Hey, everybody! Rush Limbaugh has issued a gracious apology for his attacks on Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who testified before congress on the costs of birth control. Here it is:
For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.
After a long paragraph in which he basically repeats his original argument about birth control, such as it was, this time without directly referencing Fluke, he continues:
My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.
Uh, “I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation???”
“My choice of words was not the best??”
Here’s what he originally said:
So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. … We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.
He also called her a “prostitute.”
So let me rewrite that for you, with some nicer words this time:
So my dearest Miss Fluke, and the rest of those who share a love of feminism and the tenets of National Socialism, I would like to present to you a most intriguing proposition: If we are called upon to help finance your purchase of medical treatment and/or various and sundry items designed to prevent pregnancy, and thus to provide financial support to you as you make sweet, tender non-procreative love with your beloved, we humbly request something in return for our investment. To wit, we would like you to memorialize your lovemaking in video format, and for you to graciously place this video tribute on the Internet so we may share in the pleasure of enjoying these tender moments.
Oh, and instead of “prostitute,” why not refer to her as a “courtesan?”
Yeah, that’s not really any better. (And for some reason you still think taxpayers are paying for birth control, when in fact the issue is insurance coverage.)
In an attempt to be humorous, I would like to suggest to you, Mr. Limbaugh, that you stuff your apology up your ass, you worthless piece of shit.
I do not, of course, mean that as a personal attack.
I’m trying to sort out which part of Limbaugh’s rant was “humorous”. The slut shaming? The very tortured comparison to prostitution? Perhaps the part where Limbaugh suggested that her private activities, which he and his listeners are of course deeply offended by and morally opposed to, should be posted for them to enjoy. Ms. Fluke, you’re a slut and a prostitute, but what you should be is an unpaid porn actress; then all would be right in the world again.
Conspicuously missing is the argument that a man’s medical policy should not cover STI treatment. How dare ye request a penicillin shot, gigolo! Post thy exploits online!
There’s something contorted about the thinking of a person who simultaneously believes that men should have sex, women should not have sex, and homosexuality is bad.
Also someone who believes that women who have sex are bad… and women who are bad should do penance by giving men sex.
I guess it’s a Madonna/Whore thing, and there’s just no redemption for Whores.
Cis men
Truefacts, and apologies for the erasure.
Also, iPhone, y u autocorrect “Cis”?
Guess which men those are 😎 Of course this is the same dude that managed to convince four different women to marry him and leave his dumb ass, so I’m not surprised that he’s a little hard up
You guys DO realize that criticizing Rush Limbaugh for being fat and gay is basically like “HA HA HE HAS BROWN EYES! HA HA HE LIKES TO SLEEP WITH BLONDES!”
Being called a prostitute is a compliment in my opinion.
Speaking on behalf of the queer community, which I don’t, but I’m doing anyway: we don’t want Limbaugh either for fuck’s sake.
> There’s something contorted about the thinking of a person who simultaneously believes that men should have sex, women should not have sex, and homosexuality is bad.
I know, right? Who would’ve thought such a nice person could maybe have *issues.*
“What is it with women and their love of big goverment”
Well, since I’m LYING bout being a libertarian, I think that it’s really a thing YOU have about women…
“You guys DO realize that criticizing Rush Limbaugh for being fat and gay is basically like “HA HA HE HAS BROWN EYES! HA HA HE LIKES TO SLEEP WITH BLONDES!””
Yes. Also, there’s a little too much sex-worker phobic language being thrown around here. I don’t really have the spoons to go on about it, though.
I’m going to go to my not-actual-birthday party. Everybody be happy!
Yeah, to all of ya’ll who’ve engaged in your cute little fat-shaming fun times here, I’ll personally thank you to take a fuckin’ hike with that shit.
I would like to reiterate my “he has really bad aim” hypothesis for why Rush has never sired children.
He’s extremely self-absorbed, so it’s pretty likely he pays almost zero attention to whoever he’s having sex with. And so sometimes, I posit, he accidentally fucks the inside of a knee, the pillow, a pile of laundry, his alarm clock — essentially anything and everything in the general vicinity of the bed.
The PC extreme games?
Is this an olympic event?
Your feminist religion seems a bit bizarre.
Trivia question. Who made up the term homophobia?
NWOslave: To quote from the Wiki you hate so much…
George Weinberg is a Manhattan psychotherapist with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, a Masters Degree in English from New York University, and advanced training in mathematical statistics. He has written twelve books and is published in twenty-three languages. He has also written for popular and professional journals, and for television…
Weinberg is known for several major contributions to psychotherapy. He coined the word “homophobia” (in his revolutionary 1972 book, Society and the Healthy Homosexual) to clarify that those who harbor prejudice against homosexuals, and not homosexuals themselves, are suffering from a psychological malady, an irrational state of mind. Weinberg, though heterosexual himself, became a leader in the ultimately successful struggle to have homosexuality removed as a diagnostic category from the DSM, the professional therapeutic handbook. He has been instrumental in getting the public to recognize its own widespread irrationality toward gays.
Mags: No one cares, and everyone knows Limbaugh didn’t intend it that way.
NWO: No one cares.
Can someone translate NWO to common English? I don’t have a clue where he’s coming from with this game thing.
homophobia: the word was invented (neologism: a normal thing that happen to language) in 1969 by George Weinberg and used in its current meaning in 1971 by Kenneth Smith. (according to wikipedia) Does it matter? It could have been invented by Satan and come to us trough a necrophiliac neo-nazi, it wouldn’t be less real or less a problem.
That’s just what a femicultist would say!
This is an example of his standard schtick.
Poor people are lazy.
Black people are criminals.
Gay people are perverts.
Women are sluts.
These are all life style choices that people make, just like being homeless.
It’s what he does, and has been doing since 1984. (oh, the irony)
Step away from the microphone, hatemonger. Your day is done.
I’m a hatemonger? Why? Because I find gays repulsive?
Well gee wizz. I thought we were all allowed our own opinions and such.
What about loving all diversity and tolerance of all views?
What about how I feel?
Don’t my feelings get validated?
Why I feel like you’re erasing my experiences.
The Georgetown U. student health plan does not cover viagra, &c.
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtan
Hum what? Me, a cultist? No, I would never… What I was saying? Uh, I was, hum,… coughing. Yes that’s it. Very sore throat, because of all the invocating, I mean praying. To a very normal divinity, like Jesus or Allah.
*slowly get out her dagger
My cult is focused on listening to lots of loud and/or silly music and drinking cocktails with my friends. It’s pretty awesome, actually. I would say you should join us, Slavey, but you don’t seem like you’d be much fun to be around.
(The rest of you are welcome to join. We meet later tonight for tequila, Chile Verde, and movies.)
Oh! Also, Hail Satan.
“a MAN invented homophobia therefore … EVIL FEMINAZI PC POLICE”
Yeah, I don’t get it, either. (Well, coined the term homophobia. I’m sure it existed loooooong before we had a neat little word foir it).
NWO, I find you repulsive.
Please honor my opinion or you’re a hypocrite.