Someone posted this image in the comments at A Voice for Men. As far as I can figure it, it depicts brave MRAs pulling down the allegedly evil Violence Against Women Act, which for some reason is represented by the Venus of Willendorf. Because women are fat? Or is just feminists who are fat? Or battered women?
Is every supposed MRA cause really just an excuse to talk shit about women?
Damn Lauralot. These people suck.
It’s so nice to see that our trolls are still the hairy assholes of humanity. I’m glad David’s not in the mood for your bullshit today, NWO.
Lord knows I’m not. We had to put our big old Tobycat down today, so please do send cat videos.
Yeah, it really seems that’s pretty much how his line of thought is going.
She wasn’t really raped, but if she was, she is still a bitch for not going to the police and being practically responsible for every rape that guy may have committed after her. Still, she is probably still lying, so if she DID go to the cops she is a false rape accuser who needs to be punished.
I can’t even… that’s some serious brain acrobatics.
It seems it will be the victim’s fault,no matter what *vomits*
Damn, Lauralot, that’s really shitty. *hug*
…and I seriously don’t know how a man like NWO can live for so long without, like, exploding.
This is kind of off-topic, but I really, really HATE the word “sodomy” :
While about a hundred years or more ago, it did mean “any kind of intercourse besides PIV in the missionary position”, in Germany the word for sodomy (“Sodomie”) stands for “intercourse with animals”, so I always cringe when I read about it on English sites, especially since so many fundies like to use the argument of “If we let teh gayz marry, what’s next? People marrying their pets?”
Poor old Tobycat. 🙁 *hugs*
I’m sorry to hear that hellkell. It is hard to lose a pet, no matter how it happens.
I’m sorry, Lauralot :'(
That’s some fucked up shit. Your roommate sounds like an absolute asshole.
I hope the good roommate is supportive, at least.
Hellkell – I’m sorry about your kitty.
Lauralot – Wow. Is the “Throw this jerk out the house.” option available at all? No one should have to put up with that shit.
Ack, I’m so sorry, Lauralot :'((
*gives many, many hugs*
Lauralot, I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can get out of there soon, or get rid of the gross roommate.
Argh I meant hellkell in my last reply, but maybe Lauralot likes a cute kitten vid, too!
Kitties vs. Daleks
Lauralot, that is really a shitty situation. So sorry.
hellkell, that’s a touch position to be in. A good friend had to put one of her cats to sleep recently, after 17 years.
Meanwhile my cat’s barely eating anything; when I took her to the vet earlier in the week I discovered she’d lost an enormous amount of weight, and I was really worried that she had something incurable. After the blood tests came back, turns out she has hyperthyroidism, which thankfully is treatable.
But I still can’t get her to each much of anything, or drink more than a little bit of water. I’ve been giving her every kind of the stinkiest, fishiest kinds of cat food i can find, going through like 7 cans a day just trying to find something she’ll eat some of. I may have to take her back to the vet just to get some liquids into her system.
David, thanks and I hope your cat is OK. Toby went fast–we didn’t know there was a problem until Tuesday, when we noticed that his normal not doing much was taking place in a different spot and that he wasn’t eating. The vet told us not to beat ourselves up, because cats are really, really good at compensating for and hiding any illness.
I’m so sorry, David 🙁 I hope your kitty will be alright!
My best wishes!
I hope your kitty feels better, David. 🙁
Hellkell, that’s rough. Cats are really good at hiding symptoms.
Unfortunately, there’s no way of throwing her out. But I am graduating/leaving the apartment in May, and the other roommate is my best friend, so it’s not completely awful.
Hellkell, I’m so sorry about your cat. And David, best wishes to you and your kitty.
After the blood tests came back, turns out she has hyperthyroidism, which thankfully is treatable.
That’s what my kitty had. She did well with medication for a good long while, but then she developed severe anemia, which may or may not have been related.
I hope your kitty does okay. 🙁
When my cat wasn’t eating, the vet recommended chicken baby food. Toward the end it was the only thing she’d eat.
Lauralot and hellkell, so sorry about your respective situations. And David, hope the kitty does better and starts eating. My own sick kitten is now on the road to recovery, thanks to antibiotics! (And they will only eat the stinkiest of stinky fish-based foods!)
More roomba fun
Thank you all for the condolences and videos. Now I have a burning need to get a Roomba, just to see what the remaining cats would do.
And just one more (no Roomba!):
Lauralot: :(. What a terrible, unfair roommate situation. My support and sympathies.
hellkell: I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye to your cat. I hope you and the other kitties are doing okay.
David: I’m glad it’s treatable. It breaks your heart when they won’t eat, but I’m sure you’ll find something kitty will take. She’s lucky you’re taking such good care of her.