It’s Defend Pedophilia Day on Reddit, as it is every last Wednesday of the month day. Here’s an SRS thread covering some of the creepiest creepery in the latest round of Reddit Pedopologia. For example, these comments, from a fella calling himself Sirhotalot:
Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar international industry for a reason, people enjoy it. Humans are the most sexual creatures on the planet, the second is our closest relative the bonobo ape. Kids and adults have been having sex since before the dawn of man. If you want the rape and the kidnappings to stop you legalize it and take it out of the hands of the black market. Prohibition doesn’t work.
Yep, that’s right, he’s arguing that the best way to stop the abuse of children inherent in the production of child porn is to legalize it. And he got more upvotes than downvotes for his cheerful child porn apologetics.
After thinking the issue over a little more, Sirhotalot returned with an reassessment of sorts:
Edit: I was wrong about the child porn industry.
Yes, yes you were.
Apparently it’s actually quite small.
Yeah, that’s really not the main problem with your child porn apologia. The main problem is that IT IS A CHILD PORN APOLOGIA.
Wow… Even if it was legalized, I can’t imagine throngs of kids queuing up to participate.
So basically this person observed that for some things that shouldnt really be crimes, when they are made crimes become the domain of criminals (drugs, prostitution, alcohol, foie gras), and thought hey, that must mean that anything illegal will be better off being legal…
I think this person has only heard of logic third hand.
If you want the rape and the kidnappings to stop
…you, er, let people rape and kidnap children with impunity? So raping children is only a crime because prudes say it is, not because, you know, raping kids is bad for them.
WHAT? Wow. Excuse me, I have to go pick up the pieces of my blown mind.
For some issues, there really should be a “are you SURE you want to say this?” pop up before you hit “post.”
Do you bigots realize that a victimless crime is not a crime?
So what is your problem? Some guy wants to buy videos, so what? If you don’t like it, don’t do it.
You feminists remind me of intolerant religious conservatives. What gives you the right to tell everyone else what they can, and can’t, do with their own bodies. You should join the “moral majority” and fade into irrelevance.
Yes, CP sure is a victimless crime except for y’know, the child being fucked.
Except for the fact where – by and large – *CHILDREN* don’t really have the same rights to make decisions about their bodies and the usages thereof as adults do. That’s because they’re *CHILDREN* and don’t have the experience/maturity/wev to make these kind of decisions for themsleves for the most part.
*CHILDREN*. They’re *CHILDREN* you disgusting creatures.
I think I’m having a “nuke it from orbit” kind of day.
So the abuse is that it’s not legal? Not that having sex with kids is abusive? Not that exploiting them by having sex with them and selling the film/images of that sex is abusive.
And his, “aplology” isn’t that he realised sex with kids was a problem, but that the industry is small.
So we should still legalise it, so it can get to be as big as he imagines it is?
A victimless crime. You’re a parent, for fuck sakes.
Has someone just opined that child porn is a victimless crime?
I see, the crime (to Antz) isn’t fucking (and fucking up) kids. It’s the selling of videos, which aren’t legal.
Why aren’t they legal? It’s because fucking kids is wrong.
But, not; it seems, more wrong then telling kids not to abuse their partners.
Perhaps there is some common element to those two issues.
@Halite, Pecunium, and other feminist bigots
They are NOT children. They are graphic artists and computer designers, mostly in their 40s. No child is involved in any part of anything related to this industry. They sit in high rise buildings in Tokyo and type computer code into a terminal. How does this harm children?
Even the pictures may not be children. Who is to say? Most of them are not even human. Who is to say what an adult “water sprite” looks like? Or an adult “tree spirit”? Your intolerance and bigotry boggles the imagination.
Hank: Yes. Antz: Who thinks the greatest problem in the schools is telling kids not to abuse their partners. The greatest problem in the adult world is that men and women live in the same areas.
He, BTW, tells us he’s married, is terrified his wife will leave him; taking the kids, and that he dreams of the day men and women live in separate hemispheres (the world divided along the Mississippi River) and we all get our sexual jollies in a VR world.
The Redditors are clearly talking about CP involving actual human beings, not just lolicon manga. That I have to point this out to you is disturbing.
So, just so we’re clear, AntZ, you’re not okay with child porn featuring actual fucking children? I know you would hate to have to agree with feminists on anything, but not abusing children seems like something we can all fucking get behind.
Antz: You should go read the piece being quoted. He’s not talking about illustrations.
He’s talking about fucking kids.
That’s bull. It’s a cultural thing. There are plenty of cultures across the world that are open with their childrens sexuality, and children are very sexual. In some cultures parents even masturbate their children to help them go to sleep, even in early American culture.
Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar international industry for a reason, people enjoy it. Humans are the most sexual creatures on the planet, the second is our closest relative the bonobo ape. Kids and adults have been having sex since before the dawn of man. If you want the rape and the kidnappings to stop you legalize it and take it out of the hands of the black market. Prohibition doesn’t work.
Rape and kidnappings.
Not, Stories, cartoons and animated films.
He wants that to be legalised.
Antz’s link above is to an article about a guy who was prosecuted for owning an obscene manga collection.
Antz, you realize when the OP wrote “If you want the rape and the kidnappings to stop”, he wasn’t talking about raping and kidnapping *animated characters*, right? He was, in fact, talking about actual people. If he’d just meant cartoons, he probably would have said something like, “If you want the piracy and brown paper wrappers to stop”, amirite?
This paedo hysteria is getting out of hand. A neighbour said “Hey pretty girl” to my niece the other day and my Aunt ran the kids inside and called him a pervball.
I don’t agree with legalizing any video or pictures of children made by adults but partially clothed pictures of teenage girls that they posted on their own are NOT paedophilia. I’ve seen some pictures on facebook that would embarrass me if I was the girls parent but it doesn’t make it illegal just because an adult finds it arousing. The deletion of the jailbait subreddit was a violation of reddit’s and American’s principles.
Gosh darn it, I was ninja’d by *everyone*. *hides head in shame*
You know, the “It’s Nature!!!!!11eleventyone!!! And Therefore True and Right and Just FOREVER” arguement really grinds my gears. Almost as much as the “It’s TRADITION!” one.
Infants and toddlers and dogs and most* other animals shit whenever and wherever they feel like. It’s nature!!
We *teach* them not to do that. We have this wonderful big brain that was able to come up with things like civilization and germs theory and make decisions about how we do not actually want poo wherever and whenever.
People who think just because some “Nature” thing does it, means it’s right and good don’t know jack shit about what actually goes on out there in the “Nature”, do they?
*even “latrine” animals like llamas and cats still go *when they want to*.
Molly: It’s ok. This is stupider than Antz usually manages. He needs to know that everyone sees through him, not just a few of us.
Zarat, between this and your refusal to address the posts in which MRAs stating outright that men do not want children and should not participate in the raising of children – I’m really starting to think that you’re lying about having sons.
AntZ, if being against CP makes me an intolerant bigot, I’m OK with that.
Jesus, I too thought being against this is something we could all agree on.
I went to look at the conversations sirhotalot cited in the post Dave is talking about.
He’s a child rape apologist. His argument is, “kids are interested in sex”,and “there are kids who went all Lolita, so it must be normal” (he is, of course, ignoring that 1: Lolita is fiction and 2: Humbert Humbert is an unreliable narrator).
Antz think we should ignore the real claim that we ought to make fucking kids legal, and instead worry about stupid laws about pictures.
A paragon of virtue he is.
Nope, sorry, we’re talking about actual photographs of actual children, not lolicon or hentai or CGI images.
Please try to keep up.