a voice for men antifeminism disgusting women misogyny MRA violence against men/women

MRAs: Most inept propagandists ever?

Someone posted this image in the comments at A Voice for Men. As far as I can figure it, it depicts brave MRAs pulling down the allegedly evil Violence Against Women Act, which for some reason is represented by the Venus of Willendorf. Because women are fat? Or is just feminists who are fat? Or battered women?

Is every supposed MRA cause really just an excuse to talk shit about women?


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13 years ago

Here is VAWA.

Try reading it. Here’s a few exerpts.

‘‘(B) to create public education campaigns and community
organizing to encourage men and boys to work as
allies with women and girls to prevent violence against
women and girls conducted by entities that have experience
in conducting public education campaigns that address

Seems a bit one sided to me. We know as a fact that women initiate, and in the modern world actually brag about hitting boys/men. I guess being the privileged class has it’s bennies. Not only can a woman personally hit a man, if he dares to retaliate a woman can call upon State violence to further punish any man she chooses.
‘‘(2) MEDIA LIMITS.—No more than 40 percent of funds
received by a grantee under this section may be used to create
and distribute media materials.”

Ahhh the power of propaganda!
‘‘Subtitle M—Strengthening America’s
Families by Preventing Violence Against
Women and Children
‘‘SEC. 41301. FINDINGS.
‘‘Congress finds that—
H. R. 3402—59
‘‘(1) the former United States Advisory Board on Child
Abuse suggests that domestic violence may be the single major
precursor to child abuse and neglect fatalities in this country;
‘‘(2) studies suggest that as many as 10,000,000 children
witness domestic violence every year;
‘‘(3) studies suggest that among children and teenagers,
recent exposure to violence in the home was a significant factor
in predicting a child’s violent behavior”

Since we know as a fact that women commit the vast majority of child abuse and child murder. And we also know that the safest place for a child is with the biological father, Subtitle M should read Strengthening America’s Families by Preventing Violence Against
Men and Children.
Women are extremely violent against men and children when they’re backed by further State violence and laws which excuses their actions. The entire VAWA law is riddled with propaganda and flat out lies. Women must enjoy being free to act violently against men and children and even the freedom to kill both, otherwise they’d oppose VAWA.
And for Crumbelievable who laughs at mens death at a womans hand as she is given precisely carte blanche to kill a man, heres just the most recent in our daily dose of death.

She is an “alleged” victim of DV, since the only proof available is her word. A man has been mudered and a woman recieves 6 months home detention. I’d say that can be classified as carte blanche of a woman killing a man at her liesure.
All of VAWA is a hate law and all of VAWA is grants. It’s in the interest of womens law to promote hatred of men and to only portray women as victims and always portray men as violent aggressors.

Again I ask? Why are women so joyous at commiting personal and State violence against men/boys yet shudder in revulsion at doling out the same to women? Either women truly enjoy being violent towards men/boys or they’ve swallowed the hate propaganda. Or is it a little of both?

13 years ago

“We know as a fact that women initiate, and in the modern world actually brag about hitting boys/men. I guess being the privileged class has it’s bennies. Not only can a woman personally hit a man, if he dares to retaliate a woman can call upon State violence to further punish any man she chooses.”

By “We”, you mean yourself and your sad little “movement”.

Seriouly, you’re deep in Abuser Club, man.

Also, I know you’re not hearing this, but VAWA IS ALSO HELPING MEN!

13 years ago

‘‘(2) MEDIA LIMITS.—No more than 40 percent of funds
received by a grantee under this section may be used to create
and distribute media materials.”

Ahhh the power of propaganda!

owlslave only you could read a limit on media spending as a directive to create propaganda

what is it like in backwards land?

13 years ago

Unlike many of you hate filled proponents I’ve read VAWA as well as the VAWA predominant aggressor police training Duluth wheel model.

And you failed to understand a single word of either. Bravo, Slavey, your Troll Crown is secure.

13 years ago

also one of the things he’s bragging about having read is just a pie chart with some words in it

13 years ago

‘‘(2) MEDIA LIMITS.—No more than 40 percent of funds
received by a grantee under this section may be used to create
and distribute media materials.”

Ahhh the power of propaganda!

LOLLLL. First AntZ, now NWO. I’ll say one thing for our trolls, they may take time off, but they come back with gusto!

13 years ago

So slavey, how about you quote us the part where women are allowed to legally murder men?

