antifeminism antifeminst women idiocy misogyny MRA racism

Irony alert: MRA who cannot master simple punctuation attacks black women as “ignorant.”

Do you like your Men’s Rights activism plain, or with a side order of racist bullshit? Regular readers of Man Boobz will remember Christian J, the man behind the blog What Men Are Saying About Women, a self-described “Male Renaissance Agitator” and inventor of the MRA two-dot ellipses. (Heck, I wrote about him just the other day.)

Well, now he’s really outdone himself with a foul racist tirade directed at what he calls ”one of my favourite loathe subjects and that is ‘Black Women’.”

Christian’s excuse for this tirade is a video he found of a white woman complaining about a black woman who was rude to her at a restaurant. According to him, the video addresses the following “issues.”

1. Black women generally suck..

2. Black Women are so full of themselves..

3. Black Women have major issues cause they can’t get no man..

4. Black Women are “strong” in their own mind, make that “stupid” and “Ignorant”. as well..

5. Black Women lack the basic social graces and also basic sanitary habits..

To this he adds:

Black females have wallowed in and adopted the feminist’s hate doctrine as statistics have already demonstrated, single mothers stands at 70% and similar divorce stats. also demonstrates that they are incapable of keeping in a relationship, whatever excuse they justify in their own minds. They are to be avoided at all costs as any black man/dude/bro will testify..

Having read all this, I expected the video to be some sort of White Power rant. It’s nothing of the sort. While the videomaker, a sort of wannabe Pamela Anderson, makes a few problematic and arguably racist comments here and there, she doesn’t actually make any of the sweeping racist generalizations about black women that Christian attributes to her. Nope. That’s all him.

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12 years ago

For indigenous women, I’m guessing the islander ones would be higher up since they have the hula-girl stereotype. What about Arabs and American and Eastern Indians? Arab women would be liked the most since they think they all follow the abused and happy shtick, then Eastern Indians for the exotic factor, but I’m not sure about the American ones.

These guys remind me a lot of the posters on the Fox News Forums where if they find one news story where a black person does something wrong, it’s a free-for-all for bashing the entire race.

12 years ago

Of course I wouldn’t be surprised if the MRM also hosted some of the racist assholes that conflate indigenous people with other races (Native Americans are Latino, Maoris are Black etc etc)

12 years ago

And they take it upon themselves to decide if someone is ‘black enough’ to be X.

12 years ago

Though the Latino comparison might work for the Native Americans from the south west, but the others really don’t have that much similarity to Latinos.

12 years ago

I’d say they rank women like this, from best to worst:

Women who exist only in anime
Women from countries so desperately poor they’ll pretend to like you just to get the hell out of there
Women from countries that are only kind of poor, but at least they don’t speak English or have equal rights
Women from well-off countries
Women from well-off countries who don’t have the common decency to at least be white and blonde

12 years ago

White and blonde and young

12 years ago


Sure there’s some shared ancestry, but I’m not talking bout a native person IDing as latino (or a latino person proclaiming shared heritage). Instead it’s a bunch of White people that are using shared characteristics or ancestry to just lazily lump them all together.

12 years ago

Why can racists never spell or punctuate?

12 years ago

Racists only like to write Anglo-Saxon words 🙂

12 years ago

Why can racists never spell or punctuate?

I dunno. I mean it is called Strunk and White. You’d think they’d know better.

12 years ago

I have always thought “Strunk and White” sounded more like a form of punishment than a pair of authors. This does leave the question of what exactly strinking is, and how it whitens you.

12 years ago

Sthunk & Write?

12 years ago

Does it come as a surprise that the moronic douchebags who think women are one big monolithic block also think that black women are one big monolithic block?

My best friend in elementary school was a black girl. The cruelest asshole who picked on me in high school was a black girl.

Not like they’re individuals or anything. /sarcasm

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Kat- No self-respecting MRA would ever waste brain cells on mere GRAMMAR. They must devote their oh-so-important mental energy to half-baked conspiracy theories and impotent rage, or else the feminists WIN!

… or something

12 years ago

their language teach was a woman and they “won’t be told what to do by a WOMAN!”

(the last bit is an actual quote from my Dad)

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Scrappy- I am increasingly coming to believe that MRAs are utterly without empathy, and unable to realize that people other than themselves have functioning inner monologues and reasons for doing things.

Feminists all think the same, all “Western” women are gross and awful, all “non-Western” women are submissive fuckdolls, etc. etc. until we all throw up. They really don’t see any of us as people with brains that we are using to make informed decisions about our lives.

12 years ago

Yes; the MRA sphere is really a misnomer. It should be something like the Pedophile, Rapist, Abuser, Troll, and/or Sociopath sphere (PRATS).

12 years ago

As a native American of the lady persuasion, I can tell you that the ridiculous racist notion concerning our sexuality is that sleeping with me will be a spiritual experience that will bring a man closer to nature and erase any white guilt.

12 years ago

I was just repeating some of the stuff that native American woman hear from men that view us as little more that an almagamation of the corporate groups we belong to. If you don’t experience white guilt, im happy for you. Guilt is a horrible feeling.

12 years ago

…and the comment I was responding too has disappeared. Odd.

12 years ago

Wow, I’m utterly unfuckable to MRAs. Watch me sit here and cry for how deprived I’ll be for not being on their cock radar. I don’t even have the decency to be Chris J’s walking stereotype. I’m bored enough to take on this nonsense, let’s go:

1. Black women generally suck.. (Not that I’d let you get close enough to find out. Racist dicks are icky.)

2. Black Women are so full of themselves.. (Who knew not being able to even look at myself in a mirror some days was a sign of being full of myself?)

3. Black Women have major issues cause they can’t get no man..(My partner would love to hear that he’s not a man. Also, where do you think black babies come from – Mitosis?)

4. Black Women are “strong” in their own mind, make that “stupid” and “Ignorant”. as well..(Delusions of ‘strength’ sound more like an MRA trait, so, pot meet kettle.)

5. Black Women lack the basic social graces and also basic sanitary habits..(If we’re so horrid, how would you get close enough to know the latter, and someone I don’t think stereotyping an entire race based on the actions of a few makes sense for the former – but you do that all the fucking time with women who don’t make your dick hard, so big surprise there)

And seriously, who does the neck swivel thing anymore?

12 years ago

And seriously, who does the neck swivel thing anymore?

At the risk of outing myself as hopelessly square (and white), what’s the neck swivel thing in the first place?

no more mr nice guy
12 years ago

At one point, I’m not quite sure how I found it, I ran across someone on stormfront or one of those sites who was putting down the MRM, mainly because MRAs were always saying bad things about white women. Which they do. Of course, they say even worse things about black women, saving their praise mainly for Asian women, or at least their fetishized notion of what Asian women are like.

Occidentaldissent is a racist (White nationalist) site and they had a posting saying they don’t want MRAs :

It’s the HBD (not the White nationalists) crowd who put Asian women on a pedestal because these guys have a huge Japanese porn collection or do sex tourism in Asia. The HBD crowd is not liked either among White nationalists because White nationalists love White women.

Someone need to find a way to pit these guys against each others. That would be entertaining.

And just in case, you don’t know, the AmazingAtheist is now on Encyclopedia Dramatica.