antifeminism antifeminst women idiocy misogyny MRA racism

Irony alert: MRA who cannot master simple punctuation attacks black women as “ignorant.”

Do you like your Men’s Rights activism plain, or with a side order of racist bullshit? Regular readers of Man Boobz will remember Christian J, the man behind the blog What Men Are Saying About Women, a self-described “Male Renaissance Agitator” and inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses. (Heck, I wrote about him just the other day.)

Well, now he’s really outdone himself with a foul racist tirade directed at what he calls ”one of my favourite loathe subjects and that is ‘Black Women’.”

Christian’s excuse for this tirade is a video he found of a white woman complaining about a black woman who was rude to her at a restaurant. According to him, the video addresses the following “issues.”

1. Black women generally suck..

2. Black Women are so full of themselves..

3. Black Women have major issues cause they can’t get no man..

4. Black Women are “strong” in their own mind, make that “stupid” and “Ignorant”. as well..

5. Black Women lack the basic social graces and also basic sanitary habits..

To this he adds:

Black females have wallowed in and adopted the feminist’s hate doctrine as statistics have already demonstrated, single mothers stands at 70% and similar divorce stats. also demonstrates that they are incapable of keeping in a relationship, whatever excuse they justify in their own minds. They are to be avoided at all costs as any black man/dude/bro will testify..

Having read all this, I expected the video to be some sort of White Power rant. It’s nothing of the sort. While the videomaker, a sort of wannabe Pamela Anderson, makes a few problematic and arguably racist comments here and there, she doesn’t actually make any of the sweeping racist generalizations about black women that Christian attributes to her. Nope. That’s all him.

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David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

I have cited a lot of material that I have read since 1985, here on this blog, mostly to zhinxi, since she was the one who asked. I have also cited a number (not a complete list) of books, periodicals, and websites that have been influential in the evolution of my thought regardless of when it was written or published. I thought, mistakenly, that she would be happy with at least some of them, my antifeminism notwithstanding. Beyond that, I don’t know how she presumes to know the contents of my library anyhow,since she has never been to my residence, where my books, periodicals, and tapes are located, but never even had any sort of discussion with me about it.

No a few suggestions of recently publsihed works on her part citing her “libertarian feminuttery”, a kind of merger between standard feminism and libertarian thought doesn’t count as a discussion of anything, least of all when they are offered, not for purposes of knowledge-sharing, but simply to score debating points against me!

On encountering a person, even a woman, whom I believed to be a libertarian, I was very warmly and eagerly disposed to be friendly. We could–and would–disagree with feminism, but there were so many other areas for discussion that I didn’t imagine that it would be much of an obstacle for mutual understanding. I was wrong!

And you imagined that I thought that Ami (girlygiggles xD) Angelwing’s posts served no purpose but cheerleading! They don’t, but nevertheless, they exposed Zhinxi’s outlook and temperment regarding all communications with me regarding not only feminuttery, but also anarchism and polycentric law.I have better things to do than be ms.represented by a she-demagogue who is a feminist first, and an anachist or a libertarian last, if at all!

There is nothing but goodwill toward Africans in my posts. I hoped for, and continue to hope for, changes that will make their success more likely and more widespread. I also recognise that “swimming against the tide”, as many, perhaps most, have had to do, is IMMENSELY difficult and the prospects of success, even for individuals, will be severely limited. Any advances attained, in prosperity, education, manners, marriage and family integrity, have to be secured by working against both:

1) a (white) majority” culture” that is becoming more present-oriented, more filthy and just plain toxic with each passing day…

2) an”internal” enemy within who sees any attempt at material, moral, or intellectual success as “acting White”, being “oreo cookies”, or “selling out”…If you doubt what I am saying, simply reread what some of you manboobzettes have said about my examples of brilliantly successful Africans, from Booker T. Washington to Anne Wortham, from Dr. Charles Drew to Zora Neale Thurston, from Walter Williams to Thomas Sowell et al. ALL of them–and countless others–have been accused by a truly renegade element in THEIR society of being “traitors” or sellouts.Those disgusting poverty-pimps do nobody any good, and the Whites who listen to them and their guilt-slinging are just as bad!

