Someone posted this image in the comments at A Voice for Men. As far as I can figure it, it depicts brave MRAs pulling down the allegedly evil Violence Against Women Act, which for some reason is represented by the Venus of Willendorf. Because women are fat? Or is just feminists who are fat? Or battered women?
Is every supposed MRA cause really just an excuse to talk shit about women?
(That’s also the answer to the question “can Dani do html?”)
Kendra, the bionic mommy: It would truly be a short-lived yet vicious alliance since a lot of their theories clash…
Women: CWA want all women to be subservient homemakers who are totally devoted to their husbands’ whims. Though the upper-class ones like Phylis Schfly (sp) prefer to just suck-up to their husbands to get what they want. MRAs think homemakers are pathetic leeches. Heck, the only women they seem to like are barely legal, foreign women who look like models, have jobs (as long as it’s a feminine one), acts like a Stepford Wife and hopefully not age.
Sex: CWAs think women should be chaste until marriage and even then be focused on purity and modesty (sexual matters are according to the husband). MRAs think a girl who is waiting for marriage is just a manipulator who is using men so as long as the sex is mainly with him, MRAs are more tolerant toward non-virgins. To them, all women are sluts so it’s best to use them as soon as they can.
Marriage: To the CWA, the husband is the happy provider and protector of the family while the wife takes care of him (mainly), the kids (the more kids, the better if they’re quiver-full supporters) and the house. To the MRA, the man owes his wife jack-shit, kids are a burden that women use to control them and she still better be devoted to him.
not only do MRAs shit all over basic human decency, rationality, objectivity, writing, music, and MS Paint…they shit all over historical artifacts as well.
Dani: html is tricking you. You only need to put the adress of the youtube video and the magic happens.
Can the MRM’s new motto be “Fighting injustice with shitty image manipulations and horrible logic”?
“The MRM: Fighting Injustice with False Equivalence”
Sounds about right, actually.
Is every supposed MRA cause really just an excuse to talk shit about women?
Interesting concept, terrible execution. You really can’t just ‘shop something together in ten minutes before class and expect us not to notice, and it’s really insulting to us thay you even tried. C+.
Terrible execution? Those look like hand-paint-tooled black ropes SWGM!
Also, “Concerned Woman for America” is slang for “Ladies Against Women”.
This is off topic but I thought I’d mention it. I get emails from RAINN since I’ve donated and this just arrived in my inbox
It’s good to hear male victims getting more recognition in the media. I wonder if MRAs even know about this or even consider it a victory. Probably not since they’re only interested in stories about men raped by women. That deserves recognition too obviously, but lets be honest, it’s not the victims they care about.
Quackers – I don’t think it is off topic, personally, since it’s an example of what can be accomplished by actual activists. Provides a bit of perspective on what the MRM really is.
MRAs support Private Practice? NEVER! That show is directed by a woman, she must be running some feminist conspiracy to somehow destroy MEN!
Women can never help MEN at all, they are only capable of pursuing selfish, shallow material interests!
/I had a sarcasm
Buttman can never die, only actors who portray him!
Crumbelievable: The only issue with the argument that MRA’s are only interested in violence against feminists, is that many believe that women are naturally feminists or “Feminist by proxy.” So… they’re totally for the annihilaton of women, unless they’re the few women involved in the MRA movement.
Yeah I know. Most of the grudges they hold against ‘feminists’ are clearly just grudges held against women overall (see Dave’s earlier post wherein Reddit MRAs complain about women being whores).
SPeaking of inept propaganda: keep this link handy for the next time a conservative male troll wanders in here blathering about going Galt because all those degenerate feminists and manginas (in blue states) deserve to be cut off and die from his producer perfection: when in fact thh BLUE states/urban areas are the money producing ones that export more to DC, and the red states import more
good point! 🙂
MRAs can do this, but corrupted politicians, corrupted media and corrupted court systems are supporting VAWA. All hypocritical men are helping feminists to ruin other men’s lives.
@EN: So when does “making it harder to beat a spouse up” (whether the beating person is man or woman) = “ruining a life”?
Is your life good because you beat a loved one up daily?
Would making you stop it ruin your life?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Is it just me or does this say “We would have succeeded if everyone didn’t disagree with us”?
Sorry David, accidentally changed my e-mail address
VAMA has HUGE flaws…including funding ideologues who just so happen to distain guys.
Quackers, there was an episode of CSI a few seasons ago that featured a male rape survivor. I was impressed by how it was handled. Reading what you just posted about RAINN makes me wonder if they were consulted for CSI as well.
In other news, I’ve been reading a Haruki Murakami book which has at least one incident of fm
Quackers, there was an episode of CSI a few seasons ago that featured a male rape survivor. I was impressed by how it was handled. Reading what you just posted about RAINN makes me wonder if they were consulted for CSI as well.
Apparently mags is a poet.