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Reddit MRA: "College women [are] humping their way through entire sports teams not only guilt free but feeling justified in doing so."

I am devoid of wit today, so here without comment is a heaping slab of “women are whores” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. The whole thread is full of poop; check it out.

In case anyone has forgotten, Alpha Cock Carousel T-shirts are available for purchase at the Man Boobz store on Zazzle.

That’s right, motherfucking ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL T-SHIRTS.

Thanks to Shit Reddit Says for pointing me to this poop.

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13 years ago

We need a word for that gropey thing that creepy guys do if you try to hug them. The hrope? The grug?

How about “huggrope”? It think it has a nice sound. Or a fitting sound anyway.

13 years ago

I’m having a bit of trouble reconciling these two statements. Was the first one posting in haste?

The first one was to insult IR, which was in haste and uncalled for. The second one was to explain myself and stave away accusations of me being a generic Internet Atheist.

13 years ago

I’m not even religious 🙂

13 years ago

I’m not even religious.

“Only God is perfect.”

Yeah right.

13 years ago

MRA sex-advice! Go from normal to unfuckable in 3 EASY steps! You’ll never be intimate again, or your money back.

13 years ago


You should tell us about yourself! Cause you popping in, throwing a random link at us, then peacing out is getting kinda dull. What do you like to do when you aren’t trolling here? Hobbies?

It’s a much better form of communication for all parties involved.

13 years ago

Boggi: If you want to mock religion then head over to Pharyngula* or any number of other blogs. Here we mock misogyny.

*I love Pharyngula and I’m an atheist who loves to mock people for their religiously motivated choices but I do it in appropriate places instead of derailing blogs that aren’t about religion.

Thanks. I admit it, I was being stupid. I’m sorry.

13 years ago

You know, there are more comments on this discussion of the reddit thread than there were people interested in the actual thread.

13 years ago

You know, there are more comments on this discussion of the reddit thread than there were people interested in the actual thread.

That’s prolly cos there are more Street Fighter characters than there are MRAs

13 years ago

College guy1: “I humped my way through an entire sports team!”
College guy2: “Dude, do you feel bad about that?”
College guy1: “No, actually I feel pretty justified in doing so!”
College guy2: “Killer Bro, High-Five!”

13 years ago

The article that the reddit post is about: ugh.

RESEARCHERS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY not long ago asked 20,000 young men and women across the United States how they self-identified sexually. Of the men in the sample, 5.6 percent said they were gay or bisexual. Of the women, 14.4 percent did. Leonard Sax offers a possible explanation for why three times as many young women as young men now say they’re gay: The guys they know are losers.

Apparently, emasculated men are turning women gay!
I just knew I wanted to eat pussy once alphas grew scarce.
Someone has to be the man in a relationship.
Two women being mutually attracted and loving towards each other is totally about men.
Because why else would women do things… ever?!


13 years ago

Orientation, how does it work?

13 years ago

It seems like giving false rape accusers more than a slap on the wrist is a contentious subject on Shit Reddit Says. It seems that the post has 4.5k responses.
Also, thanks to the people who came out with their stories, those falsely accused of rape and especially those who’d actually been raped. I know that can be hard to talk about, even anonymously on the internet, having to relive it again. But it was insightful. I hope all those who have actually been through that can find some sort of peace.
What a fucking asshole.

13 years ago


Reposted for your convenience.

kirbywarp | February 28, 2012 at 10:13 pm

You should tell us about yourself! Cause you popping in, throwing a random link at us, then peacing out is getting kinda dull. What do you like to do when you aren’t trolling here? Hobbies?

It’s a much better form of communication for all parties involved.

13 years ago

Oh lordy.

(That’s all I’ve been able to manage for awhile now.)

13 years ago

I love sluts but no rings. 🙂

M Dubz
13 years ago

@DYOR- Congratulations! There’s lots of people in the world who love casual sex and don’t want to get married! But many of them manage not to be assholes by calling their partners “sluts”! You should look into that!

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

Rule # 3 of MRAs is “AWALT”.

Yeah, but no. Some wimminz have many partners, some don’t, deal with it.

And once again 40yo MRAs are looking for wimminz less than 22yo, let me know how that works out for you.

13 years ago

What are rules #1 and #2?

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

The article that the reddit post is about:

RESEARCHERS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY not long ago asked 20,000 young men and women across the United States how they self-identified sexually. Of the men in the sample, 5.6 percent said they were gay or bisexual. Of the women, 14.4 percent did. Leonard Sax offers a possible explanation for why three times as many young women as young men now say they’re gay: The guys they know are losers.

Or it’s because there are guys who have two bisexual girlfriends. 🙂

13 years ago


These tards will NEVER comment about men who sleep their way through cheerleading squads…because those guys are “studs”.


13 years ago

prosey, I agree with you about the double standard, but “tards” is an ableist slur that’s been used to hurt a lot of people, please don’t use it. (:

One of the funniest things about these MRA complaints about what “all women” do in their 20s vs what “all women” do in their 30s, besides the fact that they usually don’t even describe a majority of straight women, is that they can’t think of a single reason why women might change their behaviour as they go through life other than scheming bitches be scheming, and also they turn into hideous monsters!

Look, MRAs, I know you only understand women as something you like to look at. But, much like men, women actually have internal lives, and they can change priorities as they move out of their 20s. It’s possible that women who were into casual sex in a part of their life where they were surviving on Kraft Dinner, didn’t know where they were going to be living in 4 years, didn’t have settled careers or incomes or even know themselves well as adult people, might want different things when all of those aspects of their lives change. There are possibilities that don’t involve women being out to get you. Plus, as a bonus, my explanation covers women who pass the magic age of hideousness at 30 and still enjoy casual sex, who can’t really be explained by the “women wish they could keep riding the cock carousel, but they get OLD GROSS OLD YUCK” theory.

13 years ago
Reply to  Viscaria

You’re right, V…I shouldn’t have used that term. Insta-gut reaction and typing before I stopped to think. My apologies to all for the use of an ablist term.

13 years ago

I’ve been in a relationship for most of my college years. But I’m not married. Guess that makes me a slut.