People evolve–at different rates–by type! The direction and the rate is strongly and continuously influenced by countless variables, both the directions in which the larger society is moving, the presence or absence of opportunity for individual initiative and enterprise, the technological level prevailing in their environment, their adaptability(or lack of it) to new challenges, and perhaps most imporantly, their capacity to internalize norms which favor both individual, family and household, and eventually group, national and racial well-being! It may be a lot of things to argue that Africans–in the USA, in Brazil, in the Carribean, in Western Europe, or in Africa itself–have had their difficulties with all of the above, over a very long period of time, but it is certainly NOT racist!

“Pokemon”-whatever that is-has NOTHING to do with it!

At bottom, when all is said and done, calling me a ‘racist” for repeating these observations, when I (and people who agree with me) have absolutely no power to reverse White decline, still less to facilitate any of the attitudes, memes, and customs which will eventually act to generate African (or anybody else’s) progress is absurd. You are simply blaming a thermometer for the cold snap, or blaming a fire alarm for the fire (or the arsonist).

As far as the “list” of stereotypes cited in a post above, all of them were, or are, true, at their time, place and circumstances. It didn’t mean that ALL blacks demonstrated the (mis)behavior indicated, just enough to make a long-lasting impression. Once this impression is widespread and often strongly held, others act upon it. It is a truism that people act, not so much on the facts, but their impressions about the facts (which are sometimes mistaken).

The last point which I shall make here is that NOWHERE have I said that Africans were “inferior”, not on manboobz, and not anywhere else. You critics have! You may have been trying to set up a straw man, being unable or unwilling to come to grips with the problems of our civilizational decline impose, not only upon Africans–or other nonwhites–but upon the immense majorities of Whites as well.These pathologies, and the symptoms created are at their most visible along racial, and perhaps geographical lines, but they are certainly are not limited to race or origin. Neither, however, are the impressions, stereotypes, and attitudes generated by the widespread misbehavior symptomatic of the general, perhaps almost worldwide civilizational decline.

Lastly, a person who believed that Africans (or any other group) was “inferior” wouldn’t bother to talk about civilizational declline, still less wish all the best for the most negatively affected groups. She would simply attribute pathologies to “stereotyping” by evil white folks the way all of you egalitarians have been doing and let it go at that. Who are the REAL bigots? Look in the nearest mirror, all of you!

12 years ago

Allow me to enlighten as best as I can: Imagine a neck rotation, like stretching before an exercise class, when you move your head around in a circle. Now keep your head still, do the same motion with your neck, like you’re trying to draw a horizontal circle with your chin. Derisive or incredulous look optional, add an “Oh, no she/he/they didn’t” for extra effect.

Oh, that thing. Why had I forgotten that thing? Not that I’m complaining, mind you.

Not available in all 50 states. Sorry Tennessee.

Well, crap. Guess where I live.

12 years ago

Human’s evolve, Meller, but not by race. You see evolution is based on genetic mutation, adaptation and migration. Genetically speaking, there is little difference between a white person and a black person, or any other person for that matter. There are black people who are more genetically similar to me as a white person than other white people out there, and vice versa.

Even if your standpoint does not come from a racist place, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong. The fact that you have other people agreeing with you, doesn’t make your standpoint any less incorrect. From a sociological standpoint, your evolution by race idea is harmful. I strongly recommend you look up “eugenics.”

12 years ago

DKM, as evidenced by your comment upthread, the bigot is still you.

Also, you are the one advocating wife beating and forced prostitution.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

People evolve–at different rates–by type!

DKM, you’re a fucking racist and all, but I just want to throw in:

“Evolution” does not mean “getting better.” Someone who is more “civilized” or “cultured” by whatever standards is not more evolved. That’s not evolutionary biology. That’s Pokemon.

