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Attention feminists: Rush Limbaugh wants to watch you having sex.

Sometimes Rush gets a little overexcited

You may recall that  all-dude panel of “experts” at that recent congressional hearing on contraception. One of the reasons it was an all-dude panel was that congressional Republicans wouldn’t let Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke testify on the costs of birth control. (She later testified at a separate hearing held by Nancy Pelosi.)

Apparently stating publicly how much contraception costs when it’s not covered by insurance is basically the equivalent of pooping on the flag to some misogynistic assholes, among them the always charming Rush Limbaugh, who has denounced Fluke as a “slut” and a whore, saying, at one point, that she

went before a Congressional committee and said she’s having so much sex she’s going broke buying contraceptives and wants us to buy them.

Actually, she didn’t testify about her own experience at all.

Also, does Limbaugh even know how contraception works? Yes, the number of condoms one buys depends on how often you have sex. (Or at the very least how often you hope to have sex. Who knows how many boxes of condoms, purchased in moments of optimism, have quietly expired on the shelf waiting for their purchasers to finally get their mojo working. )

But the costs of many other forms of contraception have no relation whatsoever to the frequency of sex. Women on “the pill” take a pill every day, regardless of whether they are having sex that day or not. Women using IUDs don’t run down to the health center to have one installed every time their vagina expects a visitor.

Birth control, in short, doesn’t work like Oxycontin or Viagra, the two pills about which Limbaugh seems most knowledgeable.

Sorry to belabor the obvious, which apparently isn’t so obvious if you’re a right-wing, woman-hating asshole.

Anyway, now Limbaugh seems to think he’s entitled to watch Fluke having sex:

So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. … We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.

Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Here’s the excerpt from his radio show in which he makes this creepy demand.

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12 years ago

Somehow, IR has made taking hormonal birth control equivalent to coal mining. That’s kind of awesome. 😀

12 years ago

But Holly, women are obligated to risk their health for the comfort of their male partners at all times.

Men should never have to risk anything, ever, because some men are coal miners.

12 years ago

Numerous men, one I was sleeping with and others who were just friends, have told me how important it is that the women they have sex with use hormonal birth control (assuming everyone has a clean bill of sexual health), because “condoms just don’t feel the same.” So, I guess all can say is lololololol.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Somehow, IR has made taking hormonal birth control equivalent to coal mining. That’s kind of awesome.

I know, right? I want moody, grindy, grimy music videos made of the moment when I swallow a small pill every morning, and suffer breast tenderness and periodic depression, and my chances of cardiovascular disease and cancer increase slightly.

12 years ago

@Blue Jean

I’m not disputing it, just was not a description of him that I’ve come across. I have seen some of his speeches, but I was of the impression that the emotion in his speeches was calculated to manipulate the masses rather than a genuine emotional outburst. Can’t argue with chewing on the rug though.

12 years ago

Because I am on hormonal birth control. Personally.
That is not relevant to me. Personally.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Because I am on hormonal birth control. Personally.
That is not relevant to me. Personally.

Yeah, and the fact that some men are coal miners is not relevant to you personally either.

My point is that I risk my health for contraception every day. Fuck, I’m glad to risk my health, given how little I can afford a child right now. But it pisses me the hell off when men say they wouldn’t consider any form of contraception that entails any risk or inconvenience whatsoever.

12 years ago

Rush has been married FOUR TIMES.

Rush has ZERO KIDS.

I wonder how.

12 years ago

“That is not relevant to me. Personally.”

Because not only are you not a coal miner, you do nothing as risky as hormonal birth control for the benefit of anyone else.

Also, you suck at video game writing.

12 years ago

“Rush has been married FOUR TIMES.

Rush has ZERO KIDS.

I wonder how.”

Maybe he did not actually have sex with his wives? That is the answer I hope to be true for the wives, sake, I am sure he would be traumatizing in bed, because he is a garbage nightmare of a person.

12 years ago

But it pisses me the hell off when men say they wouldn’t consider any form of contraception that entails any risk or inconvenience whatsoever.
If I was worried about getting pregnant, I would probably start taking birth control. Your body, your choice, your responsibility.

12 years ago

“If I was worried about getting pregnant, I would probably start taking birth control. Your body, your choice, your responsibility.”

Wow, a completely unoriginal thought! What a surprise, from the one who cannot find a fact to save his life.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If I was worried about getting pregnant, I would probably start taking birth control. Your body, your choice, your responsibility.

Okay, IR, see, the male body produces this thing called sperm! They are little swimmy things! They live in your special places!

And the magical thing is that you cannot make a baby without using some of these little sperm guys!

So anyone who uses the little sperm guys from their body to make a baby is half responsible for that baby!

Isn’t biology magical?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Seriously, I love the idea that pregnancy is entirely the woman’s problem… and children belong entirely to the man.

It makes me want to stamp “SUNBEAM” on my forehead and patent myself as an incubator.

12 years ago

I guess IRFF doesn’t have to worry about getting anyone else pregnant. Hasn’t he heard of the spermjacker scourge?

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure IR failed high school biology.

12 years ago

If I was worried about getting pregnant, I would probably start taking birth control. Your body, your choice, your responsibility.

Okay. But if you believe this, then why aren’t you spending your time on this thread chastising Limbaugh for calling a woman who uses birth control a whore? I mean, other than the the fact that you’re an idiot.

Isn’t a woman who uses hormonal birth control being responsible? If she wants the insurance that she pays for to help cover the costs of hormonal birth control, doesn’t that show how responsible she’s being?*

*I realize that the young woman Limbaugh is deriding was actually testifying about the importance of contraceptive for other medical issues but, let’s be real, fact finder is dumb.

12 years ago

I’m sort of amazed he hasn’t had a heart attack or stroked out all this while, especially seeing as how Breitbart just dropped dead and ol Rushbo has at least a decade or two on him.

12 years ago

“Rush has been married FOUR TIMES.

Rush has ZERO KIDS.

I wonder how.”

None of his wives will have sex with him?

12 years ago

Drug induced impotence?

12 years ago

Eggs flee his sperm, fearing what they would become.

12 years ago

Clearly it is God’s Will.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Aspirin. Lots and lots of aspirin.

(This is a goofy comment, but: I don’t think I can actually hold something as small as an aspirin tablet between my knees. I can’t touch my kneecaps together! …Is that weird? My legs don’t bend that way.

I can hold an aspirin between the sides of my knees. Maybe that counts.)

12 years ago

Obviously his wives had as little use for his penis as they did birth control

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