You may recall that all-dude panel of “experts” at that recent congressional hearing on contraception. One of the reasons it was an all-dude panel was that congressional Republicans wouldn’t let Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke testify on the costs of birth control. (She later testified at a separate hearing held by Nancy Pelosi.)
Apparently stating publicly how much contraception costs when it’s not covered by insurance is basically the equivalent of pooping on the flag to some misogynistic assholes, among them the always charming Rush Limbaugh, who has denounced Fluke as a “slut” and a whore, saying, at one point, that she
went before a Congressional committee and said she’s having so much sex she’s going broke buying contraceptives and wants us to buy them.
Actually, she didn’t testify about her own experience at all.
Also, does Limbaugh even know how contraception works? Yes, the number of condoms one buys depends on how often you have sex. (Or at the very least how often you hope to have sex. Who knows how many boxes of condoms, purchased in moments of optimism, have quietly expired on the shelf waiting for their purchasers to finally get their mojo working. )
But the costs of many other forms of contraception have no relation whatsoever to the frequency of sex. Women on “the pill” take a pill every day, regardless of whether they are having sex that day or not. Women using IUDs don’t run down to the health center to have one installed every time their vagina expects a visitor.
Birth control, in short, doesn’t work like Oxycontin or Viagra, the two pills about which Limbaugh seems most knowledgeable.
Sorry to belabor the obvious, which apparently isn’t so obvious if you’re a right-wing, woman-hating asshole.
Anyway, now Limbaugh seems to think he’s entitled to watch Fluke having sex:
So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. … We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.
Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Here’s the excerpt from his radio show in which he makes this creepy demand.
When Rush Limbaugh was busted with Viagra, he was not with a group of women, he was with four other men, which probably explain why he’s a misogynistic homophobic Republican.
Did you find out if they were staying in the same room? If not, you may be furthering the stereotype that feminists are overemotional alarmists who never research their claims.
Oh no, a silly little failure of an Idea Guy thinks we’re overemotional alarmists. My self esteem, she is crushed XD
On-topic by the way, Rush is one helluva creepy asshole. Seriously dude, your viewers paid for your viagra, so they’re entitled to know about all your sex encounters.
Where’d you get “overemotional” from, IR? I’m pretty sure NMMNG is a man, so how can you possibly accuse him of being shrill and hysterical and all those other dogwhistles for “just making ladynoise, probably having her ladytimes”?
Anyway, I’m actually super uncomfortable with using homophobic implications against enemies–it implies there’s something wrong with that–so I hope this furthers the stereotype of feminists as thoughtful people who care more about social justice than they do about staying in lockstep on all issues.
Yep. It’s an actual thing.
I’m pretty sure NMMNG is a man
Men can be overemotional alarmists, yes.
FactFinder/IdeolougeReivew/ is so very calm and rational when publishing his poorly written game concepts:
Of course, he does get all bent out of shape when you get the name wrong.
Making fun of someone for taking illegal Viagra while denying women’s right to healthcare?
If you’re going to libel someone, at least be courteous enough to get your story straight.
Well, calling feminists Hitler is not shrill and hysterical at all.
Oh wait, it is the definition of shrill and hysterical. My bad.
If you’re gonna talk to someone, at least be courteous enough to include an address line.
Hitler was overemotional? An alarmist sure, but this is the first time I’ve heard him being referred to as overemotional
Has anyone heard any response to this from the right-leaning media? I am very, very curious about how this will get framed.
My best guess. Yeah, Rush was little over the line, but basically correct.
Making fun of someone for taking illegal Viagra while denying women’s right to healthcare?
No, that’s a pretty stupid thing to say. I can say Hitler had issues and the guy who cut me off had issues. That doesn’t mean the guy who cut me off is a struggling artist.
IR, you are the most alarmist person here.
Why not kick back, relax, and go “you know what, acting like someone is a MegaSlut because she’s on birth control? That is pretty douchey.”?
So uptight.
An alarmist sure, but this is the first time I’ve heard him being referred to as overemotional
You haven’t seen that Downfall scene that’s always subbed on Youtube? Also, it takes a lot of hate to systematically annihilate an entire people because a few of them got into art school. Last time I checked, anger was an emotion.
Say, did anyone read the reply from Patricia Heaton who is also participating in Rush’s slut-shaming (http://crooksandliars.com/nicole-belle/patricia-heaton-dittohead-slut-shamer)? I’ve heard stories about her obnoxiousness, but this cements it.
Fair enough
…You do know it’s not a documentary?
…You do know that isn’t the reason for the Holocaust?
This is a quality all of our trolls seem to have in common–the need to defend everything they say, no matter how off-the-cuff, absolutely to the death, resorting to pages of hilarious pedantry rather than admit “okay, I overstated things a little.”
Unless they’re completely in a corner, then they act like they don’t know what you’re talking about and they never said anything. But there’s still no backing down. Not ever.
Maybe this is the secret ingredient to Manboobz trolls–the total inability to say “whoops, my bad,” ever, about anything.
If Patricia Heaton’s followers sent all the people who use contraception all the condoms they need, that would actually be pretty nice.
…Not a complete solution, of course, because some people can’t use condoms, because some people take the pill for non-birth-control reasons, and because some people simply choose the pill as a BC method and that’s their right–but a nice gesture, to be sure.
I’m eagerly awaiting my shipment.
I was willing to concede that Hitler had a wellspring of irrational hate, thus possibly falling under the overemotional umbrella. Was not endorsing the “some Jewish students got into Art school and Hitler didn’t. Therefore holocaust”.
A teeny tiny part of me kinda wants to see what it would be like if contraceptives and abortion was banned (preferably with a What If machine a la Futurama) I would imagine the amount of men who bitch and moan about not getting laid would increase tenfold and they’d be marching down the streets alongside women demanding basic fucking reproductive rights.
Limbaugh is worthless filth. Does he pay for his own viagra? no. Because in America its more important that nasty old men get it up rather than women making a choice about when and if they decide to have children.
My mom told me about this incident before I read about it here. In all honesty, I can’t say I’m surprised, although we can now add “gross” and “creepy” to the adjectives used to describe Mr. Limbaugh.
Oh wait….
Oh yes, let’s erase millennia of anti-Semitism in Europe. The death camps in occupied Poland were all down to some trivial slight.
And anyway, I thought Schicklgruber got into art school, he just wasn’t a good artist.