Do you like your Men’s Rights activism plain, or with a side order of racist bullshit? Regular readers of Man Boobz will remember Christian J, the man behind the blog What Men Are Saying About Women, a self-described “Male Renaissance Agitator” and inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses. (Heck, I wrote about him just the other day.)
Well, now he’s really outdone himself with a foul racist tirade directed at what he calls ”one of my favourite loathe subjects and that is ‘Black Women’.”
Christian’s excuse for this tirade is a video he found of a white woman complaining about a black woman who was rude to her at a restaurant. According to him, the video addresses the following “issues.”
1. Black women generally suck..
2. Black Women are so full of themselves..
3. Black Women have major issues cause they can’t get no man..
4. Black Women are “strong” in their own mind, make that “stupid” and “Ignorant”. as well..
5. Black Women lack the basic social graces and also basic sanitary habits..
To this he adds:
Black females have wallowed in and adopted the feminist’s hate doctrine as statistics have already demonstrated, single mothers stands at 70% and similar divorce stats. also demonstrates that they are incapable of keeping in a relationship, whatever excuse they justify in their own minds. They are to be avoided at all costs as any black man/dude/bro will testify..
Having read all this, I expected the video to be some sort of White Power rant. It’s nothing of the sort. While the videomaker, a sort of wannabe Pamela Anderson, makes a few problematic and arguably racist comments here and there, she doesn’t actually make any of the sweeping racist generalizations about black women that Christian attributes to her. Nope. That’s all him.
I clicked on that occidentaldissent link. Why did I click on that occidentaldissent link?!
Oh, yeah — cuz I don’t know what HBD stands for and I was hoping to find out. Should have just gone to urban dictionary. Stupid.
So anyway the article just prior to the linked one was talking about how Star Trek dared to have black people in it who invent things and are leaders. The horrors!
So now I’m all stabby and I’m nowhere that I can let off steam.
I’ll be honest, catch me on a bad day, you might get a glimpse.
it behooves me to deny the aesthetic affect of visualisation, which we already know, has a relaxing and health building affect on our well being. So I basically am conscious of that factor, constantly, hrrumph!!..
why do these dudes all write like pretentious college freshman, and if they have to do that, can they at least not use words to mean the opposite of what they really mean?
@shaenon: I’d go more with women who are in porn/hentai first since some of those anime girls can be pretty bitchy.
WTF?!! Where the hell did that idiotic stereotype come from? Some people expect way too much from PIV
Ah, NMMNG, that’s one of the posts I was thinking about. I’m pretty sure I saw one on stormfront too.
Also, the HBD/white nationaist feud? I need to know more about that.
I should do a few more posts on racism and the MRM. There’s also a bit of a contretemps going on in r/mensrights between some racists/traditionalists (including our old friend thingsarebad) and the head moderator, who hates them and thinks they’re trying to colonize the MRM. The MRM is already full of racists, dude.
What is a “stereotype” except an opinion–usually negative– which is verified by countless observations by hugh numbers of people over generations, if not centuries, of time?
His so-called “racist” opinion doesn’t make black, or any other group of women, share such features and behaviors. Only the (black) women, in large enough numbers, and over a long enough period of time, can do that!
These observations are made, and have lasted for generations, whether or not the current (MRA) observer can navigate the demands of proper punctuation or not.
One more piece of evidence, if any are still needed, that “racist” is merely a smear word used by feminists, communists, liberals, and similar types who lack either the courage of their own observations, or intelligent and thoughtful arguments against the egalitarian banking/media/political New World Order powers which are reducing all of us (except the uppermost .00001%) into “living” in the approaching oneWorld third-world slum!
Imagine the cautious aspiring dude carefully parsing his hate before joining either group:
“Hmm, do I despise women and hate blacks, or am I really against blacks and just also despise women – I mean not all women are black, but then again not all black people are women. What to do, what to do…”
HI, MELLER! Ya racist shitbag, how ya been?
@David K “It’s Not Racist if it’s True” Meller:
Careful with that trope, it’s an antique.
I don’t know what number is “Hugh.” Is that your nickname for six?
But actually, a stereotype is an opinion–usually negative–which is “verified” by white people (straight people, cis people, et al) telling it to each other a whole bunch of times until they believe it.
DKM, you write the most marvelous sentences. That one might even have a subject somewhere buried inside. The ending seems to be a work in progress, though.
Also I am completely unclear on how not having enough racism will reduce us all into living in a giant slum, but I’m sure I don’t want to hear the explanation.
And of course you are in complete agreement with stereotypes about white people no? I suppose White people really CAN’T dance. And of course rural White folks are all ignorant, inbred, racist and sexist idiots (a particularly funny stereotype considering ithiliana’s our raving researcher). And then there’s the general “White folks are the devil” stereotype. And that’s just scratching the surface on stereotypes about White people. Or are stereotypes only true when they are observations made by the rational, impartial White male?
DKM doesn’t realize that opinions aren’t facts, and cannot be verified.
Ah, the “not ALL ————– are ‘like that’ objection.
Not everybody has to conform to a particular stereotype for it to become a permanent cultural and social artifact. If even a small percentage, as long as it is enough to assure nearby members of other (rival) groups repeated experiences, a stereotype will form, and will be passed down generation by generation until the characteristic behavior becomes too rare to be noticed, or it is replaced by another.
One more reason for groups of people whose ways of life, customs, and folkways are incompatible to maintain their distance, but I wouldn’t expect readers here to appreciate this.
My own observations tell me that if you decide to be build sunset towns, the number of people that’ll want to occupy them can be housed in Rhode Island with plenty of room to spare
Meller, do your black dolls know you talk like that?
Holly Pervocrazy–March 2, 2012 @ 2:09pm
My mistake. I meant to say “huge”! My spellcheck was off. Sorry.
@Holly Pervocracy
You’re a better person that I am. I read that twice and couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I was a little impressed and how he went from racist to tin foil hattery in 1.43 seconds though. Bet he does a great 1/4 mile, too.
HIs own observations, along with the words of wisdom imparted by his elders, have taught him that black dolls suck 😎
I worked out DKM’s logic! I think!
A) Black people are more likely to be poor than white people.
B) I can’t think of a single historical, sociological, or economic reason this could possibly be!
C) So they must just magically attract poorness wherever they go. (This is a charitable interpretation; there are many viler ones than “magic” but they work out the same.)
D) So if we let the black people get too much power, they’ll spread their poorness everywhere and then we’ll all be poor!
It’s particularly sick because it’s “racism justifies racism.”
Shorter DKM: If they’re so equal, how come white people haven’t treated them better?
Shaenon, March 2, 2012 @2:36pm
My African dolls are, like my others, little lady lovelies, and they are talked to, and treated, like the precious little princesses that they are! They are as superior to feminists blackwomen as they (and my other LLLs) are to feminists and modern women everywhere. The black women(?) cited above are HORRID, and like their modern counterparts, deserve every bad opinion that male critics have about them! When they change their speech and behavior from being disgusting to being precious and adorable, like the women (of all races and religions) should be, they can then be compared to my dolls!
I hope that this answers your question!
I have a lot of stereotypes about dolls’ owners. (First is that they act like kids all day long. Verified by countless examples)
Also about trolls. (they’re not as smart as they think)
Also about Americans. Wanna hear them? (hint: it sound a lot like what Shadow said about rural white folks, mixed with the Simpsons and south park but with more obesity)
I’ve got stereotypes about my own people too, (and young people, and women, and students,…) but since opinion is fact I can say with certitude they’re all false.