13 years ago


Seems a bit one sided to me. We know as a fact that women initiate, and in the modern world actually brag about hitting boys/men.

I guess the writers of the bill thought that a campaign to get women and youth to ally with men and youth in the prevention of DV against men was a little silly. Can you imagine the adverts?

*Picture of an infant girl*

*voice over*
“By age 20, this girl might be riding the cock carousel, using up her precious youth on alphas. By age 21, she will be worn out and old, and married off to some poor schlub beta whom she will nag incessantly.

Parents, talk to your daughter about the horrors of nagging.”

Not only can a woman personally hit a man, if he dares to retaliate a woman can call upon State violence to further punish any man she chooses.

Where in all of VAWA do you find justification for this statement?

13 years ago


When a man raises his voice to a woman it’s called DV. When a man tells a woman to do a domestic task he’s humiliating her and it’s called DV. When a woman does either to a man it’s called nagging, (not DV).

13 years ago

But where does VAWA say all this? Quote from it, like you did earlier.

13 years ago

To find out if VAWA is a hate law simply regender it. If it sounds like a woman hating law regendered, it’s a man hating law now.

13 years ago

Man, I am *so* glad nwoslave is back.

I mean, I don’t read a damn thing he writes, just *scrollscrollscroll* until it’s over, because I know that people will highlight and refute in wondrous and awesome ways all the redonk things he says.

Also I’m glad he’s back because I misread “bennies” as “bunnies” and that made this quote just all around awesome:

I guess being the privileged class has it’s bennies

13 years ago

lol, owlslave, is your primary objection to your imagined definition of domestic violence that it besmirches the name of real violence, your own true love?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, the problem with you making “this DV law will punish men for things that aren’t violence” arguments is that you want women beaten.

So, you know.

13 years ago


To find out if VAWA is a hate law simply regender it. If it sounds like a woman hating law regendered, it’s a man hating law now.

Regendered, it doesn’t sound like a woman hating law. It just sounds like something out of fantasy land, and not something that would address real issues.

13 years ago

NWO, you said VAWA makes it OK for women to murder men. Since you’ve read it, please quote us that bit.

If it really does legalize murder (of anyone), I will oppose it 100%.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’d also like to be quoted the bit where it makes it illegal to yell at a woman.

Yelling at your intimate partner is a really shitty thing to do, and if you do it in a cruel way or make a habit of it can be an abusive thing to do, but I must have missed the part in VAWA where it’s an illegal thing to do.

…Then again, NWO is barely aware VAWA is a law and not a group of people, so I don’t expect him to have any quotes explaining this.

13 years ago

No, NWOslave is right. A woman legally killed me a little while ago. That’s why I haven’t been around much.

13 years ago

When a man raises his voice to a woman it’s called DV. When a man tells a woman to do a domestic task he’s humiliating her and it’s called DV.

Actual definition of DV in VAWA:

The term ‘domestic violence’ includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.

I don’t see anything in there about a person raising their voice or telling someone else to do something around the house.

13 years ago


In other news, I’ve been reading a Haruki Murakami book which has at least one incident of fm

if youre talking about 1q84 i didnt think that was even the most problematic thing. murakami took his fascination with the sex lives of his young female characters to new levels.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Whoa. Hey. You guys. I have an idea.

If VAWA really does make it legal to kill men and illegal to yell at women (I’m waiting on those quotes…), why don’t we amend the law to take those crappy parts out but still make it illegal to commit domestic violence!

I know, I’m a genius.

13 years ago


13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

I gave you a link where a woman killed a man and got a pleasant 6 months house arrest for her kill. I’d expect nothing less than a ringing endorsement from a false rape accuser like yourself. I’m not in the least shocked to see you haven’t let me down.

13 years ago

it just occurred to me how owlslave came up with the yelling=dv thing. he believes vawa literally gives the power and control wheel the force of law. ignore for a second the fact that giving an educational tool the force of law doesnt make sense as a concept. the power and control wheel talks about yelling and ordering your partner around, because its about the cycle leading up to and down from violence. owlslave cant understand the difference between indicia of dv and dv itself, either because he doesnt understand context or, more likely, because he thinks violence is just sort of something you do, like breathing or hating women. it’s so natural it doesnt need an explanation.

i still cant explain the legalized murder thing, though.

13 years ago

Wait, Holly falsely accused someone of rape? Where the hell is Slavey getting this from?

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