As the human race originated at the same time, all humans have been evolving for exactly the same amount of time. So we’re the same amount “evolved.”

It’s like asking if a cat or a dog is “more evolved.” How the hell would you answer that?

Or more precisely, it’s like asking if a cat or another cat is “more evolved.” They’re both cats, dude.

Also, it’s kind of weird and creepy how you keep calling black people “Africans.” A lot of black families have been on this continent two hundred years longer than mine has. But you’re not calling me a European.

12 years ago

From now on, I’m an African. Who cares if I live in the US, I’ll never be a REAL AMERICAN!

…wait, I’m sorry, who elected DKM as leader of all facts?

12 years ago

” It may be a lot of things to argue that Africans–in the USA, in Brazil, in the Carribean, in Western Europe, or in Africa itself–have had their difficulties with all of the above, over a very long period of time, but it is certainly NOT racist! ”

Hey, Meller? Just repeating things over and over, sometimes with extra capslock, doesn’t make them true. Your entire rant was racist.

(Well, apart from the sexist bit in which you were willing to give zhinxy a chance even though she’s a mere woman, but she betrayed you by making jokes about you with Ami.)

12 years ago

Meller, why are you posting this racist crap here? Did Stromfront kick you out?

You know what makes me happy? The thought that nasty old men like you with your hateful baggage will die out, and no one will really mark your passing. Must drive you nuts to know that your day in the sun is pretty much over.

12 years ago

To summarize Mr. Meller: “Blah blah blah I’m massive fucking racist asshole blah blah I’m also a fascist with libertarian pretensions blah blah women suck.”

12 years ago

Wait, among all the other nonsense, Harding was a good president? Seriously? Teapot Dome? You can’t think of anyone better since Harding and “Silent Cal”? Maybe he hasn’t read anything since 1928, that’d make a wee bit more sense.

12 years ago

I have better things to do than be ms.represented(sic) by a she-demagogue who is a feminist first, and an anachist or a libertarian last, if at all!

Meller’s insistence on gendered nouns is sort of hilarious. Is demagoguery inherently male, and that’s why a “she-demagogue” must be distinguished from your ordinary, run-of-the-mill demagogue?

By the way, David K. Meller, you are so, so racist. Every time you come here to post about how totally not racist you are, you come off looking even more racist. I don’t mind, because it’s kind of hilarious to see you keep digging yourself deeper, but I just thought I should tell you in case you thought you were actually convincing people.

12 years ago

I think Meller lives in a state of constant shock and outrage about the fact that he keeps encountering women in non-domestic contexts. He walks around going, what is this? A she-bus driver? This is an outrage! And then he calls customer service because his internet connection goes down and again, what is this madness – a she-representative? And then he turns on the TV and there’s a she-newscaster! Will the madness never end?

12 years ago

You know what makes me happy? The thought that nasty old men like you with your hateful baggage will die out, and no one will really mark your passing. Must drive you nuts to know that your day in the sun is pretty much over.

And that is people like Meller in a nutshell; mean old men resentful to “inferiors” because their ideals of their superiority are not only demonstrably false but shopworn. Meller is a rotting old man, a rotting old decadent man at death’s door whose creativity has long expired.

Meller, you are no libertarian. If you were a libertarian, you wouldn’t be a vile, bigoted cunt who constantly tells other people to live by your petty, narrow, and dogmatic standards. If you were a libertarian you would see past petty labels and stereotypes and be accepting of people as they are. If you were a libertarian, you would actually know something about oppressed and disparaged groups of people rather than making ideological rants which only prove how little you know of real, flesh-and-blood people. If you were a libertarian, you would care about and understand the misunderstood and the downtrodden and not just straight, white males who “can’t be wrong about anything”. If you were a libertarian, you wouldn’t be a pretentious dickbag whose hate-filled propaganda is indistinguishable from the vile ideologies of right-wing authoritarians.

