cuteness kitties off topic video

Dubstep kitty video party

It’s been kind of a rough week here at Man Boobz manor, so today, we’re just going to have a dubstep kitty video party. Watch as many as you dare. Talk amongst yourselves.

WARNING: Videos might induce seizure. Seriously, they might. Lots of flashing lights.

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no more mr nice guy
12 years ago

The videos are cute but the music is horrible.

12 years ago

I was just thinking that dubstep is kind of awesome. I had not heard it before. Old person is old, I guess (and dorky).

12 years ago

Fuck, I am getting old. I don’t get this dubstep shit, to me it sounds like a bad copy of a copy of Aphex Twin’s “Come to Daddy.” Which, by the way, is a song you shouldn’t listen to through headphones.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Every time I listen to dubstep I think “this just doesn’t make sense because I’m sober.”

12 years ago

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

God inflicted dubstep on us that we may rise above the adversity and create grime

(Although dubstep does sound much better when you lack sobriety)

12 years ago

Shadow, have you heard the new Wiley? “Boom Blast” is a good dance cut.

12 years ago

Music is language, each genre has its own aesthetic, and listening to a genre where you don’t ‘get’ the grammar is equivalent to hearing German or Chinese when you don’t know the language: it sounds like gobbledygook, you can’t make heads or tails of any given sound unit in the ‘sentence’, and so it all sounds alike, like noise.

I’ve listened to so many genres that have weird aesthetics or even come close to having anti-aesthetics (the 80-86 hardcore punk wave’s embrace of ‘3 chords, as fast as possible so nobody can hear the false notes’) that I’m not going to go ‘kids get off my lawn’ just from the fact that I totally don’t get dubstep. If anything, I’m intrigued to learn more about the history, so I can understand how it came to follow that Form.

12 years ago

What I heard through the vines though is that dubstep is basically what happened when punks decided to do electronic music, so that might be why I’m intrigued. 😉

12 years ago


Yeah, it’s pretty decent. I’m not a big fan of Wiley TBH, he has great beats but I find him lacking lyrically. Throw on any random Dizzee track, however, and you’ll see my Kool Aid grin 🙂

12 years ago

Wub wub wub wub
Rub rub rub rub
Mrub mrub mrub mrub
Mrew mrew mrew mrew
Meow meow meow meow!

12 years ago

I should have been more specific–I get what dubstep is and where it came from–I don’t LIKE dubstep.

12 years ago

I like Skrillex though I’m sure the “true” fans of dubstep don’t like him since he’s mainstream or something. I still find it funny that he used to be the frontman for From First to Last, a screamo band.

My favorite electronic musicians are Daft Punk, Deadmau5 and Robert Miles.

Also happy friday and yay kitties! 😀

12 years ago

actually speaking of kitties, Deadmau5 frequently gifts fans with adorable videos/pics of his cat Meowingtons

12 years ago

@Shadow: I don’t mind Dizzee’s stuff, I especially like his re-working of “Dirty Cash,” which is one of my favorite 80’s dance tracks.

12 years ago


Yeah, that was a dope track. Funny enough, the first thing i thought when I heard it was “I wish Wiley’s Cash In My Pocket was done by Dizzee instead” I can’t even pretend to be impartial about Dizzee, especially after he worked with UGK and gave me eargasms from hearing three of my favorite emcees together lol I don’t know if you’ve listened to the whole Tongue ‘N Cheek album, but the track Can’t Tek No More is jaw-droppingly awesome

Do you work with the UK scene on a professional basis too, or is it just a personal interest?

12 years ago

Shadow, I do work in the music business, but the UK stuff is just personal interest.

12 years ago

I just find dubstep dull. The kitties are cute, though.

12 years ago

I wasn’t real familiar with either genre-never even heard of grime- but having listened to some of the vids here, I’m with Shadow, I think. That was more interesting. Dubstep hurts my widdle head.

12 years ago

Whenever I am unfortunate enough to hear dubstep I just think “this would sound so much better if I was wasted”. It’s the musical equivalent of that annoying drunk shouty person at a party who won’t leave you alone.

And like Hellkell said, no, it’s not that I don’t understand the musical reference points. I just don’t like it.

12 years ago

Everyday I’m pugstepping o_o

12 years ago

I do like MassageTabby in the last video, though.

12 years ago

I’d much rather go with Rock and Kill Kitties than Dubstep ones

12 years ago

Rock and Roll*..that was an odd typo

12 years ago

Are Rock and Kill kitties cats that love death metal?

12 years ago

Ha, the Rather Good kitties! I love that series.

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