creepy pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rapey reddit

Redditor: The best way to stop the abuses of the child porn industry is to legalize it.

Really, really not okay.

It’s Defend Pedophilia Day on Reddit, as it is every last Wednesday of the month day. Here’s an SRS thread covering some of the creepiest creepery in the latest round of Reddit Pedopologia. For example, these comments, from a fella calling himself Sirhotalot:

Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar international industry for a reason, people enjoy it. Humans are the most sexual creatures on the planet, the second is our closest relative the bonobo ape. Kids and adults have been having sex since before the dawn of man. If you want the rape and the kidnappings to stop you legalize it and take it out of the hands of the black market. Prohibition doesn’t work.

Yep, that’s right, he’s arguing that the best way to stop the abuse of children inherent in the production of child porn is to legalize it. And he got more upvotes than downvotes for his cheerful child porn apologetics.

After thinking the issue over a little more, Sirhotalot returned with an reassessment of sorts:

Edit: I was wrong about the child porn industry.

Yes, yes you were.

Apparently it’s actually quite small.

Yeah, that’s really not the main problem with your child porn apologia. The main problem is that IT IS A CHILD PORN APOLOGIA.

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12 years ago

So, yeah, this is why I’m not on Reddit. The stink of these asshats is sure to rub off on me.

Also, since Rutee mentioned the use of the “Really 700 years old” excuse in art, I recently finished Super Robot Taisen: OG Saga, and that is the exact excuse they used for a character. Also, sadly (hilariously?) I saw it a LOT in some of the art communities I used hang around in.

12 years ago

*hugs* for Amphitrite. That is a shitty thing to go through.

12 years ago


That was one of the most measured rage posts I’ve ever seen. My hat; I tip it to you.

12 years ago

Not to be a broken record, but sorry. I’m afraid with my grab bag of experiences, I end up raging at psychopaths, spouse abuse, and any mistreatment of kids with predictable “kaboom-ness.” I’m especially fun at parties.


/whispers to the stage manager to pull out the hook, so the dancing trolls can continue.
/re-lurkifying to practice blowing stuff up with my mind

TG Moxley
TG Moxley
12 years ago

@ Buttman “I’ve seen some pictures on facebook that would embarrass me if I was the girls parent but it doesn’t make it illegal just because an adult finds it arousing. The deletion of the jailbait subreddit was a violation of reddit’s and American’s principles.”

Grown men stealing pictures of little girls from their Facebook pages and trading them as jerk-off material online: one of the founding principles of this great land. OTOH, I’m willing to consider the proposition that being a creepy pedo is a fundamental part of being a redditor.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ Buttman- “I don’t agree with legalizing any video or pictures of children made by adults but partially clothed pictures of teenage girls that they posted on their own are NOT paedophilia.”

I actually agree with an aspect of this; teenage girls who are ill-advisedly posting pictures of themselves in their underwear do not deserve to be tried for child pornography. They are just being young and stupid. The grown-ass adults who circulate that shit though? Lock ’em up. Just as you have no right to grope a teenager in public, no matter how scantily she is dressed, you have no right to distribute pictures that she took herself.

12 years ago

@Amphitrite I am so sorry that you and so many other kids went through that awful experience. And I want to 2nd what kirbywarp said — if only I could be half as eloquent when I am perfectly calm as you are when you are in a justifiable rage!

12 years ago

Amphitrite, thank you for telling your story.

TG Moxley
TG Moxley
12 years ago

@ M Dubz – “Just as you have no right to grope a teenager in public, no matter how scantily she is dressed, you have no right to distribute pictures that she took herself.”

One of the things that I think came out of the hullabaloo surrounding the banning of sexualized images of children on Reddit (aside from pedant pedos desperately clinging to the word “ephibophile”) is the fact that this distinction is utterly lost on a large swath of redditors. Their attitude is literally: you are either pro sex or a prude. If you object to the sexualization of children, you must be a prude. It’s impossible for them to grasp the idea that an adolescent might have a sexuality but still be off-limits for sweaty gross Internet perves.