You are not a libertarian, you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You wouldn’t know libertarianism if it bit you. Actual libertarianism, not the right-wing bullshit you constantly inure yourself in, is anarchy and the death of “white, male civilization” to you.

P.S. Did you, Meller Boy, that the founders of libertarianism were women? Three women in fact.

Rose Wilder Lane
Ayn Rand
Isabel Patterson

“[Rose Lane] is noted (with Ayn Rand and Isabel Paterson) as one of the founding mothers of the American libertarian movement.”




Now go shit somewhere else.

12 years ago

Wow DKM, you out racist-ed yourself. I honestly can’t even think of how to properly explain how much is wrong with your most recent post. However, I may as well try.

There is nothing but goodwill toward Africans in my posts.

You remind me of my friend’s Aunt talking about “those nice black people who mowed my lawn the other day.” You think you’re not racist because in your mind you have good intentions, but you fail to see the underlying problem.

Also, why do you call all people with dark skin “Africans?” Is it not possible that someone of a similar skin tone could have an ancestry in a different part of the world (for example, Haiti)?

a (white) majority” culture” that is becoming more present-oriented, more filthy and just plain toxic with each passing day…

This and other things you have said give the impression that it is the responsibility of white people to “show a good example” for people of color to emulate. If you do in fact believe this, how is that not racist?

People evolve–at different rates–by type!

Wow, that’s bad even for you. Ignoring the fact that your operational definition of evolution is probably radically different then mine, why does things like ethnicity and geneological ancestry have any bearing on this? Is how “evolved” I am simply a function of me being white?

Also, how is putting different races into clearly defined types and claiming they have different rates and levels of evolution that leads to general improvement not like an abhorrently racist version of Pokemon?

At bottom, when all is said and done, calling me a ‘racist” for repeating these observations, when I (and people who agree with me) have absolutely no power to reverse White decline, still less to facilitate any of the attitudes, memes, and customs which will eventually act to generate African (or anybody else’s) progress is absurd. You are simply blaming a thermometer for the cold snap, or blaming a fire alarm for the fire (or the arsonist).

Again with the white mans burden thing. I can’t speak for other people, but one of the (many) reasons I’m calling you racist is that you equate these and other observations as a function of race. The fact that you genuinely believe people evolve “by type” is proof of that.

The last point which I shall make here is that NOWHERE have I said that Africans were “inferior”…

Your implications that they weren’t as evolved seemed to say that to me.

Who are the REAL bigots? Look in the nearest mirror, all of you!

And now you pull an AntZ and call people bigots for calling you out on your own bigotry.

12 years ago

DKM is a racist, misogynist, and all around terrible human being.



12 years ago

I’m of Irish decent, and I got nice and drunk last night, too.



12 years ago

“I have better things to do than be ms.represented by a she-demagogue who is a feminist first, and an anachist or a libertarian last, if at all!”

*dies laughing*

Oh, Meller, you go tell all the dollies and white supremacist what a bad fake libertarian you beat on the internet. I’ll go have a birthday party with my family and then organize some real-world libertarian stuff.

Jake Hamby (@jhamby)
12 years ago

All I have to say is that DKM is one of the very few people whose posts regularly cause me to do the Futurama Fry involuntary eye squint meme thing, specifically:


Thank you, DKM. If it weren’t for you, I might not have realized that I could come across opinions so nonsensical as to cause my brain to momentarily short out, a la Fry, and require a second go-around. As with Fry, I remain unsure of the answer to that question.

Jake Hamby (@jhamby)
12 years ago

Hmph, imagine a line break in between TROLLING and OR.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

And you imagined that I thought that Ami (girlygiggles xD) Angelwing’s posts served no purpose but cheerleading! They don’t, but nevertheless, they exposed Zhinxi’s outlook and temperment regarding all communications with me regarding not only feminuttery, but also anarchism and polycentric law.I have better things to do than be ms.represented by a she-demagogue who is a feminist first, and an anachist or a libertarian last, if at all!

