown campus, until I recognized the hairstyle as being similar enough as to be a caricature of Ms. Fluke, which means that in addition to the slut shaming and fat shaming in that “picture” we can add ageism to the list of idiotic, irresponsible choices the artist made, and for what gain?

The artist brings down the political cartoon by several notches. There are so many wonderful, truly hilarious political satirists out there.

12 years ago

I’m going to light a little candle to Tommy Douglas tonight. Hurrah for single-payer healthcare.

I’m in Saskatoon for work at the moment, and there’s tonnes of public art dedicated to him around here. I’m so tempted to take your advice and light some candles. The green-and-yellow painting on the back of the electricity box I saw this morning down town seems like it would be a good venue.

I’m never more happy to be a Canadian than when I read about the apalling things folks have to go through in other places to access things that I think are a basic human right.

Also that cartoon is abhorrent in every conceiveable way. *shudder* I

12 years ago

@Kyrie- You’re right on the money. If men need or want something, somehow the money is found. New sports stadium, there’s money. Viagra, there’s money. Vasectomies, there’s money. There’s all the money in the world for the interests of men, not so much for women. If I were paranoid, I’d think there was some conspiracy going on. oh, wait…

It’s too bad I can’t get my scrap booking subsidized by the government.

12 years ago

It would be good to start naming the disinformation tactics Limbaugh and his allies are using, all straight outta Orwell. This Big Lie is especially monstrous: she’s fat n ugly,she’s got a personal beef, she’s not paying for her health insurance, she’s looking for a free payment, her skirt is so short, we know she is having a lot of sex.

And none of it has any connection with reality. But if Limbaugh keeps saying it, it will seem like truth.

I’m trying hard to find the humor here. I really want to mock. I need help.

12 years ago

Look at the shirt. It says “Georgetown”. A Catholic school.

She wants a Catholic Uni to morally and financially support premarital sex, birth control, and abortion. That’s what this is about. She wants her choice but when it comes to a private institution or business owner she wants to leave them no choice.

12 years ago

@karmarad I’m with you one this one. No humour to be found, not a drop.

12 years ago

“Or are they deliberately misrepresenting the issue, knowing that most of their readers/listeners/whatever won’t bother to check the facts?”

I think you may have answered your own question there, as in my own personal experience with dealing with people of this mentality where FOX news is God. Everything they say must be true (because they say everything they say is true) why fact check? What on earth would good, “god-fearing Christians” lie like this for?

Surely not because they have a misleading agenda to convince you that anything revolutionary is the work of the devil, or a president who has nothing better to do than work to destroy a country he’s served for years?

That’s clearly speculation though. Not intended to be a factual statement.

12 years ago

Fine, Buttman, but only if we enforce a Solomon Amendment type situation on all private schools that discriminate in any way. They (and their students) can’t collect federal or state financial aide, they can’t collect federal or state research or other grants. Oh, yes, if they want nothing to do with the government and social standards, they need to stop accepting tax funded programs going towards their tuition, fees, or other income.

12 years ago


And this is only the outside funding for disadvantaged people.

Private how?

Do you like female butts? Is that why you call yourself Buttman?

Just wondering.

12 years ago

She wants a Catholic Uni to morally and financially support premarital sex, birth control, and abortion. That’s what this is about. She wants her choice but when it comes to a private institution or business owner she wants to leave them no choice.


What’s most telling is that even after this compromise, the Catholic bishops still aren’t okay with it. Because it isn’t actually about religious freedom to them. It’s about punishing the slutty sluts for their sex-having. And Republicans tried to take it a step farther by pushing an amendment (to a highway bill!) that would allow ANY employer to deny coverage of ANY medical service that it deemed morally objectionable. Which of course lead the Obama campaign to post the following image to their Tumblr:

Does Georgetown cover Viagra? Does it cover vasectomies?

12 years ago

My money is on deliberately misrepresenting the issue. Nobody could be that dumb.

Yes they can.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

They’re also portraying as hypocrisy something that’s totally consistent–women should be able to decide if they get abortions, and women should be able to decide if they get birth control.

12 years ago

“She wants a Catholic Uni to morally and financially support premarital sex, birth control, and abortion. That’s what this is about.”

Or it’s about how her lesbian friend, y’know, someone not engaging in PIV sex, couldn’t afford the pills she needed to take care of ovarian cysts. Or that.

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