antifeminism antifeminst women idiocy misogyny MRA racism

Irony alert: MRA who cannot master simple punctuation attacks black women as “ignorant.”

Do you like your Men’s Rights activism plain, or with a side order of racist bullshit? Regular readers of Man Boobz will remember Christian J, the man behind the blog What Men Are Saying About Women, a self-described “Male Renaissance Agitator” and inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses. (Heck, I wrote about him just the other day.)

Well, now he’s really outdone himself with a foul racist tirade directed at what he calls ”one of my favourite loathe subjects and that is ‘Black Women’.”

Christian’s excuse for this tirade is a video he found of a white woman complaining about a black woman who was rude to her at a restaurant. According to him, the video addresses the following “issues.”

1. Black women generally suck..

2. Black Women are so full of themselves..

3. Black Women have major issues cause they can’t get no man..

4. Black Women are “strong” in their own mind, make that “stupid” and “Ignorant”. as well..

5. Black Women lack the basic social graces and also basic sanitary habits..

To this he adds:

Black females have wallowed in and adopted the feminist’s hate doctrine as statistics have already demonstrated, single mothers stands at 70% and similar divorce stats. also demonstrates that they are incapable of keeping in a relationship, whatever excuse they justify in their own minds. They are to be avoided at all costs as any black man/dude/bro will testify..

Having read all this, I expected the video to be some sort of White Power rant. It’s nothing of the sort. While the videomaker, a sort of wannabe Pamela Anderson, makes a few problematic and arguably racist comments here and there, she doesn’t actually make any of the sweeping racist generalizations about black women that Christian attributes to her. Nope. That’s all him.

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12 years ago

The people whom they front for, the banksters, Hollywood elite, Wall Street and real-estate speculators, and lobotomyvision executives, are even worse!

Of course that had to work it’s way in there as well.

corroding far too much of black life since the ’60s

We all know how awesome life in the US was for black people until the 60s fucked shit up 😎

12 years ago

Every time I see some racist fuckwit declaim ‘pon the inferiority of Africans and African Americans, I am reminded of my sister in law. She is Gambian and quite possibly the smartest, most motivated person I’ve ever met. She just took her medical boards recently, and IIRC scored in something like the 95th percentile. She has assisted with brain surgery. This woman is scary competent and I adore her. And she’s African (will be African American, i suppose, now that Gambians can have dual citizenship).

12 years ago

But it’s true, Irish people did change their behavior. They changed it from being persecuted more to being persecuted less.

As I recall that involved a considerable amount of fighting back, which still continues to this day with the Troubles. Is Mellar advocating an IRA-style resistance from African-Americans? How Angela Davis of him.

12 years ago

Not to play Opression Olympics, but I’m almost positive that the persecution of Irish peole was not in any way shape or form compared to the history of Black folks in the US. And I say that as an Irish person whose mother’s family immigrated to Canucklandia to escape said Troubles.

I also call bullshit on the thought that the Irish people changed themselves and therefor are no longer persecuted. I myself am as drunk and lazy as any of the worst sterotypes. It just became *unfashionable* to discriminate against the Irish. Society let us join the ranks of Whitey McWhitersons everywhere so that together we could point the finger at scary brown people and uppity Black folk.

12 years ago

I don’t know what number is “Hugh.” Is that your nickname for six?

It’s the nickname for third of five, IIRC.

I see what you did thar.

12 years ago

Hey Meller. Do you think maybe the “Irish are drunk, poor and lazy” stereotype maybe came from the English? you know, after they screwed their economy up so royally and didn’t want to acknowledge their responsibility for it, and therefore decided it must be because they are inherently drunk, lazy and inferior?

I’ve heard this kind of justification for racism before. People look to ghettos for examples of how people living there are inferior, and fail to conciser that those racist beliefs might actually play a part as to why those people are struggling.

12 years ago

Anyone want to mine that screed for a condensed bit-o-funny for March Madness?

12 years ago

Oh! Hey! Lord Meller has returned! With racism! Sadly, I have to go do stuff. 🙁 I’ll be back.

12 years ago

DKM: As promised, I will post the text of the post that last got you banned every time you appear. I want everybody to see just how vile you can be about women, though in this case, I see you are spewing a ton of racist vileness.
Ithiliana–February 12, 2012 @2:31pm

“graduate student “murdered” by ex-husband”

Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…

Did graduate student take her “how to handle men” or something like that from YOU?

I was explaining that a man who loved his nearest and dearest would do anything to avoid the spousal abuse so often cited on feminuttery websites and blogs like this, because it wouldn’t get him what he wanted! I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!

Gee, Ithiliana, for an intelligent woman, you sure have a lot of trouble understanding ordinary common sense, don’t you?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Fuuuuck. I hadn’t seen that before.