Um… Mellertron… what are you talking about? xD (also, apostrophe usage >_> )

I… exposed Zhinxy’s outlook? xD But it was all part of a plan to expose her but not have you notice but you saw through our diabolical scheme? -_o

That makes no sense. If my posts were exposing some evil scheme of her, why would I make them at all? What’s even the point of hoping you don’t notice them? xD

My posts are to Coles Notes summarize the problems in your arguments xD

For example, your reading comprehension remains… well not… low… more like… out there… because you seem to read stuff people haven’t said. I ask you to quote where people say things but you refuse, so either you know they came from nowhere, or you realize you misread/skimmed and are embarrassed xD

She said that for the most part, your knowledge is stuck in the 80s and everything after that is fringe.

Nothing you’ve said has disproved that xD If you want, you can say new things! But you insist on just being racist and complaining about how Zhinxy’s kicked your butt and insisting on misspelling her name because that’s the only way you know how anymore to insult her, cuz you’ve LOST EVERY ARGUMENT XD

When your only tactic left is deliberately misspelling her name, Mellertron, you’ve lost. xD

You’re a joke here now, Mellertron. You started out all blustery and Libertariany, and YOU’RE the one who’s been exposed. xD Zhinxy’s introduced people here to Libertarianism that actually isn’t racist and hateful like yours, she’s exposed your knowledge as being out-dated, or insufficient, and you’re not even known as the Libertarian troll now, you’re just the guy who likes dolls and can’t spell a 5 letter name. xD

How the mighty have fallen xD

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Zhinxi, there are quite a few “white supremacists” who are both more consistant and more knowledgable libertarians than you have shown yourself to be. For all of your venom directed against what I have said on manboobz, you can’t cite ONE case where I have argued for, or pushed for coercion in any form, whether with “houses of entertainment”, police and courts–no, Pecunium, they are not, and could not be, “hired bully boys”, they are all well-paid, prestigeous, multidisciplinary experts in conflict resolution. They are selling their EXPERTISE in a free market environment, and their income, as well as the integrity of their ‘brand name’ depends upon how well they avoid the use or threat of force, except as a last resort–insurance services, defence services, a part, but only a small part, of conflict resolution/arbitration that makes up a market based, as opposed to a government monopoly, provision of police, army, or courts, that defaces our current types of society.

How would they be funded? The same way that the provider of ANY goods or services would be “funded” in a laissez-faire, private property based society! Gone shopping lately?

girlygiggles xD–I never said that I was an “expert” in libertarianism! I introduced myself (and liberty) to these pages, and to you manboobzettes, as one who was basically nonpolitical (which I am), and as an admirer of libertarian thinkers, e.g. Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Thomas Szasz. et al… which I also am. I am also a resolute supporter of gold as money, which is a sine qua non for devotion to peace, liberty, and prosperity, and you, zhinxi, are the first–and ONLY–libertarian whom I have met anywhere (if you are even one) who is not singlemindedly and wholeheartedly pro-gold 100%! I also have come out for peace, civil liberties, and INDIVIDUAL rights whenever I could. Maybe you think it is “racist” to deny “black rights” or “sexist” to deny “womensrights”, as not existing at all, but it is the most libertarian application of rights theory (and one endorsed by our friend Rothbard), as you would easily know if you had ever read ANYTHING he had written on the subject!

Girlygiggles xD, I hate to “burst your bubble”, but your friend zhinxi, whether I spell her name correctly or not, is either no libertarian at all, or one who is in no position to comment upon another’s supposed ignorance of the subject. If I have been reluctant to point this out before, it is precisely because I have more important things to do, then to defend what shouldn’t have to be defended.

I could go on, but I think that I have made my point. I would put my libertarian

12 years ago

That last Meller comment cuts off rather suddenly. Did Evan make a break for freedom?

12 years ago

It’s not as if Mellertron had even mentioned “Candlejack” or someth

12 years ago

He had to run or he’d be late for a cross burning.

12 years ago

The guy who directly advocates forced prostitution introduced freedom? That is not freedom by any definition in the real world.