A big thing that the SomthingAwful thread on Reddit (featuring numerous SRS posters) has been tracking recently is child porn defenders comparing their opponents to homophobes. There’s a lesbian poster whose wife is receiving messages from a pro-childporn redditor saying “your spouse is a homophobe” because she spoke out against child sexual exploitation.

12 years ago

You know, the “It’s Nature!!!!!11eleventyone!!! And Therefore True and Right and Just FOREVER” arguement really grinds my gears. Almost as much as the “It’s TRADITION!” one.

Most people’s ideas of what is “natural” and what is not come from tradition.

I’m sorry you and your siblings had to endure such horrors. I can’t believe you were able to be so articulate in your post despite such experiences.


12 years ago

Amphitrite, I’m sorry for what you and your relatives suffered through. No one should have to experience that.

12 years ago

“I assumed that this article was a part of a feminist campaign to lay the groundwork for legal prohibition of VR relationships”

“Paranoia [ˌpar.rəˈnoɪ.ə] (adjective: paranoid [ˈpar.rə.noɪd]) is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself. Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia. For example, an incident most people would view as an accident, a paranoid person might make an accusation that it was intentional.”

Get help, Antz. When you’re running around fighting imaginary political campaigns, that’s not a good sign.

12 years ago

Am I missing something here? What does this have to do with evil feminists? I’m pretty sure there are many people who don’t identify as feminist who find child abuse/pornography pretty despicable.

12 years ago

In order to prohibit VR relationships wouldn’t they have to…exist?

Or if not, wouldn’t the first step be to call for the banning of dating sim games? Dating sims of course are incredibly common and no-one in particular seems bothered.

12 years ago

It is the evol Feminazis who argue that the rape torture and abuse of women and children does not qualify as free speech for men. MRAs argue that it is.
Further, the MRAs argue that if it were perfectly legal for any man to stick his dick in anyone anywhere any time (except perhaps other men) and record it for posterity and profit all would be right with the world. This is also why MRAs hate the VAWA.

12 years ago

This one goes out to you, Zarat.

Kollege Messerschmitt
12 years ago

I’m so sorry 🙁 Please do not feel bad about sharing your experience *offers all the hugs, if you want them*

And yay, even AntZ could agree that CP is actually pretty awful!

12 years ago

I can’t find the original video, but that will work anyway.
“Don’t date robots” (Futurama)

You see! They’re already trying to convince us that VR are bad! It’s a gigantic plot!!

12 years ago

Antz said:

“Do you bigots realize that a victimless crime is not a crime?

So what is your problem? Some guy wants to buy videos, so what? If you don’t like it, don’t do it.

You feminists remind me of intolerant religious conservatives. What gives you the right to tell everyone else what they can, and can’t, do with their own bodies. You should join the “moral majority” and fade into irrelevance.”

Well that’s a misleading link, isn’t it? If no children are being raped then the material is made it may be distasteful to non pedophiles but in many places it isn’t illegal. Besides, it’s still to be established that the consumers of Loli/shouta are child-molesters. And frankly, if watching Loli/shouta prevents pedophiles from molesting real kids, I’m all for it.

12 years ago

SaraGoku said:
“You feminists remind me of intolerant religious conservatives.”

Oh yeah that’s a good point. Feminists and Religious conservatives are pretty much the same exact thing. Can you tell feminist arguments from religious ones? It’s so tough! I always just wind up flipping a coin to guess.

12 years ago

Actually Saru Goku was just quoting AntZ’s earlier post, the one where he thought this was the first attack against our VR future

12 years ago

Ahh crap. Sorry Saragoku.

12 years ago

“You feminists remind me of intolerant religious conservatives. What gives you the right to tell everyone else what they can, and can’t, do with their own bodies. You should join the “moral majority” and fade into irrelevance.”

This is about what people do with the bodies of children. Something Antz can’t really complain about laws restricting, since his conversion to the MRM stems from his wanting to control not what people do to children, but what they say say to children .

12 years ago

Omigosh, Sci-Fi Zarat is back! With the VR girlfriends and segregating the sexes on opposite sides of the continent and everything! He’s my favorite Zarat! So much better than Random Spearhead Linkdump Zarat or You’re the Real Bigot for Being Bigoted Against My Bigotry Zarat!

It’s been too long.