That puts the “aw, he’s just a harmless ol’ racist vampire” kidding into harsh, harsh perspective.

12 years ago

At the risk of outing myself as hopelessly square (and white), what’s the neck swivel thing in the first place?

Allow me to enlighten as best as I can: Imagine a neck rotation, like stretching before an exercise class, when you move your head around in a circle. Now keep your head still, do the same motion with your neck, like you’re trying to draw a horizontal circle with your chin. Derisive or incredulous look optional, add an “Oh, no she/he/they didn’t” for extra effect.


*reads Meller’s racist babblings and doll wankery.*

*neck swivel* Oh no he didn’t!

* caution: overindulgence in neck swiveling known to cause soreness to swiveler and laughter from any observers, especially if engaging it in repeatedly to illustrate what one is typing about. Please consult doctor being attempting. No purchase necessary. Not available in all 50 states. Sorry Tennessee.*

Molly Ren
12 years ago

Okay, “Black people are poor because they refuse to evolve as a race, like the Irish!” is going in the Book of Meller.

12 years ago

You know, if we keep answering questions just by asking them, where exactly does the scientific method kick in? Did I just answer that question by asking it? Or that one?

It’s an endless loop, someone stop me!!

12 years ago

Shadow: Is this a rhetorical question?

12 years ago

What is a “stereotype” except an opinion–usually negative– which is verified by countless observations by hugh [sic] numbers of people over generations, if not centuries, of time?

His so-called “racist” opinion doesn’t make black, or any other group of women, share such features and behaviors. Only the (black) women, in large enough numbers, and over a long enough period of time, can do that!

Oh, Meller-toad; you’re so reliably bilious and slimy. Tell me now, which stereotypes of Black women are true, based on the observations of other people over generations, if not centuries of time?

The endearing, mammy-figure, sexless and utterly devoted to the White family that employed her? Joking, and jovial, maternal and endlessly patient while being devoid of any needs of her own.

The stoic, church-going, god-fearing, conformist?

The ribald entertainer, bedecked in feathers and paste jewels, belting out Blues music?

The emasculating harridan?

The welfare queen; all cadillacs, and food stamps, and fancy hair, and multiple “baby-daddies” who grins like a cheshire cat at the thought of squandering your tax dollars?

The primped and plucked video vixen; hypersexualized and heartless?

The mean lady at the DMV?

The afro wearing revolutionary?

The lonely, career woman who can’t keep a man and thinks that her affirmative action secured position will keep her warm at night?

Which of those stereotypes is true? One of them must be, right? You believe that women, regardless of their race, can be broken down into voiceless monolith. So which of these stereotypes is verifiable by countless observations?

12 years ago

So… What DKM is saying here is that he’s not racist because he likes black people… As long as they’re the “right kind” of black people.


12 years ago

You mean the kind that are made out of resin?

12 years ago

DM, unfortunately that’s exactly what he means.

12 years ago

DKM has taken the prize, I have offically seen the most racist thing ever. And it’s pretty hard to beat the Rodney King beating. That’s it, unless I ever have the misfourtune to see or be hung. Just ugh

12 years ago

I’m of Irish descent and I’m drunk right now.

12 years ago

I’m kind of delighted that Meller seriously answered the question of what his black dolls think.

12 years ago

@Holly: That’s why I am going to post it whenever I see his name.

It’s sort of the same principle whereby you teach a dog not to kill chickens by hanging a dead chicken around his neck–after it rots, and falls off, that dog will never kill chickens again (DISCLAIMER: I heard this bit of country wisdom growing up, and have never actually done it or seen it done, but it sure as hell seems to fit DKM).

12 years ago

Holy hell DKM, that was like 10 Stormfront articles condensed into one post. I feel like I need a shower after I read what you wrote.

…the BEHAVIOR of Irish changed over the generations. Irish, both in Ireland, and overseas, have evolved into a substantially different people than they were in past centuries.

Will Africans undergo a similar process? Nobody knows, but if they continue to spawn dysfunctional people in substantial numbers; masses of which can neither be suppressed nor assimilated; people who can neither re-segregated nor integrated in any useful or beneficial way, than probably not!

Can Africans climb out of the degraded state over the next few generations? I certainly hope so, but some skepticism is in order.

So in your philosophy, people can collectively evolve by country of origin? Also, who are you to determine how “evolved” a group of people are anyway? Your whole idea of how people collectively evolve by “type” sounds like an extremely racist version of Pokemon.

12 years ago

Your whole idea of how people collectively evolve by “type” sounds like an extremely racist version of Pokemon.

Gotta degrade ’em all?

12 years ago

So… What DKM is saying here is that he’s not racist because he likes black people… As long as they’re the “right kind” of black people.

Actually, what DKM is saying here is that he’s not racist because he likes black people… as long as they’re the “white kind” of black people.