cuteness kitties off topic video

Dubstep kitty video party

It’s been kind of a rough week here at Man Boobz manor, so today, we’re just going to have a dubstep kitty video party. Watch as many as you dare. Talk amongst yourselves.

WARNING: Videos might induce seizure. Seriously, they might. Lots of flashing lights.

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12 years ago

and of course the “ignorant close your legs” comments.

a) people are going to have sex. If they are going to have sex, why not do it responsibly?

b) why is the onus on women to always “close their legs” do men not want sex? I’ve been led to believe by other men that men want it MORE than women do.

c) non affordable birth control = more unwanted babies and abortions. If abortion is still around.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I really don’t even understand why these guys would be against birth control. It must just be the lady-hatin’ knee-jerk.

I mean, most of them want to have PIV sex with women, right?
And most of them don’t want a baby (ZOMG CHILD SUPPORT) unless they decide there should be a baby, right?

How do you expect that to happen?

I mean, obviously the answer is they don’t. They expect women to give them sex when and how they want it and they expect women to suffer for it.

12 years ago

Hey MRAs? keep dreaming. If society collapses (which it most likely wont and if it does its not because the wimminz got out of line) you’re going down like everybody else. You are not special no matter how much you think you are. Get over yourselves.

I have the unfortunate tendency to get into conversations with arrogant braggadocios who think that the world is overpopulated and that it would be better if there were several billion people less. What they mean is that if there were several billion of those OTHER people less (e.i nonwhite). 😐

Why are you so ready for the idea of some disease wiping out 50% of the population? Besides billions of human deaths would be tragic, you’re arrogant enough to think you will survive?

This follows the idea of people who believe they reincarnated from Cleopatra or Caesar; someone famous and influential. If you’re in a lower class now with little influence, then hundreds of years ago you were probably one of those bi/millions people in the lower class.

12 years ago

I think the apocalyptic fantasies have to do with wishing for a more dangerous, uncivilized world in which the male aptitude for violence would be valued, and the hope that this would restore gender relations to a more primitive state. It’s a fantasy about females being dependent on males for meeting basic needs. Essentially, a fantasy about returning to the bad old days.

Or perhaps it just reflects a frustration with their inability to adapt to a changing society. Or maybe it’s a “that would show ’em” line of thinking.

12 years ago

Also, rrrrrrggaaarrrghhh at everyone saying “paid to take birth control” or “paid to have sex” or whatever. She’s paying into a health plan! She’s not getting money for birth control, she’s getting her own money back for her birth control!

I know! It reminds me of all the wanking about unemployment benefits. They paid into the system and now they want the benefits they paid for? How dare they!

You know what really does bug me? Paying banks to follow regulations. Especially since when they inevitably still don’t follow the regulations, they keep collecting the incentives for years and just get a warning that next time they might lose them if they don’t improve. The rest of us have to follow rules without getting paid for it.

12 years ago


I don’t think it’s an either/or situation, but rather, all three apply.

And by the way, I have a 4th solution…
In feminist countries, sterilize all females at birth.

This will fix ALL problems..


This stalwart tower of intelligence does understand that “sterilizing all females at birth” means that the men can’t reproduce either right?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think the apocalyptic fantasies have to do with wishing for a more dangerous, uncivilized world in which the male aptitude for violence would be valued, and the hope that this would restore gender relations to a more primitive state.

I think it’s about:

A) Fantasizing that they, personally, have an aptitude for violence, even though they’re scared of pain and don’t work out and can’t throw a punch–but surely they’d turn into burly, competent, fearless warriors instantly upon the collapse of society, right?

B) Fantasizing that they’d be free from all their boring daily responsibilities, because they don’t realize that “getting food in a massive worldwide famine” and “not getting killed in massive worldwide chaos” would be not just unpleasant and constant responsibilities, but most of the time extremely boring.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Shadow – I think the idea is that they can reproduce with women from other countries.

(Who will all be available and glad to have them, because we all know that Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America are just full of perfectly submissive perfectly sexy women who want nothing more than a white guy to serve.)

12 years ago

I really don’t even understand why these guys would be against birth control. It must just be the lady-hatin’ knee-jerk.

I mean, most of them want to have PIV sex with women, right?
And most of them don’t want a baby (ZOMG CHILD SUPPORT) unless they decide there should be a baby, right?

This. So much. I mean it is in the benefit of men who don’t want children that a woman takes a pill that prevents children from being born. But as usual it’s a zero sum game. If women get something that automatically means men lose something.

Then there’s the MRAs who say men have no birth control options so women/feminists should shut up. How the hell does that help? so now they should make it even harder for women to get birth control even if it benefits them in the long run?

Or how about demanding male birth control instead of being misogynists online all day. This feminist backs you up on health insurance covered male birth control!

12 years ago


I think it’s just narcissism. The belief that they’re just better and more important people than everyone else.

Personally I think we are overpopulated…well it’s more that we are really bleeding our resources dry. But to wish for a bunch of people to be wiped out? that’s just a really shitty thing to hope for.

12 years ago


That thought did cross my mind but I thought that those racist fucks would bemoan the death of the white race (or the WASP race rather) as they know it. I forgot that they were the OTHER kind of racist fucks.

12 years ago

The reincarnation idea does seem to come directly from narcissism, but the eliminating a large segment of the world population always seems to appear with some racist undertones.

12 years ago

Shadow – I think the idea is that they can reproduce with women from other countries.

(Who will all be available and glad to have them, because we all know that Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America are just full of perfectly submissive perfectly sexy women who want nothing more than a white guy to serve.)

And even if they were, there would be a little supply/demand problem if you suddenly added 100 million extra men. The MRM: it’s for people who are bad at math.

12 years ago

“But as usual it’s a zero sum game. If women get something that automatically means men lose something.”

I think this misunderstanding, more than anything else, is at the root of gender related strife, particularly opposition to feminism.

12 years ago

Oh, and it looks like everyone is using some kind of reply function that pastes the quoted text in italicized; I don’t see a button for that. I’m using Chrome if that matters.

12 years ago

@Astazha, you can use the tag(blockquote) to start a quote and (/blockquote) to end it. Just replace the brackets with greater-than/less-than signs. 🙂

12 years ago

Do we need to start posting excerpts from Collapse to help these guys understand how unrealistic their visions of the future are?

When societies collapse, it does indeed suck for everyone. It sucks much worse than anything these guys are imagining, given that they think it’s about equivalent in terms of suffering to having to live with the existence of VAWA and having to pay child support.